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1、SSP高考专刊刊答案2015-2016学年高考版2月刊 (上) 答案及听力录音文字A1 新闻 词义猜测 ABA 翻译 1. 联合国秘书长强调说, 联合国大会比以往任何时候都要重要, 他呼吁国际社会“以布莱恩厄夸特爵士等伟人为榜样”, 拯救更多生命, 取得更多进步, 在全世界范围内推动对人权的更多尊重。 2. 他说在经历了战争、破坏、种族灭绝和核爆炸的恐怖时期后, 全球各民族决心要联合起来。 3. 他声明, 他们决定选择唯一真正正确的道路去实现世界和平、安全、公正、人权和社会进步。 A3 主题阅读1 Fast reading: 1-5 ABBBC After reading: I. 1-5 DC

2、ACB II. 1. time-consuming 2. rash 3. method 4. positive 5. exposed to 6. accurate A4主题阅读2 Fast reading: I. 1-5 DCDDC After reading: I. 1-5 DAABA II. 1. let off steam 2. indoor 3. adapted 4. demanding 5. federations 6. dominated B1 听力 模拟训练一 1-10 CBACC AADCB 11-16 BAA DBD 17. assistant 18. German 19.

3、Three 20. flexible 21. English pronunciation 22. In fourteen days 23. organizing her study/ planning work properly 24. researching dialects 听力录音文字 Section A 1. W: Can I fetch my car this afternoon? M: Sure, the damage is not that serious. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 2. W: Wel

4、l, Mr. Brown. We are very satisfied with your resume. And we will arrange for you to meet our director tomorrow. M: Thank you. I will get prepared. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 3. M: When are the other guys going to get here? The train is supposed to leave in fiftee

5、n minutes. W: It is 10:40 already. I told them to be here by 10:20. Q: When is the train leaving? 4. M: The food in this restaurant is horrible. If only we had gone to the school dining hall. W: But the food isnt everything. Isnt it nice just to get away from all the noise? Q: Why does the woman pre

6、fer to go to this restaurant?5. M: Our neighborhood is going to have a swimming pool soon. W: It is about time. I dont know why it has taken so long. Q: What is the womans opinion about the swimming pool? 6. M: What is weather like in Hangzhou in the coming week? W: It will be fairly hot and there w

7、ill be much rain. Q: What will the weather be like in the coming week in Hangzhou? 7. W: So you finally listened to your wifes advice and gave up smoking. M: It was my doctors advice. I was suffering from high blood pressure. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 8. W: Washing dishes in the res

8、taurant every day is really boring. M: Why dont you quit and delivering flowers for me? Q: What does the man advise the woman to do? 9. W: My teacher tried hard to explain her theories about modern poetry but it was Greek to me. M: Come on, with a little more effort and I guarantee you will pick it

9、up in an instant. Q: What do we know about the woman? 10. M: Will Metro 1 stop at the Peoples Square today? W: I am afraid not. You see it is a routine to have traffic control during the national day. Q: Why doesnt the metro 1 stop at the Peoples Square today? Section B Questions 11 through 13 are b

10、ased on the following passage. Science cant explain the power of pets, but many studies have shown that the company of pets can help lower blood pressure and raise chances of recovering from a heart attack, reduce loneliness and spread all-round good cheer. Any owner will tell you how much joy a pet

11、 brings. For some, an animal provides more comfort than a husband or wife. A study by Karen Allen of the State University of New York measured stress levels and blood pressure in people - half of them pet owners while they performed 5 minutes of mental arithmetic or held a hand in ice water. Subject

12、s completed the tasks alone, with a life partner, a close friend or with a pet. People with pets did it best. Those tested with their animal friends had smaller change in blood pressure and returned most quickly to baseline heart rates. With pets in the room, people also made fewer math mistakes tha

13、n when doing in front of other companions. It seems people feel more relaxed around pets, says Allen, who thinks it may be because pets dont judge. A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only lifts your spirits but may also have an effect on your living habits. Researchers at

14、Northwestern Memorial Hospital spent a year studying pet owners and found they got more exercise mostly with their dogs and found it worth doing. Questions 11. Which of the following is not the power of pets? 12. Why can people make fewer math mistakes with a pet beside them? 13. What is the researc

15、h result conducted by researchers at Northwestern Memorial Hospital? Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage. No fireworks and firecrackers playing would be allowed anywhere inside Shanghais Outer Ring Road throughout next year, which would start on Friday, according to a new regu

16、lation aiming to prevent air pollution. The ban would mean that locals are not allowed to have their traditional festival fun anywhere in downtown areas during the upcoming Lunar New Year holiday in February. Locals would be ready for fines up to 500 yuan for each violation and may also face crimina

17、l charges depending on the results of the violations, according to the regulation. Rescuers have found some survivors five days after a mine collapse in east Chinas Shandong Province, rescuers confirmed Wednesday. The mine accident happened at 8 p.m. Friday in Pingyi County. At the time, 29 people w

18、ere working underground. One is confirmed dead, four escaped by themselves, and seven have been found by rescuers, so far. The cause of the accident is still to be confirmed. A sharp decline in the Japanese yen and easier visa rules for Chinese travelers are driving tourists to Japan. Not only Tokyo

19、, but also smaller towns are holding great appeal for Chinese travelers. Japan relaxed visa requirements for travelers from China from January this year. The number of tourists to Japan has hit 18 million in the first 11 months of 2015almost a 50 percent increase from the same period in 2014. Questi

20、ons: 14. Which of the following statements is true? 15. How many people escaped successfully by themselves in the mine collapse in Shandong Province? 16. Which of the following reasons doesnt account for peoples interest in a trip to Japan? Section C Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following c

21、onversation. M: Good morning, Miss Taylor. Im manager of the company. You can call me Sun. W: Good morning, Mr. Sun. How do you do? M: Please sit down. Now, you are interested in the job of an assistant of the manager. Tell me, have you ever worked as an assistant before? W: Well, no. But in my pres

22、ent job as a secretary, Ive done most of the things an assistant does. M: I see. What foreign languages do you speak? W: German and Japanese. M: How long have you been in the present job? W: Three years. M: Then why do you want to leave? W: Im looking for a job with more flexible working time. M: OK

23、. Thats all for today. Well call you as soon as we decide on the right person. W: Thanks. Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following passage.W: Excuse me, Dr Burke, May I speak to you for a minute? M: Sure. W: I am Miranda, major in English and I am taking your course in English pronunciation.

24、I am having a bit of trouble with your assignment, which is due in fourteen days. M: What is the problem? W: It seems that the reference books are all out in the library. M: Sounds like you should have started borrowing books a bit earlier. W: Yes, it is my fault. Could you give me an extension of t

25、ime to finish my assignment? M: I am really sorry, Miranda. But the extensions are normally given only for medical reasons. Otherwise, it is really a question of organizing your study and we cant stretch the rules for those who simply cant plan their work properly. W: OK, this is a very important le

26、sson I should learn. Since I have very limited time to finish the assignment, could you give me some practical advice? M: You can try reading articles written byAnderson; he is a renowned scientist in researching dialects and many of his works are available online. W: Thank you for your valuable adv

27、ice. I will try my best. 模拟训练二 01-05. BCCAD 06-10. ABABC 11-13. BCD 14-16. BCD 17. downtown 18. 60 19. two 20. well-equipped 21. RMB into euro 22. exchange rate 23. passport 24. Fill in 听力录音文字 Section A 1. W: How long will it take to send this package back to India? M: Well, it depends on how you wa

28、nt to send it. Q: Where does the conversation probably take place? 2. W: Your book is not an easy job. I cant find some equivalent words in Chinese sometimes. M: Yes, there are many dialogues between father and son in dialects. Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? 3. M: The

29、 new house Edward has bought is so big. It has a garden as big as a football pitch. W: I wonder when we will have the chance to pay a visit to his new place. Q: What is the womans attitude toward Edwards new house? 4. M: Hey, Mandy, arent you and Sam going to Singapore in January? W: We thought to g

30、o there in January, but the travel agency gave us a great deal if we go there in the summer holiday. So we are thinking about July. Q: When will Mandy probably go to Singapore? 5. M: Sorry, I didnt show up at the meeting last night. But I wasnt really feeling well. So I decided not to go out. W: Oh,

31、 that is OK, Jack. I understand. Q: Why didnt Jack show up at the meeting last night? 6. M: I dont suppose youre free to go shopping on Saturday evening, are you? W: Actually I am. I was planning to have a conference with my clients, but it was called off. Q: What will the woman probably do on Saturday evening? 7. M: Have you used the tent you bought last week? W: Yes, indeed. We went camping yesterday and had a good time staying warm and dry in spite of the weather. Q

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