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1、小站教育雅思高分句型雅思写作高分句型分享一:被动句1:As a result, the quality of the whole population had been influenced, and a country could never be expected to develop fast with a low education rate.(28)2:Nowadays, a large percentage of young people being admitted into universities can be witnessed and a countrys populat

2、ion is instilled with a fresh flow of well educated people, which can lead to the prosperity of a country.(37)3:Firstly, by setting up a special day, an organization can better promote a specific activity, thus more people would know what it is trying to tell them and their perception of caring and

3、social responsibility would be further woken.(39)二:形式代词IT1:However, some of them begin to notice that international travel also makes it possible for criminals to conduct some illegal actions like evading arrest. (24)2:Especially with the easy access to computer technology, it has been increasingly

4、noticed that a growing number of people prefer to work or study from home. (26)3:It can be seen everywhere that people in the modern world are under huge pressure and have to spend most of their time on their work or study, which, consequently, hardly does any good to the family relationship.(插入语)(3

5、8)三:限定性定语从句1:Dating back to 30 years ago when scientific technology was not accessible to everyone, children were more interested in traditional games such as playing poker or playing chess.(28)2:On the contrary, a company or a school is a place where lots of people are bunched together and asked to

6、 do the same thing at the same time.(29)3:Due to the large number of students graducating from universities, more people seek for good jobs and the job market becomes the arena where fierce competition can be seen all the time. (32)四:非限定性定语从句1:Firstly, working or studying from home provides people w

7、ith a comfortable environment, which will help put them in a good mood.(21)2:On the other hand, rote learning also has its limitations, which makes it impossible to gain all the knowledge only by recitation.(21)3:As can be seen from our daily lives, the whole society has made great changes in the re

8、cent several dacades due to the incredibly fast development of scientific technology.(29)五:名词性从句1:Most people would believe that home is a better place than anywhere else in the world.(16)2:They have to memorize a large amount of laws so that they know how the laws related to the case function and h

9、ow they can prove that the defendant is innocent. (31)六:倒装1:By no means would such a public place guarantee people such a cozy environment as their homes do.(18)2:And only by keeping the specific information in the mind can one adeptly take advantage of what he or she has learned.(22)七:What句型1:What

10、is better is that people do not have to be exposed to others when they really need to be alone.(21)八:举例1:Owing greatly to the easy access to international travel, a huge number of people around the world now can afford to travel to another country for sightseeing, cultural exchange as well as establ

11、ishing business relationship.(35)九:比较句型1:To some extent, all those games may be capable of exercising childrens logical thinking, but they did not help children develop skills to operate digital devices. However, modern games do.(30)2: First of all, like traditional games that can both cultivate chi

12、ldrens abilty to cooperate with their partners and help them think independantly, modern games can also do the same thing.(30)3:Unlike those who live in one specific place for generations, more people in modern world can live and work wherever they want due to the development of communication techno

13、logy and transport.(31)4:Compared with information communication that used to be regarded as the most efficient way for people to know what those living in another country are doing, international tourism now is definitely the best way for them to experience the life their international friends are

14、living.(45)5:Unlike those activities that are only held once so that people begin to forget what they are for shortly after no more promotion is made, those that are held regularly every year can be well recognized and people are more likely to continue doing what they have done.(47)十:之一1:Particular

15、ly, one of the areas that concern the influence of scientifc development and have drawn much attention from the public is the entertainment provided for the children.(21)2:Memorization of information by frequent repetition has always been regarded as one of the most effective learning methods by a l

16、arge number of people.(24)十一:主谓关系1:By being memorized the primary information can be firmly mastered, thus the essence can be learned step by step.(19)十二:名词所有格1:Finally, childrens being familiar with modern games like vedio games can actually help them find a job in computer games.(20)注:普遍意义上的复杂句字数在

17、25以上。雅思写作常用句型1. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出这个结论:From what has been discussed above=based on what has been discussed 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论,国际贸易对一个国家的经济发展有好的影响。From what has been discussed above, we can safely draw the conclusion that international trade has beneficial influence on a countrys economic development.2. 没有什么

18、比什么更怎样(用来表示争议性): Nothing is more.than.没有什么比教育更重要。Nothing is more important than education. 没有什么比这个更明显。Nothing is more evident than that. 没有问题比这个问题更需要关注。No problem needs more immediate attention than that. 没有什么比这个问题更有争议性。Nothing has been more controversial than this issue.3. 某物的优点大于缺点。Its disadvantag

19、es outweigh its advantages. A比b 好: A has an advantage over B. 国际旅游的好处远大于坏处,因此应该被极大的鼓励。The advantages of international tourism far outweigh its disadvantages and thus should be highly encouraged.4. 比较而言: 相同点:In comparison, by contrast, Compared with. 和火车相比较,飞机更方便和快捷。Compared with trains, airplanes ar

20、e more convenient and faster. 和理论知识相比,实践技能更能帮助学生在将来稳妥找到一份工作职位。Compared with theoretical knowledge, practical skills can better help students secure a job position in the future. 不同点:转基因食品看起来更漂亮而且拥有更多的更大的果实。比较而言,有机食品更健康安全。Genetically-modified food looks prettier and has more, bigger fruits. By contra

21、st, organic food is healthier and safer. 传统建筑物更好地体现了一个国家的文化和传统,因此能保留历史的精华。相反,现代建筑物有更好的功能并且体现了设计师和建筑师的想象力和创造力。Traditional buildings better demonstrate a countrys culture and traditions thus preserving historic essence. By contrast, modern buildings have better functions and reflect the imagination an

22、d creativity of the architects. 5. 原因如下: The reasons go as follows. This is significant for the following reasons, 我提议学生应该进行小组学习原因如下。I propose that students study in groups for the following reasons. Students should study in groups. The reasons go as follows.6. 让某人能够做某事enable somebody to do听音乐能让我放松L

23、istening to music enables me to relax. 中级教育能让学生打下一个坚实的基础,或者是为了今后的工作,或者是为了大学教育。Secondary education enables students to lay a solid foundation either for future job or for college education. 导致某人做了某事,常指不好的后果Lead somebody to do 做太多的兼职工作导致他忽视了学习。Taking too many part-time jobs has led him to ignore his a

24、cademic study. 这个词还可以直接加名词。 很多人都相信,赌博导致犯罪。Many people believe gambling leads to crimes. 允许某人做某事,让某人能做成某种好事。Allow somebody to do兼职工作可以让学生暂时减轻下经济压力。Part-time jobs allow some students to relieve the economic pressure temporarily. 让某人做不了某事(不是let somebody can not do) Prevent somebody from doing something

25、. 有时候可以有用discourage somebody from doing支持背诵的应试型教育不鼓励学生创造性和评判性的思考。Examination-oriented education which favors memorization discourages students from thinking creatively and critically. 7. 某事和某事是紧密相连的。Something is closely related to something.孩子的行为是和父母的引导紧密相连的。Childrens behaviors are closely related w

26、hat their parents guidance.国际旅游和当地的经济发展是紧密相连的。International tourism is related to the development of local economy. 8. 不可否认There is no denying that +主谓There is no doubt that +主谓Admittedly, undoubtedly不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下.There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse

27、. 全世界都知道/众所周9. It is universally acknowledged that + +主谓众所周知,教育是人生命中必不可少的部分。It is universally acknowledged that education plays an indispensable role in ones life. 10. 如此.以致于.(用来描述一个程度造成什么结果)So + 形容词 + be + 主语 + that + 句子时间是如此珍贵,我们浪费不起。So precious is time that we cant afford to waste it. 这个问题是如此的紧急,

28、因此它需要每个人的关注。So urgent is this issue that it deserves everybodys attention. 远程上班是如此的方便和节省时间,越来越多的人倾向于在家上班。So convenient and less time-consuming is telecommuting that an increasing number of people tend to work at home. 越怎样,越怎样。11. The + er +主谓, the + er + +主谓一个地方的人口越多,对于垃圾处理的需求就越大。The larger the popu

29、lation there is, the greater demand for garbage disposal. 我们越努力保护环境,我们就会有更好的生活条件。The more effort we make to protect the environment, the better life conditions we will have. 12. 通过做某事,我们能够做某事。.By doing something, somebody can do something.通过做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。By taking exercise, we can always stay healt

30、hy. 通过旅游或者工作一年,学生可以开阔视野,丰富经历并且获得实践技能。By traveling or working for a year before entering university, students can widen their horizon, enrich experience and acquire practical skills. 通过打工,学生能够提高他们的人际交往和沟通能力。By taking a part-time job, students can improve their interpersonal and communicative skills.1

31、3. 我们绝对不能.On no account can we + V On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge. 我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值。On no account/under no conditions can we demolish buildings that have aesthetic value and represents national culture. 14. That is the reason why 主+谓(那就是.的原因)这就是为什么国际旅游被促进。That is the reason why inte

32、rnational tourism should be promoted. 这就是为什么死记硬背应该不被鼓励。That is the reason why rote-learning should be discouraged.That is the reason why people should not be given absolute freedom. 15. For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式. (过去.年来,.一直.)过去的几十年期间,科技迅猛发展。For the past decades, technology has progressed at an amazing speed. be based on (以.为基础)这个电影是基于这本书改编的。Th

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