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新编英语教程 3 Unit 5The Light at the End of the Chunn.docx

1、新编英语教程 3 Unit 5 The Light at the End of the Chunn Unit 5 The Light at the End of the ChunnelTeaching objectives1. to be familiar with narration in informal tone2. to get a good understanding about the relationship between France and the Great Britain from the historical viewpointTeaching procedureI.

2、 Pre-reading questions:1. As far you know, do you think transportation plays an essential role in a countrys development? How and in what aspects?2. What is the significance of English Channel Tunnel?3. How did the English and the French people look at the Chunnel, joyously or resentfully? Why do yo

3、u think so?I. The English Channel1.English Channel, narrow sea, western Europe, separates France and Great Britain(known in French as La Manche (“the sleeve). 2.Its principal islands are the Isle of Wight and the Channel Islands. 3.The channel is at its narrowest between Dover in England and Cape Gr

4、is-Nez, near Calais, in France, it being 34km wide.II. Background knowledge1. The function of the English Channel1) as a route for invaders of Britain from the Continent:a. crossed by Julius Caesars legion in 55B.C.b.Norman forces in 10662) As a barrier:Napoleon and Hitler threatened to cross it, th

5、ey failed.3) The Channel has chiefly served as a physical barrier to the invasion of Britain.2. The long-lasting Anglo-French conflict1) In 1066, William, Duke of Normandy, France, conquered England and became King William I of England.2) In 1154 King Henry II recovered the English throne.France ass

6、isted Scotland, over which the English kings attempted to dominate.These sources of friction led to fighting between the 2 countries from 1294-1337.3) In 1337, Edward III of England took the title of King of France.this step began the Hundred Years War which continued on and off until 1453.4) During

7、 King Henry VIIIs reign(1509-1547), England again invaded France and expanded its holdings around Calais.5) From 1689to 1815 there was a series of conflicts between Britain and France for domination of the North American continent.It lasted until the final defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815.3. T

8、he Channel Tunnel Project1) 1802 from a French engineer,the British government held off for security reasons.2) Early 1880s,digging began, the project was cancelled again for the same reason.3)1950s,the missile age made the defense consideration obsolete. In 1964, the 2 governments agreed to proceed

9、 with a rail tunnel.4) In 1975 , the British government cancelled the project because of the constantly rising costs.5) In 1987,the construction began again.4. Channel Tunnel Drill An immense road-header machine drills out clay during the construction of the Channel Tunnel. The tunnel runs beneath t

10、he English Channel and became operational in May 1994. pleted at a cost of $15 billion, it enables passenger and freight trains to travel from Paris, France, to London, England, in about 3 hours.5. Normandy Cliffs The white cliffs of Aval, in the Normandy region of northern France, rise above the En

11、glish Channel.6. Channel Tunnel Inauguration French President Franois Mitterand and Queen Elizabeth II of Britain inaugurated the Channel Tunnel in 1994. The railway tunnel, also known as the Chunnel, connects Folkestone, England, with Calais, France.7. Ice AgesPeriods in Earths history when sea ice

12、 or glaciers have covered a significant portion of the planets surface and significant cooling of the atmosphere has occurred. Earth has existed for about 4.5 billion years. During that time it has experienced several ice ages, each lasting tens of millions of years. The total of these episodes may

13、account for as much as 15 to 20 percent of the planets history. The icy cover has ranged from about 10 percent to about 30 percent of the entire surface of the planet.The most recent ice age, the Pleistocene Epoch, lasted from about 1.6 million years to 10,000 years before present. During that time

14、at least 20 glaciations, or periods when the ice cover increased, occurred. Each of these periods was followed by an interglaciation, or a period when the ice cover shrank. III. Main ideaThe text is a feature report which introduces one of the most important infrastructure construction projects in M

15、odern Europe the English Channel Tunnel. It consists of two parts. First, it begins with an objective presentation of both the British and French local residents negative opinions on the Chunnel, which result from their mutual feeling of dislike. In spite of this, the construction began and the proj

16、ect proves to be of great significance. The second part is the writers personal experience at the breakthrough ceremony. Although the difference of national characteristics still exists, the connection of two countries and the hug of the construction workers from two nations are incredibly toughing.

17、 Worries about and anticipation of the future of the Chunnel on the part of the Eurotunnel is disclosed at the end.IV. words and expressionPara. 1What did the author talk about in this paragraph?He stated the topic of the report directly: the English Channel Tunnel.1. pound adjectives1) the soon-to-

18、be-opened English Channel Tunnel (L1-2) means “that is to be opened soone.g. an easy-to-perform trick a difficult-to-use camera the soon-to-be-pleted Metro2) Gull-wing means “like the wings of the gull.e.g. a baby-food store a mountain-top hut city-reconstruction discussions3) Cross-Channel-link mea

19、ns “building a link that crosses the Channel.e.g. a keep-fit-class schedule a cross-border-raid threat4) 31-mile-long e.g. a ten-year-old boy a three-inch-thick book a 3-hour-long journey 2. (L2) For the first time since the last ice age, England was about to be linked to France.1) an ice age 冰川期2)

20、this is an exaggeration, which means “for the first time since the world began to exist.Para 2-5Question:What did an English couple say about the French people, and what did a Frenchman say about the English people? Why do you think they showed a mutual feeling of dislike?An English retired civil se

21、rvant said that hed rather have England bee the 51st state of U.S.A than have his country linked to France. He added that the French didnt care for anybody. His wife said the France was an awful place and that the French people drank wine all the time. She disliked French food and preferred to have

22、English sauce with her food. In the meantime, a French farmer plained about English ketchup and about their not having any good wine. The British and the French people disliked each other because there had been long years of conflict between the two countries.What did English and French local reside

23、nts think about the Channel before it was constructed? Why did they have such feelings?They didnt like each other and didnt want to linked with each other by the Channel. (the long-lasting Anglo-French conflict *)Para 2-6Language points:1. (L4) Id rather England bee the 51st state. e.g. Id rather yo

24、u stayed with us over the weekend.Hed rather John hadnt called on him.“我宁愿你独立工作,从失败中寻找新的方法,也不要你墨守成规,毫无建树,导师对他说。I would rather you work on your own to find a new solution from your failures than follow the convention without any new discovery, the supervisor said to him.我们宁为玉碎,也不为瓦全。We would rather d

25、ie than live in disgrace.2. (L5) said a retired civil servant 公务员3. (L6) his pale blue eyes filled with foreboding.absolute construction:独立主格结构是一个独立主格的名词或代词作为逻辑主格,加上一个分词、形容词、副词、不定式、介词短语。其作用相当于状语,多用来表示行为、方式或伴随的情况,有时也用来表示时间和条件。这种结构多用在书面语中。 一、几种常见的独立主格结构形式 1.名词或代词现在分词或过去分词。如: 1The moon appearing,they d

26、ecided to go on with theirjourney. 2Good-bye said,he went home. 2.名词或代词形容词。如: 3The weather(being)hot,we all went swimming. 3.名词或代词不定式。如: 4Some of the money to be paid by the thief, the policewent. 4.名词或代词介词短语。如: 5He climbed in,sword in hand. 5.名词或代词副词。如: 6The meeting(being)over, we left the room. 独立

27、主格结构的模式是: 主格名词/代词 + 分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 (作逻辑主语) (作逻辑谓语) 1. All our savings gone, we started looking for jobs. 2. The question settled, we went home. 3. The river having risen in the night, the crossing was impossible. 主格名词/代词 + 分词 (过去分词/现在分词) 主格名词/代词 + 形容词 1. His mother being ill, he had to stay home

28、 to look after her. 2. Other things being equal, I would buy the black dress. 主格名词/代词 + 副词 The meeting being over, our headmaster soon left the meeting-room. We to care for the children, you are able to be carefree away from home. 主格名词/代词 + 不定式 主格名词/代词 +介词短语 Our English teacher came into the classro

29、om, papers in hand. with复合结构 与 独立主格结构 它们都可以在句中作原因状语,伴随状况状语,条件状语,时间状语或结果状语用,一般也可以相互转换.虽然它们的语法功能和意义一样,但其结构形式和名称却不一样. with复合结构的模式是: with+名词/代词+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 独立主格结构的模式是: 主格名词/代词+分词/形容词/副词/不定式/介词短语 一,作时间状语 1,With winter ing on, the trees turn yellow and some birds fly south.=Winter ing on, the trees

30、 turn yellow and some birds fly south. 二,作原因状语 1,With the weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. = The weather terribly cold, we entered the room to warm ourselves. 2,With the key having been lost, she could not enter the room. = The key having been lost, she could not enter t

31、he room. 三,作条件状语 1,With time permitting, well visit the Summer Palace. = Time permitting, well visit the Summer Palace.2,With the car going wrong, well have to stop at the foot of the mountain. = The car going wrong, well have to stop at the foot of the mountain. 四,作伴随状语 1,The mother was cleaning th

32、e house with her baby playing on the bed. =The mother was cleaning the house, her baby playing on the bed. 2,Last night I followed him, with a sword in my hand. = Last night I followed him , sword in hand. 无论with复合结构还是独立主格结构,都不可有动词的谓语形式充当其中的逻辑谓语.如下例中的was就必须去掉: He sat at the desk reading with a pen was in his right hand

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