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版高考英语第一部分 选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion11页.docx

1、版高考英语第一部分 选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion11页Unit 4Pygmalion(对应学生用书第211页)单词拼写应用.考纲单词会拼写、要识记1professor n 教授2classify vt. 把分类;把归类3remark n. 谈论;言论;评述 vt.&vi. 谈论;评论;说起4condemn vt. 谴责;使处于不幸(不愉快)的状态5compromise n&vi. 妥协;折衷6horrible adj. 可怕的;恐怖的7overlook vt. 俯视;忽视;不理会8fade vi.& vt. (使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失9classic adj. 经典的;第一流的 n

2、. 经典著作10whistle vi. 吹口哨;发出汽笛声 n. 口哨声;汽笛声11troublesome adj. 带来麻烦的;使人心烦的12outcome n. 结果;效果13handkerchief n. 手帕;手绢;纸巾14brilliant adj. 光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的15betray vt. 显露出(本来面目);背叛16extraordinary adj. 不同寻常的;非凡的17status n. 身份;地位;职位18superior adj. 优秀的;较高的;上级的 n. 上级;长官19shabby adj. 破旧的;寒酸的20sob vi. 啜泣;抽噎 n. 啜泣(

3、声);抽噎(声).派生单词能辨别1adapt v改编;(使)适应adaptation n适应(性);改编本2hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇hesitation n犹豫;踌躇3uncomfortable adj.不舒服的;不安的;不自在的uncomfortably adv.不舒服地;不自在地4mistake n&v.错误;误会mistaken adj.(见解或判断上)错误的;不正确的5acquaint vt.使熟悉;使了解acquaintance n相识;熟人;了解6fortune n机会;运气;大笔的钱fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地unfortun

4、ately adv.不幸地7rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺robber n抢劫犯;盗窃犯robbery n抢劫(行为)8disgust vt.使厌恶,使反感disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的.语境应用(用所给词的适当形式填空)1Although many masterpieces have been adapted to films in the past ten years,few of adaptations are satisfying.(adapt)2He hesitated to tell his parents the bad news but his teach

5、er told him that he should do without hesitation(hesitate)3The twins are hard to distinguish,so people often mistake one for the other.In fact,people often make the same mistakes so they think the twins have no difference,which is mistaken(mistake)4He wanted to make a fortune,but unfortunately,he fa

6、iled again and again,so he thought he wasnt fortunate(fortune)拓展联想 “谴责”相关词荟萃accuse/charge vt.起诉 criticize vt.批评scold vt.责骂 punish vt.惩罚短语多维应用.短语回顾会默写1pass.off_as. (把某人)改变或冒充成2make_ones_acquaintance 结识;与相见3generally_speaking 一般来说4in_terms_of. 就来说;从角度5rob_sb.of_sth. 抢劫某人某物 带或领进来7once_more 再一次8

7、fade_out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡9in_need_of 需要10hand_over 交出;移交.语境应用(选用上述短语的适当形式填空)1They threatened to shoot him and robbed_him_of all his possessions.2When he didnt know how to get into the building, a boy showed him in3My memory of the happy days we spent together will never fade_out as time goes by.4When

8、they got there, they found the people suffering the storm were in_need_of food and water supplies.5Although he is very young, he is much more experienced than others in_terms_of working ability.6The two sides did not agree on the subject for the first time,so today they will sit down once_more to ha

9、ve a discussion.拓展联想“”结构小结be superior to 比优越/年长be senior to . 比年长/资历深be junior to . 比年轻/资历浅be inferior to . 次于;不如be similar to 与相似be familiar to 为所熟悉“adv.speaking”短语聚集generally speaking 一般来说honestly speaking 诚实地说来frankly speaking 坦率地说句式结构仿写教材原句会背诵句式仿写能应用1.What if.要是怎么办?What if I was?1.在接下来的半

10、小时里,如果这个问题必须解决会怎样?What_if_this_problem_has_to_be_solved in the next half hour?2.状语从句省略But,sir,(proudly)once educated to speak properly,that girl could pass herself off in three months as a duchess at an ambassadors garden party.2.当被问到他为何如此伤心时,这个学生说他失去了这次出国的机会。When_asked_why_he_was_so_sad,the student

11、 said he had been robbed of the opportunity of going abroad.3.形容词短语作状语Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.3.全神贯注地读书,他没注意到老师走进教室。Deep_in_the_book,_he didnt notice the teacher came into the classroom. (对应学生用书第212页)精讲4个考纲单词hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇高考佳句Dont hesitate to ask me if

12、 you have any questions.(2017年全国卷)如果你有任何问题,随时问我。(1)hesitate to do sth.迟疑做某事;不愿做某事hesitate about/over(doing)sth. (做)某事犹豫不决(2)without hesitation 毫不犹豫地have no hesitation in doing sth. 毫不犹豫地做某事She hesitated over/about the choice between the two refrigerators.这两个冰箱究竟选哪一个,她犹豫不决。If there is something else

13、I can do for you, please dont hesitate to_contact(contact) me.(2015年天津高考)如果还有别的事情让我为你效劳,请不要犹豫,只管联系我。As was expected,she had no hesitation (hesitate) in accepting the job.正如所预料的一样,她毫不犹豫地接受了这份工作。链接写作每当朋友遇到困难时,他都会义不容辞地给予帮助,不要求回报。Whenever his friends have some troubles,he will_help_them_without_hesitati

14、on and require no rewards.(介词短语)Whenever his friends have some troubles,he will_never_hesitate_to_help_them and require no rewards.(hesitate to)Whenever his friends have some troubles,he will_never_have_any_hesitation_in_helping and require no rewards.(have.hesitation in)acquaintance n相识;了解;熟人教材原句An

15、d I came to England to make your acquaintance!我也正是到英国来找你的!(1)结识某人(2)have an/some acquaintance with 对有一定了解have no acquaintance with 不熟悉,不了解(3)acquaint v. 使熟悉,使了解be acquainted with 熟悉;认识/了解Ive been looking forward to making her acquaintance for a long time.我很久以来一直盼望着与她相识。I have_some_acquaintance_with

16、French,but I do not know it well.我懂得一点法语,但不精通。Larry is the only one of my friends who is acquainted(acquaint) with the old poem.拉里是我的唯一一个熟悉这首旧诗的朋友。fortune n财产;大笔的钱;机会;运气经典例句Now there are many young men in our society dreaming of making a fortune without hard work.现在在我们社会中,有很多年轻人梦想不通过努力工作就可发大财。(1)see

17、k ones fortune找出路;碰运气make a fortune 发财try ones fortune 碰运气(2)fortunate adj. 幸运的;侥幸的(lucky)be fortunate to do sth. 幸运做某事(3)fortunately adv. 幸运地(luckily)These two brothers decided to go to America to try their fortune.这兄弟俩决定去美国碰碰运气。Fortunately(fortune),his stepmother was very kind to him.幸运的是,他的继母对他非常

18、好。She was fortunate to_find (find)a job as soon as she graduated from the university.她大学一毕业就找到了工作,真是幸运。名师点津fortune作名词且意为“机会;运气”时,是不可数名词;作“大笔的钱;财富;前途”时,是可数名词。链接写作下个星期将要完成的交易,将允许查尔斯在股票市场挣一大笔钱。(普通表达)The deal,to be completed next week,will allow Charles to make_a_lot_of_money in the stock market.(高级表达)T

19、he deal,to be completed next week,will allow Charles to make_a_great_fortune in the stock promise n妥协;和解;折衷v妥协;让步;违背;放弃经典例句This model represents the best compromise between price and quality.这种型号是价格和质量间的最佳折衷方案。(1)reach/come to a compromise和解;达成一种妥协make a compromise with 与妥协(2)compromise with sb. 与某人

20、和解compromise on sth. 就某事折衷It is really important for parents to reach a compromise between what they want and what their kids desire.对于父母来说,在他们自己想要的和孩子们想要的之间达成一种妥协真的很重要。Sometimes,its necessary to compromise with your friends when you want to keep the friendship.有时候,为了能保持友谊,你需要和你朋友和解。remark n谈论;言论;评述

21、vt.&vi.谈论;评论;说起(1)make a remark/remarks on/upon对发表评论/看法remark on/upon 谈论/评论(2)remarkable adj. 非凡的;显著的The girl always makes a remark on/upon what others wear.这个女孩总是对别人的衣着评头论足。He showed remarkable (remark) competence when he faced the difficult problems.他在面对困难的问题时表现出非凡的能力。诠释2个核心短语in terms of. 就来说;从角度经

22、典例句In my opinion,ones success cannot always be in terms of money.依我看,一个人的成功不能总是从钱的角度来衡量。come to terms with达成协议,和好;接受be on good/bad terms 关系良好/不好in the long/short term/run 就长远/短期而言The country is very poor and it has to come_to_terms with the neighbouring countries.这个国家很穷,它不得不与邻国和解。Learning is not alw

23、ays easy,but it is always beneficial in_the_long_term/run学习并不总是那么简单,但从长远来看它总是有益的。show.in带或领进来教材原句Show her in,Mrs Pearce.皮尔斯夫人,领她进来。show. out带或领出去show off 炫耀;展示show up 出现;来到某处show sb. around/round 领某人参观You are coming to Hangzhou this weekend, and Ill be very glad to show you around/round our beautifu

24、l city then.这个周末你就要来杭州了,到时候我非常乐意带你参观我们的这座美丽城市。He promised to attend the meeting,but he hasnt showed_up yet.他答应出席会议,但是他还没有出现。突破1个高考句型What_if I was?如果我是,又怎么样呢?What if.?常用来提出假设、建议、邀请、要求等,意为“倘若将会怎样?”“如果将会怎样?”How come?怎么会这样?怎么搞的?How/What about.? 怎么样?What for? 为什么(目的)?为何(理由)?So what? 那又怎样?Why not do sth.?

25、 为什么不?It sounds like a good offer,but what if its a trick?那个提议听起来很诱人,但如果是个骗局会怎么样?If she spent five years in Paris,how_come her French is so bad?假如她在巴黎待了五年的话,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?He is fifteen years younger than you.他比你小十五岁呢!So_what?那又怎样?多角快练练单词 练短语 练句型(对应学生用书第214页).单句语法填空1He has some acquaintance with Germa

26、n, but he doesnt speak it fluently.2He awoke to find himself lying uncomfortably (comfort) on this hard, cold floor.3He was robbed last night, but fortunately (fortune) he didnt have much money on him then.4The curtains I bought many years ago in the supermarket have faded(fade) in the sun.5It is re

27、quired that the books in the library should be_classified(classify) by subject.6If you dont learn from the past, youre condemned to_repeat(repeat) its mistakes.7She felt betrayed(betray) when she found out the truth about him.8Sometimes the couples should make compromises (compromise) with each othe

28、r in order to live harmoniously.单句改错1In term of education, I first thank all my teachers who have devoted themselves to their profession. termterms2I made an apology that I had taken your umbrella by mistaken.mistakenmistake3Out of everybodys expectation, she didnt hesitate accept the job.hesitate后加

29、to4My calculation was wrong because I overlook on one tiny point.去掉on5He is superior than the other students in the class in cleverness.thanto(对应学生用书第215页).课文语法填空根据P2830和P3435课文内容,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。My Fair Lady was the title of a successful musical.And later it was also made into a film 1._(b

30、ase)on George Bernard Shaws classic Pygmalion.Have you ever seen the film?2._ details are as follows.In the musical,Professor Higgins takes 3._ bet from Colonel Pickering 4._ he can transfer an unrefined dirty flower girl Eliza Doolittle 5._ a lady,and fool everyone into 6._(think)she really is.He does so,and thus young aristocrat Freddy Eynsfor

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