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1、考研英语1800高频词汇详解2unduly 5Qn5dju:li ad. 不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地【例句】It seems unduly modest of him not to mention this point. 他没有提到这一点,似乎显得过分谦虚。uninteresting 5Qn5intristiN a. 无趣的, 令人厌倦的【例句】Its uninteresting reading the play round the class, cant we try to act it? 在班内轮着朗读剧本多乏味,难道我们不能试着表演吗?unprincipled Qn5prinsEpl

2、d a. 不道德的, 无原则的, 不合人道的【例句】unprincipled behaviors 不道德的行为unworthy Qn5wE:Ti a. 不值得的, 不足取的【例句】unworthy of investigations 不值得调查utopia ju:5tEupjE, -piE n. 乌托邦, 理想的完美境界, 空想的社会改良计划utterly QtElI ad. 完全地, 绝对地, 彻底地【例句】an effect utterly alien from the one intended 与原先意图大相径庭的结果vacancy 5veikEnsi n. 1.空, 空白, 空缺 2.

3、空闲, 清闲 3.空虚【例句】There were three candidates for the vacancy. 这一空缺有三名候选人。validity vE5liditi n. 有效性, 合法性, 正确性【例句】validity of documents 文件的合法性versatile 5vE:sEtail a. 1.有多种技能的,多才多艺的 2.有多种用途的,多功能的,万用的【例句】a new kitchen machine 一种多功能的新型厨房机械victorious vik5tC:riEs a. 获胜的, 胜利的【例句】The victorious general waited

4、upon the king.那位凯旋归来的将军拜见国王。vigorously 5viErEsli ad. 精神旺盛地【例句】He took up life vigorously again. 他又开始精力充沛地面对生活。vulnerable 5vQlnErEb(E)l a. ( to)1.易受伤的;脆弱的 2.易在感情上受伤害的;易受诱惑的;易受影响的【例句】That country is economically but militarily a colossus. 那个国家在经济上脆弱,而军事上是个巨人。weariness 5wiErinis n. 疲倦, 厌烦, 疲劳【例句】Wearin

5、ess is written in the slowness of his movements. 慢吞吞的动作表明他已十分困乏。weird wiEd a. 1.鬼怪似的;怪诞的,神秘的 2.超自然的 3.奇怪的,奇特的;不可思议的【例句】 The witches moved in a dance. 女巫们装神弄鬼地手舞足蹈。【认知】本词的核心意义与“fate; to become; to turn”(命运;多变)具有关联性。absurdly Eb5sE:dli ad. 荒谬地, 悖理地, 愚蠢地【认知】本词的核心含义为“一种从存在主义出发的文学或哲学观点,指“人生无意义”,“人世无理性”等”a

6、bundance E5bQndEns n. 1.sing大量,多,丰富,充足 2.富有;富裕unduly 5Qn5dju:li ad. 不适当地, 过度地, 不正当地【例句】It seems unduly modest of him not to mention this point. 他没有提到这一点,似乎显得过分谦虚。uninte【例句】Peasants share meals of autumn with us. 农民们和我们一起吃秋收之后的丰盛饭菜。【认知】前缀为“a-”的变体;“-und-”含义是“在波浪中游荡,溢出”。如“redundant”与其同源。accommodation E

7、7kCmE5deiFEn n.1.住处;膳宿 2.调和;(社会不同集团之间的)迁就通融【例句】comfortable overnight s for visitors 招待来客过夜的舒适住处。The steamer has berthing s for 1500 passengers. 这艘轮船有1500个旅客的铺位。【认知】前缀为“a-”;“mod”意为“措施,测量;方式”(强调方便,精确性)。acknowledges Ek5nClidVs v. 1.承认(某一事实的存在),承认的权威(或主张) 2.对作出反应,答谢【认知】本词词根为“know”(知道,认知)。acquisition 7Ak

8、wi5ziFEn n. 1.取得,获得,习得 2.兼并,合并【例句】The children progressed in the of basic skills.孩子们在掌握基本技术方面取得了进步。acquisitive E5kwizitiv a. 1.想获得的, 有获得可能性的, 可学到的 2.有贪欲的adaptability EdAptE5biliti n. ( to)适应性adaptation 7AdAp5teiFEn n. ( to)1.适应 2.改编, 改写本【例句】The filmss director had skifully ovecome the diffciculties

9、of adaptation. 那部电影的导演已经巧妙地克服了改编的困难。adhere Ed5hiE v. ( to) 1.粘附,附着 2.遵守,坚持;固执 3.追随,依附,拥护【例句】paper adhering to the wall 墙上贴着的纸admirer Ed5maIErE(r) n. 景慕者, 赞赏者, 敬慕者【例句】He was the sort of admirer she had been having in these latter years.他是她近几年来不断遇到的那种爱慕者。adolescent 7AdEJ5lesnt a. 1.青春期的2.青少年的【例句】an ou

10、tpatient clinic 青春期疾病门诊所。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“ole”与“ale”为变体,意为“to feed; to nourish(成长;滋养)”。如“adult”与其同源。advent 5AdvEnt n. sing(尤指不寻常的人或事物的)出现,到来【例句】the of microwave technology 微波技术的出现。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“vent”意为“to come; to arrive”(来到;来临)。affluent 5AfluEnt a. 1.富裕的,富足的 2.充裕的,丰富的;富饶的【例句】The new magazine will be

11、 directed at a more circulation. 新的杂志将争取更大的发行量。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“flu”意为“to flow”(流;富裕的)。aggravation 7ArE5veiFEn n. 1. 加重(病情、负担、罪行、危机等的), 更恶化加重 2.恼怒【认知】本词的词根为“-grave-”(承重;重)。如“grave”与其同源。aggressively E5resivli ad. 侵略地, 攻势地【认知】本词的词根为“-gress-”(走;动)。如“congress”与其同源。agitation AdVi5teiFEn n. 1.激动, 兴奋 2.煽动, 搅

12、动【认知】词根“ag”含义为“to act; to drive”。该词核心意义为“to move to and from(开动,驱动;运转)”。agonies 5AEniz n.(极度的)痛苦,创痛【例句】The fiercest agonies have shortest reign. 最剧烈的痛苦持续的时间也最短。alienation 7eiliE5neiFEn n. (使)疏远,(使)不友好,离间【认知】本词词根“ali”含义“foreign; other(其他)”。如“alter”与其同源。alternatively R:lt:nEtIvlI ad. (偶尔作连词)做为选择, 二者择一

13、地;或者,或许【认知】本词词根“ali”含义“foreign; other(其他)”。如“alter”与其同源。amateurs 5AmEtE(:)z, 5AmEtjuE n. 1.(艺术、科学等的)业余爱好者 2.外行,粗通(某一行)的人【认知】词根“-ama-”含义为“爱;爱好”。如“amiable”与其同源。ambiguous 7Am5bijuEs a. 1.含糊不清的;不明确的;难以理解(或区分)的 2.引起歧义的,模棱两可的【例句】eyes of an colour 色泽难以确定的眼睛。【认知】词根“ambi”意义为“going around(驱赶,领,行动)”。如“ambition

14、”与其同源。anticipate An5tisipeit v. 1.预期,期望,预料 2.早于别人做成(或做);先于前行动【例句】The director fished in his pocket for cigarettes. His secretary d him by clicking open a cigarette case and holding it toward him. 主任在衣袋里摸烟卷。秘书抢在他前面啪地打开了烟盒,递了过去。【认知】前缀“anti”含义为“before(反对;朝向;在对面)”;词根“cip”为“cap”的变体。核心意义是“to take before;

15、to realize before”(事先进行的;预期的)。applauses E5plC:ziz n. 1.鼓掌;喝彩,叫好 2.称赞,嘉许【例句】His efforts were met with unanimous . 他的努力得到众口一词的称赞。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“plaud”含义是“to clap(鼓掌)”。如“plausible”与其同源。appraise E5preiz v. 评价【例句】to appraise sb. at a low rate 贬评某人。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“prais”与“prisi”为变体,含义为“prize(珍视,重视)”。arbitr

16、arily 5B:bitrErili ad. 武断地, 任意地, 专横地【认知】核心含义为“不肯定的(即依赖于仲裁人的裁决的)”。ascent E5sent n. 1.上升, (地位, 声望等的)提高 2.攀登, 上坡路【例句】The steepness of the slope forbade ascent. 坡度很陡,没法攀登。【认知】词根“scent”含义为“爬,增加”。如“descend”与其同源。ascribe Es5kraib v. ( to)1.把归因(于) 2.把归属(于)【例句】to ones failure to bad luck 把自己的失败归咎于运气不好。【认知】词根“

17、-scribe-”含义为“写”。如“describe”与其同源。aspiring Es5paiEriN a. 热心的, 积极的, 有抱负的【例句】Broadcasters tried to abandon their native regional accents and aspire to BBC pronunciation. 广播员们力图去掉自己的乡音,渴望达到BBC的发音标准。【认知】词根“-spir-”含义为“呼吸”。如“spirit”与其同源。assert E5sE:t v. 1.肯定地说(出),坚定地断言 2.主张,维护,坚持【例句】He ed that mans nature w

18、ould never change. 他断言人性决不会变。【认知】前缀为“a-”;词根“sert”与“sere”为变体,意为“to join”。如“desert”与其同源。assessment E5sesmEnt n. 1. (为征税对财产所作的)估价 2.被估定的金额【例句】to make a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the investment 对投资的有效性作数量估计assimilation E9sImIleIFEn n. 1.同化, 同化作用 2.消化【认知】词根“-sim-”含义为“相似;相同”。如“simula

19、te”与其同源。bankruptcies 5bANkrEp(t)siz n. (尤指经法院宣告的)破产者;无偿还力的人【认知】词根“-rupt-”含义为“打破”。如“erupt”与其同源。bestowed bi5stEud v. ( on, upon)把赠与;把给予【例句】Praise is bestowed on virtue but vanishes more quickly than frost in spring. 人们赞扬美德,可是赞扬消失得比春天的霜还要快。【认知】词根“-dow-”与“-dot-”为变体,含义为“给;给予”。如“donate”与其同源。betrayal bi5tr

20、eiEl n. 1.背叛,出卖 2.失信于,辜负 3.泄露(秘密等)【例句】From that black day of betrayal onward he vowed to have his revenge. 他自从不幸被出卖的那一天起就立誓要报仇。bewildered bi5wildE(r)id a. 1.迷惑的;胡涂的;被难住的 2.迷路的,迷失方向的【例句】 to be by the maze of streets in the town 给城里纵横交错的街道弄得晕头转向boastful 5bEustful a. 自负的, 喜夸耀的, 自夸的【例句】It is impossible

21、to win gracefully at chess. No man has yet said Mate! in a voice which failed to sound to his opponent bitter, boastful and malicious. 赢棋做不到优雅。还没有人喊“将”的声音在对手听起来不是尖刻、自负和恶意的呢。bombard 5bCmbB:dz v. 炮轰;轰击;大肆宣传【例句】to bombard customers with a sea of trivialities 用大量的细节信息轰炸消费者bottlenecks 5bCtl7neks n. 瓶颈(最困

22、难的部分)breakthrough 5breik5Wru: n. 突破【例句】 The tanks were designated to ecploit a breakthrough of the enemys defencees. 那些坦克被派定用于突破敌人的防御工事。bribed braibd v. 贿赂,用来买通别人的钱财(或物品、好处等);诱饵【例句】to use s of candy to get a small child to go to bed 用糖果哄小孩睡觉bureaucracy bjuE5rCkrEsi n. 1.官僚政治;总称官僚,政府官员 2.官僚主义,官僚作风;官样

23、文章【例句】Bureaucracy is a giant mechanism operated by pygmies. 官僚政治是一种由侏儒操纵的庞大机构。【认知】核心意义与“遮盖桌子的布 办公桌,办公室”相关。captives 5kAptivz n. 1.俘虏,囚徒;猎获物 2.着迷的人;受控制的人【例句】These will be taken to the rear areas. 这些俘虏将被押到后方。carefree 5keEfri: n. 无忧无虑的, 轻松愉快的(侧重冷静)【例句】The performers carefree style on the ice won her man

24、y friends and a gold medal. 演者在冰上那种潇洒的风格为她赢得了许多朋友和一块金牌。cite sait v. 1.引用,引证,提出,举出 2.表彰,表扬,嘉奖【例句】He ended his speech by citing his indebtedness to those who helped him. 以对帮助过他的人表示感激来结束他的讲话。clarity 5klAriti n. 1.清澈,明净2.清晰,明晰【例句】The of the spring water was amazing. 这泉水清澈得出奇。【认知】词根“clar”与“clear(清澈的,清除的)

25、”为变体关系。如“clear”与其同源。clue klu: n. ( to)1.(有助于解决疑案,问题等的)线索,提示 2.(故事、思路等的)线索【例句】I think we might find a to the mystery. 我想我们可能找到解开这个奥秘的线索。clumsily 5klQmzili ad. 1.笨拙地, 粗陋地 2.不漂亮地【例句】His rowboat was a clumsy affair made out of old boxes. 他的划艇是用旧箱板制成的粗糙东西。cognition kC5niFEn n. 认识;认知【认知】词根“-cogn-”含义为认知道。如

26、“recognize”与其同源。coincidence kEu5insidEns n. 1.巧合,巧事 2.(意见、爱好、利益等的)符合、一致 3.同时发生,共同存在【例句】Can this be merely a coincidence? 这只是一种巧合吗?【认知】词根“-cid-”含义为“fall(发生;落下)”。如“accident”与其同源。commence kE5mens vi. 开始;着手【例句】The play will at eight oclock.戏将在8时开演。【认知】前缀为“com-”;本词“ence”根为“initiate(开始)”的变体。commended kE5m

27、endid v. 1.表扬,称赞 2.( to)推荐;把交托给【例句】to commend sb. upon his good manners 称赞某人有礼貌commuters kE5mju:tEz n. 通勤者, 经常往返者【例句】Commuters give the city its tidal restlessness; natives give it solidity and continuity; but the settlers give it passion. 往来者给予城市潮汐的不知止息,本地人给予它激情。【认知】词根“-mute-”含义为“改变;变化”,如在“mutual”中

28、。comparable 5kCmpErEbl a. 1.( with)可比较;类似的 2.( to)比得上的【例句】This dinner is to the best French cooking. 这餐饭可与最好的法国烹饪媲美。compatible kEm5pAtEbl a. ( with)能和睦相处的,合得来的,适合的,协调的【例句】Cats and birds are seldom . 猫和鸟很少和睦相处。complicated 5kCmplikeitid a. 复杂的,难懂的;结构复杂的【例句】I never blame failures there are many complic

29、ated situa-tions in life, but I am absolutely me rciless toward lack of effort.我从不责备失败 生活中复杂的情况实在太多;但是对于不肯努力,我绝对不讲情面。conceited kEn5si:tid a. 自以为是的, 逞能的, 狂想的【例句】You can confide in your own abilities without being conceited. 你可以自信有能力而不引以自负。condense kEn5dens v. 1.(使)压缩,(使)凝聚;(使)凝结 2.(使)缩短,缩写,使简洁【例句】Thr

30、ee months of meetings were d into just over an hour. 本来要开3个月的会议被压缩为1小时多一点。【认知】前缀为“com-”;词根“dense”含义为“make thick”(浓缩)。confer kEn5fE: v. 1.商谈,商议,交换意见 2.授予,赋予(称号、学位、权力等)【例句】The university conferred an honorary degree on him.这所大学授予他名誉学位。confide kEn5faid v. 1.( in)吐露秘密(以示信任、求教等) 2.托付,委托【例句】He d to me that he had spent five years in prison.他向我吐露说他坐过5年牢。【认知】词根“-fid-”含义为“信赖;相信”。如“fidelity”与其同源。confines 5kCnfainz

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