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一对一七年级英语下 Module 10 A Holiday Journey.docx

1、一对一七年级英语下 Module 10 A Holiday Journey个性化教学辅导教案 学科:英语(下) 任课教师: 授课时间: 姓名 年级 七年级性别 女总课时 第 5次课教学目标1.能够熟悉的掌握Module10单元重点单词和短语;2.能够在现实情景中熟练的运用Module 10重点句型。难点重点教学重点:Module 10重点单词和短语。教学难点:一般过去时(4)一般过去时的特殊疑问句,注意不同疑问词的意义及其回答方式。课堂教学过程 课前 教学反馈 检查作业布置安排:作业完成情况:优 良 中 差 建议 任课教师反馈情况:过程Module 10 A Holiday Journey 课

2、前检测一 讲解上一次课的习题。二 朗读Module 9的课文、单词、词组。(看书本和资料)三 听写Module 9的单词、词组。 四 根据首字母、中文或句意提示,写出单词。1. Student often go to school in S_.2. Now China is b_ more and more famous in the world.3. Mr. Smith isnt r_. he has no money.4. He is the boss of the company, and he is also the f_ of the company.5. “ When did yo

3、u j_ the league(团)?” “In2004.”6. Would you like to listen to a c_ in the park? Youll enjoy the music very much7. I did some s_ with Mum yesterday evening. We bought a lot of things.8. Our holiday was very i_. We all had a good time.9. I worked so long that I was very t_.10. My grandpa goes out for a

4、 w_ after super every day.知识讲解必须记的重点单词Pacific 太平洋的, so 那么, guess 猜, excited 激动的, arrive 到达, relax 放松, world-famous举世闻名的, French 法国的, sell sold sold 卖, top顶端, till直到, light电灯,wonderful绝妙的,palace宫殿必须记的短语be/ go on holiday度假,go there到达那里,how long 多久,drive sb. To sp.开车带某人去某地,have a good time= enjoy onese

5、lf玩得开心,the day before yesterday前天,by plane乘飞机,such as 例如,take a walk散步,do some shopping购物,first of all首先,wait in line排队等候,take a holiday tour乘船观光经典句型1.It has many world-famous works of art, such as the Mona Lisa.2.This morning we took a walk.3. I hope youll like it!4. Tomorrow were going to visit a

6、famous palace and take a boat tour on the River Seine.5.We waited till all the lights were on. 6. There were lots of tourists, so first of all, we had to wait in line for an hour.课文重点内容精讲1. Howlongdidittaketogetthere?用了多长时间到那里?take在这里是“持续,花费(时间)”的意思。如:ittakessb.timetodosth.花费某人时间去做-sb.spendstime(in)

7、doingsth.某人花费-时间去做-sb.spend+(时间,金钱)onsth某人花费-金钱去做-Ittookustheworkers30minutestowalktothefactory.走路到工厂花费了工人们30分钟的时间。Ittakesme3hourstogotoschool.=Ispendtwohoursgoingtoschool.去学校花费了我三个小时的时间。物+cost+sb.+钱某物花费某人多少钱人+pay+钱+for+sth.某人花费钱买某物2. drivesb.+地点地点搭某人到某地Hisdaughterdrovehimtothetrainstati

8、on.她女儿送他到火车站。3. howlong用了多长时间howsoon还要多长时间howoften多久一次(表示频率)-HowlongwillyoustayinBeijing?你将待在北京多久?-Aboutaweek.大约一周。4. getto+地点 arrivein/at+地点到达某地reach+地点Mr.WangwillgettoHainanintwodays.Mr.WangwillreachHainanintwodays.Mr.WangwillarriveinHainanintwodays.王先生两天后将会到达海南。5. for可接表示时间的词,表示一段时间Thefamilylivei

9、nWuhanfor400years.这家人在武汉住了40年。6. dosomeshopping购物dosomereading阅读dosomecleaning做卫生dosomecooking炒菜do+doing做-7. havetodosth.不得不做某事Wehadtostaytherefor1hour.我们不得不在那里等一个小时。8. inline排队waitinline排队等9. suchas+名词、代词或doingforexample+句子或一个例子,前后有逗号如;Englishisspokeninmanycountries,suchasAustralia,Canadaandsoon.10

10、.twoyearsago两年前11.onthesameday在同一天12.Whowaswithyou?谁和你一起?13.attheairport在机场14.Howwasyourjourney?Itwasgreat.15.goforawalk/ride/swim去散步/兜风/游泳 takeawalk散步16.byplane=onaplane=byair乘飞机17.takelotsofphotos/pictures照很多相片takephotosof+sth./sb/给照相如;WetookalotofphotosoftheGreatWall.18.flytosw.飞往某地flyhome(不用to)1





15、. 单选题1. What did you do last night? -I _ TV with my family.A. watch B. am watching C. watches D. watched2. -_ did you have the party last night? -In the park.A. Where B. When C. Which D. Why3. -What do you think of the 3D film Titanic last night? -Its_.A. boring B. wonderful C. strange D. terrible4.

16、 I hope you can _ the airport on time.A. get B. reach to C. arrive at D. arrive in5. What are you going to do? -I am going to buy a book _ my sister. A. to B. for C. of D. at6. -Lets _ about the plan. Can you _-English? -Sorry, I cant. May I _ it in Chinese?A. talk; speak; say B. say; speak; speakC.

17、 talk; speak; speak D. say; say; speak7. Tom waited _his mother came back. A. till B. on C. with D. so8. When the lights were_, the film was over.A .in B. on c. for D. out9. I dont think there are _good things in the market.A. so B. such C. very D. as10._ the afternoon of June 2nd, many foreigners a

18、rrived _Shanghai.A. In at B. On to C. In; in D. On; in二. 按要求改写下列句子1. They arrived in Beijing ten minutes ago. (改为同义句)They _ Beijing ten minutes ago.2. She went for a walk after supper. (改为否定句)She _ _for a walk after supper.3. It took me half an hour to mend the car. (改为同义句) _ _ half an hour _ the ca

19、r.4. I bought her a bike yesterday. (改为同义句) I bought a bike _ _ yesterday.5. She read a storybook in class yesterday. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ a storybook in class yesterday?三. 完形填空Last Saturday, Tony went to see Benny. But he didnt know 1 Benny lived. 2 the way, he stopped in front of a yellow house, and as

20、ked an old woman the 3 to Bennys house. “ His house is not far from my house, ” said the woman. “ Its behind the trees. But you cant get there 4 .You can go there by bus. Itll 5 you hours to get there 6 foot. ” “ Whats 7 with her? ” Tony thought. “I can see Bennys house from here now. Its behind the

21、 8 .”Then Tony walked to the other side of the trees. He found the old woman was 9 .There was a river in front of him, and he couldnt see a boat. The house was on the other side of the 10 . 1. A. what B. where C. how D. why2. A. By B. On C. Near D. In 3. A. place B. house C. bus D. way4. A. well B.

22、now C. easily D. hurry5. A. spend B. take C. bring D. carry6. A. in B. on C. by D. with7. A. matter B. trouble C. wrong D. right8. A. houses B. rivers C. trees D. boats9. A. right B. good C. wrong D. fine10. A. road B. street C. tree D. river四. 阅读理解AMrs. Black was a poor old woman and she lived in a

23、 small village. Her husband died ten years ago. But she had a 24yearold daughter. Her name was Alice. She worked in New York and lived there. It was far away from her mothers village, and she was not happy about this. One day Alice said to her mother, “Ive found a good job in Boston, and I can make

24、a lot of money there, so I will go to work in Boston next week. But dont worry, Mum, Ill send you some money every week,”A month later, Mrs. Black was very angry. She decided to go to see her daughter in Boston on a train. When she saw her daughter , she said , “Alice , why do you never call me ?”Al

25、ice laughed , “But mother ,” she said , “ you havent got a telephone .”“No”, she answered , “I havent , but you have got one .”1. Mrs. Black lived _.A. in Canada B. in Australia C. in England D. in America 2. Mrs Black lived _.A. alone(单独) B. with her husband C. with her daughter D. with her mother

26、3. Alice went to work in Boston because _.A. New York was too far from her mothers villageB. Boston was near her mothers villageC. she had found a good job thereD. she thought Boston was a quiet and nice place4. A month later, Mrs. Black went to see her daughter in Boston _.A. by air B. by train C.

27、by bus D. by ship5. Alice had never telephoned her mother because _.A. she didnt have time to do so B. her mother didnt have a telephoneC. she didnt want to spend money on calling D. her mother didnt know how to make a telephone call BMr.Wu: Good morning, Bruce. Sit down, please. May I ask you some questions? Bruce: Certainly. What do you want to know? Mr.Wu: First, when were you born, Bruce? Bruce: On June 22,1990. Mr.Wu: Secondly, where were you born? Bruce: In Sydney, Australia.

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