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1、T开头的英文单字T开头的英文单字單字詞類中文翻譯例句Ttablenoun桌子;餐桌1. We reserved a table for four at the restaurant.我們在餐館預訂了四人一桌的位子。2. His jokes set the whole table in an uproar.他的笑話逗得四座哄堂大笑。Taichungnoun台中1. I live in Taichung.我住在台中。2. Taichung is a nice city.台中是一個很不錯的城市。tailnoun尾部1. We were at the tail of the bus queue.我們立

2、在公車候車隊伍的末尾。2. The peacocks tail is very beautiful.孔雀的尾巴好漂亮。Tainannoun台南1. I live in Tainan.我住在台南。2. Tainan is a nice city.台南是一個很不錯的城市。Taiwannoun台灣1. I am from Taiwan.我從台灣來。2. I was born in Taiwan.我在台灣出生。Taiwanesenoun/verb台灣人,台灣話1. I can speak Taiwanese.我會說台灣話。2. I am Taiwanese.我是台灣人。takeverb拿,取1. Sh

3、e took his outstretched hand.她握住他伸出的手。2. She took a piece of paper and began to write a letter.她拿了一張紙,開始寫起信來talentnoun天才,天資1. He had a talent for music.他有音樂天才。2. She is a new diving talent.她是一個新的跳水天才。talkverb講話;談話1. They often talk about you.他們常常談起你。2. Dont talk so loud.談話聲音別這麼大。talkativeadj.話多的1. S

4、he is talkative.她話很多。2. Dont be talkative in the class.上課的時候不要話太多。talladj.身高;高大的1. Joe is as tall as Paul.喬與保羅一樣高。2. She is five feet tall.她身高五英尺。tangerinenoun橘子1. Tangerine is a kind of fruit. 橘子是一種水果。2. I love to eat tangerine.我喜歡吃橘子。tanknoun罐,箱,槽1. Every apartment house has a water tank on its ro

5、of.每棟公寓房子都有一個水塔。2. You can get some waters from that water tank.你可以在那個水槽取一些水。tapenoun/verb(錄音或錄影)磁帶1. We got all the conversation down on tape.我們把談話全部錄在磁帶上。2. I have a tape of the song.我有這首歌的錄音磁帶。targetnoun/verb目標1. He missed the target.他未擊中靶子。2. His target is to save $100 a week.他的目標是每週儲蓄一百元。taskno

6、un任務;工作;1. The task has been fulfilled.任務已完成了。2. She had the difficult task of pulling out all the weeds.她的苦差事是拔除所有的雜草。tastenoun/verb味道,滋味1. The liquid has a bitter taste.這種藥水有苦味。2. Please have a taste of this pudding.請嚐嚐這布丁。taxi = taxicab =cabnoun計程車1. I take taxi to the city this morning.我今天早上搭計程車

7、到市區。2. Taxi is a kind of transportation.計程車是一種交通工具。teanoun茶;茶葉1. I prefer tea to coffee.我喜歡茶勝於咖啡。2. Three teas and a coffee, please.請來三杯茶一杯咖啡。teachverb教,講授;訓練1. Ill teach you to swim.我教你游泳。2. What are you teaching this semester?你這學期教什麼課?teachernoun教師1. I am a teacher.我是老師。2. Who is your English teac

8、her?你的英文老師是誰?Teachers Daynoun教師節1. Today is Teachers Day.今天是教師節。2. Happy Teachers Day.教師節快樂!teamnoun隊;組;班1. John is a member of the school volleyball team.約翰是學校排球隊隊員。2. We are in the same volleyball team.我們在同一個排球隊。teapotnoun茶壺1. This is a very beautiful teapot.這是一個很漂亮的茶壺。2. I bought a teapot yesterd

9、ay.我昨天買了一個茶壺。tearnoun/verb撕開,撕裂眼淚;淚珠1. She tore the letter into tiny pieces.她把信撕得粉碎。2. The hot tears welled up in her eyes.熱淚湧上她的眼眶。teenagernoun年青人1. She is just a teenager.她只是一個年輕人。2. Teenagers like to go shopping.年輕人喜歡逛街。telephone =phonenoun/verb.電話1. I talk to him on/over the telephone.我在電話裡同他談過了

10、。2. You are wanted on the telephone.你的電話。televisionnoun電視1. She set the television to the Midnight News.她將電視機調到午夜新聞檔。2. Television advertising boosted their sales.電視廣告促進了他們的銷售。tellverb告訴;講述1. He told us how the accident happened.他告訴我們那次事故是怎麼發生的。2. She told me that she would be back in an hour.她告訴我她一

11、個小時內就會回來。temperaturenoun溫度,氣溫1. The temperature dropped abruptly.氣溫驟然下降。2. A nurse took his temperature.護士為他量體溫。templenoun寺院,寺廟1. There is a Buddhist temple in this town.在這個鎮上有一座佛教寺廟。2. There is a temple near our house.我家附近有一座寺廟。tennumber/pron./noun/adj十1. She is ten years old.她今年十歲。2. I have ten br

12、others and sisters.我有十個兄弟姊妹。tennisnoun網球1. We played tennis in the park.我們在公園裡打網球。2. Tennis is my favorite sport.網球是我最喜歡的運動。tentnoun帳篷,帳棚1. Tents are used by campers and by soldiers in the field.露營的人和戰地的士兵用帳篷。2. Before it got dark the campers put up their tent in a field.天黑前,野營者在地裡搭起了帳篷。termnoun/ver

13、b學期專門名詞,術語1. Are there any examinations at the end of term?學期結束時有考試嗎?2. I am not familiar with chemical terms.我不熟悉化學術語。terribleadj.可怕的,嚇人的,可怖的1. It was a terrible blow to him.這對他是一個可怕的打擊。2. Im afraid we have made a terrible mess in your room.恐怕我們把你的房間搞得一團糟了。terrificadj.很好的,非常的,1. That show was terri

14、fic!那場秀真棒啊!2. I saw a terrific movie last night.我昨晚看了一場很棒的電影。testnoun/verb試驗;化驗1. We are to have a history test next week.下周我們有歷史測驗。2. He had a blood test.他驗過血了。textbooknoun教科書1. I need to buy some textbooks before class starts.在課程開始前,我需要買一些教科書。2. Read textbooks carefully before you take the exam.在考

15、試前要先好好閱讀教科書。thanconj./prep.比1. I am taller than you.我比你高。2. She is younger than you.她比你年輕。thanknoun/verb感謝1. I cant thank you enough.我對你真是感激不盡。2. Thank you for telling me.謝謝你告訴我。Thanksgiving Daynoun感恩節1. Today is Thanksgiving Day.今天是感恩節。2. Happy Thanksgiving Day!感恩節快樂!that conj./prep.那;那個1. Thats my

16、 English teacher over there.那邊是我的英文老師。2. Who told her that?那是誰告訴她那件事的?theart那,那個1. Please put that apple on the table.請把那個蘋果放在桌上。2. She is the girl who wears sunglasses. 她就是那個戴著太陽眼鏡的女孩。theater =theatrenoun劇場;電影院1. Lets go to the theater.我們看戲去吧。2. Hes interested in the theater.他對戲劇感興趣。theirdeterminer

17、他們的1. They have their own house.他們有他們自己的房子。2. Their son is ten years old.他們的兒子已經十歲了。thempron.(they的受格)他們;她們1. I cant find my keys. I forget where I put them.我找不到鑰匙了。我忘了把它們擱在哪兒了。2. Sam and Joe are good students. I always study with them.山姆和橋都是好學生,我都和她們一起唸書。themselvespron.(反身代名詞)他們自己;她們自己1. The teache

18、r told the children to behave themselves.老師叫孩子們規矩一點。2. The boys hurt themselves sliding downhill.男孩子們滑下山時傷著了自己。thenadv/adj那時,然後1. He worked in that factory then.他那時在那個工廠工作。2. They chatted for a while and then went to work.他們聊了一會兒,然後上班去了。thereadv./pron.在那裡;到那裡1. She lives there.她住在那裡。2. Youve got a p

19、oint there.你這話有道理。thereforeadv.因此1. He was down with the flu, and therefore couldnt come to the party.他患了流行性感冒,因此未能前來參加宴會。2. I got sick yesterday, therefore I was absent from class.因為昨天生病,因此缺席了。thesepron./adj. 這些的;這1. These are hers.這些是她的。2. These books are a bit difficult for schoolchildren.這些書對小學生

20、太難了一點。theypron.(主格)他們;她們1. The children are at school. They will be home around four.孩子們在學校裡上課。他們四點左右回家2. They say another school will be built here.thickadj.厚的;粗的濃的,濃厚的1. How thick is the board?這塊木板有多厚?2. It is dangerous to drive in a thick fog.在濃霧天駕車很危險。thiefnoun小偷1. The thief was caught in the ac

21、t.小偷當場被捕。2. One thief was caught by a police yesterday.昨天有一位警察抓到了一位小偷。thinadj.薄的;細的稀疏1. She looks thinner than before.她看上去比過去瘦了。2. He has thin hair.他頭髮稀疏。thingnoun物,東西1. I cant see a thing in the dark room.屋子裡黑漆漆的,我什麼也看不見。2. We asked our group leader what was the next thing we had to do.我們問了組長下一步要做什

22、麼。thinkverb想;思索1. Think how much you can earn if you open a restaurant in such a good location.想一想,要是你在這樣的黃金地段開一家餐館,你會賺多少錢啊。2. At first he thought to tell her then he changed his mind.他原來打算告訴她的,後來改變主意了。thirdadj./adv./noun第三1. He was the third in the speech contest.他在演講比賽中獲得第三名。2. I am the third chil

23、d in my family.我是家中的第三個小孩。thirstyadj.口乾的,渴的1. Salty food makes you thirsty.吃咸的食品會令你口渴。2. She was thirsty for power.她渴望權力。thirteennumber/pron./noun/adj.十三1. She is thirteen years old.她今年十三歲。2. She has thirteen pencils.她有十支鉛筆。thirtynumber/pron./noun/adj.三十1. My older brother is thirty years old.我哥哥今年三

24、十歲。2. There are thirty students in my class.我班上有三十名學生。thispron.這,這個,這人,這事1. Look at this.瞧瞧這個。2. This is how we got to know each other.以上就是我們認識的經過情形。thosepron.那些1. Those apples are rotten.那些蘋果爛了。2. Those are their rooms.那些是他們的房間。thoughconj./adv.雖然;儘管然而,還是1. Though he is rich, his life is not happy.他

25、雖然很有錢,但生活並不幸福。2. It was a hard job, he took it though.這是份苦差事,可他還是接受了。thoughtnoun思維;思考,考慮1. After serious thought, he decided to accept their terms.經認真考慮,他決定接受他們的條件。2. Please write and let me have your thoughts on the matter.請寫信讓我知道你對此事的看法。thousandnumber/pron./noun/adj.成千的;許許多多的,無數的1. The town has a population of ten thousand. 這個鎮有一萬人口。2. The flood took away thousands of lives.洪水奪走了成千上萬人的生命。threenumber/pron./noun/adj.三1. I have three sisters.我有三個姊妹。2. There are three people in my family.我家有三個人。throatnoun喉嚨1. I have a sore throat.我喉嚨痛。2. She sang at the top of her throat.她放開嗓門大聲歌唱。

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