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1、ATP15成绩单 题目正文 标准答案 用户选项 选项说明 1.(1-1) At a waypoint , PTL 130 is notified that the Chongqing Airport is closed. PTL 130 is told to proceed to Chengdu Inti Airport.PTL 130 is operating under CCAR Part 121. The PIC on PTL 130 has less than 100 hours as PIC in the B-727. A.(续正文考题,What are PICs minimums

2、for the VOR/DME RWY 02 approach)_MDH150m,VIS2400m. B.MDH120m,VIS1600m. C.MDH100m,VIS1600m. B X2.If the authority gradient is too steep, A.the first officer may be unlikely to contribute anything to the decision making processeven when he is sure that the captain has made a mistake! B.The first offic

3、er respects the captains command status but feels free to contribute. C.the first officer may be likely to contribute anything to the decision making process A X3. If airplane enters to the undershoot airflow under thunderstorm clouds, it will encounter_.A. head windshear B. turbulence C. vertical w

4、indshear C X4. When an ATC controller assigns a too low speed for the aircrafts operating limitation under the existing circumstance, what should the pilot do?A. reduce speed to the assigned speed. B. reduce speed to the minimum speed at that circumstance. C. advise ATC of the speed that will be use

5、d. C X5.An air carrier may schedule a pilot, on a four-pilot crew (including a second-in-commander pilot), for flight deck duty during any 24 consecutive-hour period for not more thanA.17 hours B.24 hours C.25 hours A X6. In northern hemisphere, if fly from high pressure area to low pressure area at

6、 6000 meters, the wind on the course is _.A.right crosswind B.tailwind C. left crosswind C X7. (Refer to Figure 2-12) What is the runway distance remaining at B for a daytime takeoff on runway 9?A.2,000 feet B.2,500 feet C.3,000 feet C X8.After been in exposed to normal lighting, dark adaptation(nig

7、ht vision)returns after a recovery period of aboutA.30 minutes B.1 hours C.5 minutes. A X9.(according to figure 2), at ZBAA, the max predicting wind speed is_.A. 17 m/s B. 8 m/s C. 6 m/s A X10. (Refer to Figures 1-3) The PIC of TNA 90 has 49 hours and 102 landings as PIC in the MD90 while operating

8、under Part 121. The PIC also has 959 hours and 246 landings, as PIC, in the B-737 while operating under Part 121.A.(续考题正文 What are the minimums for the ILS/DME RWY 18 approach at ZSSS, for this PIC?)_DA63m,RVR550m. B.DA93m,VIS1600m. C.DA110m,VIS1600m B X11.The illusion of being in a noseup attitude

9、which may occur during a rapid acceleration take off is known asA.inversion illusion. B.autokinesis. C.somatogravic illusion. C X12. Which document includes descriptions of the required crewmember functions to be performed in the event of an emergency?A. Airplane Flight Manual. B. Certificate holder

10、s manual. C. Pilots Emergency Procedures Handbook. B X13. A commercial pilot has DC-3 and DC-9 type ratings. A flight test is completed for an Airline Transport Pilot Certificate in a B-727. What pilot privileges may be exercised?A.ATP - B-727 and DC-3; Commercial - DC-9. B.ATP - B-727 only; Commerc

11、ial - DC-9 and DC 3. C.ATP - B-727, DC-3, and DC-9. C X14. What effective runway length is required for a turbojet-powered airplane at the destination airport if the runways are forecast to be wet or slippery at the ETA? A.70 percent of the actual runway available, from a height of 50 feet over the

12、threshold. B.115 percent of the runway length required for a dry runway. C.115 percent of the runway length required for a wet runway. B X15. Who is responsible for the issue of Class 2 NOTAMs?A.Domestic flight information center NOTAMs office. B.ATMB NOTAMs office. C.International NOTAMs office of

13、CAAC flight information center. C X16. When a speed adjustment is necessary to maintain separation, what minimum speed may ATC request of a piston arrival aircraft operating below 3,000 meters?A. 210 knots B. 200 knots C. 150 knots B X17. Refer to Figure 4-32. What is the turbulent air penetration N

14、1 power setting for Operating Conditions below? WEIGHT (*1000): 80,PRESSURE ALTITUDE: 25,000,TOTAL AIR TEMP (TAT): -28oCA.77.5 percent. B.75.3 percent. C.79.4 percent. B X18. What is the correct symbol for takeoff decision speed? A.V2. B.V1. C.VLOF. B X19.In a highly successful effort to better anal

15、yze SA incidents, Mica Endsley developed a 3-level taxonomy in 1995. Using the taxonomy, ASRS reviewed 113 SA A.(续正文,incidents that were reported it and found 169 SA errors. Most Of them were classified as)Level 1 Failure to correctly perceive the situation B.Level 2 Failure to comprehend the situat

16、ion C.Level 3 Failure to comprehend the situation into the future A X20. (Refer to Figure 2-6) Which RMI illustration indicates the aircraft to be flying outbound on the magnetic bearing of 235 FROM the station ?(wind050 at 20 knots)A.2 B.3 C.4 B X21. What feature is associated with a temperature in

17、version?A. A stable layer of air. B. An unstable layer of air. C. Air mass thunderstorms. A X22.Which ground components are required to be operative for a Category II approach in addition to LOC glide slope, marker beacons, and approach lights?A.Radar and RVR. B.RCLS and REIL C.HIRL, TDZL, RCLS, and

18、 RVR. C X23. When a pilot plans a flight using NDB NAVAIDS. Which rule applies?A.The airplane must have sufficient fuel to proceed. by means of VOR NAVIDS, to a suitable airport and land. B.The pilot must be able to return to the departure airport using other navigation radios. C.The airplane must h

19、ave sufficient fuel to proceed, by means of VOR NAVAIDS, to a suitable airport and complete an instrument approach by use of the remaining airplane radio system. C X24. Which condition is present when a local of air is stable?A. The parcel of air resists convection. B. The parcel of cannot be forced

20、 uphill. C. As the parcel of air moves upward, its temperature becomes warmer than the surrounding air. A X25. (Refer to Figure 6-3) The true direction of Rwy 35 at PUDONG isA.342o. B.347o. C.352o. A X26. Refer to Figures 4-35 and 4-36. What are descent fuel and distance under Operating Conditions S

21、-5? A.1,420 pounds, 97 NAM. B.1,440 pounds, 102 NAM. C.1,390 pounds, 92 NAM. A X27. In summer, when warm air mass is unstable, what may occur in layer clouds of cold front? A. cumulonimbus B. front fog C. layer clouds A X28.Which of the following would most likely lead to carbon monoxide contaminati

22、on of the cockpit atmosphere?A.excessive use of carburetor heat low in a very thick smoke haze C.a leak in the engine exhaust system C X29. What is the advantage of HIRL or MIRL on an IFR runway as compared to a VFR runway?A.Lights are closer together and easily distinguished from surrounding

23、lights B.Amber lights replace white on the last 2,000 feet of runway for a caution zone C.Alternate red and white lights replace the white on the last 3,000 feet of runway for caution zone B X30. Refer to Figure 4-26. Which of the following configurations will result in the shortest landing distance

24、 over a 50-foot obstacle to a wet runway? A.Brakes and spoilers at 120,500 pounds gross weight. B.Brakes and reversers at 125,000 pounds gross weight. C.Brakes, spoilers, and reversers at 135,000 pounds gross weight. C X31. Refer to Figure 4-28. What is the ground roll when landing with 15o of flaps

25、 at a landing weight of 122,000 pounds? A.1,750 feet. B.2,200 feet. C.2,750 feet. A X32.What aural and visual indications should be observed over an ILS outer maker?A. Continuous dots at the rate of six per second. B. Continuous dashes at the rate of two per second. C. Alternate dots and dashes at t

26、he rate of two per second. B X33. (Refer to Figure 1-2) The PIC of PTL 55 has 75 hours and 30 landings as PIC in the B-747, while operating under Part 121. The PIC has 759 hours and 312 landings, as PIC, in the B-777 while operating under Part 121.A.(续考题正文 What are the minimums for the ILS RWY 02 ap

27、proach at ZUCK, for the PIC?)_DH95m,VIS1600 B.DH65m,RVR600 C.DH65m,RVR550 B X34. A clear area in a line of thunderstorm echoes on a radar scope indicatesA. the absence of clouds in the area B. an area of no convective turbulence C. an area where precipitation drops are not detected C X35.In flight ,

28、as the time goes on , the CG will A.change B.not change C.may change or may not change A X36. Equivalent shaft horsepower (ESHP) of a turboprop engine is a measure of A.turbine inlet temperature. B.shaft horsepower and jet thrust. C.propeller thrust only. B X37.For the purpose of testing the flight

29、recorder system.A.A minimum of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data must be erased to get a valid test B.A total of 1 hour of the oldest recorded data accumulated at the time of testing may be erased C.A total of no more than 1 hour of recorded data may be erased B X38.The flight time limitations esta

30、blished for flight crewmembers includeA.only pilots B.pilots, navigators, flight engineers and batmen, but do not include flight attendants. C.all commercial flying in any flight crewmember position. C X39.What is one disadvantage of a swept wing design?A.The wing root stalls prior to the wingtip se

31、ction. B.The wingtip section stalls prior to the wing root. C.Severe pitch down moment when the center of pressure shifts forward. B X40. (Refer to Figure 1) According to the aeronautical weather report on figure 1, the QNH for ZUUU is A.998 hPa B.1099.8 hPa C.999.8 hPa A X41.What is a feature of supercooled water? A. the water drop sublimates to an ice particle upon impact. B. The unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object. C. The t

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