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SSAT阅读 mid 2OG.docx

1、SSAT阅读 mid 2OGSECTION240 QuestionsRead each passage carefully and then answer the questions about it. For each question, decide on the basis of the passage which one of the choices best answers the question. In the late 1970s, the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) approved the first vaccine to preve

2、nt pneumococcal. Initial distribution was being aimed at persons over 65. “Despite the wide use of antibiotics, pneumonia today is the fifth leading causeLine 5 of death in the United Stated ,” an FDA representative said. “The type of pneumonia” against which the vaccine protects accounts for a majo

3、r portion of these deaths. The vaccine is effective in at least 80 percent of the people who receive it.” Still, all these years later, the vaccine is a safe and effective way to prevent pneumonia.1. The passage is primarily about(A) a preventive for pneumonia(B) the Food and Drug Administration(C)

4、illness in the United States(D) leading causes of death(E) the first vaccine invented2. From the passage, it can be concluded that the vaccine probably(A) increased the authority of the FDA(B) made the number of deaths from pneumonia(C) reduced the number of deaths from pneumonia(D) provided protect

5、ion against illnesses other than pneumonia(E) raised health expenses for people in the United States3. The style of the passage is most like that found in(A) an encyclopedia (B) a newspaper(C) a textbook(D) an advertisement(E) an almanac Meg burst into the laboratory Her mother was sitting on a tall

6、 lab school, not looking into the microscope in front of her, not writing on the clipboard which rested on her knee, just sitting thoughtfully. “What is it, Meg?”Line 5 “Whats wrong with Charles?” Mrs.Murry put the clipboard down on the lab counter beside the microscope “He had some trouble with the

7、 bigger boys again in school today.” “Thats not what I mean.” “What do you mean, Meg?” 10 “He said you had Dr. Colubra here to look at him.” “Louise was here for lunch, so I thought she might as well have a look at him.” “And?” “And what, Meg?” “Whats the matter with him?” 15 “We dont know, Meg. Not

8、 yet, at any rate.” “Charles says youre worried about him.” “I am. Arent you?” “Yes, but I thought it was all school. And now I dont think it is. He got out of breath just walking across the orchard. And hes too pale. And he imagines things. And 20 he looks- I dont like the way he looks.” “Neither d

9、o I. ” “What is it? Whats wrong? Is it a virus or something?” Mrs.Murry hesitated. “Im not sure.” “Mother,please,if theres anything really wrong with Charles, Im old enough to 25 know.” “I dont know whether there is or not. Neither does Louise. When we know anything definite, Ill tell you. I promise

10、 you that.” “Youre not hiding anything?” “Meg, theres no use talking about something Im not sure of I should know in a 30 few days.” Meg twisted her hands together nervously. “You really are worried.” Mrs.Murry smiled. “We tend to worry about people we love.”4. In this passage, Meg is trying to disc

11、over(A) what her mother is doing(B) what is happening at Charles school(C) why Dr. Colubra did not visit her(D) what is wrong with Charles(E) why her mother will not talk to her anymore5. Meg does not receive complete explanations because Mrs. Murry (A) is trying not to let Charles hear(B) is not re

12、ally interested in Megs problems(C) is preoccupied with her work(D) does not have definite answers(E) thinks Meg imagines things6. Louise is most probably(A) a lab assistant(B) a doctor(C) Charles sister(D) Charles teacher(E) A neighbor7. Meg is worried that Charles is (A) picking fights at school(B

13、) angry at everyone(C) physically ill(D) making the wrong friends(E) taking things from the laboratory Africa has changed greatly in the years since the Second World War. One after another; the African peoples have demanded the freedom or right to govern themselves. Sometimes peacefully and sometime

14、s through a bitter struggle for power, as in the Congo, many African countries gained their independence. Today, most of the colonialLine 5 empire that once existed in Africa has disappeared. However, many problems still exist as a result of Africas geography and past history. African leaders are aw

15、are of these problems and are trying to find solutions to the unique situations facing them. Knowing that many of the African countries contain great resources for agriculture, mining, and manufacturing, African leaders are working 10 to find out how these natural resources can best be used to devel

16、op prosperous, modern nations. Other leaders are seeking ways to bring the various peoples of Africa closer together so that all may share a peaceful and comfortable existence. Still others are focusing their attention on improving the health and education of Africans. The future of Africa lies to a

17、 great extent in the hands of these leaders.8. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing(A) colonial empires in Africa(B) the personalities of modern African leaders(C) the natural resources of Africa(D) a changing Africa(E) the influence of geography on African culture9. According to the p

18、assage, many African countries gained their independence by(A) being in the Second World War (B) buying their freedom(C) going to other nations for help(D) sharing their resources(E) fighting for the right to rule themselves10. By saying “The future of Africa lies to a great extent in the hands of t

19、hese leaders ” (lines 13-14), the author probably means that the leaders(A) need to work hard with their hands(B) must hold their hands out for help(C) are largely responsible for what happens(D) have put the goals of Africans out of reach(E) plan to hire people to do the work11. According to the pa

20、ssage, African leaders are trying to solve problems by(A) using various approaches(B) gaining their freedom(C) feeding the starving people(D) asking many other countries for help(E) trying to restore the colonial empire12. It can be inferred that a great many of Africas natural resources are(A) undi

21、scoverable(B) undeveloped(C) unprotected(D) destroyed(E) useless13. A passage of this kind would most likely be found in which of the following?I. a novelII. a social studies textbookIII. a magazine(A) I only(B) II only(C) I and III only(D) II and III only(E) I , II , and III With the invention of n

22、ew diving equipment, scientists have been able to study animals such as the octopus in their ocean habitat. Investigators have given tests to octopuses and found that their intelligence is high compared to that of other mollusks. In one interesting test, a live lobster was placed in a glass jar. In

23、the mouth of theLine 5 jar there was a cork stopper in which a small hole had been drilled. The jar was taken to sea and put in front of the entrance to the dwelling of an octopus. Octopuses like to eat lobsters, so in spite of the fact that it was surrounded by cameral, lights, and interested drive

24、rs, the octopus came out and threw itself upon the lobster. When it discovered that it could not reach its prey, it turned red with anger and surprise, for the octopus shows 10 its emotions by changing color. Normally, the octopus would have been able to paralyze its victim with the poison from its

25、salivary glands. But it could see the lobster was still moving around inside the jar. It became very impatient and began to explore the jar. The octopus then found the hole in the cork stopper and squeezed its arm inside. When the tip of the arm touched 15 the lobster and the lobster moved, the octo

26、pus looked electrified. It seemed to realized that the stopper could be moved and in a few minutes it had pulled the stopper out of the jar with one arm and collected the lobster with two others.14. The major purpose of the experiment described in the passage was to(A) study the emotions displayed b

27、y an octopus(B) discover how the octopus poisons its victims(C) test how the octopus solves problems(D) observe how the octopus between when surrounded by divers(E) discover whether the octopus attacks lobsters15. According to the passage, what was the octopus first reaction to the lobster?(A) explo

28、ring the jar(B) throwing itself on the jar(C) pushing its arm through the hole(D) pulling out the cork(E) eating it immediately16. The octopus shows its emotions by(A) attacking its enemies(B) hiding in caves(C) waving its arms(D) secreting poison(E) changing color17. It is implied in the passage th

29、at the octopus came out of its home because it(A) was interested in the scientists(B) wanted to play with the divers(C) was attracted by the lights(D) wanted to capture the lobster(E) was frightened by the cameras18. It can be inferred from the passage that the octopus “looked electrified” (line 15)

30、 because it(A) was surprised and excited(B) had been pinched by the lobster(C) had been electrically shocked(D) had become very frightened(E) was caught by the divers In China my grandmother loved the theater(which I , having been brought up inAmerica, would not have been able to understand because

31、of my limited vocabulary.)When the actors came to the village and set up their scaffolding, my grandmotherbought a large space up front. She would stay days and nights sleeping under the stars.Line 5 Unfortunately, there was danger that bandits, who followed the actors, would make raids on households thinned out during performances. “But, Grandmother,” The family complained, “the bandits will steal the tables while were gone. ” The family took the chairs to plays. “I want every last one of you at that theater. I dont wan

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