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1、英语阅读训练归纳概括主题英语阅读训练-归纳概括主题 ( Title and Main Idea )归纳概括中心主旨的题目是高考必考题目,考查考生通过阅读理解,总结归纳,找出文章中心意思的能力。要做好这类题考生必须区分主要信息和次要信息;既看到树木,更看到森林;要跳出一词一句,而俯瞰全文;要通读全文,通篇理解。 找出主题句(topic sentence) 是一个有用的方法。 中心意思(main idea)通常是一个完整的句子,它应能全面准确地概括文章的中心主旨;最佳题目(the best title)可以是一个短语词组,它除能概括文章的中心主旨外,还有吸引读者,引发阅读兴趣的任务。考察文章主题的

2、提问方式常用的有:The subject of the passage is _.The main idea is _.The title is _.The passage mainly talks about _.What topic is treated in this passage _.The point of the passage is that _.Whats the topic of the first paragraph?The best headline for the passage would be _.Which title best gives the idea o

3、f the passage?Whats the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?1. 主题句位于段首其特点是演绎式,开门见山提出论点,再分别说明。例如:People have known about gold for a very long time(主题句). The early cave people knew of gold(论据). Gold cups were used by people who lived more than 5,000 years ago(论据). Gold neckla

4、ces and other things made of gold have been found in Egypt. They are also more than 5,000 years old(论据).Q: The main idea of the passage is _. A. gold is widely used B. many things can be made of gold. C. gold was known by people long times ago. D. gold was found 5,000 years ago分析 第一句是文章的主题句,其后分3个论据来

5、论叙这一主题。答案C与文章主题同义。在阅读中要注意,所有用语证明论点的根据和理由都应具一定的逻辑关系。我们可以按照这种逻辑关系推断出结论。 2. 主题句位于段尾其特点是归纳式,即细节在前,概括在后。例如:One of the most important uses of gold is for money. Gold can be used to make rings, earrings, and other things. Gold is also used to make gold leaf, a very flat ribbon (带)of gold that is often used

6、 on picture frames. Cups and dishes can also be made from gold. Gold has many uses.Q: The best title of this passage is _. A. the most important uses of gold B. wide uses of gold C. many things made of gold D. the importance of gold.分析 这一段是从金子最主要的用途谈起,然后用also, often等词列举出其他用途,最后归纳出 “gold has many use

7、s”这一主题,与B选项一致。 3. 主题句位于段中其特点是:引题主题解释或提问回答解释。例如:A port is a place where ships stay when they are not sailing. Ships usually load or unload at a port. So, a spaceport is a place where “spaceships” stay when they are not flying. It has special buildings where the spaceships are kept. It also has suppli

8、es needed for space travel.Q: The passage mainly tells us _. A. what a spaceport is B. that a port is a place where ships stay C. that a spaceport is a special building D. what a port and a spaceport are分析 本段是由“港口是船不航行时停留的地方” 这一人人都明白的概念引出 “宇航港是宇宙飞船不飞行时停留的地方” 这一抽象难懂的概念,进而加以解释。其中心就是向人们介绍什么是宇航港,所以A选项是主

9、题。 4. 首尾呼应的主题句通常是指文章开头和结尾相互对应。了解这一点有利于根据文章开头和结尾进行综合推理。例如: Shu Pulong has helped at least 1,000 people bitten by snakes. “It was seeing people with snake bites that led me to this career.” he said. “The sad story touched me so much that I decided to devote myself to helping people bitten by snakes.”

10、Shu said.Q: What do you think the writer talks about in the missing part of the article? A. The sad story of the people bitten by snakes. B. How did Shu help the people? C. Why did Shu help the people? D. How much did Shu like his career?分析 从文章开头“看到被蛇咬伤的人们使我选择了这一职业”和段末“这悲惨的故事使我如此震动,因此我决定把一生献给这些人们”可以

11、看出本文的主题是“苏普龙如何成为蛇医”。那么中间一段是说明“那悲惨的故事”的,答案是A。 5. 无主题句 依据文中事实,细节,观点,综合归纳成一般概念。例如: Good afternoon. This is your captain speaking. We have been warned of the danger of strong air turbulence ahead for the next forty miles or so. Passengers are therefore strongly asked to remain in their seats with their

12、seatbelt on for their safety and not to use the restrooms during that dangerous period if at all possible. During the time young children should be firmly fastened into their seats. Please observe these precaution until the seatbelt warring sign has gone off. Lunch will be served after we have passe

13、d through the air turbulence zone. Thank you.Q: The best title for this passage would be _. A. The Captain and the Passengers B. Something About the Strong Air Turbulence C. For your Own Safety D. Dont Move Around and Keep Still 分析此文是一篇广播通知,告知旅客飞机可能遇到强气流前的注意事项,完全出于安全考虑,由此可判断此文的中心是选项C所给内容。此问不是知识介绍,不选

14、B。答案D中心不突出,不明确,旅客一听或许以为是飞机被劫持了。 Reading Training Course Paragraph 1 What are the tallest plants in the world? Many people would say that giant redwood trees of California. Actually, the tallest plants are in the oceans. These are seaweeds that grow almost seven hundred feet tall. Compared to this he

15、ight, the giant redwoods are pygmies of only four hundred feet. To get some idea of these heights, consider the Statue of Liberty. This huge figure rises only three hundred feet. 1. The passage can be entitled _.A. Redwoods in California B. The Statue of LibertyC. Seaweed D. The Tallest PlantsParagr

16、aph 2We think of a flood or an earthquake as a natural disaster. To many of nature s animals, however, the greatest disaster is the coming of large numbers of humans. When settlers came from the East to America s great western plains, they killed millions of bison, poisoned the prairie dogs, and sho

17、t the coyotes. All this upset the areas balance of nature. For the animals, it was worse than a flood or earthquake.2. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. Nature Balance Itself B. Floods and EarthquakesC. American Settlers D. Humans-a Disaster to Nature Paragraph 3When a piec

18、e of paper burns, it is completely changed. The ash that is left behind does not look like the original piece of paper. When dull-red rust appears on a piece of tinware (锡制品), it is quite different from the gleaming tin. The tarnish that forms on silverware is a new substance unlike the silver itsel

19、f. Animal tissue (组织) is unlike the vegetable substance from which it is made. A change in which the original substance is turned into a different substance is called a chemical change.5. The author writes this passage to tell us _. A. how paper burns B. that dull-red on tinware is unlike tin itself

20、 C. that animal tissue is different from plants D. what a chemical change isParagraph 4 One of the most important weapons used during the Second World War was not a weapon used against people, but rather a drug used against disease. The wartime use of penicillin saved thousands of lives. In the Firs

21、t World War, for example, pneumonia was responsible for eighteen percent of all the deaths in the United States army. In the Second World War, the rate went down to less than one percent. In addition, penicillin was instrumental in keeping wounds from getting infected and in helping to speed the hea

22、ling process of those wounds that did become infected.1. which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A. A Dangerous Weapon B. Guns in the Second World War C. A Terrible Pneumonia D. An Important DrugParagraph 5 It is possible to do many simple tricks with numbers. Here is one tri

23、ck. It has several separate steps. First, write down your house number. For example, if your address is 73 Lemon Street, you would write down 73. After you write down your house address, next double it. Then add five to this doubled number. For example, if your address was 73 and you doubled it, you

24、 would get 146. Then, if you added five, youd get 151. Then multiply this number by 50. In our example here, youll get 7550. The next step is to add your age to this total. For example, if youre 26 years old, you should add 26 to this total. In our example here, the result would be 7576. After that

25、you have to add the number of days in a year, which is 365. In our example here, 365 added to 7576 is 7941. The final step is this: Subtract 615 from the number that you have. Take away 615 from the total, In our example, 7941 minus 615 is 7326. The result here - 7326 - is the trick. The first part

26、of the number is the address and the last part of the number is the age of the person. That is, 73 is the address that we started with, and 26 is the age that we used. 5. The best title of the passage is _. A. The number tricks B. A trick with numbers C. An interesting problem D. How to work out a d

27、ifficult trickPassage 6An Australian wildlife park attendant survived a crocodile attack after her father jumped on the huge crocodiles back and dugout its eyes as the horrified tourists looked on. Karla Bredl, 21, was in a fairly good condition in good care in hospital with a broken bone, a broken

28、leg and some injuries after the attack. The 4.5 - metre crocodile caught Karla Bredl around the leg and then the waist when she fell during a crocodile feeding show for tourists. Karlas father seized a long-handled tool and beat the crocodile about the head to force it to let go of her, but the tool

29、 was doing nothing. So he jumped on its back and stuck his fingers in its eyes and the crocodile let go of her.1. The best title of the passage is _. A. The Hateful Crocodile B. Father Saved Daughters Life C. A Terrible Accident D. The Dangerous Place猜词法(Meanings Guess)该题型常见的设题方式有: 1.The word_could

30、best be replaced by_. 2.Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word_. 3.By_the writer means_. 4.In the _paragraph, the word_ means (refers to )_. 5.The underlined word_is closest in meaning to _.方法1:定义,解释法(Definition)通过下定义的方法,来解释说明某个生词或短语的意义。信息词:is, was, means, that is, that is to say,

31、in other words, refer to . 1. A biography is the story of a persons life written by another. 2. To boycott a store means to refuse to shop in the store.No.1(NMET 1998 B篇)He was one of 80 middle school students from China attending a month-long Youth Summit. .The Youth Summit was aimed at increasing understanding and friendship between young students of the two countries through visits and discussion. 55.The words Youth Summit refer

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