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1、报告英文标题翻译本案特点及市场定位 PROJECT FEATURES AND MARKET POSITIONING一、 基本情况BACKGROUND物业名称Name 位 置 Location 发展商Developer(s) 投资方Investor(s) : 建筑工程设计Designer(s) : 总承建商Contactor : 物业类型Function 项目净用地 : 总建筑面积Total area : 建筑层数 Number of floors :开工日期Date of commencement : 竣工日期Date of completion : 二、 本案区位特点FEATURES IN

2、GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION 三、 本案市场定位MARKET POSITIONING:A、 形象定位Brand Images:塑造先锋形象Creating a pioneering image:塑造特色形象Creating an outstanding image:突出项目优势Highlighting the Strengthens:塑造发展商品牌形象Building up a Positive image of the developer:B、 对象定位Target CustomersC、 运作定位Operational Approach 贰、市场推广策略 MARKETING

3、STRATEGY一、资金投入策略 STRATEGY FOR MARKETING BUDGET:二、媒体广告计划 MEDIA PLANNING上述媒体投放策略之作用与目的 The objectives of the aforementioned strategy:1、 媒体有Suggested media includes:广告计划 Advertising Plans:(一) 要点 Key Approaches(二)媒体选择MEDIA CHOICES1、 报纸Newspapers: 中文报纸类Chinese Newspaper:英文报纸类English Newspaper2、 杂志Magazin

4、es:中文杂志类Chinese Magazines英文杂志类English Magazines(1) 开盘Commencement of Sales:(2) 服务Services:(3) 地位Locations:6、 路牌及灯箱广告Roadside Billboards & Light boxes。7、 其他媒体Other Media(三)公关及广告实施流程IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS FOR PR & ADVERTISINGA、筹备阶段Preparation Stage Project under Constructiona) 大型路牌广告Large Scale Billbo

5、ards 机场路、项目周边或人流集中地区b) 直投宣传小册子Direct Mailing Pamphletsc) 工地围板设计及展示中心设计Planning of Show Room and Signboards at Project Sited) 宣传海报Posterse) Logo及各平面广告设计Graphic Designs and Logo Designsf) 发请柬及邀请信设计Designs and Distribution of Invitation Cardsg) 宣传刊物及纪念品Promotion Brochures and Souvenirsh) 举办开幕典礼及新闻发布会Op

6、ening Ceremony and Press Conferencei) 报章及杂志缮稿Press Releasesj) 电视宣传片及光盘制作TV Commercial and CD-ROM Productionk) 报刊、杂志广告Advertisement Placements in Newspapers and Magazinesl) 推介会及展销会设计Exhibition and Project Promotion SeminarsB. 中期阶段Marketing Stage Project Sales Supporta. 报刊杂志缮稿及广告发布Press Release and Ad

7、vertising Placementb. 电视宣传及光盘派发Broadcasts of TV Commercials and Distribution of CD-ROMc. 宣传单张及派发Distribution of Promotion Pamphletsd. 请柬及邀请信寄发Distribution of Invitation Cardse. 租售中心及围板建造Construction of Show Rooms and Signboards at the Project Sitef. 展览会场制作(广告牌及挂旗)Exhibitionsg. 国内客户推介会Project Promoti

8、on Seminars for Domestic clientsh. 国内外电台宣传广告发布Releases of Advertisements in Radio Stations within and outside Chinai. 国内外报刊杂志广告发布Releases of Advertisements in Local and International Magazinesj. 加插及更换展销内容Adjustments of Promotion Contents if NecessaryC后期Final Stage Prolonged Marketing Effectsa) 电视广告T

9、V Commercialsb) 报刊杂志广告(包括缮稿)Advertisements and Press Releases in Print Mediac) 宣传推广活动及展示会Promotion Activities and Exhibitionsd) 路牌广告Outdoor Advertisements(四)、媒体广告发布建议RECOMMENDED STRATEGY FOR ADVERTISING1、 软性广告宣传思路Public Relations Strategies2、 海外发布Promotion in Overseas Markets具体实施方案Execution Plan媒体目的

10、Objectives of our Media Strategy媒体策略Communications Strategy三、平面设计策划要求 THEME OF GRAPHIC DESIGN四、NP、路牌广告策划要求BILLBOARD ADVERTISING AND ITS DESIGN五、营销推广活动计划建议PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES1、 展览会推广活动Exhibitions & Promotions:展览会场地选择考虑因素The choice of exhibition venue:2、 落实有关物业管理事宜Issues of Property Management六、企业形

11、象宣传包装建议PACKAGING AND BRANDING OF CORPORATE IMAGE品质、形象的再塑工程The re-engineering of quality and image.1、 本项目营销推广文化理念PHILOSOPHY BEHIND THE BRAND IMAGE OF THE PROJECT本案项目营销推广文化理念的建立条件Brand Building Elements of the Project:1)、开发运作观点Brand creation through sales operations2)、突出人性化和时代感Human Touch and Contempo

12、rary Feel3)、本案项目自然条件极佳The Unique Edge of Location Advantage4)、目标客户群的文化需求The culture of the target segment2、本案项目营销推广文化的构筑方式THE EXECUTION PROCESS OF BRAND BUILDING构筑一Step 1:确立“本案”营销推广文化总精神Formulation of Brand Image构筑二Step 2:营销推广文化指导各项工作 Projection of Brand Image via Sales and Marketing Activities构筑三St

13、ep 3:将用户作为构筑营销文化的主体Further Development of Brand Image among the Users 叁、顾问服务项目配合明细清单 SERVICES AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION REQUIRED一、市场推广顾问服务项目MARKETING CONSULTANCY SERVICES1、 总体形象Brand Image(1) 案名标志(Logo):2、 宣传计划Marketing Plans3、 公关项目PR Services(1) 形象公关Corporate Communications:(2) 危机管理Crises Manageme

14、nt:4、 商场策划分析建议5、 执行监督,质量控制Execution Follow-up and Quality Control6、 项目跟踪报告Project Tracking Reports 双方前期合作的具体执行建议First Stage Cooperation: 二、市场推广顾问专业配合人员MARKETING PROFESSIONALS(1) 市场推广顾问Marketing Consultant信念及格言Faith and Proverb (2) 媒体策划主任Media Planning Directors三、其他工作配合要点SUPPORTING FUNCTIONS四、顾问服务费PR

15、INCIPLES AND SCALE OF CONSULTANT FEES1、顾问服务期Consultancy service coverage:2、计酬原则Charging Principle: 宣传推广工作配合重点Execution Schedule:时间/阶段Time/Phases 工作重点Items前期First Stage第1-3个月First to Third Month 市场定位 Market Positioning 案名 Project Name & Logo 总体宣传计划 Overall Promotion Plans 总体公关计划 Overall PR Plans 制订预算

16、、支出机制 Budgeting and Payment Mechanism 宣传品制作 Production of Promotion Materials 第一期宣传执行 Execution of 1st Stage Promotion 公关工作开展 Commencement of PR Services 商场策划分析建议(含图解)中期Second Stage第4-9个月Fourth to Ninth Month 公关工作 PR services 第二期宣传执行 Execution of Second Stage Promotion 第三期宣传筹备与展开 Preparation of Thir

17、d Stage Promotion 市场调整与研究 Market Survey and Marketing Plan Adjustments后期Third Stage第10-12个月Tenth to Twelve Month 宣传推广与促销 Promotion and Sales Campaigns 公关工作 PR五、发展商须提供之资料清单: INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY DEVELOPER1) 项目中英文地址(address of the project, both in Chinese and English)2) 土地使用年期(Authorized Year

18、s of Land Use)3) 土地面积(Area of the Site)4) 土地用途(Land Use)5) 发展商(国内公司)中英文名称(Title of the developers local companies both in Chinese and English)6) 香港代表律师楼的中英文名称(Name of appointed attorney in Hong Kong, both in Chinese and English)7) 国内代表律师楼的中英文名称(Name of appointed attorney in China, both in Chinese an

19、d English)8) 建筑师的中英文名称(Name of the architect, both in Chinese and English)9) 顾问建筑师的中英文名称(Name of the civil consultants, both in Chinese and English)10) 结构工程师的中英文名称(Name of the structural engineers, both in Chinese and English)11) 楼宇设备工程师的中英文名称(Name of the building engineers, both in Chinese and Engl

20、ish)12) 工料估算师的中英文名称(Name of the construction appraiser, both in Chinese and English)13) 承建单位的中英文名称(Name of the contractor, both in Chinese and English)14) 物业管理公司的中英文名称(Name of the property management, both in Chinese and English)15) 中英文楼宇设计用途陈述(Statements of functions for the building, both in Chine

21、se and English)16) 发售文件证号销售批文副本(Copy for the Property Sales Permit)17) 总规划图和各功能区图则(附可修改之电脑档案) (Layout and design diagrams for all functional areas)18) 项目所有外观及内部透视图(附可修改之电脑档案) (All the scenograph )19) 建筑材料说明(Construction material specifications)20) 项目周边规划图(附可修改之电脑档案) (The projects environmental desig

22、n plan)21) 详细平面图(附可修改之电脑档案) (Layout plans)22) 发展商介绍 (背景及资料) (Background information of the developers) 23) 配套设施资料(Facilities Specifications)24) 销售地址及电话(Sales address and telephone)25) 停车场资料(Information on parking lot)27) 投资回报(或回报保证)之详细资料(Investment Return Calculations)28) 银行按揭安排详细资料(Mortgage Arrange

23、ments)六、海外广告发布所需资料清单: PREREQUISITE INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR ADVERTISING OVERSEAS1) 土地使用证(及副本) Land Use Certificate 2) 房屋预售许可证(及副本) Property Pre-sale Permit3) 销售许可证(及副本) Property Sales Permit4) 国内律师确认信Confirmation letter from a Chinese attorney5) 海外律师证明国内律师可执业确认信Confirmation letter from overseas attorney to recognize the Chinese attorneys right to practice6) 银行为楼盘提供楼宇按揭的证明Proof issued by Banks for Mortgage Arrangements7) 委托投放电视广告书Appointment Letters from the developer for Advertising Placement

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