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1、高中英语人教版必修2作业第2单元过关检测第二单元过关检测 对应学生用书P69试卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题15分,满分75分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。Text 1W: Look, Bob! The donation has amounted to 10,000 yuan This money will help us with our planM: How could it not!1W

2、hat does the man mean?AHe thinks the money is helpfulBHe thinks the money is helplessCHe wonders if the money will be helpful答案:AText 2M: Ginos Pizza Can I help you?W: Id like to order a small pizzaM: Pickup or delivery?2Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AColleaguesBStrangersCFriends答案

3、:BText 3W: I was just getting ready to do the windows, but I didnt see the window cleanerM: Its in a spray bottle under the kitchen sinkW: The one with the red top?M: No, its in a bottle with a blue topW: I see it now3Which bottle contains the window cleaner?AThe one in the kitchen sinkBThe one with

4、 a red topCThe one with a blue top答案:CText 4M: Do you think Mr Tailor could see me now?W: Sorry sir, Im afraid Mr Tailor wont be available until twelveM: But thats lunch time How about 30 minutes after that?W: Sure, let me put it down4When will the man see Mr Tailor?ABefore 12:00 BAt 12:00CAt 12:30答

5、案:CText 5M: Carol and Jessie used to be close friends, but they dont seem to be getting on well with each other now Why is that?W: It is said that Carol has felt betrayed by Jessie5What does the dialogue tell us about Carol and Jessie?AThey still remain good friendsBThey no longer get on well with e

6、ach otherCCarol betrayed Jessie答案:B第二节(共15小题;每小题15分,满分225分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。Text 6W: Red House Restaurant May I help you?M: Id like to book a tableW: How many?M: Just twoW: What time?M: 8:00W: Im

7、 sorry, there arent any tables available at 8:00, but we can give you one at 7:00 or 9:00M: All right 9:00 thenW: May I have your name, please?M: MillerW: A table for two at 9:00 for Mr Miller Thank you M: Thank you6Why does the man make the phone call?ATo buy a tableBTo sell a tableCTo book a table

8、答案:C7When will the man arrive at the restaurant?AAt 7:00 BAt 8:00CAt 9:00答案:C听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。Text 7W: People often say that Disneyland is a favorite place for visitors Could you tell me something about it?M: Yes There are quite a few Disneylands around the world I studied in Los Angeles for three ye

9、ars so I know the Disneyland there quite well I often went there with friends in our free timeW: Yes Please tell me about the Disney Park in Los AngelesM: The Park was opened in 1955 and it was the first Disney Park in the USA and also in the world8Why does the man know the Disney Park in Los Angele

10、s so well?ABecause he once worked in Los AngelesBBecause he once studied in Los AngelesCBecause he grew up in Los Angeles答案:B9How many years did the man spend in Los Angeles?AOne BTwoCThree答案:C10When was the first Disney Park opened?AIn 1955 BIn 1985CIn 1965答案:A听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。Text 8M: Its very hot

11、 this summer The temperature has climbed to 38 W: No wonder I feel its hot as well Im sweating bulletsM: Look, my shirt is wet through with sweat Its quite unbearable I feel as if I was roasting in an oven inside this room Lets go out to cool off a bitW: Why not?M: Oh, what a blazing sun!W: It seems

12、 we cant escape the fierce heatM: I suggest we go into an airconditioned department storeW: Good idea!M: How nice and cool here! I hope the cold days are here again soonW: Arent you afraid of the freezing cold, the biting winds and the blinding blizzards?M: Well, I prefer cold weather How delightful

13、 it is to see the earth blanketed by the lovely, white snow11What is the weather like?AExtremely cold BWarm and comfortableCVery hot答案:C12Where are the two speakers going?ATo a big tree BTo an officeCTo a department store (百货商店)答案:C13What does the man think of the cold weather?AHe is afraid of very

14、cold daysBHe prefers cold days to hot onesCIt is not mentioned in the conversation答案:B听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。Text 9W: I met Betty today on the streetM: How is she doing?W: She said she just got back with George from a trip to MexicoM: They did? So what did she say about Mexico?W: Oh, they had a lovely tim

15、e She said wed really enjoy it if we were there, tooM: Did you ask how the weather was?W: It seems it was rather cool in Mexico City, but nice and warm along the coastM: Did she say where she stayed?W: She told me, but I dont rememberM: Well, did she say the hotels were crowded?W: Yes, she said they

16、 were They always are at this time of the year So she recommends we make our plans as soon as possibleM: Well, wed better do some checking Do you still have the guide book?W: Yes, here it is If I remember, it says the cheapest is around $35 a day14What do the two speakers plan to do?ATalk with their

17、 friends about a tripBHave a vacation in MexicoCFind a guide book about Mexico答案:B15What was the weather like in the Mexico City at this time?AIts very hot BIts a little coolCIts warm and nice答案:B16What do they think of Mexico?AIts a good place for vacationBIts too expensive for themCIts too hot at

18、this time of the year答案:A17Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?AFriends BBoss and secretaryCHusband and wife答案:C听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。Text 1018What would Americans do if you keep silent for a long time?AThey would try to include you in the talkBThey would stop the conversationC

19、They would be very unsatisfied答案:A19What would Americans do if they disagree with you?AThey would argue with youBThey may remain quietCThey are likely to escape答案:B20What can we learn from the passage?AAmericans like to stand close to one another in a conversationBAmericans regard making gestures in

20、 a conversation impoliteCAmericans may pat a childs head to show their love答案:C第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AI LOVE FOOTBALL I started playing football when I was nine years old, and football got me through It helped make me who I am today And even though

21、 I did not reach the National Football League, I sometimes think I got more from pursuing (追逐) that dream, and not realizing itMy romance with football started when my dad dragged me, kicking and screaming, to join a league I had no desire to be there I was naturally weak and the smallest kid by far

22、 Fear turned to awe (敬畏) when I met my coach, Jim Graham, a huge, sixfootfour wallofaguy And he is really strict and oldschoolCoach Graham used to ride me hard I remember one practice in particular “Youre doing it all wrong, Pausch Go back! Do it again!” I tried to do what he wanted It wasnt enough

23、“You owe me, Pausch! Youre doing pushups after practice”When I was finally dismissed (解散), one of the assistant coaches came up to me “Coach Graham rode you pretty hard, didnt he?” he said“Yeah”“Thats a good thing,” the assistant told me “When youre doing bad and nobody says anything to you anymore,

24、 that means theyve given up on you”That conversation has stuck with me my whole life When you see yourself doing something badly and nobodys willing to tell you anymore, thats a bad place to be You may not want to hear it, but your critics (批评者) are often the ones telling you they still love you and

25、 care about you, and want to make you betterTheres a lot of talk these days about giving children selfesteem (自尊) Its not something you can give; its something they have to build Coach Graham knew there was really only one way to teach kids how to develop it: You give them something they cant do, th

26、ey work hard until they find they can do it, and you just keep repeating the processWhen Coach Graham first got hold of me, I was this weak kid with no skills and no physical strength But he made me realize that if I work hard enough, there will be things I can do tomorrow that I cant do today Even

27、now, having just turned fortyseven, I can give you a threepoint stance that any NFL lineman would be proud of I really felt grateful to Coach Graham for what he had done to me, though it surely did not feel good at that time to do so many pushups after practice21Which words can best describe Coach G

28、raham?AStrict and mean BBig and proudCStrict and wise DCareful and strong答案:C推理判断题。由作者的回忆可知,当时教练总要求作者重做并惩罚他练习后做俯卧撑,故教练很严格。根据最后一段倒数第二句可知,教练的这种训练方式是非常有效的,故选C项“严格而明智的”。22The author believes that those who criticize you actually _Amake fun of youBgive you upCthink ill of youDencourage you to do better答案

29、:D细节理解题。由倒数第三段可知,批评你的人往往是那些仍然爱你、关注你,并希望你做得更好的人。故选D项“鼓励你做得更好”。23The author was grateful to Graham because the coach _Amade him a member of NFLBmade him do lots of pushupsCtaught him the value of hard workDtaught him the importance of playing football答案:C推理判断题。由最后一段第二句可知,作者对教练非常感激,因为教练教会他努力训练的价值,故选C项。

30、BMontgomery County Special Olympics held its eighth yearly show of unified (联合的) basketball at Blessed Sacrament School The gym was filled with cheerleaders (拉拉队队员), parents and friends The walls were covered with posters made by thirdand fourthgraders at the school And all the elementary, middle and high school unified teams were playing hard and having fun Every basket, no matter which team scores, is cheered and celebratedSpecial Olympics support more than 20 unified games What are unified games? They are programs designed for players with

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