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ElectricalStandard电气标准 XX集团.docx

1、ElectricalStandard电气标准 XX集团电气标准ELECTRICAL STANDARD目录Table of Contents第一章 概述General 3第二章 法规和标准Codes and Standards 5第三章 工业控制柜Industrial Enclosures 7第四章 电力变压器Power Transformer 11第五章 动力主回路Main circuit 11第六章 安全防护措施Safety Work 13第七章 控制部分Control Components 14第八章 仪表Instrumentation 16第九章 阀门和泵以及压缩机Valves, Pum

2、ps and Compressor 19第十章 气动元件Pneumatic drives 21第十一章 变频器、软启动器及伺服控制器Variable Speed Drivers, Motor Starters and 21第十二章 工厂自动化系统Industrial Automation Systems 22第十三章 制造执行系统Manufacturing Execution System 28第十四章 工厂网络Plant Floor Network 28第十五章 照明系统Lighting 28第十六章 防雷保护系统Lightning Protection 28第十七章 火灾报警系统Fire

3、Alarm System 29第十八章 桥架及线管Cable Tray and Conduit 29第十九章 电缆及电线Cables and Wires 31第二十章 标识Labeling 32第二十一章 电气图Electrical drawings 33第二十二章 竣工资料Documents 34第二十三章 培训Training 34第一章概述General本标准适用于百威英博集团中国境内所有新建、扩建和改建的项目,除非在其它文件中另有要求,且得到相应批准,否则应适用此标准。The purpose of this document is to provide an electrical gu

4、ideline for the green field and expansion project in ABI China brewery unless otherwise specified.本技术规范描述了为建立完整而且可靠工作的电气系统所必须的工作,材料和安装方法。说明了供应商供货时需要遵循的最低标准。如果本技术规范与相关行业、国家标准不一致,应执行最高标准。This technical provision describes the work, materials and installation methods required to install a complete and

5、workable electrical system. It describes the minimum standards to be followed. If this technical provision and related codes and national standards are inconsistent, the highest standards should be implemented.啤酒厂是食品加工厂,要求使用特殊安装方法及材料以确保适当程度的清洁。在该特别指定地区和危险(分类)地区,承包商要特别留心。A brewery is a food processin

6、g plant, special installation methods and materials are required to help maintain proper degree of cleanliness. Contractor shall be especially alert in Specially Designated Areas and in Hazardous (Classified) Locations.1) 区域和分类:Area Classifications and Designations:a) 所有危险地区的电气材料,设备和安装必须符合所有适用标准和推荐的

7、安全程序以及国家和地方政府要求。All electrical materials, equipments and installation in Hazardous (Classified) Locations shall comply with the applicable requirements of state and local governing authorities.b) 在危险地区,所有设备和材料都应按他们适用的用途进行标注。特殊材料的要求和安装程序应遵守本技术规范要求。In Hazardous (Classified) Locations, all equipments a

8、nd materials required to be marked for the service in which they are applied. Special materials requirements and installation procedures shall be followed in these areas as described elsewhere in this Technical Provision.c) 所有危险地区根据以下类别在合同文件中做了说明:All Hazardous (Classified) Locations are indicated on

9、 the Contract Documents with the following classifications:1. 乙醇,液碱,氨,氯气以及其它化学品的卸载,蒸馏,储存,厌氧等某些具体区域。The specific area are in the alcohol, liquid caustic, ammonia, chlorine, and other chemicals unloading and distillation areas and storage and specific areas of BERS. 2. 车棚,食堂储气区,原料存储和运输,原料处理和粉碎以及原料干燥区域

10、,视为防爆区域。The explosion-proof region are in the track shed, grains storage and transfer areas, grains handling and milling areas, and grains drying areas.3. 除非在合同文件中另有规定,否则其它区域均为非危险区域。All other areas are classified as non-hazardous unless otherwise indicated on the Contract Documents.2) 特别指定的室内区域定义如下:

11、Especially Designated Indoor Areas are defined as follows:a) 潮湿区域为可能受到直接冲洗、液体飞溅、液体滴落的区域。酿造车间的潮湿区域定义如下:Wet Areas shall be considered subject to direct hosing, splashing liquid, or falling liquid. Wet Areas in brewing shall be defined as follows:1. 泵附近的地区。All areas enclosed by a pump.2. 位于糖化间、发酵间除电气室、

12、控制室和办公室外的所有区域。All areas within Brew house, Starting Cellars, Chip Cellars, Unitank Cellars and Finishing Cellars except electric rooms, control rooms and offices.3. 酒糟处理区域。Wet Spent Grains handling areas.4. 所有室外的安装。All outdoor installations.b) 包装车间的潮湿区域定义如下:Wet Areas in packaging shall be difined as

13、 follows:1. 瓶装线:从卸垛机出口一直到装箱机出口。Bottle Lines: From the depalletizer discharge through the packers discharge.2. 听装线:从冲罐机进口一直到装箱机出口。Can Lines: From the rinser infeed through the packers discharge.3. 桶装线:从卸垛机进口一直到堆垛机出口。Keg Lines: From the depalletizer infeed through the palletizer discharge.c) 腐蚀区域为偶尔会有

14、液体溅出、滴落和腐蚀气体存在的区域。腐蚀区域定义如下:Corrosive Areas are subject to occasional light splashing, falling liquid and presence of corrosive vapors. Corrosive Areas are defined as follows:1. 散装碱卸货站,存储罐和相邻3米内地区。Bulk Caustic unloading stations, storage tanks and adjacent areas within 10 feet.2. 碱的配置罐和相邻3米内地区。Causti

15、c Makeup Tanks and adjacent areas within 10 feet.3. 酸存储罐和酸添加系统的围堰区域。Diked areas for Acid Storage Tanks and Acid Injection Systems.4. 任何化学品混合区域。Any chemical makeup area.5. 整个CIP室。如果CIP系统位于一个开放空间,那么这一腐蚀区域的定义可以扩展到CIP系统边界外3米内的范围。CIP系统包括CIP管线,罐体和泵等。CIP rooms in their entirety. If the CIP system is in an

16、open area, then the Corrosive Area designation extends a distance of 10 feet outside the perimeter of the CIP system. The CIP system includes the CIP manifolds, tanks, pump, etc.6. 使用移动清洗装置或者软管CIP系统的容器周围的工作走道。容器包括但不限于发酵罐、清酒罐。Working aisles around brewing vessels that utilize portable cleaning machin

17、es or non-hard-piped CIP systems. Vessels include but are not limited to horizontal fermenters, chip tanks, schoene tanks, and horizontal filtered beer tanks.7. 阀阵下方以及其周边向外延伸1.5米的区域。Areas under valve manifolds and adjacent areas extending a distance of 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the manifold.8.

18、当一个潮湿区域也被定义为腐蚀区域时,应执行腐蚀区域要求。Where a Wet Area is also designated as a Corrosive Area, Corrosive Area requirements shall apply.d) 糖化车间指定为潮湿区域。The Brewhouse is designated a Wet Area in its entirety.3) 所有没有在本技术规范或合同文件中特别指定特殊区域分类的区域均可被视为一般用途区域。All areas not specifically designated by this Technical Provi

19、sion or the Contract Documents as having a special area classification or designation shall be considered general purpose areas.第二章法规和标准Codes and Standards1. 所有电气工程都要遵守IEC,中国国家和地方政府规定,包括但不限于以下规范:All the electrical engineering shall comply with the current editions of the following codes and standard

20、s, the IEC, Chinese, and local codes of governing authority, including but not limited to the following regulations:a) 美国国家标准学会American National Standards Institute (ANSI)b) 10KV及以下变电所设计规范(GB 50053-1994)Code for design of 10KV & under electric substationc) 干式电力变压器技术参数和要求(GB/T 10228-2008)Specificatio

21、n and technical requirements for dry-type power transformersd) 电力变压器经济运行(GB/T 13462-2008)Economical operation for power transformerse) 供配电系统设计规范(GB 50052-2009)Code for design electric power supply systemsf) 低压配电设计规范(GB 50054-1995)Code for design of low voltage electrical installationsg) 建筑物防雷设计规范(GB

22、 50057-1994)Design code for protection of structures against lightningh) 电力工程电缆设计规范(GB 50217-2007)Code for design of cables electric worki) 建筑照明设计标准(GB 500342004)Standard for lighting design of buildingsj) 建筑设计防火规范(GB 50016-2006)Code of design on building fire protection and preventionk) 粮食加工、储运系统粉尘

23、防爆安全规程(GB 17440-2008)Safety regulations for the protection of dust explosion for grain processing, storage and transportation systeml) 工业与民用电力装置的接地设计规范(GBJ 65-1983)Code for design of earthing of industrial and civil electrical installationm) 电气控制设备(GB/T 3797-2005)Electrical control assembliesn) 国家电气

24、设备安全技术规范(GB 19517-2004)National safety technical code for electric equipmentso) 建筑电气工程施工质量验收规范(GB 50303-2002)Code for acceptance of construction quality of electrical installation in buildingp) 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范(GB 50168-2006)Code for construction and acceptance of cable system electrical equipmen

25、t installation engineeringq) 电气装置安装工程接地装置施工及验收规范(GB 50169-2006)Code for construction and acceptance of grounding connection electric equipment installation engineeringr) 自动化仪表工程施工及验收规范(GB 50093-2002)Code for construction and acceptance of automation instrumentation engineerings) 自动化仪表工程施工质量验收规范(GB 5

26、0131-2007)Code for construction quality acceptance of automation instrumentation engineering本技术规范的最新版本都要符合这里列出的任何标准。The current edition as of the date of these Technical Provisions shall apply for any standard referenced herein.第三章工业控制柜Industrial Enclosures1) 说明:General Description:a) 本章所描述的控制柜,包括所有

27、的配电柜、配电箱、控制柜、控制箱、接线箱等。The Enclosures described in this chapter include all the power distribution, control panel, small enclosures, and junction boxes.2) 品牌:Manufacturer:a) 上海RITTAL(威图);武汉ME(梅勒);北京RIGHT(瑞特);青岛PENTAIR;上海好夫满电气设备有限公司等公司生产的产品或同等质量的产品。RITTAL ShangHai, ME Wuhan, RIGHT BeiJing, ShangHai Ha

28、ofuman Electrical Equipment Limited Company or the products with the same quality criteria.b) 用于酿造区域湿区的不锈钢控制柜,要求采用RITTAL(威图)产品。The Stainless Steel Enclosures which are used at wet area of brewing must be RITTAL products.c) 用于包装车间现场安装的不锈钢控制柜,要求采用RITTAL(威图)产品。The Stainless Steel Enclosures which are u

29、sed at Packaging must be RITTAL products.d) 承包商应在报价中对控制柜的生产厂家进行说明,否则将默认为RITTAL(威图)产品。Contractor has the duty to describe the manufactory, otherwise default is RITTAL products.3) 规格:Variety of applicationsa) 落地安装的控制柜:高为1800mm或2000mm;宽为800mm或1000mm;厚为600mm,在平地面安装时,要求带一个200mm高的专用底座。在有架空地板时,底座高度要求为100mm

30、。Floormount Enclosures: H 1800mm or 2000mm, W 800 or 1000mm, D 600mm, with Base/Plinth 200mm high or 100mm on the floor. b) 对于在墙壁上挂装或采用支架安装时,控制柜的大小为:高800mm或1000mm;宽600mm或800mm;厚210mm或300mm。对于其它尺寸的控制柜,承包商应预先提供柜门和柜内元器件布置图,并得到业主的书面认可。Wallmount Enclosures: H 800mm or 1000mm, W 600 or 800mm, D 210mm or 3

31、00mm. c) 在控制柜制作之前,承包商应将尺寸书面告知业主,并得到业主工程师书面确认。Contractor shall secure Owners written acceptance prior to manufacturing.d) 在同一个房间,采用相同安装方式的控制柜,其尺寸和样式应完全相同。Use the same type of enclosures at the same MCC.4) 材料及颜色:Materials and Color:a) 根据在不同的区域,有两种控制柜可以选择,一种是碳钢喷塑控制柜,其颜色要求为RAL#7035;另一种是不锈钢控制柜,要求为不锈钢本色。D

32、epending on area, Painted Carbon enclosures with RAL#7035, Stainless Steel enclosures are permissible.b) 控制柜柜体和柜门的钢板厚度要求不小于1.5mm,骨架和材料安装底板的厚度不小于2.5mm。The thickness of steel plate not less than 1.5mm, the thickness of frame not less than 2.5mm.c) 在公用工程区域,包括水处理车间、污水处理车间、锅炉车间、CO2车间、空压车间、制冷车间等均要求为碳钢喷塑控制柜。水处理车间非MCC间安装的控制柜或控制箱,均要求为不锈钢304产品。Painted Carbon enclosur

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