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外研版七年级英语上册 Module 10 Spring Festival教学设计.docx

1、外研版七年级英语上册 Module 10 Spring Festival教学设计Module 10 Spring FestivalUnit1 Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?1、(知识与技能)1)、学习本单元新单词: lantern dragon dance clean sweep floor cook meal speak happen ready festival quite beautiful away hard join hurry 2).重点短语: clean the house, cook the meal, get ready

2、for, learn a dragon dance, make lanterns, sweep the floor, Spring Festivalat the moment at work put away hurry up3)重点句式I am doingShe is doing.Is she doingWhat be sb doing?2、(过程与方法)通过本节课任务的驱动 ,小组合作学习的学习方法,可以培养和提高学生的合作探究能力,增强合作意识,培养学生的探究精神,培养学生的合作精神,培养学生的创新意识,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。3、(情感、态度与价值观)学生通过本模块的学习,了解英语

3、国家中重要的节假日及主要的庆祝方式;让学生乐于了解其他国家的重大节日,乐于参与相关的英语实践活动。【重点难点】掌握动词现在进行时的用法,并能在实际情境中简单地运用;能用所学的目标语言简单谈论家人正在做的事情和身边的人正在做的事情。【学法指导】课前在熟悉单词与对话的基础上认真完成自主学习内容并能把重点单词短语熟记于心,与小组成员团结合作完成合作探究内容,对未能解答的问题做上标记,完成后交组长检查登记打等级。课堂上,跟着老师的指导,完成听读训练,学习新的语法知识,并纠正自己在课前完成的任务。老师总结后学生完成检测反馈与总结提炼,完成后交老师打等级。导学过程方法导引【自主学习,基础过关】一 自主检测

4、预期目标1、掌握本节课词汇,能够听写本节的单词短语 2、能运用现在进行时进行简单的造句。预习检测:(学生轮流起来回答,可以整体把握学生的预习情况)1、填空。(1) My mother is (打扫) the house now.(2).We have three (餐) every day.(3).Are the twins making ( 灯笼 )now?(4).What do we often do at the Spring (节日).(5).They are ( 学 )English.(6).We like watching a ( 龙 ) dance.预习对话,完成课本上P60的活

5、动1 ,3。我的疑惑:【合作探究,释疑解惑】一新课导入:1、Lead in(播放歌曲“Happy New Year ”引出对新年的介绍,课件展示不同节日的图片让学生对传统节日有所了解。)2、Match the words with the pictures.(图片展示,引入重点短语的学习)。3、Ask and Answer: (师生问答,训练句型):A: What do you usually do to get ready for Spring Festival? B: I usually (clean the house, cook the meal, get ready for, lea

6、rn a dragon dance, make lanterns, sweep the floor, Spring Festival)4、以(pair work )的形式训练句型。精讲点拨:1、 现在进行时的用法(与一般现在时对比讲解):含义、句子构成、动词的现在分词的变化规则2、He is working = He is at work.【检测反馈,学以致用】(一)翻译下列短语1、打扫房子 2、做饭 3、学习舞龙灯 4、做灯笼 5、扫地 (二)选择:1.Look! What are the boys ?A. do B. does C. doing2.What your father ?A.

7、is, doing B. are doing C. is, do3. They are getting ready the festival.A. to B. for C. of4. Are the boys lanterns?A. make B. playing C. making5. What over there?A. is happening B. is happened C. happen【总结提炼,知识升华】1、 学习收获本节课要掌握些什么?掌握了多少?2、 需要注意的问题掌握现在进行时的一般疑问句及其回答(肯、否);明白现在进行时与一般现在时的区别【课后训练,巩固拓展】按要求改写

8、句子。1. Is your uncle making lanterns? (否定回答) _2. Shes sweeping the floor at the moment. (一般疑问句)_3. Theyre getting ready for the Lantern Festival. (划线部分提问)_4. They go shopping for presents. They get lots of food ready. (用and合成一句话)请根据表格内容完成句子。 Festival Time Special food (特别食物)The Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋

9、节)the fifteenth day of the eighth month (月份) of the lunar year (阴历)moon cakesThe Lantern Festivalthe fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar yearSweetDumplingsThe Dragon Boat Festivalthe fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar yearZongzi1. People usually eat _at the Mid-Autumn Festival.2. Th

10、e special food for the Lantern Festival is _.3. _ is on the fifth day of the fifth month of the lunar year.4. The fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year is _.5. The Mid-Autumn Festival is on _of the eighth month of the lunar year.【课后反思,自悟自励】先自主拼读单词,再跟点读笔读,纠正发音,熟读后完成自主检测题。熟读Activity3,总结出短

11、语以及重点句子,熟读并提出疑问。合作探究,需要小组成员配合完成,等级不等成员之间要蚃帮助,对完成的探究案,每个成员都要知道答案是怎样来的。在自主预习与老师的引导与补充后,完成当堂检测,并小组测评,打出分数,评出优胜小组课后练习部分试题由不同难度组成,注意难度比列,让不同层次学生能够学有所获,提高兴趣。除此之外老师可根据自己学生的情况安排教材和情景导学上的作业。Module 10 Spring FestivalUnit 2 Mymother iscleaningourhouseand sweeping away bad luck.【学习目标】1、(知识与技能)学习本单元新单词和短语: Chris

12、tmas February January before luck table celebrate traditional dumpling programme sweater coat mean lucky sweep away Merry Christmas on the same day have a look at a kind of dumpling重点句式: 1).My mother is cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck.2).It means lucky money . 3).We are celebrating Spr

13、ing Festival with a traditional family dinner on the evening before Spring Festival. 4) Theres so such delicious food.2、(过程与方法)通过本节课任务的驱动 ,小组合作学习的学习方法,可以培养和提高学生的合作探究能力,增强合作意识,培养学生的探究精神,培养学生的合作精神,培养学生的创新意识,提高学生解决实际问题的能力。3、(情感、态度与价值观)学生通过本模块的学习,了解英语国家中重要的节假日及主要的庆祝方式;让学生乐于了解其他国家的重大节日,乐于参与相关的英语实践活动。【重点难

14、点】能运用所学句型向他人介绍有关春节的习俗;能在写作中熟练、正确地运用连词and;理解和掌握现在进行时态和一般现在时态的用法和区别。【学法指导】课前在熟悉单词与课文的基础上认真完成自主学习内容并能把重点单词短语熟记于心,与小组成员团结合作完成合作探究内容,对未能解答的问题做上标记,完成后交组长检查登记打等级。课堂上,跟着老师的指导,完成听读训练,学习新的语法知识,并纠正自己在课前完成的任务。老师总结后学生完成检测反馈与总结提炼,完成后交老师打等级。导学过程方法导引【自主学习,基础过关】一 自主检测(一)写出下列相应的英语单词和短语。1.圣诞节 2.在二月 3.在一月 4.在之前 5.扫去 6.

15、运气 7.桌子 8.庆祝 9.传统的 10.饺子 11.(电视)节目 12.毛线衣 13.外套 14.意思是 15.幸运的 16.圣诞快乐 17.讲,告诉 我的疑惑:【合作探究,释疑解惑】1. 互相谈论Activity 1的图片上正在发生的事情。2. 阅读短文,将短文与图片配对。1.) Read the passage and match the paragraphs with the pictures in Activity1.2.) Check with a partner.3.) Call back the answers from the whole class.3. 听录音跟读,再阅

16、读完成Activity 3。1. )Play the recording.2.) Ask the students to read through the passage.3.) Complete the passage with the correct words and expression from the box in Activity 3.4. )Check with a partner.5.) Call back the answers from the whole class.4. 齐读Activity 4的短语并记忆,然后用短语造句并正确地使用连词and。1. Look at

17、the notes about Christmas in Britain.2. Match the notes with the headings.Getting ready Presents Traditional things on Christmas Day3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Writing1.Write sentences with the notes in Activity 4.Join two notes and write one sentences with and.2. Choose one of the

18、 headings in Activity 4 and write about Christmas in Britain.【检测反馈,学以致用】A) 根据句意和首字母写出单词,完成句子1. In China, we usually have three m_ every day. 2. Spring F_ is very important to all the Chinese people. 3. On New Years Eve, we eat d_ in China. 4. People celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ on C_ Day.5. M

19、y mother is busy _ (put) things away.6.This is Tony _ (speak).B) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空7. Chinese people like the red colour. It _ (mean) good luck in China.8. We are _ (get) ready for the English exam. 9. My father often _ (make) beautiful lanterns for me. 10. Would you like _ (sweep) the house with me? Su

20、re.11. Whats _ (happen) over there? Lets go and have a look. 【总结提炼,知识升华】学习收获本节课要掌握些什么?掌握了多少?理解和掌握本单元的重点词汇和句型的基本含义及用法。需要注意的问题进一步理解和掌握现在进行时态和一般现在时态的用法和区别;掌握连词and的用法。【课后训练,巩固拓展】A用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。1. Thank you for _ (send) me a postcard.2. We have lots of _ (tradition).3. Is she _ (enjoy) her visit?4. Li M

21、ing _ (lie) on the floor now.5. Can you _ (cook) the meal?6. Lucy _ (go) shopping every Sunday.7. This word _ (mean) “very good” in English.8 .Lets do _ (we) homework first.B 单项.选择题( )1. What do you do _ Spring Festivals Eve? A. on B. to C. in D. at( )2 . The children are _ behind the tree.A. siting

22、 B. swiming C. rideing D. sitting( )3. Is she opening the door? Yes,_. A. shes B. she is C. shes not D. she doesnt( )4.I _ the picture, but I cant _ any birds in it.A. look, see B. see, look C. look at, see D. see, look at( )5. Lucy and Lily _ a big bedroom. A. has B. is having C. are having D. have

23、( )6.“Red” can _ us good luck.A. take B. get C. bring D. carry( )7. Look! They are _ about American festivals. A. saying B. talking C. telling D. speaking( )8. We are _a school trip. A. in B. on C. at D. for( )9 . Dont read _ the sun.A. under B. on C. at D. in( )10. People run _ buses after work. A.

24、 after B. for C. about D. of( )11-What is your favourite _? -Dumplings. A. festival B. food C. drink D. animal( )12. .There are a few _ on the table. A. apples B. water C. juice D. milk( )13.-Happy New Year! -_ _.A. The same to you! B. Thank you. B. C. Im happy. D. You are right.( )14. Mike is from

25、America. He _ English. A. spoke B. speaks C. will speak D. to speak( )15. I like reading and _ music. A. listen to B. listens to C. listening D. listening to. C.完形填空。The Spring Festival is the Chinese 36 . It usually comes 37 February. Everyone in China 38 the Spring Festival very much. When the Spr

26、ing Festival comes, Li Lei usually 39 his parents clean their house and do some 40 and other housework. 41 that day everyone in China eats jiaozi, New Years cakes and some other 42 food. Li Lei likes New Years cake, but Han Meimei says jiaozi is 43 than New Years cakes. The Chinese people eat the Ne

27、w Years cakes and jiaozi 44 their houses. 45 happy they are!( )36. A.Christmas B.New Years Day C.Mid-Autumn Day ( )37. A.on C. in ( )38. A.likes C. liking ( )39. A.helping C. helps( )40. A.shops B.shoppings C. shopping ( )41. A.At B.In C. On ( )42. A.much B.little C. delicious( )4

28、3. A.nice B.nicer C. nicest ( )44 A. in C. outside ( )45.A. What B.How C. What a 【课后反思,自悟自励】先自主拼读单词,再跟点读笔读,纠正发音,熟读后完成自主检测题。熟读Activity2总结出短语以及重点句子,熟读并提出疑问。合作探究,需要小组成员配合完成,等级不等成员之间要蚃帮助,对完成的探究案,每个成员都要知道答案是怎样来的。在自主预习与老师的引导与补充后,完成当堂检测,并小组测评,打出分数,评出优胜小组课后练习部分试题由不同难度组成,注意难度比列,让不同层次学生能够学有所获,提高兴趣。除此之外老师可根据自己学生的情况安排教材和情景导学上的作业。

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