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1、广州版小学英语毕业练习题及答案解析2015年广州版小学英语毕业练习题及答案解析2015年小学英语练习说明:请在答卷上作答;全卷共6页,九大题,满分100分,考试时间为50分钟。I. 语音找出划线部分读音不同的单词(每题1分,共5分)( ) 1. A. bird B. doctor C. nurse D. girl【参考答案】B【知识点】/:/和/长短原因的区别【解析】考查/:/和/长短原因的区别。A, C, D三个都是发长音/:/,B职业类的单词or/er都发短音/。( ) 2. A. when B. what C. who D. which【参考答案】C【知识点】辅音字母组合wh的发音【分析

2、】通常情况下,wh读/w/如:when,white,wheat,where;在o之前,wh读/h/如:who,whose,whole,whom. ( ) 3. A. good B. wool C. spoon D. foot【参考答案】C【知识点】“oo”字母组合发音规律【解析】考查“oo”字母组合发音规律。“good, foot, stood, wood, wool”,“k结尾单词book, look”都发短音。故答案选C。( ) 4. A. talk . B. fall C. chalk D. already【参考答案】B【知识点】细节分析【解析】A, C, D 都发/: /, 而B 发/

3、: l /。( ) 5. A. elbow B. dress C. children D. elephant【参考答案】C【知识点】字母e的发音【解析】考查了字母e的发音。A, B, D都发/e/,C发/ /。II. 单项选择(每题1分,共10分)( ) 6. -Bob, is this _football sock? -Yes, it is. Mum. - Where is _one? -I think its under the table.-_away, please. A. your, another, Puting it B. your, the other, Put them C.

4、 their, other, Putting they D. my, others, Put its【参考答案】 B【知识点】代词、代词与动词词组的搭配【分析】从第一句话中推断应该填your,排除CD选项。袜子通常都是两只,所以表达“另一个”的时候用the other。put away是放好的意思,根据句意是把它们放好,所以选B。( ) 7. One day last year, Jerry _two _of _on the grass. A. sees, baskets, oranges B. see, baskets, oranges C. saw, basket, orange D. s

5、aw, baskets, oranges【参考答案】 D【知识点】一般过去时、名词复数【分析】从One day last year推断出是一般过去时,排除AB选项。“两篮子的橙”,basket和orange都要用复数。( ) 8. -Have you seen _bag? I left it here just now. Its _Browns. -Is it _one on the chair near the door? A. a, the, the B. the, the, the C. a, a, a D. the, the, a【参考答案】 A【知识点】冠词【分析】考察冠词a/an/

6、the的用法。a/an为泛指,the 为特指,以及放在姓氏前表示一家人。前句为“你看到一个包吗?”故填a;后句的the Browns表示一家人;最后一句“是那个在椅子上的吗?”特指故填the。( ) 9. Tom runs very _, but Jerry even _. Jack is _of the three.A. slower, slowly, the best B. slowly, the slowest, better C. slow, slowlier, worse D. slowly, more slowly, the worst【参考答案】 D【知识点】副词与形容词比较级和

7、最高级【分析】run为动词,后跟副词slowly,排除AC选项。even修饰形容词或副词的比较级,后跟more slowly。of the three在三者之中为最高级,所以选D。( ) 10. He heard _Tom yesterday, it said he was waiting _Tom _the library _that rainy night. A. to, for, out of, at B. from, for, at, on C. on, of, in, in D. after, with, by, in【参考答案】 B【知识点】介词与动词搭配用法【分析】从第一句得知是

8、“听到消息”,所以为hear from;“等待”是wait for;“在图书馆”是at the library; 最后一句是表示具体时间“那个下雨的夜晚”,故用on。( ) 11._terrible that in the accident, Tom couldnt come out_! Jerry couldnt _! A. Its, in time, Either B. Youre, on time. Neither C. How, at time, So D. What, to time, too【参考答案】 A【知识点】固定搭配【分析】Its +adj.+ that为固定搭配句型。根据

9、题意是Tom不能及时出来,所以是in time。on time是按时的意思。最后一句是Jerry也不能及时出来,在否定句中表示“也”是either。( )12. Yesterday, she _ her glasses behind the door, but she_ remember that. A. leaves, cant B. left, cant C. left, couldnt D. leaved, couldnt【参考答案】 C【知识点】一般过去时【分析】从yesterday推断用一般过去时,leave和can为过去式不规则变化,leave-left, can-could。(

10、) 13. -What is your uncle? -He is _. _he doesnt like _violin. He_ football every day. A. a sportsman, Or, buys, enjoys see B. handsome, So, make an, watchs C. good, And, play a, plays D. a violist,But,playing the, practices playing【参考答案】 D【知识点】句意理解、动词like和practice的用法,冠词【分析】What is your uncle?问的是“你叔叔

11、的职业是什么”,排除BC选项。从第二句的句意中推出“但是他不喜欢拉小提琴”,, 西洋乐器前用the。practice+v.ing表示锻炼。He为第三人称单数。( ) 14. Look! There_ water in the barrel! _do you need? A. are many, What time is water B. is little, Where is water C. is some, How much water D. are much, Whose water is it【参考答案】 C【知识点】there be句型,不可数名词【分析】从句意

12、推断是“桶里有一些水”,water为不可数名词,there be用there is。提问不可数名词“多少”用How much。( ) 15. -_.What time is it by your water? - _.But my watch is_. Wait a minute, Its a quarter past 10. - Oh! Its ten!_. A. Excuse me. Im sorry, broken, I think its time for me to leave now B. Sorry. No problem, breaks, He thinks I must go

13、 now C. Hi, You are Welcome, broked, Have a good dream D. Whats the matter, breaking, Thank you【参考答案】 A 【知识点】情景用语【分析】劳驾别人时要用“Excuse me”。手表坏了为broken。只有A是符合题意的。III. 完型填空(每题1分,共10分) I am _16_ art student and I painted a lot of pictures. Many people pretend that they _17_ modern art well, they always _1

14、8_you what a picture is about. Of course many picture is not about _19_. They are _20_ pretty patterns. We like them in the _21_ way that we like beautiful curtain material. I think that children often appreciate modern pictures better than anyone else. They notice_22_. My sister is only seven. She

15、always tell me whether my pictures are good_23_. She came into my room yesterday.“What are you doing now?” she asked. “Im hanging this picture” I answered “It is a new one. Do you like it?” She looked at it critically for a moment. “Its all right, but isnt it up side down?” I looked at it _24_. She

16、was right. It _25_.( )16.A. a C. the D./【参考答案】 B【知识点】冠词用法【分析】本题考查了冠词a, an的区别。an+元音发音开头的单词。art是元音/:/开头。( )17.A.know B.see C.understand D.draw【参考答案】 A【知识点】理解句意【分析】“很多人假装很懂现代画,经常会告诉你这幅画是关于什么。”( )18.A.tell B.say D.speak【参考答案】 A【知识点】动词辨析【分析】“很多人假装很懂现代画,经常会告诉你这幅画是关于什么。”tell 意为“告诉、讲述”,指某人把某一件事、

17、一条信息传送给别人或讲述一件事。talk“讲”、“说话”、“谈话”。say般着重讲话的内容。speak主要搭配语言。( )19.A.something B.nothing C.everythingD.anything【参考答案】 D 【知识点】不定代词【分析】考查了不定代词的用法。anything指“任何事”。( )20.A. just C.some D.all【参考答案】 A【知识点】理解句意【分析】考查学生对上下文的句意理解。( )21. A.different B. same C.right D. difficult 【参考答案】 B【知识点】理解句意和固定搭配【分析】考查

18、学生对上下文的句意理解。in the same way“以同样的方式”。( )22.A.little B.most C.more D.least【参考答案】 C【知识点】理解句意和比较级的用法【分析】考查学生对上下文的句意理解。从上文“better than”得知人们更加会去留意现代画。( )23.A. ornot B.sovery C.andbad D.but few【参考答案】 A【知识点】固定搭配【分析】考查学生固定搭配的积累。whetheror not表示不论。( )24.A.up B.first C.carelessly D. again【参考答案】 D【知识点】理解句意【分析】考查

19、学生对上下文的句意理解。( )25. A.was B.did C. is D. has 【参考答案】 A【知识点】理解句意【分析】考查学生对上下文的句意理解。该段落为一般过去时。IV. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) ALonglongago,therelivedapoorfarmerandarichmanneartheforest.Thefarmerwaskindandhonest,buttherichmanwasnt.Oneday,whenthefarmerwaswalkingintheforesthesawahare.Heranafterthehareforalongti

20、meandthencaughtit.Justatthattimecametherichman.He was angry and said to the farmer, “This forest is mine. And all the things in the forest are mine too. Give the hare back to me. Dont kill any animals in the forest. If you do, Ill kill you!” Then he took the hare away. A few days later, the rich man

21、 met a bear in the forest. He was afraid and climbed up the tree. And he cried, Help! Help! The farmer heard the voice, and he ran into the forest with a gun. When he saw the bear and the rich man in the tree, he went away.A few days later the rich man met the poor farmer. He was angry and asked, Wh

22、y didnt you kill the bear that day? I couldnt kill the bear said the farmer. ( ) 26. Who took the hare away? A. The poor man. B. The forest. C. The farmer. D. The rich man.【参考答案】D【知识点】细节分析【解析】本题主要考察学生对文段细节分析。由第一段最后一句话“Then he took the hare away.”可以推断出这个he 指的是The rich man。 ( ) 27. Why did he take awa

23、y the hare? A. He was too poor. B. He thought he was the owner of the forest.C. He was so rich that he needed everything. D. He thought he caught the hare.【参考答案】B【知识点】细节分析推理题。【解析】本题主要考察学生对文段细节分析以及推理。由第一段“This forest is mine. And all the things in the forest are mine too.”可以得出富人认为深林包括深林里的东西都是他的,所以他拿走

24、了野兔。( ) 28. What did the farmer take with when he heard someone cry in the forest? A. A gun. B. A bear. C. A knife. D. Nothing. 【参考答案】A【知识点】细节题。【解析】本题主要考察学生对文段细节的处理。由第二段The farmer heard the voice, and he ran into the forest with a gun. 可知答案是A。( ) 29. What does the word honest mean in Chinese? A. 善良

25、B. 有钱 C. 诚实 D. 勇敢【参考答案】C【知识点】单词,联系上下文。【解析】本题主要考察学生对单词的掌握。以及对文章理解。因为听了富人说的“Dont kill any animals in the forest. If you do, Ill kill you!”所以很老实的离开了。( ) 30. Why didnt the poor man kill the bear? A. Because he was afraid of the bear. B. Because he was ill. C. Because it was too late. D. Because the rich

26、 man once asked him not to do so. 【参考答案】D【知识点】细节理解题。【解析】本题主要考察学生文章的细节理解。富人说过的“Dont kill any animals in the forest. If you do, Ill kill you!” B Mark turned the corner and stared at the empty bus stop. He swallowed hard and his hands started to shake. Being the first one there wouldnt be a problem if

27、the old oak tree that marked the bus stop wasnt haunted (闹鬼).“Where is everyone?Mark whispered. The sun wasnt quite up yet, and the darkness was making the oak tree look scarier than usual. The tree was the gathering place for the bus stop. All the kids stood by it and talked while they waited for M

28、r. Meyers to drive up and take them to school. When other kids were around, the bus stop wasnt so scary. But Mark was alone, and it was dark. The oak trees branches swayed (摇摆) in the breeze, and Mark heard the strange Ooooh that sometimes came from the center of the tree. Mark hurried to the other

29、side of the street, trying to stay as far away from the tree as possible. He didnt take his eyes off the tree. The bare branches looked like they were reaching out to grab him. He heard the Ooooh, ooooh” again.Im not afraid of you, Mark called in a shaky voice. Who are you talking to? Will asked, walking up behind M

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