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1、学生双语报网标签:标题 篇一:学生双语报2013-2014学年高二W版 20132014学年高二W版辽宁专版第2期测试题参考答案及部分解析 第2期测试题参考答案 1-5 CACCC 6-10 ABCCB 16-20 CACAB 26-30 ADACA 11-15 CBCBB 21-25 CADDC 31-35 BDBCB 41-45 DBCAD 51-55 BCABD 36-40 DCBCA46-50 BCACD56-60 CCBDB 66-70 ACBCD61-65 AABCC 71-75 ABGEF 短文改错(One possible version) With the Christmas

2、 day drawn near, a 90-year-old drawing man found that shopping for Christmas gifts has had become too difficult. Instead shopping by himself, of he decided to send checks. On none of the envelopes all he wrote, “Buy your own present!” And then he mailed it early. He enjoyed the usually excitement th

3、em usual of family festivities. It was not until a holiday passed the that he noticed that he had received very few cards at return. Puzzled over this, he intended in to write to a couple of his relatives and ask what that the problem was. It was then, as he cleared out his desk, that he got his ans

4、wer. Under a book, he saw many checks, where which he had forgotten to put into the envelopes. 书面表达(One possible version) Dear Sir or Madam, I have learned from your newspaper that you are recruiting 40 volunteers to help the earthquake victims in Yaan. I want to apply for the job. Hearing the news

5、and watching the scenes on TV, I was sorry and moved to tears by many kind people carrying out rescue work without regard to the danger of constant aftershocks. I am a 19-year-old medical school student. Born into a poor mountainous family, I had to cover several kilometers of mountainous path to go

6、 to school, so I am determined, brave and in good health. As a medical student, I am calm in face of difficulties and dangers. So I am fit for the job. Thanks to the Hope Project, I am continuing my studies, so I would like to give something back to society in return. If I am accepted, I will try my

7、 best to do my job well. Best wishes! Yours faithfully, 第2期测试题部分答案解析 21. C。考查名词辨析。have an encounter with death表示“与死神擦肩而过”,所以用encounter。mission使命;qualification资格;envelope信封。句意:当这位幸存者被问及到死里逃生的事情,他说他在汶川和雅安两次与死神擦肩而过。 22. A。考查时态。根据句意,同位语从句中用if引导条件状语从句表示将来,因为主句My mother gave me a promise是过去时态,因此,同位语从句也是过去

8、时间。 23. D。考查固定短语及句式。take . for granted表示“想当然”。如果take的宾语是that引导的宾语从句,用it作形式宾语,that引导的宾语从句放在后面。 24. D。考查时态。根据句意,下午5点的时候正在下国际象棋,因此为过去进行时态。 Li Hua 25. C。考查动词短语辨析。take up ones place站好位置,符合题意。pick up捡起,得到;turn up音量调高,出现,发现;make up编造;化装。句意:所有的运动员都站在自己的位置上等待比赛开始的枪声响起。 26. A。考查形容词辨析。根据句意,这是中国传统的文化,用tradition

9、al。original最初的;normal正常的;formal正规的。句意:依照中国社会的传统,男孩很重要因为他们能传宗接代。 27. D。考查介词短语。in particular尤其,特别;on average平均;in theory理论上;in practice实际上。句意: 我能帮你寻找什么特别的东西么? 不用,谢谢。我随便看看。 28. A。考查非谓语动词。satisfied满意的,满足的,欣慰的,其主语一般是人;satisfying令人满意(或满足)的,其主语一般是物,但第二个空用来修饰smile也用过去分词形式。 29. C。考查动词短语和固定搭配。 apply to适用于,应用于

10、;apply for申请;contribute to贡献,捐赠,投稿;adopt采纳,领养。句意:这些专门为国内公司制定的税收法不适用于国外公司。 30. A。考查句式。When表示“正在这时”。句意:我刚刚洗完澡,正忙于用毛巾擦干身子,正在这时我听到脚步声。 31. B。考查介词短语。in response to作为对?的回应,符合题意。in favor of赞同;in return for作为对?的回报;in honor of向?致敬。句意:最后,总统为了减轻紧张形势,迫于公共压力不得不离职。 32. D。考查冠词。根据句意,第一空表示“一位自愿者”;第二孔考查have a(n) ? ef

11、fect on,表示“对?有影响”。 33. B。考查虚拟语气与时态。had planned to do表示“本计划做某事,但是却没有做成”。根据句意,这里表示“本计划参加你的生日宴会,但是我妈妈生病,没有去成”。 34. C。考查交际用语。根据上句内容,可知是询问这次旅游的感受,下文中从后面的补加信息“半路上车坏了”,可见对这次旅游很不满意,因此,答案为C项,表示“简直是噩梦一般”。It couldnt be better再好不过了;I managed somehow不知怎么的我成功了;Thats a good point好主意。 35. B。考查副词辨析。 somehow不知怎么地,符合题

12、意。 anyhow, anyway无论如何;somewhere在某处。句意:约翰是很自信的一个人,但是不知怎么地,这次面试他很紧张。 作者的妈妈是一位医生,作者小的时候妈妈很忙,没时间照顾他和他妹妹,感到很愧疚。作者和他妹妹利用了他妈妈的愧疚感,作者长大后感到有点愧疚。 。根据后文那个小孩需要动手术的语境可知他伤得很“严重”36. D 37. C。那个小孩在等着接受手术,这说明他当时是被送进了“医院”。 38. B。医生说她不能给那个小孩做手术,perform surgery为固定用法,意为“做手术”。 39. C。老师让学生猜医生是谁,学生叫喊着说出了他们的种种“猜测”。 40. A。老师在

13、让学生们猜医生是谁,却不让作者“回答”。 41. D。作者在后文主要是讲他当医生的妈妈,故可知给那个说不能给小孩动手术的人是那个小孩的“妈妈”;从老师之前讲的故事中也可得出相同的答案。 42. B。这里选puzzle,表示上文提到的老师让学生猜医生是谁的那个“难题”。 43. C。在作者小的时候,女性医生很少,故作者的妈妈显得很“特别”。 44. A。在作者的眼里,他妈妈没有什么特别之处,不过就是他的妈妈,故选A,表示转折。 45. D。作者的妈妈因为工作忙,不能照顾他和他妹妹,故他们回到家时由“临时保姆”照看。 46. B。作者的妈妈因为太忙不能照顾自己的孩子,她应该感到很“愧疚”。 47.

14、 C。根据后文作者和他妹妹利用妈妈的弱点的语境,可知他们在很小的时候就弄明白了妈妈的愧疚感是她的弱点。 48. A。作者想要买东西时,就非常无情地“利用”他妈妈的愧疚感。 49. C。作者希望在妈妈第一次告诉他一个病人死了时,他就“停止”了利用妈妈的愧疚感。 50. D。作者的妈妈是位医生,死的应该是她的“病人”。 51. B。作者的妈妈是位医生,她照顾的小孩应该是“生病的”小孩。 52. C。这里选make,make it意为“成功做某事”,这里是指有些小孩不能好起来。 53. A。这里选spoiled,意为“宠坏了的”,作者和他妹妹当时的行为就像宠坏了的小孩。 54. B。作者的妈妈应该可

15、以用孩子的弱点来让他们听话。 55. D。作者的妈妈从来没有利用他们的弱点,这是她对他们爱的表现,作者应该“感激”她。 A 一位父亲把公司给他的支票退了回去,因为他认为还有人比他更需要这些支票,他的行为对女儿产生了非常好的影响。 56. C。细节理解题。根据第四段的He told them to give the money to people who could not work, to people who really needed it.可知那位父亲之所以把支票退回去,是因为他认为还有人更需要这些支票。 57. C。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的From my communication

16、 with her, it was very abvious that her fathers same sweet spirit had been passed down to this woman, and to her family.可推断跟女人聊天后,作者发现那个女人的父亲对她产生了非常好的影响。 58. B。作者意图题。根据末段的Hearing this story was so refreshing to my soul. I hope it is the same for you too.可推断作者写这篇文章是希望我们能从这个故事里学到一些好的东西,受到激励。 B Sam Poi

17、nton是一个六岁的小男孩,他找到了一份在一家博物馆上班的工作。 59. D。细节理解题。根据第一段的whose main task is to tell his colleagues how to make the museum provide a fun day out for kids可知Sam Pointon的职责就是帮助他的同事们让来博物馆玩的小孩玩得开心。 60. B。推理判断题。根据第三段的impressed by his enthusiasm可知Sam Pointon在信里表达了他的热情,这说明他在信中有提到自己有多喜欢这份工作。 Sam 可知He has been doing

18、 his job quite seriously。词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的61. A Pointon很认真地做这份工作,这说明他不是什么“懒散的人”。 62. A。主旨大意题。通读全文,可知主要是讲一个六岁的小男孩得到了一份他梦想的工作,故选A。 C 英国有很多优秀的女歌手,本文向我们介绍了其中几位。 篇二:学生双语报北京地区SD版12期详解 2012-2013学年高三配合北师大版第12期测试题答案解析 第12期A版测试题听力原文 Text 1 W: It is so cold today. I think Im going to be frozen. M: It is reported

19、that tomorrow it is going to become colder with heavy rain. Text 2 W: How many days can I keep the book? M: Two weeks at most. But after that, you can come to renew it for another two weeks. Text 3 W: Tony, the boss is waiting for you in his office. M: Oh, dear Maria, will you be kind enough to tell

20、 me whether the boss is angry or not now? Text 4 M: Excuse me, Madam. How can I get to the Museum? W: OK, it is far from here. I advise you to take the No. 9 bus to get to the city government building. Then take the No. 75 bus. M: Buses are so few here. I may be late for my appointment. W: Then, I a

21、dvise you to take a taxi. Here comes one! Text 5 M: Hi, Lucy. Are you going abroad for further study? W: Yes, John. I have been interested in Asian culture since I was nine years old. M: Great! You have stuck to your interest for ten years without changing and now you have realized it. W: Yes. I can

22、 not wait to go. Text 6 W: House Renting Center. Can I help you? M: Yes, Im a student at Georgetown University and I am looking for an apartment nearby. W: I see. Anything else? M: Yes, I hope it is quiet so I can study at night. W: No problem. We have three of them for you to choose from. M: By the

23、 way, it would be better if there are restaurants around the area because I have no time to cook. W: OK, there is just such one for you. $200 a month. You should not miss it. M: Great! I will take it. Text 7 W: Honey, what do you want to do this weekend? M: Im not sure. What do you have in mind? W:

24、What about shopping? M: We went shopping all day last week. Arent you tired of it? t you remember? W: But I bought nothing for myself. Don M: Yes, you bought a lot for me. Thank you, my dear. W: Shopping is my favorite thing to do. I never feel tired even if Im just window shopping. M: Yes. But, I m

25、ean, we can go out of the city to do something fun like climbing mountains, camping or just hiking. W: Lets go camping then. Our son and daughter need a rest too. M: Great. Text 8 W: Hello, Jack. It is said that your father is in hospital. How is he now? M: Much better now. When doing exercises, he

26、was hit by a car accidentally and broke his left leg. W: I am sorry to hear that. Did the police go to the scene? M: Yes. And the police said that the driver was to blame for the accident. W: What a terrible accident! M: Luckily he was sent to the hospital in time and operated on immediately. W: I w

27、ill go to visit him tomorrow. Which department is he now? M: He is in Bed 28, the third floor, in the inpatient department. He will be happy to see you. W: He was so kind to me when I was in his class. He was the best teacher throughout my school years. M: He was very fond of you too. Text 9 W: What

28、 can I do for you, sir? M: My new house needs furnishing. W: Great. Will you first have a look at the curtains? M: Yes. I like these beautiful curtains from Greece. All of my eight windows will have these curtains. W: Let me write it down, sir. What do you want next? M: These Italian sofa and table

29、are excellent. It will be nice if they are placed in my sitting room. W: OK, one set of Italian sofa and table. M: What about a TV and refrigerator? Do you have anything to recommend? W: Speaking of TVs and refrigerators, I advise you to buy Chinese goods. They are cheap and of high quality too. M:

30、You are quite right. OK, two TV sets and one refrigerator. W: What else do you want? M: Thats enough. W: Thank you, sir. Since you have bought so many items in our shop, our manager said that we can give you a 10% discount. It is $18,000 in total. M: Thanks. I dont have that much cash with me. Can I

31、 pay in other ways? W: You can use a cheque or a credit card. M: OK, I will use a cheque. Text 10 The giant panda has a black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.2 to 1.8 meters long, including a tail of about 13 centimeters, and are 60 to 90 centimeters tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 160 kg. Females can weigh as little as 75 kg, but can also weigh up to 125 kg. The average adult weight is 100 to 115 kg. The giant panda has

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