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英语学案Unit Period One Warming UpPrereading and Reading新人教版必修.docx

1、英语学案Unit Period One Warming UpPrereading and Reading新人教版必修Unit 3Life in the futurePeriod OneWarming Up,Prereading and Reading1FIRST IMPRESSIONS第一印象(回归课本) 用法点拨What were your first impressions of Beijing?你对北京的第一印象如何?The book left/made a deep impression on him.这本书给他留下了深刻的印象。What he said gave her a bad

2、impression.他的话给她留下了恶劣的印象。 归纳拓展impress v给留下印象;使感动给某人留下印象have/make a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留下好/坏印象impressive adj.给人深刻印象的an impressive scene难忘的场面an impressive story感人的故事 完成句子(1)His heroic deed created a_lasting_impression_on_people(给人留下了永不磨灭的印象)(2)He looked around the house,wished to impress eve

3、rything on_his_mind(铭记在脑海中)2I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我得不断提醒自己,我已进入公元3008年。(回归课本) 用法点拨He reminded me of his brother.他使我想起了他的哥哥。I reminded him to answer that letter.我提醒他要回信。I reminded him that he must go home before dark.我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。 归纳拓展remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事r

4、emind do sth.提醒某人做某事remind sb. thatclause 提醒某人reminder n提醒物;通知单 翻译句子(1)这些照片让我想起了那些快乐的日子。These_photos_reminded_me_of_those_happy_days.(2)他提醒我尽可能常给他发电子邮件。He_reminded_me_to_send_an_email_to_him_as_often_as_possible.3Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。(回归课本) 用法点拨I cant buy the

5、 bike because of my lack of money.我因为缺钱而不能买那辆自行车。A lack of food caused her to grow weak.缺少食物导致她长得很弱。We still lack the necessary information.我们仍缺少必要的信息。 归纳拓展lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时常与介词for或in连用。lack (for) sth.缺少be lacking in sth.缺少for/by/from/through lack of因缺乏,因没有(a) lack of.方面的缺乏have no lack of不缺乏 完成句

6、子(1)He was acquitted for_lack_of_evidence(因证据不足)(2)He is_lacking_in_responsibility(不够负责)4These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.这些气垫车是在地面上方飘浮着的,只要在座位上把操纵杆打弯或压下,你就可以迅速地移动。(回归课本) 用法点拨He pressed the doorbell but nobody answered.他按了按门铃,但是

7、没人开门。He pressed his way through the crowd and bought the gift.他挤过人群买了这份礼物。As we all know,the power of the press is great.众所周知,新闻界的力量非常大。 归纳拓展be pressed逼迫;拮据be pressed for time/money缺少时间/金钱press on/upon努力继续或前进 佳句背诵(1)She pressed the button to start the engine.她按按钮来发动引擎。(2)Dont press him to do what he

8、 doesnt like to do.不要逼迫他做他不喜欢做的事。5Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.正当我要为了适应新环境而做一些必要的调整时,王平出现了。(回归课本) 用法点拨I have made a few adjustments to the plan.我对计划做了些小小的调整。She made a quick adjustment to her new job.她很快就适应了新的工作。Some adjustments may be nec

9、essary.可能有必要做些调整。 归纳拓展使适应adjust to适应adjustable adj.可调整的 翻译句子(1)She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.她调整座椅以适合她孩子的身高。(2)He soon adjusted to school life.他不久就适应了学校的生活。(3)You must adjust yourself to new circumstances.你必须使自己适应新环境。6Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,

10、and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平把电脑荧屏上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术般地从地板下面升了起来。(回归课本) 用法点拨There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.墙上有一个开电灯的开关。He switched the conversation from one subject to another.他转变话题。 归纳拓展switch around(使)经常更换工作;使变换位置switch fro

11、m (to)变换;转移switch to转(换)到switch off切断(电流);不收听(某一广播);不关注switch on 接上(电流);收听;(使)兴致勃勃 完成句子(1)Please switch_off(关掉)your mobile phone.(2)I used to cook on electricity,but Ive switched_to_gas(换成天然气了)(3)Dont switch_the_TV_on(开电视)7Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimi

12、stic or a pessimistic view of the future.全班同学讨论一下,判断作者对未来是持有乐观还是悲观的态度。(回归课本) 用法点拨The graduates are optimistic about their future.这些大学毕业生对未来抱有乐观态度。The sixties were,in general,an optimistic decade.总的说来,60年代是个乐观的年代。 归纳拓展be optimistic about对抱乐观态度optimism n乐观,乐观主义optimist n乐观者,乐观主义者pessimism n悲观主义pessimi

13、st n悲观主义者pessimistic adj.悲观的 佳句背诵(1)She said she was optimistic about the future of the company.她说她对公司的未来感到乐观。(2)I remain optimistic that a peaceful settlement of the dispute can be achieved.我对争端能得到和平解决这一点仍抱乐观态度。8 uncertain adj.不确定的;不能断定的;心中无数的So I was very nervous and uncertain at first.因此,我一开始就感到神

14、经过敏和心神不定。(回归课本) 用法点拨We are uncertain about how to deal with this matter.我们不知如何处理这事。I am used to the uncertain weather in Britain.我适应了英国变化莫测的天气。 归纳拓展It is uncertain whether/why/how etc.不清楚remain uncertain仍不得而知be uncertain about/of对心中无数;不能断定uncertainly adv.不清楚地;不确定地uncertainty n不知道;不确定 佳句背诵(1)The econ

15、omic outlook was beginning to look uncertain.经济前景开始变得不甚明朗。(2)I left the meeting feeling anxious,and was uncertain about what to do next.我满心焦虑地离开了会场,不知道下一步该怎么办。9I still cannot believe that Im taking_up the prize that I won last year.我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。(回归课本) 用法点拨If I didnt take up the challenge,

16、it would mean I failed.如果我不接受挑战,那就意味着我输了。When did you take to mountain climbing?你什么时候喜欢上登山运动的? 归纳拓展take off脱下;起飞;成功take on雇用;呈现;接受take out (带某人)出去take over接管;接手;接任take to喜欢上,对产生好感take back收回take down拆除;记下 完成句子(1)She_took_up_engineering(干起了工程设计)at the age of 22.(2)The bands new album takes_up_where_t

17、heir_last_one_left_off(是接上一集的乐曲录制的)I felt better in_no_time.我立刻感到舒服些了。(回归课本) 用法点拨On hearing the noise,he got up in no time to see what had happened.一听见噪音他就起床去看一下发生了什么。He made a call in no time.他立即拨打了电话。 归纳拓展at any time在任何时候at a time逐一;每次at one time曾经,一度at times有时at that time在那时at the same time同时; 不过

18、,然而at all times一直from time to time不时的in time及时;迟早 完成句子(1)He is slightly mad;at_the_same_time(不过,然而) he is one of the kindest men that I know.(2)Dont be so disappointed.If you spare no efforts to study,you will succeed in_time(迟早)However,I lost_sight_of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a la

19、rge market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.当我们到达一个看上去像个大市场的地方时,由于太多的气垫车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不到王平了。(回归课本) 用法点拨I saw her for a moment but then lost sight of her in the crowd.我看了她一会儿,然后她就消失在人群了。He lost his sight in an accident.他在一起事故中丧失了视力。 归纳拓展sight n视力;视觉;前景;风景,指“名胜”时常用复数形式,常与the连用。“看名

20、胜”常用see the sights或do the first sight乍一看at the sight of看到in sightwithin sight在视野内in the sight of以的观点看,以的眼光看out of sight在看不见的地方,在视野外in ones sight某人看得到catch/get/have sight of看到lose ones sight失明lose sight of看不到come into sight进入视野内,映入眼帘go out of sight从视野中消失,变得看不见 完成句子(1)She saw her boyfriend o

21、ff at the railway station,she waved until the train was out_of_sight(看风景名胜)of Taibei.(2)Many people come to see_the_sights/do_the_sights(看风景名胜)(3)They fell in love with each other at_first_sight(一见钟情)He was swept_up into the center of them.他被卷入到这群车队中去了。(回归课本) 用法点拨Im going to sweep up.我要去打扫卫生。Would y

22、ou sweep up the broken glass?你把这些碎玻璃清扫干净行吗? 归纳拓展sweep aside用力把推到一边;对置之不理sweep away扫走;刮走;冲走sweep down冲下sweep off扫去;大量清除sweep over扫过;席卷 佳句背诵(1)He swept aside all her objections.他全然不顾她的反对意见。(2)Many people died when floods swept their homes away.许多人在洪水冲毁他们的家园时丧生。(3)A wave of tiredness swept over her.她突然

23、感到一阵倦意。1 The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。 用法点拨as thoughas if仿佛,好像,引导表语从句,此时从句常用虚拟语气,也可引导方式状语从句,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气(也可用陈述语气)。He behaves as if he owned the place.他的所作所为好像他是这个地方的主人。He talks as though he knew where she was.他说话的样子好像知道她在哪里似的

24、。 翻译句子(1)He opened his mouth as if he would say something.他张开嘴好像要说什么。(2)They talked as if they had known for many years.他们谈起来就像已经认识了好多年了。(3)It looks as if its going to rain.天看上去好像要下雨了。2 用法点拨hit by a lack of air为过去分词作原因状语,相当于because引导的从句。Deeply moved by what he said,the children began to cry.由于被他所说的话

25、深深感动,孩子们都哭了起来。 完成句子(1)Born_in_a_poor_family(由于生于贫困家庭),he couldnt afford to go to school.(2)Much_interested_in_the_job(由于对这项工作很感兴趣),he agreed to give it a try.(3)Tired_of_travelling(由于厌倦了旅行),he bought a house in the country and settled down.第一印象太空邮件:liqiang299AGreatAdventureSpaceS15/11/3008(地球时间)亲爱的爸




29、变魔术那样从地板下面升了起来。“怎么不坐下来吃些东西呢”他说道,“你第一次作这样的时间旅行,可能会感到有些困难。你可以好好休息一下。今天没有任何出行计划。明天你还要准备参观几个地方。”说完这些,他把食物摆在桌子上,又从地板下取出一张床来。他离开后,我简单吃了饭,洗了个热水澡。实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。以后再谈吧!你的儿子.单词拼写1They are pressing us to make a quick decision.2Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.3He is a man who is optimist

30、ic about life.So we can say he can live a long life.4The birds flew away in all directions.5Previous(在之前)to leaving for France,he studied a lot about the country.6Travellers are reminded(提醒)that they must come back before dark.7The experience left a lasting impression (印象)on me.8She is constantly(不断地)changing her mind.短语填空sweep up,take up,lack for,as a result (of),out of sight,remind.of,slide into,make a good impression on 1Youll not lack_for money.2He was late for school this morning as_a_result_of the snow.3Leave any valuables in your car out_of_sight.4The story youve just told remind

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