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1、新GRE官方指南真题解析V10By杭州新东方GRE教研组 新GRE官方指南真题解析Version 1.0 杭州新东方GRE/GMAT教研组全国首发 2011.4 杭州新东方官网 1 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! 杭州新东方GRE/GMAT名师团队(部分) 杭州新东方学校北美部主管,美国亚利桑那大学访问学者 主要教授GRE阅读,托福口语,SAT阅读等 个人主页: 微博: 浙江大学化学博士在读,杭州市英语演讲比赛冠军 参加国际学术会议交流,游历美亚欧数国,读万卷书,行万里路 主要教授GRE阅读,GMAT阅读,托福口语等 个人主页: 个人博客: 微博: 杭州新东方GRE/GMAT

2、项目主管兼紫金港校区负责人 新东方集团优秀教师 复旦大学国际工商管理硕士 主要教授GRE填空,GRE词汇,GMAT逻辑,托福词汇等 个人主页: 个人博客: 微博: 微博: 阅尽上万习作,深知中国学生的弱项,并加以改进。授课洋到底,土到家。相信知识改变命运,知识创造财富。 主授GRE写作/GMAT写作/TOEFL写作/SAT写作 浙江大学英语系(翻译方向)毕业,早在大三时就成为新东方一员,爱英语,爱东方,更爱学生。在Rachel的课堂里,没有过多的笑话,没有华丽的包装,只有静心学习的心态。 主要教授GMAT阅读,托福阅读,SAT阅读 浙江大学工商管理硕士,曾担任著名魔术师大卫科波菲尔来华演出翻译

3、。讲课风趣幽默,思路独树一帜,方法简单实用;使学生笑声忘记疲劳,用思考掌握知识,用技巧攻克考试。 主要教授GMAT语法,托福语法,托福听力 Aqa畲j裚R螎 复SuhcF杭州新东方官网 2 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! GRE? revised General Test 官方指南 填空部分解析 By陈少宇 P.54, SET1 1, Dominant interests often benefit most from _ of governmental interfere in business , since they are able to take care of t

4、hemselves If left alone. A, intensification 强化 B, authorization 授权 C, centralization 集中化 D, improvisation 即兴创作 E, elimination 消除 题型:同义因果since 思路:1, 题目逻辑结构A= since B 2, dominant interests= they=themselves 3, 空格* governmental interfere in business= left alone 4, 因为governmental interfere in business和le

5、ft alone为相反评价, 所以空格必为负评价词,选项E, elimination(消除)为正确答案 2, Kagan maintains that an infants reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or _ signs of adolescent anxiety. A, prophetic 先知的 B, normal 正常的 C, monotonous 单调的

6、 D, virtual 实质上的;虚拟的 E, typical 典型的 题型:同义并列 or 思路:1, 题目逻辑结构A or B 2, of childhood unhappiness = of adolescent anxiety 3,harbingers(先驱们)= 空格*signs 4,空格=选项A, prophetic(先知的) 3, An investigation that is _ can occasionally yield new facts, even notable ones, but typically the appearance of such facts is

7、the result of a search in a definite direction. A, timely 及时的 B, unguided 未被引导的 C, consistent 坚持的 D, uncomplicated 简单的 E, subjective 主观的 题型:反义转折 but 思路:1, 题目逻辑结构A, but B 杭州新东方官网 3 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! 2, new facts= such facts, yield= the result of, an investigation= a search 3, 空格= Not*in a defi

8、nite direction=选项B 4, It is (i) _ that so many portrait paintings hang in art museums, since the subject matter seems to dictate a status closer to pictures in the family photograph album than to high art. But perhaps it is the artistic skill with which the portraits are painted that (ii) _ their pr

9、esence in art museums. Blank(i) A, surprising 令人惊讶的 B, understandable 可以理解的 C, irrelevant 不相关的,不重要的 Blank(ii) D, challenged 挑战 E, justifies 证明正确 F, changes 改变 (i) 题型: 同义因果since + 反义直接对比morethan 思路:1,题目逻辑结构closer to A than to B 相当于 A=-B 2,空格(i)要表达出这种对比,所以空格(i)=选项A (ii) 题型:反义转折 but 思路:1,Not空格(i)= 空格(i

10、i) = Not surprising 2,可以让”their presence in art museums”达到 Not surprising状态的选项只 有E 5,In stark contrast to his later (i) _ , Simpson was largely (ii) _ politics during his college years, despite the fact that the campus he attended was rife with political activity. Blank(I) A, activism 行动主义,激进行动 B, a

11、pathy 冷漠 C, affability 和蔼 Blank(ii) D, devoted to 致力于 E, indifferent to 对冷漠 F, shaped by 被塑造 (i) 题型:反义直接对比 in contrast to,时间对比later 思路:1,题目逻辑结构In contrast to A,B,despite C 2,-A=B=-C 相当于 C= Not B= A 3,C= rife with political activity, 所以A=空格(i)= C= 选项A (ii) 题型:反义转折 but 思路:1,题目逻辑结构In contrast to A,B,de

12、spite C 2,-A=B=-C 相当于 C= Not B= A 3,C= rife with political activity, 所以B=空格(ii)= -C= 选项E 6,As my eyesight began to _ , I spent a lot of time writing about it both poem and “eye journals” describing what I saw as I looked out through damaged eyes. A, deteriorate 恶化 B, sharpen 变锋利 C, improve 改善 D, dec

13、line 下降 杭州新东方官网 4 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! E, recover 恢复 F, adjust 调整 题型:同义因果 思路:1,题目逻辑结构As A, B相当于A=B 2,空格=eyesight的性质 3,B部分的damaged eyes说明了eyesight的性质是“damaged”,于是选项A和D 是答案。 7,The judges standing in the legal community, though shaken by phony allegations of wrongdoing, emerged, at long last, _. A,

14、 unqualified 不合格,不胜任的 B, undiminished 未缩减的 C, undecided 未决定的 D, undamaged 未被破坏的 E, unresolved 未解决的 F, unprincipled 无原则的 题型:反义转折 思路:1,题目逻辑结构A though B相当于A=-B 2,B=shaken, A=Not shaken,所以选项B和D为答案。 8,Modern agricultural practices have been extremely successful in increasing the productivity of major foo

15、d crops, yet despite heavy use of pesticides, _ losses to diseases and insect pests are sustained each year. A, incongruous 不协调的 B, reasonable 合理的 C, significant 重大的 D, considerable 重要的,大量的 E, equitable 公平的 F, fortuitous 意外的,偶然的 题型:反义转折 思路:1,题目逻辑结构 A, yet (despite B,C) 2,C=-B=-A,且A= successful in in

16、creasing,B=heavy use of pesticides 3,C= 产量没有增加=用了大量杀虫剂(但产量没有增加) 4,空格用来加强loss,所以选项C和D是答案。 MAT语法,托福语法,托福听力 Aqa畲j裚R螎 复Suh杭州新东方官网 5 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! GRE? revised General Test 官方指南 填空部分解析 By陈少宇 P.60, SET3 1, It comes as no surprise that societies have codes of behavior; the character of the codes

17、, on the other hand, can often be _. A, predictable 可预言的 B, unexpected 意外的,意想不到的 C, admirable 令人钦佩的 D, explicit 明确的 E, confusing 令人困惑的 题型:反义转折 on the other hand 思路:1,题目逻辑结构 -A= on the other hand, B相当于 A=-B 2,A= no surprise, 所以 B= surprise 3,选项B是正确答案 2, Like Bela Bartok, Ruth Crawford not only brough

18、t a composers acumen to the notation of folk music, she also had a marked (i) _ the task. This was clear in her agonizing over how far to try to represent the minute details of a performance in a written text, and this (ii) _ makes her work a landmark in ethnomusicology. Blank(i) A, reverence for 对尊

19、敬 B, detachment from 对持有冷漠或超然的态度 C, curiosity about 对好奇 Blank(ii) D, fastidious 挑剔的,难以取悦的 E, didacticism 喜欢教训人,教训主义 F, iconoclasm 反传统,打破旧习 (i) 题型:同义递进 not only, also 思路:1,not only A, also B, 相当于A=B 2,空格(i)= acumen,所以最能和acumen(敏锐,聪明)构成同义递进只有选项A。 (ii) 题型:同义并列 and 思路:1,C, and D, 相当于C=D 2,this*空格(ii)= h

20、er agonizing(苦苦思索) 3,空格(ii)最近接选项D 3, Political advertising may well be the most (i) _ kind of advertising: political candidates are usually quite (ii) _, yet their campaign advertisements often hide important differences behind smoke screens of smiles and empty slogans. Blank(i) A, polemical 有争议的 B,

21、 effective 有效的 C, deceptive 欺诈的 ?蒆?Dy臌6o?3?旖K:1錵藍h糉爽q?盬?杭州新东方官网 6 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! Blank(ii) D, interchangeable 可互换的 E, dissimilar 不相似的 F, vocal 声音的 (i) 题型:同义解释 思路:1,A:B,yet C 相当于 A=Not C 2,空格(i)= hide important differences behind smoke screens,能够体现“烟幕之后 有重大不同之处”同义重复的选项只有C。 (ii) 题型:反义 思路:1,A

22、:B,yet C 相当于B=Not C 2,句意是“政治候选人们通常(ii) _,但他们的竞选广告在笑容和空洞口 号烟幕之后都隐藏着重大的不同。” 3,最优选项为B。句意连贯起来“(尽管)政治候选人们不尽相同,但他们(所 有人)的竞选广告在笑容和空洞口号烟幕之后都隐藏着重大的不同(指政治 许诺与真正目的不一致)。 4, Richard M. Russell said 52 percent of the nations growth since the Second World War had (i) _ invention. He said, (ii) _ research, the gove

23、rnments greatest role in assuring continuing innovation is promoting a strong, modern patent office. “Unless we can (iii) _ original ideas, we will not have invention,” Mr.Russell said. Speculating on the state of innovation over the next century, several inventors agreed that the future lay in givi

24、ng children the tools to think creatively and the motivation to invent. Blank(i) A, been at the expense of 以为代价 B, no bearing on 与无关 C, come through 通过而来 Blank(ii) D, in addition to restricting 除了限制之外 E, aside from supporting 除了支持之外 F, far from exaggerating 完全不夸大 Blank(iii)G, evaluate 评价 H, protect

25、保护 I, disseminate 散布 这道题通读之后,先选择关系最明确的空格(iii)来做 (iii) 题型:反义重复 思路:1, Unless A, B 相当于 A= Not B 2, 因为B=not have invention, 所以空格(iii)*original ideas=have invention 3, 只有选H,protect(保护)原创创意,我们才能有发明。 (i) 题型:同义并列重复 思路:1,因为末句表达的主旨是“创造和发明是好的”,也就是对保护发明进行了正 评价。所以第一至第三句与末句呈同义并列重复关系。 2,空格(i)符合“创造和发明是好的”含义的选项只有C。

26、(ii) 题型:同义并列重复 思路: 1, 空格(ii)也要表达“创造和发明是好的”的正评价态度,并且空格(ii)和“assuring continuing innovation”的施动主语都是”the government”。 2, 所以空格(ii)和“assuring continuing innovation”为同义重复。所以只有E为 正确答案。 e a good life for the majority of that nations pe*杭州新东方官网 7 后续版本将陆续推出,请大家关注杭州新东方,谢谢! 5, Statements presented as fact in a

27、patent application are (i) _ unless a good reason for doubt is found. The invention has only to be deemed “more likely than not” to work in order to receive initial approval. And, although thousands of patents are challenged in court for other reasons, no incentive exists for anyone to expend effort

28、 (ii) _ the science of an erroneous patent. For this reason the endless stream of (iii) _ devices will continue to yield occasional patents. Blank(i) A, presumed verifiable 被假设为可被证实的 B, carefully scrutinized 被仔细审查的 C, considered capricious 被认为反复无常的 Blank(ii) D, corroborating 证实,支持 E, advancing 促进 F,

29、 debunking 揭穿 Blank(iii)G, novel 新的 H, bogus 伪造的 I, obsolete 废弃的,过时的 (i) 题型:反义重复 思路:1, Unless A, B 相当于 A= Not B 2, 因为B= a good reason for doubt is found(可以被质疑), 所以空格(i)= 不可被质 疑。所以选项A为正确答案。 (ii) 题型:反义转折重复 思路:1,although A, B相当于 A=Not B 2,A= patents are challenged, B= no incentive exists to expend effort (ii) _ 3,空格(ii)=challenged,所以选项F, debunking(揭穿)为正确答案 (iii) 题型:同义因果重复 思路:1, 因为A, 所以B 相当于A=B 2, A=没有人有incentive去揭穿错误专利 3,选项H,

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