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四级听力 抓住对话细节7.docx

1、四级听力 抓住对话细节7四级听力长对话第7堂 如何抓住对话细节熟悉长对话的常设题处,了解什么样的细节信息才是关键信息,最终能够在听音时抓住所有重点细节。长对话不同于短对话的一问一答,它包含的信息量较大,而且问题是在整组对话之后提出,这使得考生很难在听音时抓住关键信息。因此,考生必须熟悉和掌握长对话的常设题处,这样才能在听音时更加快速、准确地抓住关键细节。另外,考生还要注意运用前面所学的听前预测技巧,利用选项推测问题内容,以便进一步明确听音重点。一、精听开头结尾对话的开头除了会引出谈话的主题、比较容易设主旨题以外,开头的重点细节也很容易设题,因此对话开头的几句话是考生必须重点留意的地方。对话结尾

2、往往会涉及对话双方的态度、建议或决定,也是出题者设题时考虑的重点,同样不可忽视。【例1】(10-6-19)A It allows him to make a lot of friends.B It requires him to work long hours.C It enables him to apply theory to practice.D It helps him understand people better.W: What sort of hours do you work, Steve?M: Well I have to work very long hours, abo

3、ut eleven hours a day.W: What time do you start?M: I work 9 to 3, then I start again at 5:30 and work until 11, six days a week. So I have to work very unsocial hours.19. What does the man say about his job? 20. 【提示】选项B的内容提示,It很可能是某种工作;allows, requires, enables, helps提示,问题可能是关于该工作对him的要求或him带来的好处。21

4、. 【解析】选B。细节题。对话一开始,女士就问男士工作时间是怎样的,男士回答说,他的工作时间很长(work very long hours),每天大约11个小时,由此可知答案为B。22. 【例2】(08-6-25) A It will bring her potential into full play. B It will involve lots of train travel.C It will enable her to improve her Chinese. D It will give her more chances to visit Japan.M: Really? I am

5、 interested to hear more about that, but first tell me, have you ever traveled on a luxury train, the Orient Express for example? W: No I havent, but I have traveled on a glacier express to Switzerland and I traveled across China by train about 8 years ago. I love train travel. Thats why Im very int

6、erested in this job.25. Why is the woman applying for the new job?26. 【提示】选项内容提示,It很可能指一份工作,bring, enable, give以及her提示,问题很可能是关于女士能从这份工作中得到什么。【解析】选B。细节题。对话结尾处女士说她喜欢乘火车旅行(train travel),所以她才对这份工作感兴趣(interested in this job),由此可知女士应聘这份新工作是因为它经常需要坐火车出差,故答案为B。2、留意一问一答长对话是以对话的形式出现,对话双方会就对话主题进行讨论,故其中经常会包含一些对

7、话双方的一问一答,这些地方是长对话设题的重点。而且,很多时候对话后面的问题就是对话中某一方所提问题的照搬或转述,因此,当听到对话中某一方提问时,一定要提高警惕,并重点留意另一方对该问题的回答。【例3】(10-6-22)A Getting along well with colleagues.B Paying attention to every detail.C Planning everything in advance.D Knowing the needs of customers.W: And whats the secret of being good at your job?M:

8、Attention to detail. You have to love it. You have to show passion for it.22. What does the man say is important to being good at his job?23. 【提示】选项均以ing动词开头,但并不强调动作,故应该是不考查行为活动。选项中的colleagues提示,本题与工作有关;而paying attention, planning, knowing等词提示,问题很可能是关于做好工作的注意事项。 【解析】选B。细节题。本题的问题就是针对对话中女士向男士所提的问题而设计的

9、。女士问男士他做好工作的秘诀是什么,男士回答说是“重视细节 (Attention to detail)”,由此可知答案为B。三、把握逻辑关系长对话中经常会涉及到表示并列、转折、因果等逻辑关系的短语或句式,这些地方也很受出题人的青睐。【例4】(08-6-24) A Having a good knowledge of its customs. B Knowing some key people in tourism.C Having been to the country before. D Being able to speak Japanese.M: I see from your resu

10、me that you speak Japanese. Have you ever been to Japan?W: Yes, I have. I spent a month in Japan in 2006. I met all the key people in the tourist industry, the big tour operators and the tourist organizations. As I speak Japanese, I had a very big advantage.24. What gave the woman an advantage durin

11、g her business trip in Japan?25. 【提示】选项中的good knowledge, knowing, able提示,问题很可能考查某人所具备的知识或能力。【解析】选D。细节题。女士说她曾经在日本待过一个月,接触过很多重要的旅游行业的专业人士,接着女士通过As引导的原因状语指出了自己的优势所在(As I speak Japanese),即女士会说日语,故答案为D。4、记录数字信息对话中出现年代、时间、价格等数字信息的地方,也是考查的重点。听音时除了关注数字本身以外,要注意记录与数字相关的细节信息。【例5】 (07-12-20) A It ends in winter

12、.B It will cost her a lot.C It will last one week.D It depends on the weather.M: Now, youre taking just one case. Is that right?W: No, there is one in the hall as well.M: Gosh, what a lot of stuff! You are taking enough for a month instead of a week.20. What do we know about the womans trip?21. 【提示】

13、本题考查与It相关的细节信息,可能涉及到期限(ends, one week)、成本(cost)或决定因素(depends),很可能与数字有关,听音时要留意。【解析】选C。细节题。男士责备女士带的东西太多,由男士话中的You are taking enough for a month instead of a week以及他的说话语气可知,女士只会在Rome待a week,而不是a month,故答案为C。五、注意地点场景对话发生的地点场景或是对话中涉及到的地点场景,也是不容忽略的设题重点之一。听音时除了关注对话中是否出现选项地点场景以外,还应重点留意与各选项中地点场景相关的标志词语。【例6】

14、(07-12-22) A At home. B In the mans car.C At the airport.D By the side of a taxi.M: Mary! I hope you are packed and ready to leave.W: Yes, Im packed, but not quite ready. I cant find my passport.M: Your passport? Thats the one thing you mustnt leave behind!W: I know. I havent lost it. Ive packed it,

15、 but I cant remember which bag its in. M: Well, you have to find it at the airport. Come on! The taxis waiting.W: Did you say taxi? I thought we were going in your car.M: Yes, well, I have planned to. But Ill explain later. Youve got to be there in an hour.W: The plane doesnt leave for two hours. An

16、yway, Im ready to go now.M: Now, youre taking just one case. Is that right?W: No, theres one in the hall as well.22. Where does the conversation most probably take place?23. 【提示】本题考查地点,听音时要留意选项地点及与其相关的标志词语。【解析】选A。推断题。由对话中多次出现的packed(打包行李),ready to leave, ready to go,the taxis waiting可知,他们正准备出发,而the

17、there is one in the hall as well(在大厅里还有一个箱子)进一步说明,他们现在应该还在家里,故答案为A。其余三个选项在文中都有提及,听音时注意通过相关信息将它们排除。六、抓住建议意见对话中一方给另一方提出建议或意见的地方常常会被作为出题重点,因此,听音时要注意捕捉一些特殊的表达建议的句式,如Youd better, Why not do?等(考生在复习时可参考第一篇短对话第4堂对建议句式的讲解)。【例7】 (06-12-20)A Study the map of Quebec Province. B Find more about Quebec City.C Br

18、ush up on her French. D Learn more about the local customs.W: I know most people there speak French, but can I also use English?M: Well, people speak both French and English there, but youll hear French most of the time and all the street signs are in French. In fact, Montreal is the third largest F

19、renchspeaking city in the world. So youd better practice your French before you go.20. What does the man advise the woman to do before the trip?21. 【提示】结合选项内容和C中的her推测,问题可能是关于女士旅行前的准备,选项均以动词原形开头,很可能是男士对女士的建议,听音时注意表达建议的地方。【解析】选C。细节题。女士问男士她去Montreal能不能说英语,男士告诉女士Montreal是世界上第三大说法语的城市,所以他建议女士在旅行前最好先练习一下

20、法语,brush up on相当于practice,故答案为C。男士话中的Youd better是典型的建议句式。七、抓住比较对比含有形容词、副词的比较级或最高级,asas同级比较, 以及while, whereas, compared with, in contrast等词或短语引出的比较或对比结构的句子经常是考查的重点细节,听音时要留意对话中出现比较或对比的地方。【例8】 (新06-6-23) A The lecturers are boring. B The course is poorly designed. C She prefers Philosophy to English. D

21、 She enjoys literature more. W: I should say, I dont like Dickens at all really, the author, indeed, I am starting to like the whole course less and less.M: Its not just the book, its the course as well?W: Yeah, in a way, although the course itself isnt really that bad, a lot of it is pretty good, i

22、n fact, and the lecturer is fine. Its me, I suppose. You see, I wanted to do philosophy rather than English, but my parents took me out of it.23. Why is Karen starting to like the course less and less?24. 【提示】A、B提示,问题可能与She不喜欢某门课程的原因有关;C、D提示,问题还可能涉及she更喜欢哪门课程,听音时留意对话中出现比较的地方。【解析】选C。细节题。女士说课程本身没有什么不好

23、,她对课程没兴趣是因为她想学的是哲学(philosophy)而不是英语,由此可知答案为C。rather than意为“而不是”。八、关注举例、列举当听到对话中出现for example, for instance, such as, the first, the second等一类表示举例或列举的词语时,应加以留意,并关注这些词语后面的内容。【例9】(710分样卷- 20) A It cost much more than its worth.B It should be brought uptodate.C It calls for immediate repairs.D It can st

24、ill be used for a long time.M: No, not really. Can we go over it now?W: Sure. Ive been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all, if we want to stay competitive, we need to modernize our factory. New equipment shouldve been installed long ago.20. What does t

25、he woman say about the equipment of their factory?21. 【提示】选项中的brought up to date, repairs, used提示,it可能指某项设备或工具,问题可能与它的使用状态有关。【解析】选B。细节题。本题的设题点在列举处。女士说自己提出了一些新的生产和广告战略,接着列举了首要的一点(first of all):工厂需要现代化,设备需要尽快更新,由此可知答案为B。 九、关注情态推测must, may, can等情态动词常用于表示对现在或过去事实的推测,这些地方也常受到出题人的青睐。must do/ must have don

26、e用于表示肯定推测,意为“一定”;cant do/ cant have done用于表示否定推测,意为“不可能”;may(might )do/may(might) have done用于表示不确定推测,意为“可能”。【例10】 (新06-6-21) A The woman thinks Mr. Saunders is asking for more than they can offer. B Mr. Saunders will share one third of the womans responsibilities. C Mr. Saunders believes that he des

27、erves more paid vacations. D The woman seems to be satisfied with Mr. Saunders past experience. M: As a head broker, I have a lot of experience in the stock market, I deal with the clients on the daily bases, and I enjoy working with people.W: Well, you might just be the person weve been looking for

28、. Do you have any question?21. What can we conclude from the conversation?22. 【提示】A、C、D都与看法有关,B则是关于事实陈述,根据主题一致原则,B为答案的可能性较小。A、D提示,问题可能与女士对Mr. Saunders的看法有关,听音时注意判断是“满意”还是“不满意”。【解析】选D。推断题。由女士话中的推测句式you might just be the person可推知,女士似乎对男士以前的工作经验很满意,故答案为D。 Conversation One【做题提示】预览三道题各选项,对话可能与有关。1.问题可能是

29、关于男士找女士的。2. 问题可能是关于。3. 听音时应留意,并听清问什么。1. A To ask her if she wants to go to the music festival. B To ask for a ticket to the music festival. C To get some information about the music festival. D To talk about the music forms with her.2. A Rock music. B Opera.C Jazz music.D Country music.3. A On 6th J

30、une.B On 13th June. C On 15th June. D On 19th June.Conversation Two【做题提示】预览三道题各选项,对话可能与有关。1. 听音时应留意,并听清问什么。2. 问题可能是关于女士的原因。3. 问题可能是关于女士。1. A About three months ago. B Nearly six months ago.C Nearly nine months ago.D About one year ago. 2. A She isnt accustomed to the culture there. B The living cost

31、 is very high there.C She cant speak English. D The people there are very conservative.3. A She needs to study there.B She plans to visit her aunt.C She wants to travel there.D She has accepted a job opening there. Conversation Three【做题提示】预览三道题各选项,对话可能与有关,很可能涉及到和的比较。1. 问题可能是关于女士。2. 问题可能是关于。3. It和there应该指,问题可能是关于女士。1. A She was regret having lived in Australia for a long time.B She returned

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