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1、裕兴新概念第二册9课Lesson 9 A cold welcome冷遇一、 单词学习【New words and expressions】生词和短语(7)welcome n. 欢迎; v. 欢迎crowd n. 人群gather v. 聚集hand n. (表或机器的)指针shout v. 喊叫refuse v. 拒绝laugh v. 笑welcome1) interj. 迎接时打招呼用语eg. Welcome! Come in please. 欢迎!请进!eg. Welcome home. 欢迎回家。eg. Welcome back. 欢迎回来。eg. Welcome to China. 欢

2、迎来中国。eg.Welcome to Beijing.欢迎来北京。2) n. 接待,欢迎,相当于:greeting, receptiona cold welcome 冷遇a warm welcome 热烈欢迎3) adj. 受欢迎的,令人愉快的a welcome change 受欢迎的改变welcome news 受欢迎的消息,令人愉快的消息4) vt. 欢迎,迎接 (greet)eg. The clock refused to welcome the new year. 大钟拒绝迎接新年。eg. The children flew to welcome their mother. 孩子们飞奔

3、着去迎接妈妈。5) You are welcome. (用作答谢的客套话)crowd n. 人群 a large number of people gathered togetherthe crowd 人们,人群eg. He pushed his way through the crowd. 他挤过人群。a large crowd of people 一大群人eg.There was a crowd of 20,000 people at the football match. 在足球赛上有20,000多人。crowded adj. 拥挤的a crowded train 拥挤的火车crowd

4、(口) 伙伴the college crowd 大学同学,大学伙伴in crowds 成群结队,成群地raise oneself above the crowd 出类拔萃,出人头地gather1) v. 聚集 collect together, come together in one placeeg. A crowd soon gathered. 一群人立刻聚了起来。eg. The clouds speedily gathered again. 很快乌云又密布了。eg. Gather round and Ill tell you a secret. 大家聚过来,我告诉你们一个秘密。2) 获知

5、,推测eg. I gathered from her remarks that she wasnt satisfied with her job.我从她的评论得知她对工作并不满意。3) 把衣服裹在身上eg. She gathered a shawl around herself. 她把披肩围在身上。shawl :l (女用)披肩,围巾hand1) 手the back of the hand 手背lend a child by the hand 牵着一个孩子give sb a hand 帮某人一个忙raise ones hand 举手shake hands 握手wave ones hand 挥手

6、wash ones hands 洗手; 洗手不干2) 指针the minute hand 分钟the hour hand 时针the second hand 秒针;二手的3) 方向,侧eg. I see a school on my right/left hand. 我在右/左手边看到一所学校。on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面get the upper hand of 占上风hand and foot 手脚一起;完全地tie a person hand 五花大绑hand to hand 短兵相接show ones hand (to) 摊牌o

7、n all hands 四面八方shout 因愤怒或为引起注意而喊叫shout at sb 对大喊大叫(不礼貌)shout to sb 对大声喊(使听见)eg. I had to shout to make myself heard. 我只得喊,以使大家听见。cry (痛苦、惊讶等的自然反应)发出尖利的声音scream (痛苦、恐惧或激动)而喊叫(大而尖利的声音)refuse vt. rifju:zrefuse sth 拒绝某物refuse a gift 拒收礼物refuse an offer 拒绝给予refuse an invitation 拒绝邀请refuse ones help 拒绝某人

8、帮助refuse to do 拒绝去做eg. The clock refused to welcome the New Year. 那只大钟拒绝迎接新年。eg. The car refused to start. 这车发动不起来。eg. The boy refused to lend me his dictionary 这个小孩拒绝借给我字典。refuse sb 拒绝某人eg. They refused him admittance. 他们把他拒之门外。admittance dmtns n.允许进入(或加入)权refuse rifju:z vt. 拒绝refuse refju:s n. U 垃

9、圾,废物excuse ikskju:z (v.) 原谅excuse ikskju:s (n.) 借口accent ksent (v.) 重读accent ksnt (n.) 重音conduct kndkt (v.) 指挥,控制conduct kndkt (n.) 行为laugh v. 笑,大笑eg. He who laughs last laughs best. 笑在最后,笑得最好。laugh at danger 等闲视之比较:laugh 笑,大声笑smile 微笑grin rin 露齿而笑guffaw gf: 捧腹大笑,哄笑,大笑(贬)sneer sni 嘲笑;冷笑giggle il 咯咯地

10、笑chuckle tkl 低声吃吃地笑;轻声地笑laugh v.笑,大声笑laugh at sb 取笑,讥笑laugh to oneself 独自发笑smile at sb 对微笑make fun of sb 捉弄某人, 取笑某人cant help laughing 忍不住大笑起来cant help crying 忍不住放声大哭laughter l:ft n. 笑,笑声a home full of laughter 充满笑声的一个家庭laughing adj. 快乐的,好笑的eg. Its no laughing matter. 这不是什么好笑的事情。laughing stock 笑柄二、关键

11、句型Key Structures表时间的介词at,in,on,fromtill,during,not-until等用法,要注意在不同时间前分别选择那些介词。at1)在某时刻,时间等之前eg. Lunch was at one oclock. 午饭在1点钟开始。When did you arrive? 你什么时候到?I arrived at 10 oclock 我10点钟到2)在固定短语之前at night在夜里, at noon在中午,at teatime在喝茶的时间,at lunchtime在吃午饭的时间,at the weekend在周末3) before festival 在节日之前 a

12、t Christmas 在圣诞节(期间)at Easter 在复活节但是我们强调在圣诞节那一天,我们用on Christmas Day. . on用在具体的某一天in1) 在(一段时间)内eg. The pigeon covered the distance in 3 minutes.鸽子在三分钟之内飞完这段路程。2) 在月,季节,年的前面eg. That was in 1640. 在1640年。in spring 在春天in summer 在夏天in July 在七月3) 表“.之后”eg. III come back in a day or two. 我在一两天之足后回来。4) 固定短语i

13、n the morning 在早晨in the afternoon 在下午in the evening 在晚上on 在某一天,某个早上,某天前夕等eg. They arrived in Shanghai on May 20.他们在五月二十日到达上海。On the Eve of their departure, they gave a farewell banquet.告别前夜,他们举办了一个告别宴会。from.till/ (从.至)eg. They are busy from morning till night. 他们从早忙到晚。They are busy from morn

14、ing to night. 他们从早忙至到晚。during1) 在某段时间里的不确定时间eg. She woke many times during the night.在夜里面她醒了很多次。2) 在的这段时间(贯穿始终)eg. They didnt say a word during the meal.吃饭期间他们一句话也没有说。not.until 直到.才eg. They didnt stop until after six o clock.在六点前他们才停止。/在六点前他们没有停。after 在之后eg. I want it back the day after tomorrow.我希望

15、能够在后天拿回这个东西。It is easy to be wise after the event. 事后诸葛亮Key structures- Exercise 用正确的介词填空l) He has gone abroad. He will return _in_ two years time.他出国了,他两年之后回来答案为:in2) on_ Saturdays I always go to the market.每逢星期六我总是去市场答案:on,星期六是一个具体的日子3) I never go to the cinema _in/during_ the week在一周里面我很少看电影答案:in

16、/during,由于week是一段时间,所以用in/during4) He ran a hundred meters _in_ thirteen seconds.他在十三秒内跑完一百米答案:in在一段时间内5) I cant see him _at_ the moment Im busy.我在此刻不能见他,我很忙答案:at,at the moment固定搭配6) My birthday is _on_ November 7th. I was born_in_ 1974.我的生日是十一月七日。我出生在1974年。答案:on具体的日子用介词。in 1974在具体的年份前用in7) The days

17、 are very short in December.在十二月份天是非常短的答案:in在一个月内8) We arrived at the village late_at_ night We left early in the morning.我们深夜到达村庄,大清早才离开答案:at,late at night在深夜 in, early in the morning 一大早9) I shall not hear from him _until_ tomorrow.我直到明天才能收到他的信答案:until,not.until. 直到.才. 课文讲解【Text】On Wednesday eveni

18、ng, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. It would strike twelve in twenty minutes time. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not move. We waited and wait

19、ed, but nothing happened. Suddenly someone shouted. Its two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped! I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment, everybody began to laugh and sing.星期三的晚上, 我们去了市政厅. 那是一年的最后一天, 一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面. 再过20分钟, 大钟将敲响12下. 1

20、5 分钟过去了, 而就在11 点55 分时, 大钟停了. 那根巨大的分针不动了. 我们等啊等啊, 可情况没有变化. 突然有人喊道: “已经12点零2 分了!那钟已经停了!” 我看了一下我的手表, 果真如此. 那座大钟不愿意迎接新年. 此时, 大家已经笑了起来, 同时唱起了歌.On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. 星期三的晚上, 我们去了市政

21、厅. 那是一年的最后一天, 一大群人聚集在市政厅的大钟下面. in the eveningon Wednesday eveningIt was the last day of the year 可表达为It was New Years Eve。a large crowd of people 一大群人or: a large number of people; a great many peopleIt would strike twelve in twenty minutes time.再过20分钟, 大钟将敲响12下.strike (strike-struck-struck)1) 敲,打str

22、ike twelve 敲响12点strike while the iron is hot. (谚)趁热打铁2) 施以(打击)eg. The man struck him a heavy box. 那人重重地打了他一拳。3) 碰撞eg. The ship struck against the rock./ The ship struck on the rock. 船撞上了岩石。4) 擦(火柴)strike a match 擦火柴5) 突然想到某人、某个主意 (occur to)eg. A good idea struck me. 相当于:A good idea occurred to me.我突

23、然想到一个好主意。be struck by 被打动eg. I was struck by its beauty. 我被它的美打动。6) n. 罢工be on strike 在罢工go on strike/go out on strike 举行罢工in twenty minutes time 在二十分钟后在将来时态,用in表示一段时间后。上面还可表达为:in twenty minutes timeFifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. The big minute hand did not mo

24、ve.15 分钟过去了,而就在11 点55 分时, 大钟停了. 那根巨大的分针不动了.pass v. 通过,经过,传递 (pass-passed-passed)eg. Half an hour passed. 半小时过去了。eg. I passed the exam easily. 我轻松地通过考试。eg. Pass me the salt please.请把盐递给我。We waited and waited, but nothing happened. 我们等啊等啊, 可情况没有变化. waited and waited 等啊等eg. We walked and walked 我们走啊走。W

25、e laughed and laughed. 我们笑个不停。happen vi. 偶然地发生eg. The accident happened at the street corner. 事故发生在这条街上的角落。happen to sb. 发生于某人身上eg. She hoped nothing bad would happen to him. 她希望没有任何不好的事情发生在他身上。happen to do 偶然做eg. I happened to see him on the street. 我偶然在大街上碰到他。it happens that 碰巧,恰好eg. It so happene

26、d that the famous actor was her brother. 碰巧那个著名演员是她哥哥。= The famous actor happened to be her brother.take place 通常指可预见的事eg. The contest took place yesterday. 比赛昨天举行。take the place of 代替,接替eg. Ill take my fathers place for a while. 我将暂时接替我父亲。Suddenly someone shouted. Its two minutes past twelve! The c

27、lock has stopped! 突然有人喊道: “已经12点零2 分了!那钟已经停了!”past prep. 经过.;在.之后eg. Its five minutes past twelve. 现在12点过5分。eg. Its five minutes past two. 已经2点过5分了。eg. He walked past me. 他经过我身边。passed p:st 与 past p:st 同音I looked at my watch. It was true. The big clock refused to welcome the New Year. At that moment

28、, everybody began to laugh and sing.我看了一下我的手表, 果真如此. 那座大钟不愿意迎接新年. 此时, 大家已经笑了起来, 同时唱起了歌.at that moment 相当于just as:正在那时begin v. 开始begin to do begin doing 开始做某事eg. When did it begin to rain? 什么时候开始下雨的? When did it begin raining?start to do start doingbegin at 以.开头begin at page 50 从50 页开始begin on page 5

29、0 (美)从50 页开始begin with 以作为开始eg. The story begins with the accidental death of a millionaire.这个故事以一个百万富翁的意外死亡作为开头。begin by (开始的方式)eg. She began by telling a joke. 她以讲笑话的方式作为开头。begin on + 着手做的对象eg. She began on the violin and later changed to the cello. 她开始练小提琴后来改为练大提琴。tel n.大提琴.beginning n. 开端from beginning to end 从头到尾from the beginning/ from the very beginning 从最开始very放在名词前起强调作用in the beginning

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