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MLP S01E04Applebuck Season.docx

1、MLP S01E04 Applebuck SeasonMLP S01E04 Applebuck SeasonApplejack: Boy howdy! I got my work cut out for me. That there is the biggest bumper crop o apples I ever laid eyes on. Big McIntosh: Eeyup. Too big for you to handle on your own. Applejack: Come on, big brother! You need to rest up and get yours

2、elf better. I havent met an apple orchard yet that I cant handle. Oops, sorry. Ill take a bite out of this job by days end. Big McIntosh: Biting off more than you can chew is just what Im afraid of. Applejack: Are you sayin my mouth is makin promises my legs cant keep? Big McIntosh: Eeyup. Applejack

3、: Why of all the. This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and the most dependable of ponies? Big McIntosh: But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds o apple trees just doesnt add up to. Applejack: Dont you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I cou

4、ld handle this harvest and Im gonna prove it to you. Im gonna get every last apple out of those trees this applebuck season all by myself. gulps theme song Applejack: Well I better get kickin. These apples arent gonna shake themselves outta the trees. Hey! Oh no. Rainbow Dash: STAMPEDE! cows mooing

5、ponies panicking Sweetie Drops: Stampede! ponies panicking Pinkie Pie: laughter Hey.! vibrating This makes my voice sound silly! Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie Pie, are you crazy?! Run! Mayor Mare: Everypony calm down. There is no need to panic. Rarity: But Mayor, whatever shall we do? Rainbow Dash: Look

6、there! Applejack: YEEHAW! ponies cheer Applejack: Move aside, Winona. Put em up, girl! Winona: barking Rarity: moan Pinkie Pie: This is the best rodeo show Ive ever seen. eats popcorn Applejack: Come on, little dogies! Turn! whistle Winona, put em up! Ha hah! Gotcha. grunt Winona: bark Applejack: At

7、tagirl. grunts Yee haw! ponies cheer Applejack: Whoaaa. Hooie. Now what was that all about? Daisy Jo: moo cough Oh my! Begging your pardon, Applejack, but Mooriella here saw one of those nasty snakes. cows startled Daisy Jo: And it just gave us all the willies, dontcha know. Applejack: I completely

8、understand. Just next time, try and steer clear of Ponyville. Daisy Jo: We certainly will, Applejack. So long, Winona! ponies cheer crowd: Applejack! Applejack: Yee haw! Pinkie Pie: Yee haw! Ride em, cowpony! Mayor Mare: Applejack was just. just. Pinkie Pie: Appletastic! Mayor Mare: Exactly. We must

9、 do something to thank Applejack for single-hoofedly saving the town. Pinkie Pie: I know. Pinkie Pie: A party! Twilight Sparkle: We all ready? Rarity: Just one last thing. Now were ready. Twilight Sparkle: Is Applejack all set? Rainbow Dash: Actually, I havent seen her all week. Pinkie Pie: Not sinc

10、e the stampede. Rainbow Dash: But shell be here for sure. Applejack is never late. Twilight Sparkle: Welcome, everypony! Today we are here to honor a pony we can always count on to help in matters great and small. A pony whose contributions to- Rainbow Dash: Did you see Applejacks slick moves out th

11、ere? What an athlete. This week shes gonna help me with my new flying trick, and I know its gonna be so awesome. Twilight Sparkle: Exactly. And. Pinkie Pie: This week, I get to run Sugarcube Corner for the first time. Twilight Sparkle: What does that have to do with Applejack? Pinkie Pie: Oh. Applej

12、ack, one of the best bakers ever, is gonna help me. Applejack makes everything great, so free samples for everypony! ponies cheering Twilight Sparkle: Oh-kay, thats great. Now if I could just make a point without being inter- Fluttershy: Twilight? Twilight Sparkle: -rupted. Fluttershy: Twilight, Im

13、so sorry, but I just wanted to mention that Applejack is also helping me this week with the official bunny census, where we count up all the new baby bunnies that were born this season. Shes gonna help gather them using her wonderful herding skills. Twilight Sparkle: Anyone else? Anyone? No? Well th

14、en, as I was trying to say. Urgh! Never mind. Mayor Mare: Ah-ahem. And so, with no further ado, it is my privilege to give the prize, Pony of Ponyville Award, to our beloved guest of honor, a pony of the utmost trustworthiness, reliability, and integrity. Ponyvilles most capable and dependable frien

15、d: Applejack! crowd cheer Spike: Cool! Way to go Applejack, that was awesome! I mean- heh. Mayor Mare: Ah-ahem. Spike: Awkward. Applejack: Im here. Im here. yawn sigh Sorry Im late-whoa-I was just. whoa. Did I get your tail? Miss Mayor. Thank you kindly for this here. award thingy. yawn Its so brigh

16、t and shiny and, heh, heh heh, I sure do look funny heh. Ooo-ooo. Pinkie Pie: Woo-ooo. Applejack: Ooo-ooo. Twilight Sparkle: Okay. Well, thank you Applejack for saving us from that scary stampede, and always being there for everypony. Applejack: yawn Yeah. I like helping the ponyfolks and yawn and s

17、tuff. snore Oh, uh, yeah. Uh, Thanks. sounds of dragging metal Twilight Sparkle: Was it just me, or did Applejack seem a little- Rainbow Dash: Tired? Fluttershy: Dizzy? Rarity: Messy? Well, did you see her mane? Pinkie Pie: She seemed fine to me. Woo! Woo! Twilight Sparkle: Hmm. Applejack: grunts si

18、gh Phew. gasp O-oah. Twilight Sparkle: What on Earth is that pony doing? Applejack: Whoops. Twilight Sparkle: Hey Applejack! Applejack: snore Twilight Sparkle: Applejack. Applejack: snore Twilight Sparkle: Applejack. AppleJACK! Applejack: Oh, howdy, Twilight. Twilight Sparkle: What is all this? Appl

19、ejack: Its Applebuck season. Whoa. Twilight Sparkle: Applewhat season? Applejack: Neh, Its what the Apple family calls harvestin time. We gather all the apples from the trees so we can sell em. Twilight Sparkle: But why are you doing it all alone? Applejack: cause Big McIntosh hurt himself. Twilight

20、 Sparkle: What about all those relatives Ive met when I first came to Ponyville? Cant they help? Applejack: sigh They were just here for the Apple family reunion. They actually live all over Equestria and are busy harvestin their own orchards. So, uh, Im on my own. Which means, I should really get b

21、ack to work. Ahem. hint hint? Get back to work? Twilight Sparkle: Fine. Applejack: Could you step aside, Twilight? Twilight Sparkle: I just did. Applejack, you dont look so good. Applejack: Eh, dont any of you three worry none, Im just fine and dandy. Whoa. Twilight Sparkle: Do you. want some help?

22、Applejack: Help? No way, no how. Twilight Sparkle: But theres no way you can do it all on your own. Applejack: Is that a challenge? Twilight Sparkle: Uhm. no? Applejack: Well, Im gonna prove to you that I can do it! Now if youll excuse me, Ive got apples to buck. Rainbow Dash: There you are. Appleja

23、ck: yawn Im a might sorry, Rainbow. I was busy applebuckin and I guess ah, I closed my eyes for a second and, when I woke up, I was late. Now, whats this new trick a yours? Rainbow Dash: See this contraption? Applejack: Uh. Yeah. Rainbow Dash: Well, Im gonna stand on one end, then youre gonna jump d

24、own from that platform, launching me into the air faster than I can take off on my own. Once Im in the air, Im gonna do some amazing flips and spins that are sure to impress the Wonderbolts. Applejack: Isnt that a might dangerous? Rainbow Dash: Pfft, Heh, not for a pony who can fly. Applejack: Well,

25、 all right-y then. Oh my. Rainbow Dash: Ready? One. two. THREE! Applejack: crash Rainbow Dash: Umm. maybe I wasnt clear. Youre supposed to land on the other end. Applejack: Got it. grunt grunt grunt Rainbow Dash: Applejack, what the hay is going on? I mean, I thought I was working with Ponyvilles be

26、st athlete! Applejack: You are. Im okay. Really. I-I have an idea. Watch this. groan Ta da! Oh. Maybe not. Okay, one more try. Im sure to get it this time. Rainbow Dash: Ugh! Applejack: Heh heh. Here I go! Rainbow Dash: Wait, Applejaaaaack! Applejack: Youre welcome! Rainbow Dash: grunt Twilight Spar

27、kle: Can I help you? Rainbow Dash: I think somepony else needs your help. Twilight Sparkle: Applejack? Rainbow Dash: Yep. Applejack: Ow! Twilight Sparkle: Applejack, can we talk? Applejack, can we talk? Applejack: Can bees squawk?! I dont think so. Twilight Sparkle: No. Can we talk? Applejack: Twent

28、y stalks? Bean or celery? Twilight Sparkle: No! I need to talk to you. Applejack: You need to walk to the zoo? Well, whos stoppin you? Twilight Sparkle: I need to talk to you! Applejack: Oh! Well why didnt you say so? What you wanna talk about? Twilight Sparkle: Rainbow Dash dropped in to see me tod

29、ay. Applejack: Thats quite neighborly of her. Twilight Sparkle: Yes, except that she crashed onto my balcony after you launched her into the air. Applejack: Oh, yeah. I wasnt feeling quite myself this morning. Twilight Sparkle: Because youre working too hard and you need help. Applejack: What? Kelp?

30、 I dont need kelp. I dont even like seaweed. Twilight Sparkle: HELP! You need HELP! Applejack: Nothin doin, Twilight. Im gonna prove to you, teverypony, that I can do this on my own. Ow! Now if youll excuse me, Ive gotta go help Pinkie Pie. Twilight Sparkle: Ugh. Mrs. Cake: Now Pinkie Pie, are you s

31、ure youre up for baking the muffins and running the store this afternoon? Pinkie Pie: Yes siree bob, Mrs Cake. Plus, I have Ponyvilles prized pony to help me out. Why, shes the best baker ever. Right, Applejack? Mr. Cake: No? Youre not the best baker ever? Applejack: WHAT? Oh no! I mean, dont you fret. I can bake anything from fritters to pies in the blink of an eye. Mrs. Cake: sigh All right. Well, see you later, girls! Pinkie Pie: Stop with the shakin, its ti

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