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1、PersonalBrain中文手册word打印版51100页seem to have nothing to do with each other are can be related through a chain of links.所有想法能被连接直接的或间接的甚至可能似乎无关紧要的其它 想法的想法,通过关系链也能被关联。Lets look at an example, say, the Queen of England and asparagus. You have a Thought called Queen of England. One of its child Thoughts i

2、s Prince of Wales, which a parent Thought Famous Princes that is also linked to the story of the Frog Prince. The story has another parent Thought called Fairy Tales. A sibling of Frog Prince is Jack and the Beanstalk, which has child Thoughts called Giant and Jack. Giant has another parent Thought

3、called Famous Giants, which has a child Thought called Jolly Green Giant. Jolly Green Giant has child Thoughts named after canned vegetable products, one of which is Asparagus. Figure 33 illustrates this series of connections.让我们来看一个例子,比方说,英格兰女王和芦芛。你有一个想法称为 Queenof England(HYL:英格兰女王)。它的一个子想法是 Prince

4、 of Wales(HYL:查尔 斯王子),当直接连接或为同胞关系时,想法被考虑为较近的关系。其亲想法 Famous Princes(HYL:著名的王子)同样被连接到 Frog Prince(HYL:青蛙王子的故事)。 这个故事有其它称为 Fairy Tales 的亲想法。Frog Prince 的一个同胞想法是 Jack and the Beanstalk,它有一个称为 Giant and Jack 的子想法。Giant and Jack 又有一 个称为 Famous Giants 的亲想法,它又有一个称为 Jolly Green Giant 的子想法。Jolly Green Giant 有

5、以被装入罐头里的产品命名的子想法,其中之一就是 Asparagus。 图 33 说明了也一连串的连接。Depending on the relationship you create between them, Thoughts may be closely or distantly related. Thoughts are considered to be closely related when they are linked directly or are siblings. In the default view of the Plex, only close Thoughts of

6、 the active Thought are always displayed in the Plex. Thoughts that are one additional step (generation) away from the active Thought can be displayed using theExpanded Thoughts view. In Figure 33, many distant Thoughts are displayed using the Expanded view. See Advanced Navigation and Expanded View

7、s on page 93 for information about the different view options.依赖你在它们之间创建的关系,可能接近或远离相关的想法。当他们被直接联系或成为同胞时,想法被认为是接近关联。在丛的默认视图中,只有与活动想 法最近的想法一直显示在丛中。离活动想法较远想法(综是一个附加的步骤)能 用扩展想法视图来显示。在图 33 中,一些远离的想法使用扩展想法视图显示。 关于不同视图设置的信息参见 93 页的高级浏览和扩展视图。5.1 Opening Content打开内容As you navigate through your Brain, you can

8、 open the attachments associatedwith a Thought in two ways: directly from the Plex by clicking on the Thoughts icon, even if it is not the active Thought, or by double-clicking the attachment in the Properties & Attachments tab,当你浏览你的整个脑的时候,你能通过两种途径打开与想法相联系的附件:在丛中直接单击想法图标即使它不是活动想法;在属性与附件标签中双击这个附 件。5

9、.2 Previewing Thought Content预览想法内容The content of the Properties & Attachments and the Notes tabs automatically updates to show content related to the active Thought, or the Thought your mouse pointer is currently over. This feature can be used to preview the content associated with a Thought before

10、 activating it. In the example below, My Latest Preoccupations is the active Thought, but the content in the Properties & Attachments tab (below the Plex) belongs to Chocoholics Anonymous, where the mouse is pointing.属性与附件标签的内容和注释标签会自动更新显示与当前激活想法相关的内容,当前鼠标指针悬停之下的想法。这个方法也适用于打开一个想法之前预览 与想法相关联的内容。在下面的例

11、子中,My Latest Preoccupations 是激活想法, 但属性与附件标签的内容属于 Chocoholics Anonymous,它在鼠标指的地方。As your Brain grows and becomes more complex, this preview feature can be a big time saver. Additionally, you can navigate and explore more efficiently by using pins, the Past Thought List, and Instant Activation, each o

12、f which is explained below.当你的脑发育成为得更为复杂时,这个预览功能能节省很多时间。加之,你能通过使用别针、过往想法列表、更加高效的浏览和查看,和瞬间激活。分别说 明如下。5.3 Pins别针As you saw if you went along on the Guided Tour of PersonalBrain earlier, pins are shortcuts to Thoughts to which you want quick access. They appear at the top of the Plex, just below the Pe

13、rsonalBrain toolbar. No matter where you are in your Brain, the pins remain visible.如果你进行了早期版本的 PersonalBrian 的向导旅程,你会看到,别针是一些你想快速访问和想法的快捷方式。他们显示在丛的顶部,紧贴在工具栏下面。 不论你在脑的哪里,别针都有用。To create a pin:要创建一个别针:Right-click the Thought for which you want to create a pin, then click Create Pin on the context men

14、u右击一个你想创建个别针的想法,然后在背景菜单中选择创建别针命令。To remove a pin:要移除一个指针Right-click the pin, then click Remove Pin on the context menu右击别针,在背景菜单中单击移除别针命令。Notes: Removing a pin does not remove or delete the associated Thought, just the reference to it at the top of the Plex.注释:移除别针并不移除或删除与之相关的想法,仅仅是放在丛顶部,到它的参考。To us

15、e a pin to link Thoughts:使用别针来连接两个想法Drag from one of the Thought gates to the pins, or拖拽一个想法的门到别针区,或者Move your mouse pointer over a pinned Thought and gates will appear; drag from one of these gates to the Thought you want to link移动鼠标指针合悬停与一个被别在别针区的想法,它的门会显示出来;从这些门中选择一个到你想连接的想法。5.4 Activating Recent

16、 Thoughts: The Past Thought List前不久还活动的想法:过往想法列表。You can think of the Past Thought List as the visual representation of the phrase, “train of thoughta scrollable list of Thoughts in the order you activated them. The Past Thought List is displayed at the bottom of the Plex window.你可想像着将往想法列表直观的表示为一个短

17、语,就是思路一个按你激活它们的顺序而显示的可滚动的列表。过往想法列表显示在丛窗口的下方。PersonalBrain keeps a running breadcrumb trail of your Thoughts based on activation and displays it in the Past Thought List at the bottom of the Plex. Clicking on any Thought in the Past Thought List activates that Thought. Also, when a new Thought is cre

18、ated it appears in the Past Thought list immediately (unless multiple Thoughts were created by using the semi-colon trick, in which case only one of the Thoughts will automatically appear in the Past Thought list).PersonalBrain 保持一个想法的运行足迹,以激活顺序为基础显示在过往想法中,列表在丛窗口的下方。在过往想法列表中单击任一想法,就能激活它。因此, 一个新被创建的想

19、法马上显示于过往想法列表中。(除非通过分号建立的多个想 法,只有一个能自动显示在过往想法列表中。)Scroll arrows displayed as triangles are located to the left and right of the Past Thought List when there are additional Thoughts available in that direction. Use them to navigate sequentially through past Thoughts, from the first Thought youve activ

20、ated to the last.The most recently activated Thought (the current active Thought) appears at the right end of the list. As with pins, if you hold the mouse over the name of a Thoughtin the Past Thought List, the name is highlighted and expanded, if necessary, for easier reading. If a Thought in the

21、list has a file or Web page attached, the icon for the files application appears to the left of the Thought.当某个方向有附加的想法可用,就会在过往想法的左侧和右侧显示三角形的滚动箭头。通过它们继续浏览所有过往想法,从第一个激活的想法到最后一个。 大部分最近激活的想法(包括当前活动想法)列于列表右侧。如别针一样容易读取,如果必要,在一个过往列表中的想法的名字上按鼠标键,其名字会在丛 中突出显示并展开。如果列表中的一个想法有文件或网页附件,在想法的左侧显 示这个文件的应用程序的图标。To u

22、se a Thought in the Past Thought List to link Thoughts:要用一个过往想法列表的想法连接其它的想法Drag from one of the Thought gates to one of the Thoughts in the Past ThoughtList, or拖拽一个想法门到过往列表中的一个想法或Move your mouse pointer over a Thought in the Past Thought List and gates will appear; drag from one of these gates to th

23、e Thought you want to link In the example below, Sharon is going to become a child Thought of Causes; the mouse has being dragged from the child gate of Causes to Sharon.移动鼠标指针过往想法列表中的一个想法上,门将显示;拖拽一个门到你想连接的想法上。下面的例子中,Sharon 将成为到 Causes 的一个子想法;鼠标拖 拽 Causes 的子门到 Sharon。Using the Back and Forward Butto

24、ns:应用向前身后按钮In addition to the Past Thought List, you can also use the Back and Forward buttons, located near the top of the Window, to quickly retrace your steps; these buttons work just like they do in a Web browser除应用过去想法列表,你也能用它们信息靠近窗口的顶部的向前向后身后按钮,去快速回到你的步骤。这些按钮的工作如同在 Web 浏览器中一样。Click the Back bu

25、tton to go back to the last active Thought单击回退按钮回到最后一个激活想法。Once you have clicked the Back button, the Forward button can be used to re-activate the Thought you came from点击一次回退按钮,向前揿钮就能用于再次激活你来自的想法。Windows:Back and Forward Mouse Buttons: The back and forward buttons available on some mice (typically

26、on the left side of the mouse near where you place your thumb) may be used to navigate backward and forward in your Brain. These mouse buttons perform the same navigation as the Back and Forward buttons in the PersonalBrain oolbar, shown above.向后和向前鼠标按钮:在一些鼠标上向前向后鼠标键同样可用(典型的鼠标左侧放置拇指)可能用来在你的脑中回退和向前。鼠

27、标键执行与工具栏的向前向 后一样的功能,如上。5.5 Instant Activation瞬间激活You can quickly scan the results of the Instant Activation as you type in the Search boxthey appear just above your typing. To activate one of these results, click it with your mouse or use the up-arrow, down-arrow, page up, and page down keys on the

28、keyboard then press the Enter key.通过在搜索区域输入你能快速审视瞬间激活结果它们就显示在你输入的上方。通过鼠标单击,或用键盘上的上下键、翻页键然后按回车键来激活其中 的一个。The search includes every word in Thought names. Results are displayed starting with first word matches and are prioritized based on how recently they have been activated.搜索范围包含想法的名字当中的每一个单词。结果从第一

29、个单词匹配(的想法)开始,以为此序显示,其基础是最近曾被激活过。Notes:Accents are ignored when matching Thought names. Also, when two ormore matches with the same name are found, the names of their parent or jumpThoughts are also displayed so you can differentiate them.注释:在匹配时被忽视的重点。同样,当发现两个或更多同一名字的匹配结 果时,它们的亲想法和跳跃想法同样也被显示,所以,你要能区

30、分它们。You can search for Thoughts by typing the first letter(s) of separate words and the letters can be in any sequence; for example, to find the Family and Friends Thought you could type fa fr, or fr fa, or fa and fri, or even f a f.你通过输入不同单词的前几个字母来搜索想法,而且这些字母可以是任何顺序;举例,要查找Family and Friends想法,你要输入f

31、a frfr fafa and fri f af.In addition to the results that appear as you type, you can do a full search of all the content of your Brain by clicking the Search button or pressing the Enter key once you have entered the word or phrase you are looking for.除了由你的输入所决定的输出结果,你能通过单击键按钮或按回车键完全搜索你的整个脑的所有内容。来查找

32、一个你输入的词或短语。Notes:For more information about advanced navigation, please see the AdvancedNavigation and Expanded Views section beginning on page 93.For more information about searching your Brain, please see the Search section beginning on page 119.注释:关于更多高等浏览的信息请参见开始于 93 页的高级浏览和透视图浏览章节。 更多关于搜索你的脑的信息,请参见开始于 119 页

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