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1、K12教育学习资料学习福建省长乐高级中学永泰城关中学等三校学年高一英语下福州三校联盟20162017学年第二学期期中联考高一英语试卷(完卷时间120分钟;总分:150分)第I卷(共90分)第一部分 听力(共两节;满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. 音频What did the man like about the movie?A. The music. B. The actin

2、g. C. The jokes.【答案】A【解析】W: I thought that movie was the funniest film Ive seen in ages! M: Well, I didnt think the jokes were so good, and the acting was really bad. But the music was pretty cool.2. 音频What does the woman want?A. The mans iPhone. B. The mans phone charger (充电器).C. A new mobile (移动)p

3、hone.【答案】B【解析】W: Oh, no. My phone ran out of battery! Do you have a charger, by any chance? M: Well, I have an iPhone. Do you have an iPhone orW: Oh, thank God we have the same phone!3. 音频How does the woman seem to the man?A. Tired. B. Relaxed. C. Nervous.【答案】A【解析】M: You look so tired. What time did

4、 you go to bed last night?W: Uh, youre not going to believe this, butuh, the thing is thatM: Wait, dont tell me that you never went to sleep last night!4. 音频Where are the speakers?A. At a bank. B. At a travel agency. C. At a post office.【答案】C【解析】M: I need to mail this package to India.W: All right,

5、sir. When do you need them to arrive?M: I think a few weeks from now is fine. Id rather save a little money5. 音频What are the speakers talking about?A. The latest fashion. B. A photo. C. The womans younger sister.【答案】B【解析】M: Is your sister older or younger than you?W: Do I really look that bad in pic

6、tures? Come on! Shes four years older than me. And in this one, shes wearing a college shirt, but Im wearing my high school jacket.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频6. Who

7、 might the woman be?A. Mr. Clarks interviewer. B. Mr. Romeros secretary. C. Mr. Romeros boss.7. What will the man do next?A. Go to the bathroom. B. Wait in Mr. Romeros office. C. Take the elevator.【答案】6. B 7. A【解析】W: What can I do for you?M: Im here to see Mr. Romero.W: Do you have an appointment, s

8、ir?M: Yes, my last name is Clark.W: Jordan Clark?M: Yes, thats me.W: Wait one moment, Mr. Clark. Ill just check to make sure Mr. Romero is in his office.M: Perhaps Ill use the restroom while I wait. Is there a mens room nearby?W: Yes. Just head back toward the elevators. Youll see one on the right.M

9、: Thank you very much.6. 略7. 略听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频8. What is the weather like now?A. Rainy. B. Cloudy. C. Sunny.9. What do we know about the woman?A. She isnt sure about the first use of the umbrella.B. She gets sunburned easily.C. She never puts on sun cream.【答案】8. B 9. B【解析】M: Why do you have an um

10、brella with you? Its not supposed to rain today, is it?W: No, but its supposed to be very hot. Ill use this umbrella to protect myself from the sun, as soon as these clouds go away.M: Ive never heard of using an umbrella for protection from the sun.W: Did you know that the Chinese invented the umbre

11、lla, and that its first use was for protection against the sun, not the rain?M: I had no idea! You must get sunburned easily, huh?W: Oh, absolutely! I always get super red if I havent put on sun cream.8. 略9. 略听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频10. What does the man want to order at first?A. A coffee and a cheesebur

12、ger. B. Bacon and eggs. C. Some potatoes.11. Why isnt the full menu available? (可获得的)A. Because its before noon. B. Because they dont serve lunch there anymore.C. Because one of the cooks is sick.12. How much change(零钱) does the woman give the man?A. $3.50. B. $6.50. C. $2.50.【答案】10. A 11. C 12. A【解

13、析】M: Id like a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger, please.W: Im sorry, but we dont have any burgers at the moment. M: But you always serve your whole menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Thats why I come here.W: Youre right, but one of our cooks is sick, so we had to take some things off the menu fo

14、r a while. If you want to come back in half an hour, well definitely have our normal lunch menu. M: Thats OK. Im really hungry. Let me seeIll still take the coffee, and Ill have a bacon and egg sandwich instead, please.W: Do you want breakfast potatoes with that?M: No, thank you. W: OK. Your total i

15、s six dollars and fifty cents. M: Heres a ten.W: And heres your change and receipt.10. 略11. 略12. 略听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频13. Where does the conversation take place?A. Inside a car. B. In the police station. C. In a parking lot.14. What did the man see the woman do in the car?A. Answer her phone. B. Do h

16、er hair. C. Look out of the window.15. Who has the man called?A. The womans father. B. The womans insurance agent. C. The police.16. How does the woman probably feel at the end?A. Frightened. B. Surprised. C. Excited.【答案】13. C 14. A 15. C 16. A【解析】W: Oh, Im terribly sorry, sir! I didnt see you stop.

17、M: Well, that was probably because you were talking on your mobile phone!W: Sir, I, uhdont know what youre talking about. I was just looking out the windowM: Young lady, I saw you in my mirror! You had the phone up to your ear the whole time!W: No, I was just doing my hair.M: Listen, Im not stupid,

18、OK? When the police get here, theyre going to check your phone and see that you made a call at the time of the accident. Youre in big trouble.W: No! Please dont call them! My father will kill me! Look, here is my insurance card. Theyll pay for the damage to your car.M: Theyre already on their way. N

19、ext time, maybe youll think twice about answering a call when youre on the road.13. 略14. 略15. 略16. 略听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。音频17. What does the speaker ask the audience to do?A. Show their tickets to the staff. B. Turn down the sound on their phones.C. Find their seats quickly.18. What is allowed inside the

20、theater?A. Drinks from outside. B. Beer bought in the theater. C. Food bought from outside.19. How long is the break?A. Ten minutes. B. Five minutes. C. Fifteen minutes.20. During the break, the audience are advised to do the following except _.A. Try to hear a bell B. Find the people wearing red ja

21、cketsC. Stay inside the main waiting area【答案】17. C 18. B 19. C 20. B【解析】W: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Our show will begin in ten minutes. Please find your seats as quickly as possible. The people wearing red jackets will be happy to help you find your seats. Kindly turn off your cell phon

22、es. We dont want anything to take away from the performance. Also, we dont allow any photography inside the theater, and all the outside food and drinks besides water are not allowed, either. However, you are welcome to buy something from our caf. Weve got a great selection of beer and wine, too! Th

23、e performance will last two hours, and that includes a 15-minute break in the middle. During the break, we ask that you stay inside the main waiting area just outside the theater doors. You will hear a bell about five minutes before its time to go back to your seats, but if youre outside, you may no

24、t hear it. Well, its almost three oclock, so lets get started!17. 略18. 略19. 略20. 略第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AUnlike most other holidays, the history of April Fools Day, sometimes called All Fools Day, is not totally clear. The only point in time that can be agreed on as the beginning

25、 of this tradition was 1582,in France. Before that year, the New Year was celebrated for eight days, beginning on March 25.The celebration reached the highest point on April 1.With the reform (改革)of the calendar under Charles 1X,the Gregorian calendar(公历,阳历)was introduced, and New Years Day was move

26、d to January 1.However, because in those days communications were not as developed as they are today, many people did not receive the news for several years. Some people refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1.These backward people were considered “fools

27、” by other people. They were often sent on “fools” errands(徒劳无益的工作)or were made the targets (目标)of jokes.This developed, over time, into a tradition of playing a trick on someone on the first day of April. The tradition eventually spread to England and Scotland in the eighteenth century. It was late

28、r introduced to the American colonies of both the Britain and France. April Fools Day thus developed into an international fun feast, so to speak, with different nationalities specializing in their own kind of humor at the expense of their friends and families.21. When did the New Year celebration i

29、n France reach the highest point? .A. On April the first B. On January the firstC. On March 25 D. On April the third22. What was peoples attitude towards the new calendar?A. They accepted it happily. B. They refused it immediately.C. Some laughed at it. D. Some recognized it.23. The passage mainly t

30、ells us .A. what the French did on April Fools DayB. when the new calendar was introducedC. how April Fools Day came into existenceD. why some people were fooled in France【答案】21. A 22. D 23. C【解析】文章向读者介绍愚人节传统的由来。21. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段Some people refused to accept the new calendar and continued to celebra

31、te the New Year on April 1.一些人拒绝接受新历,仍然继续在4月1日庆祝新年。可知根据早期日历,法国人的新年是4月1日。故选C。22. 细节理解题。根据第一段The only point in time that can be agreed on as the beginning of this tradition was 1582,in France.可知愚人节传统开始在法国,故选A。24. 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章向我们介绍愚人节的由来,故选B。BI took the bus to work for many years. No one knew each other; the passengers all sat there sleepily in the morning. The bus was cheerless and silent.One of the passengers was a small gray-haired man who took the bus to the center for senior (年长的)citizens(居民) every morning. No one ever paid very much attention to him

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