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1、高效课堂宝典训练英语七年级上册答案解析参 考 答 案小升初入学知识衔接学案第1课时【课时过关】一、1Cc Ll Xx Pp 2Bb Hh Mm Yy 3Oo Qq Ss Dd 4Ff Nn Ii Uu 5Aa Ee Oo Uu 二、16 CBCCAC三、15 CAEDB 610 JIFHG四、16 DFEABC五、1May/Can, your 2What is 3four pens 4red 5Here, are 6What, weather7How old 8What do 9I am late 10to have, me 【课后拓展】一、15 BCACA 610 BCCBC 二、1Engl

2、ish. 2Over 6,000 languages.3Yes, it does. 4No, we use about fifty of them.5Women.第2课时【课时过关】一、1computers 2apples 3cities4houses 5sheep 6watches7tomatoes 8children 9teeth10feet 11wives 12potatoes13plays 14days 15glasses16radios 17zoos 18lives19stories 20leaves 21babies22dresses 23butterflies 24deer25c

3、lasses 26brushes 27keys28English 29mice 30men二、15 CCCCC 610 BCCCA 三、1twins twins是可数名词。2hair hair是不可数名词。 3field field是土地、田地的意思,是集合名词,田地是没有界限的,本题中可视为不可数名词。 4snow snow是不可数名词。 5minutes minute是可数名词。 6news news本身是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 7meat 表示肉类的单词都是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 8chicken chichen是不可数名词,没有复数形式。 9bread bread是不可数名词,

4、没有复数形式。 10forest forest是集合名词,本题可理解为森林是没有界限的,本题中可视为不可数名词。四、1is;is 2Are;am;am 3are;am 4are 5is;is 6is 7is 8is 9Is 10is;is 11is 12are 五、1Are these Peters basketballs?2Is this the teachers pen?3There are some books on Sams desk.4There are some children in the classroom.【课后拓展】一、1countries 2states 3radios

5、 4lives 5teeth 6wishes 7months 8monkeys 9cities 10Childrens二、1A 解析:本题可以从第一句得出答案,他从窗户往外看,可以推出他是在屋里的。 2A 解析:本题从第三行的最后一句可以得出答案,狗很饿然后它走向小男孩。狗是想吃东西才向小男孩走去。 3D 解析:本题答案在第三行。 4B 解析:最后两题都需要在理解后半部分故事的基础上进行推敲。Mr White把小男孩叫过来说要给他一个先令,但是他打了小男孩一顿,正如小男孩对小狗做的一样。Mr White是为了教训小男孩。其他三项都是不准确的。 5B 解析:读懂整篇故事,就可以知道,Mr Whi

6、te是对小动物很有同情心的。第3课时【课时过关】一、1sixty workers2fifteen English books 3eight cups of coffee 4four chairs5December 31st 6July 1st 7the ninth week 8forty years ago 二、first;second;third;ninth;fourteenth;twentieth;thirty-fifth;eighty-first 二、1the;the 2The;a;a 3an;The4the;the 5a 6a 7/ 8an四、1eighth 2quarter 3tho

7、usands 4first 5second 6sixth 7twentieth 8forty 【课后拓展】一、15 CCBAB 610 BBBCB 二、1D 解析:从第三行可以看出,New Amsterdam就是New York, 所以应该是美国的一个城市。 2D 解析:本题从第二段可以得出答案 3B 解析:本题从第一段最后一段可以得出答案。Set up有建立的意思。 4B 解析:从最后一段第一句,the wall is gone now。说明那堵墙现在已经没有了。第4课时【课时过关】一、A)1He 2he, him; He 3She, her 4It 5They 6We 7you, us 8

8、You, We 9me 10it B)1us 2We 3her 4I, them 5I, him 6them 7her 8them 9I, him 10you 二、A)1my, mine 2hers, her 3your, mine 4He, His, his 5Our, yours 6hers 7yours 8we, our 9Its, its 10their, they, theirs, TheirsB)1our 2I, their 3They, it 4me, you 5him 6yours, mine 7Your, ours 8theirs 9hers, her bike 10your

9、s, mine 【课后拓展】一、15 BACAB 68 BCA二、15 BABBD第5课时【课时过关】一、1am, Are, am 2is 3is 4is 5Is 6is 7are 8is 9are 10am 二、1Do 2does 3does, do4did 5didnt 6did 7do 8Does, does 9Do 10do 三、15 ABBCA 610 CCBCC 四、1call 2has 3are 4dont watch 5didnt go 6is 7Do;read 8teaches 9isnt 10looks 11do 12goes 13does 14watches 15goin

10、g【课后拓展】一、1C 解析:本题考查情态动词用法。全文都是过去时,选项中will不能用于否定句,should表示应该等,would可以表示将要做某事,本题选would更合适,为过去将来时。 2B 解析:下文有a little bit earlier说明此时应该还不到五点,应该用to, twenty to five意思是差20分五点,就是4:40. 3B 解析:根据上文,本句意思应该是准时到那儿比较好。选项A,B有到达的意思。Arrive at后面应该加名词,所以选B。 4C 解析:本题通过分析选项的意思就可得出答案。Every time每次,from now on 从今以后,before 在

11、之前且before只能做连词或介词,不能引导单独的句子,then 然后,应该选then. 5C 解析:本题考查look常用的几个词组的意义。look for寻找,look after 照顾,前二个词组后面都要加宾语。look around往四周看。选C最合适。 6A 解析:make+sb.+形容词,表示使某人处于某种状态。 7C 解析:本句考查时态,表示他过去的一个状态,用一般过去时heard. 8C 解析:后面半句说他带她回家,所以应该是他试着找出她的地址。 9B 解析:he代的是医生,从后面说的话可以看出,对于他的迟到医生是很生气的,选angry. 10C 解析:后面半句的意思是,除了一个

12、词对不起。说明前面意思应该是他什么都没说除了一个词,选nothing表示什么都没说。 二、1C 解析:本题从第一段最后一句便可得知答案。 2B 解析:本题从第二段最后一句可推断出答案。 3B 解析:本题是推断意思的题目,是阅读理解题中的难点。这类推断短语意思的题目要通读划线部分整句及前后一句基本上就可以得出答案。前一句提到人们希望这个钟应该是biggest and the best,这与后文的句子是对应的。Big对应biggest, Keep very good time与the best对应。对clock而言,the best就应该是时间很准,所以选B。这类题目一般都直接看不出意思,要通过上

13、下文判断。 4C 解析:本题为判断正误题,而且选的是错误的选项,应该把每个选项都看过,逐一排除。文中提到人们写信给Big Ben但并没提到人们希望能收到回信,所以C选项错误。5D 解析:本题通过通读二三段可得出答案。第6课时【课时过关】一、1in 2on 3in 4in 5in 6at, at 7behind 8in front of 9in 10in 二、1Is it a lovely dog? 2Is she a lovely girl?3He isnt my father. 4Are they Lilys cousins?5Are we classmates?6Are you a doc

14、tor?7Is there a bird in the tree?8There arent any stars in the sky.9Are these cats crying?10They cant swim. 11Do you play computer games every night?12I dont like to read English. 13Does his father go to work by bus? 14He doesnt go to school every day. 15Will you be a singer?【课后拓展】一、1with 2in 3in 4f

15、rom 5in 6under/ in 7for 8to 9at, in 10at, at二、1A 根据文章的开头和全文的意思。2A 根据句子We have math at 8:00.3C 根据句子I know you love English.4D 根据全文的意思。5C 根据文章第二段的开头和文章的结尾。第7课时【课时过关】一、1Why 2Where 3How 4How old 5Whose 6Which 7Who 8How much 二、15 CCCBA 610 BACCC三、1How do you go to school?2Why are you going to buy moon ca

16、kes?3How often does Millie go to the Reading Club?4Whose book is it? / Whose book is this? 5How soon will you bring it here?6Where are you going?7When is your birthday?8What did they buy yesterday?四、1Dont walk on the grass. 2Dont ride a bike here.【课后拓展】一、1does 2go 3singing4cleaning 5open 6dancing 7g

17、ets 8watches 9read 10is swimming二、1on 2at 3to, on 4in 5on 三、1Six months old. 2Because she was badly ill. 3With her teachers help, she began to see and hear the world around her through her hand.4She became a famous writer.第8课时【课时过关】一、A)1is/was;are/were 2not; 句首 3客观存在; 主观拥有4肯定, 建议, 否定, 疑问 5are, there

18、, 其他B)1have 2There is 3has 4There is 5has 6have 7have 8Is there 9have 10Are there C)1some 2any 3any 二、1am, are, is 2have, dont have; has, doesnt have 3likes, loves, enjoy, play三、1goes, come, watches 2is, draws, rains, have 3is, moves, rises, sets, travels, is 【课后拓展】一、1has 2are 3dont watch 4doesnt go

19、 5Do, like 6is 7Do, read 8likes 9looks 10is singing二、1A 根据文章中的句子:fruits and vegetables are good for us. 2C 根据文章中的句子:Healthy food can make us grow and make us strong and happy. 3C 每天吃一个苹果,永远不去医疗所。 4A 根据文中的句子:There is too much sugar in it. 5C 文章的大部分说的是健康食品,但在文章末尾作者又说:Sports can also keep us healthy.第9

20、课时【课时过关】一、1am going to ; will 2are you going to do; am going to; will ; will 3Is; going to; weekend; is; will 4are going to 二、1isnt 2wont ;or 3Are you going4Will you 5What is ; going to do 三、1are going to buy/ will buy 2will call 3wont eat 4will have 5will tell 6isnt going to be / wont be 7Is; going

21、 to give; isnt; is going to visit / will visit8is; going / will; go 9will be; go 10is going to give / will give 11will snow12will win四、15 CDDDD 610 BCDBB【课后拓展】一、1is reading 2goes 3ride 4swim 5is singing 6will; do 7didnt do 8is dancing 9begins 10ride二、1D 解析:本题从第一句就可得出答案 2C 解析:其实四个选项都是对的,但是出现在阅读完形中就应该

22、根据文中的提示选最符合的选项。文中说到,英国人喜欢讨论天气,所以应该选C。 3A 解析:本题从文章最后一句可以得出答案。 4A 解析:文中第二段中只是给出一个讨论天气的例子。在cold的天气里人们希望天气warmer一点,问题中问的是人们通常希望怎么样,应该选泛一点的选项,所以选better. 5D 解析:本题从第一句可以得到答案。第10课时【课时过关】一、was flew planted weredrank played went madedid danced worried askedtasted ate drew put threw kicked passed did二、1Su Hai

23、didnt take some photos at the Sports day. Did Su Hai take some photos at the Sports day? What did Su Hai do at the Sports day? 2My brother wasnt in the park just now. Was your brother in the park just now?Where was your brother just now? 3Ann didnt do her homework yesterday evening.Did Ann do her ho

24、mework yesterday evening?What did Ann do yesterday evening?三、1was 2had 3jumped 4milked 5reading; read 6is playing; played 7planted 8Did ;sweep ;didnt 9watched 10went四、1iswas 2gowent 3goeswent 4cancould 5sawsee 6wasntdidnt 7didntdidnt do 8waitwaited 9findfound 10. makemade【课后拓展】一、1to pick; picked 2is

25、 ; is doing 3draws 4didnt do 5Did ;sweep 6were 7was; had 8did; 9goes; rode 10is coming二、15 FFTFF第11课时【课时过关】一、staying working takingdoing spending givinglistening looking ridingsuffering making pleasingrefusing putting winningclosing sitting beginningoperating running openingdying tying lying二、1The b

26、oy isnt playing basketball. Is the boy playing basketball?Yes, he is. No, he isnt.Who is playing basketball?2.(1)She is opening the window now. (2)Who is cleaning the window?(3)They are singing under the tree now. 三、1is drawing 2are, doing 3are singing 4is cooking 5are having 6arent watering 7are da

27、ncing 8is listening 9Is, washing 10is flying四、1He is doing homework in the classroom. 2我们正在读英语。3Peter and Billy are playing basketball in the playground. 4看!一只鸟正在天空中飞。5The bus is coming.6Mr Liu often reads English books on Sundays.7他没有在玩游戏,他正在学习。8The children are picking apples.9你儿子总是在捣乱。10What are

28、you doing?【课后拓展】一、1C 解析:本题通过判断三个选项的词义即可得出答案。 2B 解析:later有之后的意思。 3C 解析:根据上下文判断。 4B 解析:表并列and用于肯定句,or用于否定句。 5A 解析:pick up有捡起的意思 6C 解析:本题要通过下一段第二句得到答案,典型的上下文题。 7A 解析:well有身体健康的意思,不能用good。 8B 解析:what to do要做什么,很常用的句型,也很常考。 9C 解析:have an idea固定用法,表示有了个主意。 10C 解析:从后半句买药应该是医院。二、15 CBCDC第12课时【课时过关】一、1nicernicest 2hotterh

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