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1、雅思小作文句型表达汇总1首段(题目的改写方法)1, 替换表示“显示”的动词show=illustrate=describe=present=reveal2, 若国家的名字是缩写,可改为全称或者相反USA=United States of American 或AmericaUK=United Kingdom 或 BritainChina=P.R.C3,变换时间的表现形式连接时间的介词和常用表达 -in, at -over the period -for the following -between.and.4,将图表内信息具体化The bar chart below shows

2、 the estimated sales of jeans for two companies next year in Turkey.(two companies: Mongol and Jack&Jones)5,替换同义词These two figures are about crime in Britain. (5分)These two figures given concern criminality in Britain.(6分)Given are two figures concerning criminality in Britain. (7分)6同义表达percentage=v

3、ariation changes=variationmen=males women=females data=figures/statisticsuniversity=college family=household during=overdifferent=various=several=diverse per year=annualspending=expense=expenditure kind=type=categorycountry=nation and=as well as about=concerning=regarding首段(结构性改写)一:变成There be 句型题目:

4、The pie chart below shows the main reasons why agricultural land becomes less productive.改写: The pie chart shows that there are four main causes of farmland becoming degraded in the world today.二:变成How句型题目:The graph below gives information about water use in two different countries.改写:The graph show

5、s how the amount of water used changed in two different countries.三:显示整体趋势题目:The graph below shows the proportion of the population aged 65 and over between 1940 and 2040 in three different countries.改写:The graph shows the increase in the aging population in Japan,Sweden and the USA between 1940 and

6、 2040.首段高分模板1, The pie chart shows that there are + 中心+(国家+时间).The pie chart shows that there are three main countries using Internet shopping today.2, The graph shows how+主题+changed+(国家+时间).The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between 1900 and 2000.3,The graph shows the in

7、crease+主题+(国家+时间)The graph shows the increase trend in the aging population in Japan, Sweden and the USA between 1940 and 2040.increase=upward decrease=downward 描述变化的句型句型1: 主题/中心+v+adv+数据+时间During five years, Internet users in Germany and UK increased dramatically to 14 million and 22 million respec

8、tively.句型2:The number/amount/percentage of +主题/中心+v+adv+数据+时间或The figures for主题/中心+v+adv+数据+时间After that, the percentage of TV audiences rose sharply until 8:00 p.m. from 5% to 25%.句型3:主题/中心+saw/witnessed/experienced/showed a(n) +adj+trendWatching TV among adults, on the other hand, showed a downwar

9、d trend.句型4:时间段+saw/witnessed/experienced a(n) +adj+n+数据+主题/中心The 10-year period saw a dramatic increase from $75 to $120 in the amount of monthly spending on electricity and water.句型5:There was /is/will be a+adj+n+主题/中心+(数据+时间)However, there was a slight decrease in expenditure on the other two ite

10、ms.描述变化的常用表达1,从.到. number of students enrolled increased from 5,000 to 20,000.2, by (表示数量、程度)之差The number of students enrolled grew by 15,000 (or by 300%).3, double/triple 翻一倍/翻两倍During these years, electricity generation almost doubled, rising from 127 to 200 units in New Zeal-and, and

11、from 107 to 214 units in Germany.4,with a(n) (overall) upward / downward trend伴随(整体)上升/下降的趋势Between 1965 and 1970 the number of immigrants fluctuated with an overall upward trend.5, see an opposite trend 呈现相反的趋势In contrast, the cost of furniture and equipment saw an opposite trend.比较句型句型1, 主题/中心+v+t

12、he highest/largest/lowest/smallest+n+in/among+范围.From an overall perspective, German speakers achieved the highest grades with an average score of 6.7 across all four sections among the four countries.句型2:The number/amount/percentage of 中心A +be +adv+adj比较级+than that of +中心B.The number of medals Germ

13、any won was significantly more than that of South Korea.句型3:中心A+v+adj比较级+n+than+中心B.They won more medals than any other country.句型4:中心A+be+half/twice/.times/ +中心B.The total number of medals America won is almost three times as many as Australias.三大比较连接词1,词、词组之间的连接词compare with / to 与.相比Men

14、 enjoyed over eighty hours of leisure, compared with forty-three hours for women.2,句子之间的连接词.while., / ., whereas. .然而.Over the twenty-eight-year period from 1970 t o1998, in all five economies the number of people employed in manufacturing has decreased, while/ whereas the number employed in service

15、s has increased.3,段落之间的连接词By/ In contrast,. / In comparison. 与之相比On the contrary,. 与之相反By contrast, figures for the consumption of fish and chips fluctuated slightly and then fell over the same period.常用的比较词1,超过 v-exceed, outnumber, overtake, rank, place2, be followed by., then. 被.紧跟,然后是.转换话题的句型1, A

16、s for / As to. 关于.As for the main destinations of travel, North America is becoming increasingly more popular.2, As far as .be concerned. 就.而言The three main sources of stress as far as CEOs were concerned were: time pressures and deadlines, the demands of work on private life and the demands of work

17、 on the relationship with the family.占比例的句型3, .account for / make up / constitute / occupy.Magazines account for the greatest number of sales in 1996.White, which is 62%, is considerably more common than blue, which makes up only 14%.表示时间的句型1,over the next./ for the following. 在接下来的2, thereafter. 然后

18、.3, / between.and.从.到./在.期间4, until / by 直到; in /at 在.5,over the period 从.到.的期间表示未来的句型It is foreseen/ anticipated / expected / forecast foreseen / expected / anticipated / forecast to. 预期/预测/预见.It is foreseen that hamburgers will increase.结尾段句型一:有升有降句型1:Overall, the graph

19、 shows how+中心A +increased +adv+while +中心B+decreased over the period.E.g. Overall, the graph shows how leisure activities such as talking with family and friends increased significantly while the popularity of eating out and watching TV decreased over the period.句型2:In conclusion, while +中心A+be becom

20、ing increasingly/ decreasingly used, 中心B +has/had not become +adj比较级E.g.In conclusion, while water and pipelines are becoming increasingly used, rail has not become more popular as a method of transport.句型3:Generally, while +中心 A+ increased/decreased dramatically / slowly, there were corresponding d

21、rops in + 中心B.E.g.Generally, while spending increased dramatically for equipment and insurance, there were corresponding drops in expenditure on things such as books and on other workers salaries.二:有多有少句型1:Generally speaking, 比较句型。Generally speaking, the percentage of men who often buy music albums

22、is higher than that of women.句型2,By comparison, 比较句型。By comparison, Australians spent less on dressing up.句型3:To sum up, the gap between +数字+ categories had narrowed/ widened + considerably / slightly.To sum up, although local fixed line calls were still the most popular in 2002, the gap between the

23、 three categories had narrowed considerably over the second half of the period in question.三:保持类句型句型1:Overall, 中心+ constituted +adj最高级+主题Overall, teachers salaries constituted the largest cost to the school.句型2:It seems that +中心A and 中心B+were the two + adj最高级(items of ) +主题. Altogether, they account

24、ed for + 数据of the total +主题.It seems that Spain and UK were the two biggest Internet shopping European countries. Altogether, they accounted for more than half of the total Internet spending in Europe.句型3: As a final point, it is interesting to note + that 从句.As a final point, it is interesting to n

25、ote that the highest subway carrying capacity belonged to a Japanese city called Tokyo whereas the lowest is also a Japanese city:Kyoto.句型4:Overall, 中心A+ constituted + adj 最高级+主题,and while中心B + increased/decreased+dramatically/ slowly, there were corresponding drops in +中心A.Overall,IELTS constituted the largest needs of foreign tests, and while TOEFL increased slowly, there were corresponding drops in IELTS.

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