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高二英语上Unit6Space exploration 基础知识梳理.docx

1、高二英语上Unit6Space exploration 基础知识梳理教师辅导讲义 年 级:高二 课时数:3 辅导科目:英语 课 题Unit 6: Space exploration 基础词汇梳理教学目标1 使学生能够基本掌握unit6中的基础词汇及其拓展用法;2 帮助学生梳理课文中的一些重点句型,并且会做一些基础的单选题。教学内容Step1: Greetings & Free talk Is there something interesting or important this week? Step2: Warming up.The Laziest Man on the FarmA far

2、mer had ten employees on his farm, and none of them was as energetic as the farmer thought he should be. He hit upon a plan which he believed would cure them of their lazy habits.Men, he said one morning, I have a nice, easy job for the laziest man on the farm. Will the laziest man step forward?Inst

3、antly, nine of the men stepped forward.Why dont you step to the front with the rest? inquired the farmer of the remaining one.Too much trouble, came the reply.Step3: Key words and expressions of this Unit 1. Mars火星In Roman Mythology, Mars was referred to as the God of War. 在罗马神话中,火星代表着战神。【拓展】 Martia

4、n adj火星的 n火星人Exactly speaking, a Martian day lasts 24. 629 9 hours. 确切地说,一个火星日有24. 629 9小时。 On October 31, 1938 the radio warned the people that Martians would invade New Jersey. 1938年10月31日,电台警告人们说,火星人要侵入新泽西州。2. transform v转变,使变态,使改变性质,改造,改革Success and wealth transformed his character. 成功和财富使他的性格发生

5、了改变。【搭配】 transforminto改变成;转变成 Last year, the city spent several million dollars transforming this area into a commercial. 去年市府花了几百万美元将这一地区改造成商业区。 【拓展】 transformation n. 变化 In the last five years, he has undergone a personal transformation. 在过去的五年中,他经历了一次个人转型。3convert vt(常与into连用)转变;变换;兑换That buildin

6、g has been converted into a luxurious hotel. 那栋建筑被改造成了一栋豪华宾馆。 1 want to convert so me Euros into American dollars. 我想把一些欧元兑换成美元。【辨析】transform与convert意义上的区别transform指“人、物在性质上或形态上发生彻底或基本的变化”把一种形式的能变成另一种形式的能convert指“使某物从一种状态或情况转变为其他状态或情况”特指“适用于新的用途或目的而转变” We converted boxes into furniture. 我们把这些盒子做成一些家

7、具。 Only scientists can transform one form of energy into another. 只有科学家才能把一种形式的能转换成为另一种形式的能。4. conduct1) vt.引导,管理,为人,传导Your children conduct themselves well.= Your children behave themselves well你的孩子们行为规矩。【拓展】 常用动宾搭配conduct electricity 导电conduct an experiment 做实验conduct a survey 进行调查conduct ones bus

8、iness 做生意 Everyday a small group of scientists go into a think tank to conduct experiment. 每天,一小组科学家加入智囊团进行实验。 Wood cannot conduct electricity, no more can glass. 木头不能导电,玻璃也是如此。 2) n行为;举止;举动;品行 His conduct disagrees with his words. 他的言行不一致。 【拓展】 conductor n 1) 乐队指挥,售票员 the conductor of an orchestra

9、乐队指挥 a bus conductor 公交车售票员 2) 电导体 Copper is a good conductor of heat. 铜是很好的导热体。 5. landing n登陆 The planes landing was delayed because of a heavy fog. 飞机因大雾而推迟降落。【搭配】 emergency landing 紧急降落 hard/tough landing 航空 硬着陆 make a safe landing 安全着陆 When the engine trouble occurred, the pilot saw that the be

10、st way was to make an emergency landing, 发动机发生故障时,飞行员意识到紧急降落是上策。【拓展】 land v着陆;登陆;(自船上)卸货 take off (飞机)起飞 The jet landed after a flight of just under three hours. 在飞行不到3小时之后,他们的喷气式飞机着陆了。 He landed his troops on the west shore. 他让他的部队在西海岸登陆。 The ship landed the goods at Shanghai. 船在上海卸货。 The nursery t

11、eacher often leads her children to watch aircrafts take off or land. 幼儿园教师经常带领孩子们去看飞机起飞或降落。 n陆地 by land 由陆路;走陆路 over land 在陆地上 We traveled by land until we reached the sea. 我们由陆路旅行,一直到大海。 Do you like to travel over land or sea? 你喜欢在陆上还是在海上旅行? 6reflect v反射 A mirror reflects a picture of you when you

12、look in it. 当你看镜子时,你能看见镜子中你的成像。【搭配】 reflect on/upon 仔细考虑 reflect that/how-. 表达;反映We should give ourselves time to reflect on比70n our future. 我们应该给自己时间来考虑一下自己的未来。 Does this letter reflect how you really think? 这封信是否表达了你真实的想法?【拓展】 reflection n反射;反省,沉思 do sth. without sufficient reflection 未经深思: reflec

13、tions on the current situation 对当前形势的看法Mary stared at her reflection in the bedroom mirror.玛丽盯着卧室镜子里的映像看。7retain vt.保持,保留 retain an appearance of youth 保持年轻的外貌 a vessel to retain water 盛水的容器 retain ones balance 保持平衡 Each country retained its traditional and habitual ways of doing things. 每个国家都保持着自己特

14、有的传统习俗和行为习惯。 He retains a deep respect for the profession.他对这份职业怀有深深的敬意。8. melt (使)融化,(使)熔化,使软化,使感动 The snow on top“the mountains melted (away)under the sun.山顶上的雪在阳光下融化了。 Chocolates of famous brands melt in the mouth.品牌巧克力人口即化。 The crowd melted away after the rally.集会结束之后,人群逐渐散去。 Our hearts melted a

15、t the childs tears.孩子的眼泪使我们的心变软了。 【辨析】melt通过加热把物质由固态变成液态dissolve溶解,指使(固态物)在液体中溶解G1ass melt at high temperature玻璃会在高温下熔解。 The experiment required us to dissolve sugar in water. 实验要求我们将糖放入水中溶解。9. breathable adj可以吸入的After the accident at the chemical factory, the air inside the building was no longer b

16、reathable, so the rescued workers had to wear masks. 化工厂出事后,楼里的空气不能呼吸,因此救护人员只好戴上口罩。 We need breathable air.我们需要适于呼吸的空气。【辨析】breathe v.呼吸,赋予以(生气等)breath n. 呼吸breathe in 吸气breathe out 呼气breathe into 给予生气out of breath 上气不接下气holdcatch ones breath 屏住呼吸stoppause for breath 停下来喘口气gasp for breath 上气不接下气 The

17、doctor told him to breathe in deeply and then breathe out. 医生叫他先深深吸一口气,然后再把气吐出来。 Will the new general manager be able to breathe new life into the company? 这位新任总经理能不能给公司增添新的活力? After climbing that hill she was completely out of breath. 爬完那座山后,她已完全喘不过气来了。 I came out of the water and gasped for breath

18、. 我钻出水面,急切地喘了口气。10. manned adj载人的【搭配】 manned space flight 载人航天飞行 manned spaceship 载人宇宙飞船 manned space programme 载人航天计划 I was so excited that we could launch our manned spaceship into space at last. 我太兴奋了,我们终于能自己发射载人宇宙飞船进入太空了。11. tie 1) 系,打结,扎,约束 Tie your shoes.把你的鞋带系上。【搭配】 tie up 包起来;系 tie to sth 用绳

19、子把 be closely tied 密切联系 Can you tie up this parcel for me? 你能替我捆好这个包裹吗? He tied the cow to one of the trees near the lake. 他把牛系在靠近湖边的一棵树上。 My social life and business life are closely tied. 找的社会生活与我所从事的生意是密切联系的。 2) n. 领结,领带;平局 Jack had taken off his Jacket and loosened his tie.杰克脱下了夹克衫并解开了领带。 The ga

20、me ended in a tie. 比赛以平局结束。 12boom 1) vi. 迅速增长;趋于繁荣;景气 Business is booming生意日趋繁荣。 In a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used for traffic. 在一个工业飞速发展的城市里,土地资源非常宝贵,不能任意地用于交通。 2) n繁荣,隆隆声 This boom in adult education, in turn, helps to raise the intellectual standa

21、rd of the whole country. 成人教育热反过来又促进了整个国家文化水平的提高。An economic boom followed, especially in housing and construction. 房地产建设随即会带来经济的繁荣。 13explosion n. 爆炸,爆发;发作,激增 After the second explosion, all of Londons main train and subway stations were shut down. 在第二次爆炸之后,伦敦所有的火车站和地铁站都被关闭了。【搭配】 an explosion of an

22、ger/rage explosions of laughter a population explosion【拓展】 explode v爆炸;爆发 A bomb exploded一颗炸弹爆炸了。 A school bus was hit by gunfire which exploded the fuel tank. 一辆小车被枪击中,引起了油箱的爆炸。【搭配】 explode with anger rage 勃然大怒 At the news he exploded with anger. 听了这个消息,他勃然大怒。14. lunar adj月亮的,月球的【辨析】 moon n.lunar a

23、dj.sun adj. sollunar eclipse 月蚀lunar calendar 阴历solar system 太阳系solar energy 太阳能solar calendar 阳历 Many people are interested in the lunar landscape. 许多人对月球上的风景感兴趣。 An increasing number of people would like to use solar energy to substitute for the traditional energy, for it is green. 越来越多的人愿

24、意用太阳能取代传统能源,因为它十分环保。15mission n使命,任务,代表团He was sent to Washington on a diplomatic mission. 他被派往华盛顿,负有外交使命。 The first space mission to send back pictures from the surface of Mars was Viking l in 1976. 第一次从火星表面发回照片的太空飞行任务是1976年由“海盗1号”执行。【搭配】 a trade mission to Japan 赴日贸易代表团missionary n传教士Expressions1.

25、 dream of 梦见;渴望【搭配】 dream that 梦想 dream away ones life 虚度(光阴) dream a dream 做梦 go to ones dream 进入梦乡 awake from a dream 从梦中醒来live in a dream 梦一般地过一辈子 Dream comes true 梦想成真Little did I dream of succeeding so well. 我做梦也想不到如此圆满的成功。I never dreamed that I could travel in space.我从未想到能去太空旅行。 Its easy to dr

26、eam away the best years of your life. 人生的美好年华很容易虚度。 His dream of being a doctor has come true他成为医生的梦想终于成真了。【拓展】come true实现Many of his predictions are coming true.他的许多预言都变成了现实。【辨析】 come true 系表结构;主语通常为dream, wish或predictionrealize动词;主语通常为“人”The couple realized their dream of owning a house of their o

27、wn after ten years of hard work.=The couples dream of owning their own house came true after ten years of hard work. 经过十年的艰辛劳动,这对夫妇终于实现了拥有一栋属于自己房子的梦想。2. name after 以命名The son was named after his grandfather. 儿子是以他祖父的名字命名。n名字,名称;名声;名誉【搭配】 worth (worthy of) the name 无愧于称号 under the name (of) 用 用名字 (指化

28、名,笔名,假名等) make get wina name (for oneself) 出名,成名 in the name of 以 的名义 be of the name of 名叫 He is worthy of the name as“model teacher”. 他无愧于模范教师的称号。 She wrote a letter to the editorial under the name of“Lilac”. 她以紫丁香为笔名写了一封信给主编。 He made a name for himself as a concert pianist. 他是以钢琴演奏家而闻名的。 He attend

29、ed the party in the name of his father. 他以他父亲的名义参加了这个派对。 Have you talked with the girl by the name of“Elizabeth? 你有没有和那个叫伊丽莎白的女孩交谈过?Step4: Consolidation exercise. Section A: Fill in the blanks with suitable words or phrases 1. Last year, the city spent several million dollars (改造) this area into a c

30、ommercial.2. Little did I of succeeding so well.3. That building has been c into a luxurious hotel.4. The satellite was launched into the round the Mars.5. We should give ourselves time to 仔细考虑) our future.6. O is essential to most of the living creatures.7. Our hearts m at the childs tears.8. He 1

31、his troops on the west shore.9. The daughter ( 命名) her grandmother.10. China launched the first m spaceship on Octoberl5, 2003.11. She r an appearance of youth because of her healthy lifestyle.12. Farmers s pesticides to kill harmful insects on the apple trees.13. P bears can not survive naturally in t

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