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1、高中英语时态总结复习课程高中英语时态总结英语时态一般时态:时态名称结构常连用的词基本用法一般现在时1. be动词用am/is/are,后接n./a./prep.often;usually;every;sometimes;always;never;seldom;once/twice/ a week/month/year;on Sundays/Mondays/.;1) 表示现在存在的习惯,经常发生的动作或存在的状态。 He takes a walk after supper every day. The children go to school at seven every morning.2)

2、 表示主语的特征、性格、能力等。 The children draw well. Does she like sports?3) 表示客观事实或普遍真理。 The sun rises in the east. Two plus two makes four. Knowledge is power.4)在时间、条件状语从句中表示将来的动作。 When they leave school, they will go to work in Tibet. If You see him,will you tell him to ring me? Well visit the cotton mill if

3、 it is fine tomorrow.5)表示安排或计划好的将来的动作(一般只限于某些表示移动的动词,如go,come,arrive, leave,begin, start等),这种安排很固定,不易改变。 The train starts at ten oclock in the morning. The film begins in a minute. When does the Japanese Youth delegation leave for Xian?2. 行为动词用v.或v.-s、-es.一般过去时1be动词用过去式was或 were表示。yesterday;the day

4、before yesterday;last week/month/year/.; ago;a moment ago;just now;on/in+过去的时间;1) 表示过去的动作或状态 We had a good swim last Sunday. She suddenly fell ill yesterday.2) 叙述过去连续发生的一件件事。 He got up early in the morning,fetched water,swept the yard and then went out to work.3) 表示过去一段时间内经常或反复发生的动作。 When my brother

5、 was a teenager,he played table tennis almost every day. It used to be difficult to get drinking water here.其他用法:(1) 在宾语从句中,由于时态呼应的关系,可用一般过去时表示现在: I didnt know you were here. 我不知道你在这儿。(were实际上指现在) I didnt know you were so busy我没想到你这么忙。(were实际上指现在)(2) 表示客气委婉的现在: I wondered if you were free this eveni

6、ng. 不知您今晚是否有空。 I thought you might like some flowers. 我想您也许想要些花。【注】能这样有的动词主要限于want, wonder, think, hope, intend等少数动词。(3) 用于某些特殊结构中: Its time we started. 我们该动身了。 I wish I knew his name. 要是我知道他的名字就好了。 Id rather you lived closer to us. 我希望你能住得离我们近点。【注】该用法主要用于its (high) time, I wish, Id rather, if only,

7、 as if, as though 等少数结构后接从句的情形。(4) 表主观想法的虚拟条件句也用一般过去时表示现在: If I had the money now Id buy a car. 假若我现在有钱,我就买辆小汽车。(5) 当主句中的谓语动词是现在完成时,since引导的从句用一般过去时。 I have lived in the house since I came to the city. Great changes have taken place since I visited the city.2. 行为动词用V-ed。一般将来时1. will+v.tomorrow,the d

8、ay after tomorrow;soon;next week/month/year/.;the week/month/year/. after next;on/in +将来的时间;in+一段时间;.1)表示将来的动作或状态。 My daughter will be twelve years old tomorrow. The indoor swimming pool will be open to the public from October 16.2)表示将来经常发生的动作。 We shall work in this factory every day.2. is/am/are+go

9、ing to+V,表示计划打算做什么事。其他形式1)be going to + v.多用于口语中,常表示打算、即将、决心去做的事或可能要发生的事。如: We are going to visit the Museum of Chinese History.我们要去参观中国历史博物馆。(表打算) Tom studies very hard. He is going to try for a scholarship.汤姆学习非常努力,他将争取获得奖学金。(表决心) Look at those clouds. Its going to rain.瞧那些云,要下雨了。(表估计可能) The wall

10、is going to collapse! 那墙要倒塌了? (即将)2) go, come, leave, start等表示移动的动词,可用现在进行时来表示即将发生的动作。 She is going to the dentist tomorrow because she is having a toothache. Im coming.3)be about to + v.表示即将发生的动作。如: The English evening is about to begin.英语晚会即将开始。 We are about to leave,so there is no time to visit h

11、im now.我们就要离开了,所以现在没有时间去看他。4)be to do表示安排或计划好了的动作等。如: The boys are to go to school next week.这些男孩子下周要上学了。 He and I are to meet at the Shanghai Railway Station.他和我约定在上海火车站见面。 Im to be home before midnight.我午夜前回家。过去将来时was/were going to +V原形表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态,常用在宾语从句中。 They wanted to know when y

12、ou would finish the article. We asked him where we should go to work next week.would +V原形其他形式 I was told that the press conference was to be held the next day. I was about to leave when it began to rain. He told me he was leaving soon.进行时态:时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法现在进行时is/am/are+V-ingnow;at present;at the mom

13、ent;Look!(放在句首);Listen! (放在句首);1) 表示此时此刻(说话人说话时)正在进行的动作。 What are you doing?Im doing some washing. Look! It is snowing.2) 表示现阶段正在进行着的动作,虽然此时此刻这个动作可能并不在进行。 He is working on a paper. They are compiling a dictionary.3) 有时可表示将来发生的动作,有意图或打算的含义(用于go,come,stay,leave,start等表示移动的动词)。 They are taking the chil

14、dren to the zoo on Sunday. What are you doing next Sunday?Im going on a picnic with my wife and daughter.过去进行时was/were+V-ingat that time;at this time yesterday;at+时间点+yesterday/lastnight;at that moment;1) 表示过去一段时间正在发生的动作。 I was practicing the violin at eight oclock yesterday evening. She was reading

15、 an English magazine when I came in.2)表示移动的动词go,come,start,stay,leave等的过去进行时,可以表示过去将来发生的动作。 They wanted to know when we were leaving for Shanghai.将来进行时will/shall be v-ingat this time +将来时间点1)表示在将来某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。 This time tomorrow I shall be flying to Guangzhou. What will you be doing at eight tom

16、orrow morning?2)表示将来被客观情况所决定的动作或者按照安排将要发生的动作。 Well be having tea after dinner as usual. The leaves will be falling soon.过去将来进行时should/would be v-ing1) 表示在过去的将来的某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作。 He asked me what I should be doing at ten the next day. They said that they would be expecting us the next week.2) 表示在过去某一

17、时间之后即将或按计划进行的动作。 He said he could not come because he would be having a meeting.完成时态:时态名称结构常连用的词主要用法现在完成时have/has+ p.p(过去分词)already;just;before;yet(否定句中);ever;never; since +时间点;since+一段时间+ago;by+现在时间;so far; up to now; till now; until now;recently/lately;1)表示动作到现在为止已经完成或刚完成,汉语常用了或过来表示。 We have alrea

18、dy set up many new factories in this area. The new books have not arrived yet. Many westerners have never seen a giant panda.2)还可表示动作发生在过去,并且一直延续到现在,甚至还可能继续延续下去。 How long have you been in Beijing ? I have been in Beijing for four years. Three years have passed since we left school. Up to now, I have

19、 finished two-thirds of the work.3)在条件、时间状语从句中表示将来某个动作发生之前已完成的动作。 Perhaps Ill know more English after I have learnt it for two years.特别注意:1. This is (It is) the first /second time that 句型中,常用现在完成时。但在“It was the second time that ”中,也能用过去完成时。 This is the second time that I have seen the film. That was

20、 the third time that I had visited the place.2. It is (has been) since 句型中,主句常用现在完成时,从句用一般现在时。 It is (has been) three years since I began to work on the state farm.3.在完成时中,一个瞬间性动词不能和表示一段时间的状语(for, since, how long等)连用,此时必须将该瞬间动词改为延续性动词或状态动词。buyhaveborrowkeepcatch/get a coldhave a coldcome / arrive/re

21、ach/get tobebecomebegobeput onwearjoinbe ingo to schoolbe a studentdiebe deadbegin/startbe onleavebe awayfall asleepbe asleepopenbe openclose/shutbe closedendbe overmarrybe married He has come back for three weeks. () He has been back for three weeks. () The writer has died for two years. () The wri

22、ter has been dead for two years. () He has left for 6 days. () He has been away for 6 days. ()过去完成时had + p.p(过去分词)过去的过去:by+过去的时间;表“过去某动作或时间以前”的时间状语。1)过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作以前业已完成的动作。 By the end of last week we had learned ten lessons. In the exhibition he saw many oil paintings that he had never seen bef

23、ore.2) 表示由过去某一时间开始,一直延续到过去另一时间的动作。 It rained yesterday after it had been dry for many months. He said that great changes had taken place in his hometown since 1980.3) 常用语no sooner than 和hardly (scarcely) when 句型的主句中,从句用一般过去时。(倒装) No sooner had he reached home than it began to rain.他一到家,就开始下雨了。 He ha

24、d hardly got on the train when the train started out. 他刚上火车,火车就开了。4)在would rather, would prefer等后面的从句中,如果表示过去的动作或情况,用过去完成时。 Id rather you had been here yesterday.要是你昨晚在这就好了。将来完成时will/shall have + p.pby +将来时间by the time +将来时间表示在将来某一时间以前已经完成的动作。 By the end of this week, I shall have finished the book.

25、 The children will have gone to sleep by the time we get home. When you come tonight at eight oclock,I shall have written my paper.过去将来完成时should/would have + p.p表示在过去的将来的某一时间以前已经完成的动作。 He said he would have paid back the money by the end of the week. We told him that we should have returned to the c

26、amp by four oclock. I hoped she would have finished the work before I got back.完成进行时时态名称结构主要用法现在完成进行时have/has been + v-ing表示动作从过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在。现在这个动作可能已经终止,也可能仍然在进行着。 I have been waiting for you for two hours. He has been working on the paper all day. -How long have you been learning English? -I hav

27、e been learning English for two years.注意:有些不能用现在进行时态的动词,如be,have,like,love,know,see,hear等,同样也不能用现在完成进行时,而只能用现在完成时。 She has been ill for a long time. I have not seen you for ages.过去完成进行时had been +V-ing表示动作在过去某一时间之前开始并延续到过去这个时间,这一动作可能还在进行,也可能已经停止。 The baby had been crying for fifteen minutes when her

28、mother came in. The teacher had been teaching for forty years by the time he retired. It seemed to her that the boys had been shouting for a long time.专项练习1. _ a concert next Saturday?A. There will be B. Will there be C. There can be D. There are2. Its good to see you again, Agnes. This has been our

29、 first chance to visit since from Iran.A. you return B. you returned C. you have returned D. returning3. If it _ tomorrow, well go roller-skating.A. isnt rain B. wont rain C. doesnt rain D. doesnt fine4. The reporter said that the UFO _ east to west when he saw it.A. was traveling B. traveled C. had

30、 been traveling D. was to travel5. Sorry, I cant open the door, for I the key to it.A. lost B. lose C. had lost D. have lost6. “ What s the matter, Ali? You look sad. ” “ Oh, nothing much. As a matter of fact, I _ of my friends back home. ”A. just thought B. have just been thinking C. was just thinking D. have just thought7. Did you expect Frank to come to the party? No, but I had hoped .A. him coming B. him to

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