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九年级英语上学期期末综合复习题一 外研版.docx

1、九年级英语上学期期末综合复习题一 外研版10-11学年初三上期末综合复习题(一)一、单项选择(20%)( ) 1. In Sweden, people dont need to _ too much money on presents, instead, making a meal is enough. A. spend B. take C. pay D. cost( ) 2. Tom realized that he _ his physics book at home when he reached school. A. left B. had left C. was leaving D.

2、 leaves( ) 3. Hold on to your dreams, _ they will come true one day. A. but B. and C. so D. or( ) 4. Her life _ a lot during the last three years. A. changed B. changing C. has changed D. will change( ) 5. This is the book _ I have read these years. A. who B. when C. where D. that6Dont be afraid of

3、the difficultiesLets them togetherAdo Bwork put Cface Dsee7Mary hasnt been to LondonI havent Aalso Beither Ctoo Dalready8People in different countries behave when they eat dinnerApolitely Bdifferently Chealthily Dquietly9He used to in the sun,but now he is used to at nightAread;read Breading;readCre

4、ad;reading Dreading;reading10My brother is going to look for another job the company offers him more moneyAafter Bwhen Cunless Dbesides11I m very busy todayI have a very important report Ato listen Bto listen to Clistening Dto listening to12It s raining so that we can go outAhard;hard Bhardly;hardly

5、 Chard;hardly Dhardly;hard13My brother has been used thereAto working Bto work Cworked Dworking14The boy makes money newspapersAsell Bin selling Cby selling Don sell15Why,Tom,didnt you get your bike ?Amend Bto mend Cmending Dmended16First of all,the teachers must be strict their studentsAat Bin Cfor

6、 Dwith17- Lisa has made great progress these days- ,and ASo has she;so have you BSo has she;so you haveCSo she has;so you have DSo she has;so have you18Our teacher went to my house to visit my parents Ain the last two days Bthese daysCsome day Dthe other day19Students often make mistakes spellingAfo

7、r Bin Cat Don20He takes pride his successAon Bof Cin Dat二、完形填空(15%)My parents had some strange rules when my sister and I were growing upFor example they never 21 us soda or juiceOur choice was water or iced tea 22 no sugarMy moms _23 for it was that she didnt like kids who only drank sweet drinks,o

8、r worse,kids who did not like 24 ! She wanted to teach us to like water or 25 unsweetened drinks that did not come in a bottleWe,on the other hand,wanted to 26 a coke when we ate outNow I can make my own decision,but I 27 choose juice or sodaI dont 28 itIts not because I dont like itI m just used to

9、 drinking waterMany people 29 to think that a kid needs juiceIf the child cant get it,he or she will secretly buy this kind of drink elsewhereI found this really 30 ,since I was raised 31 no juice or soda,and I didnt really 32 only having waterNow people 33 kids to make their own choice, 34 I grew u

10、p in a family where the childrens opinions were seldom 35 for,and the parents made the final decision21Aneeded Bsold Cbought Dleft22Awith Bof Coff Dwithout23Adecision Breason Chobby Dexperience24Asoda Bjuice Cwater Dmilk25Aanother Bthe other Cothers Dother26Aorder Breply Cobey Dachieve27Aever Bnever

11、 Calways Dsometimes28Athink about Btake care Cpay for Dthink out29Alike Bseem Cstudy Dget30Aexcited Bdifficult Cinteresting Dnecessary31Aon Bwith Cfor Dby32Agive up Bcare about Ctake pride in Dagree with33Aallow Bdesign Cteach Dcause34Aas Bsince Cbut Dthough35Aadded Basked Cinfluenced Dregarded三、阅读理

12、解(30%)ALast week,all the teachers and students of our school watched a special performance by some disabled(残疾的)peopleThe first program was a dance named “The light of life”To my surprise,all the dancers had lost one of their legsAs they were performing,I could see how they had to face so many diffi

13、cultiesHowever,they showed us many wonderful programsFrom these programs,I could see how lively their minds wereThe two persons who came out next shocked us allThe first one was a singerHe was very young but unfortunately he had lost both of his hands in a big fireThe song he brought us was “Late Au

14、tumn” and he sang it in such a low and sweet voiceThough it was warm spring, I felt a little cold when I heard the song as if it was really late autumn“How much love and feeling is hidden in my heart? I wish to hold your hands again” Hearing this,I couldnt keep back my tearsThe other one was also a

15、young manHe lost both of his arms when he was sixFrom then on,his feet became his “hands”However,he could manage a number of things with his feetWhat moved us most was his feet writingThe two words “Flying High” expressed his wishes“If your wings are gone,your heart can still fly,” said Zhang Haidi,

16、a disabled writerIn the world,there are many disabled people,yet most of them dont give in(屈服)They have strong wishes and beautiful dreamsJust as Zhang Haidi said they could flyDisability doesnt mean complete failureOnce you try hard,miracles(奇迹)will happen sooner or laterI believe where there is a

17、will,there is a way请根据短文内容选择最佳答案:36The teachers and students last weekAsaw a film Bheld a partyCwatched a football match Dwatched a performance37Why did the writer feel cold when he heard the song “Late Autumn”?ABecause it was cold at that momentBBecause he had a bad coldCBecause it was late autumn

18、and the weather was coolDBecause the song was moving38The underlined word “shocked” probably means Asurprised Bcrashed Cwarned Dsounded39“Flying High” expressed the wish of Aa blind person Ba person with no armsCa person without feet Da person with neither hands nor feet40What do you think is the be

19、st title for this passage?AAn unforgettable Day BSome Disabled peopleCA Special Performance DA Strange WriterBA young man was getting ready to graduate from the collegeHe loved a beautiful sports car for many months,and knew his father could well afford it for himHe told his father that was all he w

20、antedAs the graduation day was coming near,the young man had got nothing from his fatherOn the morning of his graduation,his father called him into his studyHe told his son how proud he was to have such a good son,and told him how much he loved himThen he gave his son a beautiful gift boxThe young m

21、an opened the box and found a lovely book,a Bible,with the young mans name in itAngrily,he raised his voice to his father and said,“With all your money you gave me a Bible?” He then ran out of the house,leaving the BibleMany years later,the young man was very successful in businessHe had a beautiful

22、 house and a wonderful familyRealing his father was old,he thought he should go to see himHe had not seen him since that graduation dayUnfortunately,he was told that his father had diedWhen he arrived at his fathers house,he began to take care of his fathers papersAnd then he found the Bible,just as

23、 he had left it years agoWith tears,he opened it and began to turn the pagesAs he was reading,from the back of the Bible dropped a car keyThat was the key to the sports car he wanted so muchSuddenly sadness and regret filled his heartSometimes we dont realize the good luck that we already have becau

24、se we dont know the “gift box” is packed in a different wayThe “gift box” may be the door to happinessIt is just waiting for us to open请根据短文内容选择最佳答案:41The son would like his father to buy him Aa beautiful gift box Ba sports carCa beautiful house Da Bible42The son ran out of the house angrily because

25、 Ahis father didnt love himBhis father gave him nothingChis father said something wrong to himDhe thought his father only gave him a Bible43Many years later,the son Ahad a hard life Bwent to see his father quite oftenCbecame a successful businessman Dwas told his father was still healthy44What did t

26、he son feel when he got the car key?ASad and regretful BDisappointed and upsetCExcited and happy DWorried and sad45From the story,the writer wants to tell us Awe should accept any gift that our parents give usBwe may miss good luck because they are not packed as we expectedCwe should look after our

27、parents carefullyDour parents will give us everything we ask forC“Teenager” means people from 13 to 19 years oldAlthough theyre young,they have to make many important choices by themselvesThey need to think about questions like these: Should we go to college? What kind of jobs do I want? However,oth

28、er people also influence their choicesWho influences teenagers?It depends on the kind of choiceWhen teenagers buy things,friends are the most important influenceThis is especially true for clothes and musicTV shows,advertisements and parents also influence teenagersIn more serious things,parents are

29、 probably the most important influenceSome teenagers say its best to regard both parents and friends as influencesJames,a seventeen-year-old boy says hes “just a crazy man”,he also says,“Parents are really important because they can tell you whats right and wrong”But teenagers also feel they need to

30、 make choices-to make their own mistakesAs one teenager girl said,“If our parents dont let us make our own choices,maybe in the future we dont know how to do it” And they feel friends can often be a big help,especially because friends sometimes know more about their situation than their 48TV shows and advertisements cant influence teenagers49In more serious things,fri

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