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阶段仿真检测十一选修六 Units 12.docx

1、阶段仿真检测十一 选修六 Units 12阶段仿真检测(十一) 选修六Units 12【说明】本试卷分为第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(Text 1)W:I must say, young man,the food was great and I neve

2、r had better service. M:Well, thank you, madam. Ill pass your praise on to the cook and the manager. And thanks too for the tip.1.What is the man?A.A cook.B.A waiter.C.A manager.答案:B(Text 2) M:Diana, you are wanted on the phone. W:Me? Who would be calling me at work?2.What do we know about the girl?

3、A.She wants a telephone of her own.B.She is looking for a new job.C.She doesnt usually receive calls at work.答案:C(Text 3) M:Why is John looking so tired? W:He has been studying day and night for the last several days before the final exam. I told him many times to prepare earlier.3.What does the wom

4、an mean?A.John gets tired of the final exam.B.John had been well prepared for the final exam.C.John didnt follow her advice.答案:C(Text 4) W:How did you enjoy the concert last night? M:I wish I had not been to it with parents.4.What does the man mean?A.The concert was wonderful.B.The concert was very

5、bad.C.He didnt go to the concert.答案:B(Text 5) W:I have been trying to eat less.But no way.As you know,my mother is such a good cook. M:Well,you should not blame your mother s good cooking.What you need is to start exercising again.5.What does the man suggest the woman should do?A.Eat less.B.Cook by

6、herself.C.Start taking exercise.答案:C第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。(Text 6) M:Excuse me for interrupting. W:Thats all right. M:Im terribly sorry for not having got all the

7、books you need today.It must have been very embarrassing. W:Well, the class meeting was put off until next Tuesday, so it doesn t really matter.M:When you told me what you needed, I thought I could find all the books in our reference room.I should have thought about that earlier. W:Actually, it was

8、partly my fault. I should have mentioned to you that some latest books might not be found in our reference room especially as you were so busy at the time. Anyway, dont worry about it.6.What does the man come to the woman for?A.Giving what she has asked for.B.Saying sorry for not getting all that sh

9、e needs.C.Telling her something special.答案:B7.What does the woman think of what the man said?A.Nothing serious.B.Very angry at his words.C.Wonderful.答案:A8.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Teacher and librarian.C.Manager and clerk.答案:B听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。(T

10、ext 7) W:Hi! M:Hi! Are you. ? W:Im Linda RicA. Im a new comer. Nice to meet you. M:It seems to me that we have met somewhere before. W:Yes, perhaps in the department store or somewhere. M:Pleased to meet you. Let me introduce myself.Im John, in charge of this office. W:I moved here a week ago. Today

11、 is my first day in this office. M:Why did you give up that job? W:I moved to this area recently, so I had to change my job.What about you? M:Ive worked here for five years and Ive got used to everything. Its just like my home. If you have any questions, please ask me. W:Thank you. Are you free this

12、 weekend? M:What for? W:Id like to invite you to have lunch with me and we can have a chat. M:All right.9.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Teacher and student.B.Colleagues.C.Employer and employee.答案:B 10.How long has the woman been in this area?A.One day.B.Around seven days

13、.C.Five years.答案:B11.What do you think they will probably do this weekend?A.The man will be invited to have a dinner with the woman.B.The woman will invite the man to have lunch and a chat.C.The man will invite the woman to have lunch.答案:B听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。(Text 8)W:How was travel in the 1960s differ

14、ent from that of the early 1900s, Dad? M:Well,in the 1960s people rode in cars over wide roads.They flew in planes from Europe to America in a few hours. W:What about the 1900s? M:In the early 1900s planes were very new. To see one was so unusual that the people of a town stopped what they were doin

15、g to watch it fly overhead. W:But today it is quite different,isnt it? M:Yes,today you are able to travel to many places in a few hours because of the development of the plane. You turn on electric lights because someone invented ways to make use of electricity. You are part of history. W:Is our lif

16、e also changed by history? M:Thats right. The history made by people before you were born has changed your life. W:I see. Thank you,Dad.12.When was it unusual to see a plane?A.In the early 1960s.B.In the 16th century.C.In the early 1900s.答案:C13.Why can we use electric lights?A.Someone has paid for u

17、s.B.We have more money than before.C.Someone invented ways to make use of electricity.答案:C14.What are the speakers talking about?A.The change of life.B.The history of planes.C.The invention of electric lights.答案:A听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。(Text 9) M:Hello,Linda,I havent seen you for ages. What are you doing

18、in town? W:Oh,Ive just come back from Japan. M:Oh, youve been abroad, havent you ? W:Yes,Ive got a job there. And how about you? The last time we talked, didnt you tell me you were going to open your own supermarket business? M:Thats right. I was. But things turned out differently. W:But you seemed

19、so determined to do that. What happened? M:Well, its very complicated, and Im sure you dont want to know all the details. Anyway I decided that opening my own business just wasnt for me. So I decided to stay at my old job instead. W:So you are still working in that shop. M:Yes. Well, a lot sure has

20、happened since we last saw each other. W:Ill say! You know,we should try to stay in touch. M:Lets have lunch together sometime soon. W:Good idea.15.What did the man plan to do at first?A.Work in a supermarket.B.Open his own business.C.Work in an old shop.答案:B16.What do we know about the woman?A.She

21、once worked in Japan.B.She has a job in Japan.C.She changes her jobs often.答案:B17.What is the mans job now?A.A shop assistant.B.The owner of the supermarket.C.A businessman.答案:A听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。(Text 10) Attention,please. On Saturday evening there is a talk by a well known American writer, Sara Jon

22、es.You may have read her latest novel. Its in all the bookshops at the moment. Well,she is giving a talk at 8 p.m.on Saturday evening in the library.Thats the building next to Allen Hall,the English Department Building.Miss Jones had just returned from Africa and will talk about all her experiences

23、there.She traveled through three different countries and met lots of interesting people.Now Id like to remind you that the talk is for everyone, not just for the fourth year students. Im sure the talk will be very interesting and hope you all have a great time.18.Where will the American writer give

24、a talk?A.At the bookshop.B.In the library.C.In Allen Hall. 答案:B19.What will the writer talk about?A.Her latest novel.B.Her success story.C.Her recent journey. 答案:C20.Who is the speaker of the passage speaking to?A.Students. B.Tourists. C.Writers.答案:A第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从

25、A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.Let us suppose that you are inposition of parent.Would you allow your child to do such a thing?A.不填;a B.a;不填C.the;aD.the;不填解析:考查冠词。position后有of短语作后置定语,是特指,故用定冠词the;a parent一个父/母亲。 答案:C22.Miss Wang,I feel very nervous with the competition approaching.As long as you can f

26、inish it,it is a victory.A.Take your time B.Take it easyC.No problem D.Its hard to say解析:考查交际用语。Take it easy.别紧张,放松,用于安慰别人。句意:“王老师,随着比赛的临近,我感到非常紧张。”“放松。只要你能完成比赛,这就是胜利。”Take ones time.慢慢来,不着急;No problem.没问题,表示乐于相助或事情容易做;Its hard to say.(这)很难说。答案:B23.We should adopt methods to deal with some incidents

27、.You know,anything could occur in that situation.I got it.Thank you for reminding me.A.flexible B.typical C.positive D.concrete解析:考查形容词辨析。flexible灵活的。句意:“我们应该采取灵活的方法处理一些事件,你知道,在那样的情况下,任何事都可能发生的。”“我知道了,谢谢您的提醒。”typical典型的,有代表性的;positive积极的,肯定的;concrete具体的。答案:A24.Could you give me a hand?It seems that

28、my strength has .A.used up outC.been given out out of解析:考查短语辨析。run out/give out用完,耗尽,主语通常为物,不用于被动语态。run out of/use up用完,耗尽(某物),若主语为物,应用被动语态,若主语为人,则用主动语态。答案:B25.Had I been a little more careful,I such a foolish mistake.A.wont make B.hadnt madeC.didnt make D.wouldnt have made解析:考查虚拟语气。Had

29、I been a little more careful是If I had been a little more careful的省略倒装形式,由此可知是对过去事实的假设,所以主句谓语用wouldnt have done。句意:如果我再细心点,就不会犯这么愚蠢的错误了。答案:D26.There has been an increase in the technical cooperation and culturalbetween China and other countries in the past ten years.A.changeB.tradeC.bargain D.exchang

30、e解析:考查名词辨析。exchange交流。句意:近十年来中国与其他国家之间的技术合作和文化交流已增加。change变化,更换,找给的零钱;trade贸易,买卖,商业,交易;bargain便宜货,协议,交易。答案:D27.Do you have any problem in getting accustomed to in the north?Yes.It is too cold in C.having lived D.have lived解析:考查get accustomed to的用法。get accustomed to习惯,to为介词,后跟(doing) sth.。答案:B28.She was very hardworking he was very lazy.As a result,she passed the examination,but he failed.A.when B.since C.while D.as解析:考查连词。while作连词,意为“而,但”,连接两个并列分句,表示转折对比。答案:C29.(2009福建厦门一中高三期中)Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?Of course. sir.A.Make yours

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