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1、建筑地盘工作安全 劳工处建築地盤工作安全及健康事項查核表CONSTRUCTION SITE SAFETY&HEALTH CHECKLIST勞工處職業安全及健康部 Occupational Safety and Health Branch Labour Department勞工處職業安全健康部引言在準備建築地盤進行工程前,請先核對一下下列各項工作 安全與健康要點,找出危害所在,加以評估和控制風險。這個查核表當然不是包羅萬有,若需要進一步的安全健康 資料,請與勞工處職業安全及健康部聯絡(請參看底頁)。我們建議的查核表須包括-1安全的工作場所 凡有新的工友到地盤工作,是否有妥善安排,使他們熟識 實際

2、環境。 工作場所及通道是否清理妥當及沒有阻塞。 支架是否有充分的支撐和不會負荷過重。 凡可以令人下跌超過2米的樓邊或其他地方的邊緣,是否 已裝設圍欄或屏障。 樓洞或其他孔穴是否已妥善地圍封或蓋好。 物料是否已安全地存放。 木板上突出的鐵釘是否已拔去或弄平。 黑暗或光線不足的工作地方,是否已設置充足的照明。 臨時的支架是否已有足夠的支柱使它穩固。 是否已裝設管道將垃圾卸下,避免將垃圾從高處傾倒。 是否已將垃圾集中處理和送走。 2棚架 是否已有安全通道上落棚架。 所有直杆是否已妥當地豎立及加設底板。 棚架是否已穩固地連接著樓宇外牆以防傾塌。 棚架是否已有足夠支撐令其穩固。 在有需要載重的地方,是否

3、已有承重的裝置。 工作平台是否已用木板密鋪。 鋪面的木板是否沒有明顯缺陷例如節疤等。 是否已做妥工夫使木板不會傾側或絆腳。 強風季節時木板是否已放妥。 凡工人可能下跌超過2米的棚架邊緣,是否已有足夠的圍欄 和踢腳板。 如果棚架在設計上是可以承托重物的,在負載物料時是否 已將物料平均擺放。 未曾搭好的棚架,是否已有有效的圍板或警告告示,防止 他人使用。 是否已有合資格的人建搭、更改及拆卸棚架。 是否已有合資格的人定期檢查棚架。 Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour DepartmentIntroductionThis guidance note

4、sets out the main points to consider when you are checking safety and health on your site before carrying out any work. It helps you identify the hazards and assess as well as control the risks.This note is not exhaustive. For further advice on safety and health, please contact the Occupational Safe

5、ty & Health Branch of the Labour Department, (see backcover).Our suggested checklist should cover -1 Safe place of work Arrangements are made to deal with workers new to the site. Working areas and walkways are level and free from obstructions. Structures are adequately braced and not overloaded. Ra

6、ilings or barriers are provided at all edges to prevent falls, especially when more than 2 m high. Openings or holes are securely fenced or covered. Materials are stored safely. Nails in timber are removed or hammered down. Adequate lighting is provided for work in the dark or poor light situation.

7、Props or shores are in place to make structures safe. Chutes for waste are provided to avoid materials from being throwing down. Waste is collected and disposed of properly. 2 Scaffolds Safe access is provided to the scaffold platform. All uprights are properly founded and provided with base plates.

8、 Scaffold is secured to the building by ties to prevent collapse. Scaffold is adequately braced to ensure stability. Loadbearing fittings are used where required. Working platforms are fully boarded. Boards are free from obvious defects such as knots. Arrangements are made to avoid tipping and tripp

9、ing of boards. Boards are fixed down in high wind situations or as part of typhoon warning precautions. Adequate guard rails and toe boards are provided at every side from which a person could fall 2 m or more. Scaffolds are designed and constructed for loading with materials, and the load is evenly

10、 distributed. Effective barriers or warning notices are provided to stop people from using an incomplete scaffold. Scaffold is erected, altered and dismantled by a competent person. Scaffold is periodically inspected by a competent person.勞工處職業安全健康部3.梯子梯子是否適宜使用在要進行的工作(應該先考慮使用棚架)。 梯子是否在良好的情況和適當地安放以方便

11、上落。梯子是否安放在平實的地面上。梯子是否已安放在結實的支點上。梯子是否固定在某靠近頂部或底部的一點上(衹有不可能 固定在頂部時,然後才固定在底部)。梯子的頂部是否最少高出梯子停著的支點平面或最高使用 的梯級1.05米。4.挖掘工程藏於地下的公共設施的位置,是否已經確定及加上標記。 是否已採取預防措施,以免影響地下公共設施。是否已採納安全的方法安裝及拆除木板支撐。斜坡或挖坑的傾斜度是否足夠以防坑邊泥土傾塌。是否由合資格的人最少每星期檢驗臨時坑穴的穩固情形一次。 進出挖掘場地的通道是否安全可靠。坑穴的邊緣是否已有圍欄或設置屏障,以防有人墮下。當坑穴有被水淹的危險時,是否已採取預防措施。堆積的物料

12、,廢料,或任何機械裝置是否已遠離臨時坑穴。坑穴的邊緣是否已放置木擋,以防車輛過度接近。當大雨過後,是否即時抽出坑穴內的積水。5.臨時支架及板模是否已檢查板模的設計及支撐。臨時支架或板模是否已安穩地架設在台階或適當的平台上。 支架及板模的底部和地面情況是否足以承托重物。使用的木板是否狀況良好。直撐是否垂直地豎立在底板上和適當地分列。直撐的栓子是否恰當。在准許落水泥前,板模是否已經由合資格的人根據批准的 設計檢查炎當。6.吊重機吊重機是否已由合資格檢驗員定期徹底檢驗。吊重機是否已由合資格的人定期檢查。吊重機是否已用穩固的欄柵圍封。在所有會停留的樓層包括地面的一層,是否已裝設閘門。 除吊重機台正停留

13、於某一樓層時,其它閘門是否已經關上。吊重機操作員是否已經接受訓練及能夠勝任這項工作及已足18歲是否已清楚地標明吊重機的安全操作負荷。不准載人的警告告示是否已張貼在物料吊重機的升降臺或斗上。Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour Department3.LaddersLadders are the right equipment for the job (use of scaffold should be considered first).Ladders are in good condition and properly positioned

14、for access. Ladders are placed on firm and level ground.Ladders are rested against a solid surface.Ladders are secured near the top or the bottom (only when fixing at the top is impracticable).Ladders are risen at least 1.05 m above their landing place or highest rung used.4.ExcavationsUnderground s

15、ervices are located and marked.Precautions are taken to avoid underground services.A safe method is used for putting in and taking out the timbering. Angle of batter is sufficient to prevent collapse of sloped back excavation.Excavations are examined by a competent person at least once in a week.Saf

16、e access is made to excavation.Railing or barriers are provided to stop people from falling in. Precautions are taken when there is risk of excavation flooding. Stacked materials, spoils or plants are placed away from the edge of the excavation.Stop blocks are provided at edge of excavation.Immediat

17、ely pump out rainwater after heavy downpour.5.Falsework and formworkThe design and the supports for formwork have been checked. Falsework or formwork is erected safely from steps or proper platforms.Bases and ground conditions are adequate for the loads. Timbers are in good condition.Props are plumb

18、ed, on level bases and properly set out. Correct pins are used in the props.Formwork is inspected by a competent person against the agreed design before permission is given to pour concrete.6.HoistsHoist is periodically and thoroughly examined by a competent examiner.Hoist is periodically inspected

19、by a competent person.Hoist is protected by substantial enclosure.Gates are provided at all landings, including ground level. Gates are kept shut except when the platform is at the landing. Operator is trained and competent, and aged 18 or above. Safe working loads are clearly marked.Warning notice

20、is posted on the platform or cage to stop people from riding on skip hoist.勞工處職業安全健康部7起重機械及起重裝置起重機械及起重裝置是否已由合資格檢驗員定期徹底檢驗。 起重機械及起重裝置是否已由合資格的人定期檢查。起重機的安全負荷自動顯示器是否已由合資格的人最少每 星期檢查一次。駕駛員是否已經接受訓練、能夠勝任這項工作及已足18歲。 所有機掣,包括控制杆、手掣、開關掣等,是否已清楚地標明。 貨物是否已安穩地系妥。是否已清楚地標明起重機的安全操作負荷。起重機械是否在平整的地面上操作。是否有足夠的空間以供安全操作。起重機械

21、是否有定期維修保養。起重裝置是否處於良好操作狀態之中。起重裝置是否已經由合資格檢驗員測試及徹底檢驗。8交通及車輛地盤之內是否已有分開供行人及車輛進出的地點和道路。 司機和操作員是否曾經接受適當的訓練。車輛是否有良好的維修。車輛上的貨物是否已經穩妥地擺放。地盤內的交通來往是否已有系統地安排以避免產生危險, 包括對行人的危險。車輛退後時是否已有曾受訓練的訊號員指揮。確定車身升起的部分是否已有適當承托然後讓人進入下面工作。9工業裝置及機械使用的工業裝置和機械是否適宜於所做的工作。危險部件是否已經有效地圍欄。護罩是否已穩固裝上及是否有良好保養。操作員是否已曾受訓練及能夠勝任。10槍彈推動打釘工具所有的

22、用具是否已獲認可。是否有遵從製造_的指示操作員是否已足18歲及持有合資格證明書。操作員是否明瞭使用槍彈推動打釘工具的危險及是否能夠 避免走火的情況。操作員是否已戴上護目鏡。工具是否有定期清潔。在不使用時,工具是否放在安全的地方。Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour Department7 Lifting appliances and lifting gear Lifting appliances and lifting gear are periodically and thoroughly examined by a competent ex

23、aminer. Lifting appliances and lifting gear are periodically inspected by a competent person. Automatic safe load indicator of a crane is inspected by a competent person at least once a week. The driver is trained and competent, and attains 18 of age. Controls (lever, handles, switches, etc.) are cl

24、early marked. The load is secured safely. Safe working load is clearly marked. Appliances are operated on a firm level base. Enough space is provided for safe operation. Lifting appliances are regularly maintained. Lifting gear is kept in good working order. Lifting gear is tested and thoroughly exa

25、mined by a competent examiner.8 Traffic and vehicles Separate pedestrian, vehicle access points and routes around the site are provided. Drivers and operators are properly trained. Vehicles are kept in good working condition. Vehicles are securely loaded. System to control on-site movements is in pl

26、ace to avoid danger, including to pedestrians. Reversing vehicles are controlled by properly trained signaller. Raised bodies of tipping lorries are propped before reaching under.9 Plant and machinery The right plant and machinery are used for the job. Dangerous parts are effectively guarded. Guards

27、 are secured and in good working condition. The operator is trained and competent.10 Cartridge-operated fixing tools Approved tools are used. Manufacturers instructions are followed. The operator attains 18 and holds a certificate of competency. The operator is aware of the dangers and able to avoid

28、 misfires. Goggles are worn by operators. Tools are cleaned regularly. Tools are kept in a secure place when not in use.勞工處職業安全健康部11電力總掣是否已有斷路裝置。是否已採取特別措施以保護手提電器及工具免於碰撞受損 和不受潮溫環境影響。所有設備、電線和電纜有沒有受損的跡象和不受電波影響。 接駁電源的插掣是否適當。插掣的接駁是否恰當,好讓電線被夾緊而避免地線會被 扯出。架空電纜的電源是否被截斷或是否已採取其他預防措施, 以避免起重機、升起車斗的貨車、或棚架等觸碰電纜或 引

29、起電弧。藏在地下的電纜是否已經確定位置及加上標記。有需要時,是否已採用工作許可證制度以確保安全。 12火 12.1 般情況下是否有足夠數量和合適的滅火筒。是否有足夠和清晰的走火通道。工人是否知道在緊急時如何應變。12.2易燃液體是否有適當的儲存地方。是否已將儲存量減至最低。是否已將火源遠離存放易燃液體的地方 是否已使用安全和適當的容器。12.3壓縮氣樽氣樽是否已適當地存放。氣閥是否在氣樽不使用時關上。12.4其他易燃物料是否將數量減至最少。是否已備有適當的廢料箱。是否定期將廢料移走。13噪音是否已評估噪音的危害。是否已在高噪音的裝置或機械裝上滅音器 工友是否已戴上認可聽覺保護器。Occupational Safety and Health BranchLabour Department

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