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高考英语人教版通用课时作业一 必修1 Unit 1 Friendship含答案.docx

1、高考英语人教版通用课时作业一 必修1 Unit 1 Friendship含答案温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。课时提升作业(一)必修1 Unit 1 . 单项填空1. It is reported that the countries attending the opening ceremony of the London Olympics229. A. added to B. added upC. added up to D. add2. (2013北京模拟)Some people got injur

2、ed and some even got killed in the floods in Beijing in the summer of 2012, which made us. A. comfortable B. nervousC. calm D. upset3. Shenzhou-spacecraft and Tiangong-docked(对接)successfully, making the whole nation hardlydown. A. set B. calm C. put D. take4. This is the first time the Chinese woman

3、 astronautsent into space. A. was B. isC. had been D. has been5. (2013唐山模拟)Suspecting the traveler of carrying drugs, the Customs official stopped him andhis suitcase, but found nothing at all. A. looked up B. went throughC. searched for D. referred to6. (2013福州模拟)Why was our foreign teacher unhappy

4、 yesterday? News about the tsunami striking her countryan attack of homesickness. A. set for B. set outC. set about D. set off7. (2013濮阳模拟)Sorry, I didnt mean to hurt you. I had wanted to throw at the little dog. A. by accident B. at presentC. on purpose D. at dusk8. (2013海口模拟)in a poor family, he b

5、ecame one of the greatest writers in the world. A. As born B. That isC. Who is D. Although born9. The riversuch heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean it up. A. has suffered B. has happenedC. has offered D. has filled10. (2013西安模拟)He seemed to havefrom the terrible experience, and

6、looked happier. A. recovered B. coveredC. suffered D. come11. (2013衡水模拟)Even though he manages a shop without any help, it has_ nicely so far. A. got along B. come onC. watched out D. set off12. (原创)Before boarding his flight to Stockholm, Mo Yan said his speeches would _ storytelling, homeland, and

7、 inspiration in Nobel Prize speech. A. focus on B. take onC. come on D. settle on13. It is the test system, rather than the teachers, is to blame for the students heavy burden nowadays. A. who B. this C. that D. whom14. (2013大连模拟)The head teacher told us that most of the studentsborn in the 1990s. A

8、. were B. had beenC. are D. have been15. The oil is spilling and polluting the sea; the local people areabout the matter. A. concerned B. caredC. thought D. come. 完形填空A certain man planted a rose and watered it faithfully and before it blossomed, he examined it. He saw the bud(花蕾)that would soon1, b

9、ut noticed thorns(刺)upon the stem and he thought, “How can any beautiful flower come from a plant2so many thorns? ” Being sad by this thought, he3to water the rose, and just before it was4to bloom, it died. 5it is with many people. Within every6there is a rose. The excellent7planted in us at birth g

10、row through the thorns of our faults. 8, many of us look at ourselves and9only the thorns-the10. We become11, thinking that nothing12can possibly come from us. We forget to water the good within us, and13it dies. We never realize our14advantages. Some people do not see the rose within themselves; 15

11、, someone else must show it to them. One of the greatest gifts a person can16is to be able to reach past the thorns of other people and find the rose within them. This is one of the17of love: to look at a person, know his faults, recognize the18in his soul, and help him realize that he can19his faul

12、ts. If we show him the “rose” within himself, he will conquer the20thorns. Only then will they be “blossom” many times over. (243W)1. A. die B. bloom C. grow D. appear2. A. burdened with B. provided withC. met with D. combined with3. A. forgot B. used C. liked D. began4. A. late B. pleased C. ready

13、D. glad5. A. So B. Also C. Very D. Seldom6. A. garden B. park C. shop D. soul7. A. quantities B. qualities C. roses D. flowers8. A. Luckily B. Besides C. Otherwise D. Unfortunately9. A. see B. feel C. touch D. hear10. A. advantages B. charactersC. disadvantages D. features11. A. objective B. subject

14、iveC. desperate D. hopeful12. A. necessary B. goodC. bad D. common13. A. eventually B. generallyC. frequently D. rarely14. A. obvious B. potentialC. similar D. familiar15. A. as a result B. as a result ofC. on the contrary D. by the way16. A. show B. teach C. give D. possess17. A. characteristics B.

15、 habitsC. appearance D. principles18. A. function B. structureC. power D. nobility (高贵)19. A. hide B. overcome C. use D. desert20. A. pretty B. weak C. sharp D. strong. 阅读理解(2013潍坊模拟)A cancer-stricken British teenager said on Thursday she had been moved by messages of support from around the world a

16、fter writing an online “Bucket List” of things she wanted to do before dying. Alice Pyne, 15, created an Internet blog in which she described her fight against a cancer of the white blood cells. “Ive been fighting cancer for almost four years and now I know that the cancer is gaining on me and it do

17、esnt look like Im going to win this one, ” she wrote. For her list, at the site www. alicepyne. blogspot. com, she has included making everyone sign up to be a bone marrow donor(骨髓捐赠者), swimming with sharks, meeting boy band Take That and getting a purple iPad computer. Messages of support and offer

18、s of help quickly flooded her webpage and it became one of the most talked about subjects on Twitter. “Oh dear ! And I thought that I was just doing a little blog for a few friends! ” she wrote after her site attracted huge attention. “Thank you so much for all your lovely messages to me. ” Alice, w

19、ho lives with her family in the northwest English town of Ulverston, revealed(透露)the manager of Take That had arranged for her to see the band after reading her blog. A group of local lawmakers have also joined forces with the Anthony blood cancer charity to encourage people to join its stem cell re

20、gister. (264W)1. What happened after Alice Pyne wrote her “Bucket List” ? A. People around the world sent messages to support her. B. People sent gifts to her from all over the world. C. A lot of people offered to donate bone marrow to her. D. The media called on people to help her. 2. It can be inf

21、erred from the second paragraph that Alice Pyne. A. is unaware of her own conditionB. is very sad to know that she will dieC. is calm to know that death is approachingD. is still quite confident in fighting against cancer3. Which of the following is NOT on Alice Pynes “Bucket List” ? A. To ask peopl

22、e to donate bone marrow. B. To get a cool computer. C. To swim with sharks. D. To meet a boy. 4. Take That will arrange to. A. meet Pyne in personB. help Pyne in any possible wayC. donate money to PyneD. invite Pyne to join the band【语篇随练】1. 请结合阅读理解用英语概括每段的段落大意段落段落大意Para: 1(中心段)_Paras: 2、3_Paras: 46_

23、2. 用30个词左右概括阅读理解文章大意_答案解析. 1.【解析】选C。考查add的相关短语。句意: 据报道参加伦敦奥运会开幕式的国家加起来的总和为229个。add up to “总计” , 符合句意。add to “增加, 增添” ; add up “合计, 把加起来” ; add “加, 加入” , 均不符合句意。2. 【解析】选D。考查形容词词义辨析。句意: 2012年夏天在北京发生的洪水中有些人受伤, 甚至有些人死亡, 这让我们感到不安。comfortable舒适的; nervous紧张的; calm平静的; upset不安的。3. 【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意: “神舟” 九

24、号和 “天宫” 一号成功对接, 这个消息让全国人民难以平静下来。calm down “平静下来” , 符合语境。4. 【解析】选D。考查动词时态。This is/was the first time that. . . 句型中, 从句中动词时态用完成时, 由参照动词is可知此处用现在完成时。【变式备选】Jack is so crazy about playing games. Its high time that heefforts to study hard. A. will make B. has madeC. makes D. made【解析】选D。考查虚拟语气。句意: 杰克如此痴迷于玩

25、游戏。是该他努力学习的时候了。Its high time后面跟的that从句要用虚拟语气, 结构有两种: 一种是动词过去式, 另一种是should+动词原形。故选D。5.【解析】选B。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 怀疑旅行者携带毒品, 海关官员让他停下来, 并仔细地检查他的箱子, 结果一无所获。go through “仔细地检查” 。6. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。答句句意: 海啸袭击了她的国家的消息引发了她的思乡之情。set off “引发; 引起” , 与句意相符。【知识拓展】动词短语考查焦点动词短语是高考考查的焦点。近几年动词短语在高考中的考查形式主要有以下几种: (1)同一个动词与不

26、同介词或副词的搭配。一些搭配能力很强的词, 如look, give, turn, go, come, take等与副词/介词in, into, out, away, off, on等构成的短语是高考考查的重中之重, 如2012浙江卷15题考查了set out, set about, set off和set up的区别。(2)同一个介词或副词与不同动词的搭配。这种命题方式在高考中占有较大比重, 仅在2012全国各地试卷中就有4题。例如: 2012四川卷20题考查了pick up, look up, put up和make up的区别。(3)不同动词与不同的副词或介词连用构成的短语。它们在意义上差

27、别很大, 所以最令考生头痛。这类动词短语的考查在高考试题中频繁出现, 如2012福建卷29题考查了set aside, take up, put away和give out的区别。7.【解析】选C。考查介词短语辨析。句意: 对不起, 我不是有意伤害您, 我本来是想扔向那只小狗的。on purpose故意地, 与句意相符。8.【解析】选D。考查省略句的用法。依据句意前后转折, 因此应该是although引导的让步状语从句的省略。补全后应为: Although he was born in a poor family. . . 。9. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 这条河已遭受严重污染,

28、 现在要想将它清理干净可能已太晚了。suffer遭受; happen发生; offer提供; fill充满。10.【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 他好像已经从那次可怕的经历中恢复过来了, 看上去快乐多了。recover from从中恢复过来; suffer from患疾病。11. 【解析】选A。考查动词短语词义辨析。句意: 尽管他独自经营一家商店, 但是迄今为止商店的发展状况良好。get along在此表示 “发展情况” , 与句意相符。B项表示 “加油, 来吧” ; C项表示 “小心, 注意” ; D项表示 “动身, 出发” 。12.【解析】选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 在登机飞往

29、斯德哥尔摩前, 莫言说, 他在诺贝尔演讲中会以讲故事、家乡和激情为演讲中心。focus on致力于, 以为中心; take on承担, 呈现; come on来吧, 得了吧。settle on决定, 同意。13.【解析】选C。考查强调句型。本句强调的是主语the test system而不是the teachers, 因此不能用who, 只能用that。14. 【解析】选A。考查动词时态。有具体的过去时间作状语的直接引语变为间接引语时, 时态不变, 仍然用一般过去时。15. 【解析】选A。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 原油正在溢出, 并且污染了海洋; 当地人们十分关注这件事情。be concerned about关心, 符合句意。care about关心; think about考虑, 这两个短语若用被动语态, about后面不跟宾语。come about发生, 为不及物动词短语。. 世界上没有完美的人, 也不会有一帆风顺的人生。就像玫瑰花一样, 美丽绽放的花朵下也会有累累荆棘。想要让自己的心灵之花绽

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