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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册Unit1单元复习及练习及答案牛津译林必修第二册Unit1单元复习及练习知识点归纳:1.advertise vt.& vi. 做广告,登广告,公布,征聘advertise sth给.做广告 advertise on TV在电视上做广告advertise for sb.登广告招募advertisement n.广告 advertiser n.广告商,登广告者The company is spending heavily to advertise its strongest brands.该公司在花重金为其最强势的品牌做广告。Miss Parrish recently

2、placed an advertisement in the local newspaper.帕里什小姐最近在当地报纸上登出了一则启事。I need to advertise for a roommate for next term. 我需要登广告为我下学期找一个室友。2.type n.类型,种类 vt.& vi.打字a type of 一种. all types of 各种类型的type in 键入typical adj.典型的,惯有的,平常的There are various types of the disease.该疾病有各种类型。Like any other type of equi

3、pment it requires regular servicing. 它和其他类型的设备一样,也需要定期检修。Typical English weatherone minute its raining and the next minute the sun is shining. 典型的英国天气,时雨时晴。3.fantasy n.幻想作品,幻想fantastic adj. 极好的,不切实际的sound fantastic 听起来很好a fantastic project 不切实际的方案Sometimesrealityandfantasyare hard todistinguish.有时候现

4、实和幻想很难区分。I have a fantastic social life.我有着极好的社交生活。4.actually adv.实际上,事实上in actual fact =in fact=in reality=as a matter of factOne afternoon, I got bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes.一天下午,我感到很无聊,实际上有几分钟还睡着了。I thought the work would be difficult. In actual fact, its very easy. 我原以为这工作会很

5、难,事实上却很容易。5.take place事先计划好的事情take ones place就座,代替某人take the place of sb.代替某人in the first place首先The meeting should take place on the fifth of May. 会议应于5月5日举行。Although computer has many advantages, it cant take the place of human being. 尽管电脑有很多优势,但是它不能代替人类。6.brief adj.简洁的,简单的a brief statement 简短的陈述t

6、o be brief 简言之 =in briefIn a brief statement, he concentrated on international affairs.在一个简短的陈述中,他完全集中在了国际事务上。To be brief, they must understand the importance of teaching and spend more time with their children. 简而言之,父母必须了解教养的重要,并多花点时间陪伴子女。7.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的sth is familiar to you 为.所熟悉 fam

7、iliar with sth 熟悉某物look familiar 面熟Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagners opera.多数人对瓦格纳歌剧中的这个人物是熟悉的。The smell is very familiar to everyone who lives near a bakery. 住在面包店附近的人都很熟悉这种气味。8.attach vt. 使依附;贴上 vi. 附加; attach. to 附在.上be attached to 附属于,一脸与attach importance to认为.有重要性For furthe

8、r information, please contact us on the attached form.如需更多信息,请凭附表联系我们。Government should attach great importance to cyber security which is constantly under attack and is of great importance to national security. 政府应该十分重视网络安全,它不断地受到攻击,却又对于国家安全十分重要。9.enable v. 使能够;使成为可能 enable sb. to do sth 使某人能够做某事 e

9、nable something to happen 使成为可能 This will enable the audience to sit in comfort while watching the shows. 这能使观众看演出时舒服地坐着。To enable rental increases, you have to have luxurious furnishings. 为能实现租金增长,你得有豪华的室内陈设。10.prefer vt. 更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升 vi. 喜欢;愿意prefer to do 更喜欢做某事prefer A to B 喜欢A 胜过喜欢Bprefer doing

10、.to doing=prefer to do rather than do.宁愿做.而不愿做prefer -preferredpreference n.I became a teacher because I preferred books and people to politics.我成为了一名教师是因为我更喜欢书籍和人而不是政治。I personally prefer to be in a town where theres lots going on. 我个人更喜欢呆在充满生机的小镇上。I prefer doing to talking. 我宁愿做事,而不愿空谈。It upset he

11、r when men revealed a preference for her sister.当男人们显露出偏爱她妹妹的时候,她很不高兴。11.contribute to 为.做贡献;投稿;导致,促成make a contribution to为.做贡献12.approach n. 方法,方式 v. 走进;与接洽; an approach to (doing)sth 做某事的方法/途径take an approach采用一种方法approach the house 接近房子approach the problem 处理问题When I approached, they grew silent

12、.当我走近时,他们变得沉默了。We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information.我们将探索收集信息的不同方法。13.revise vt. 修正;复习 vi. 修订;复习功课revise a book 修订书revise for an examination复习迎考Revising for exams gives you a chance to bring together all the individual parts of the course.考前复习给你一个把课程各独立部分融会贯通的机会。Every t

13、ime you fail, go back to your plan and revise it. 每次你失败的时候,回到你的计划并修改它。14. not to mention更不用说without a mention没有提及dont mention it 不客气He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. 他在这个国家有两座大房子,更别提他在法国的别墅了。The restofthe groupreceivedageneralletter,withoutmentionoffruits and

14、 vegetables.剩下的妇女则只收到了一封普通信件,没有提到水果蔬菜。15.lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训 vt. 演讲;训诫lecturer 讲师,演讲者a lecture on/about 关于.的讲座lecture on 讲授When you listen to a lecture, you can note down your questions while listening, and ask the lecturer in the Q&A session. 听讲座时,你可以边听边记下你的问题,并在问答环节询问演讲者。I have been fortunate enou

15、gh to visit many parts of the world as a lecturer. 我很有福气,去过世界许多地方作演讲。16.justice n. 司法,法律制裁;正义;法官social justice 社会公正a sense of justice正义感He has a good overall sense of justice and fairness.他有良好的公正和公平的整体意识。17.award n. 奖;奖学金 v. 授予win an award获奖award sb. sth=award sth to sb.授予某人某种荣誉This award is conside

16、red (to be) a great honour. 这项奖被视为极大的荣誉。She was awarded the prize for both films.她因这两部电影而获奖。18.perform vt. 执行;完成 vi. 执行,机器运转;表演perform a task 执行任务perform an operation 做手术perform well表现的好performance n. 性能;绩效performer n. 演出者;He had not performed well in his exams.过去考试他都考得不好。The doctor says that he wil

17、l perform an operation for her next Monday, which coincides with the date of our interview. 医生说,他下星期一给我母亲做手术,这碰巧与面试日期 相 冲突。She was happy enough with her performance. 她对于自己的表现还算满意。19. in addition to 除.以外 in addition另外(单独做状语)20.desert n. 沙漠,荒原v. 遗弃;舍弃in the desert 在沙漠里desert ones post擅离职守deserted adj.

18、空寂无人的She led them into a deserted side street.她领他们来到一条废弃的小巷。The remote desert area is accessible only by helicopter. 只有乘直升机才能进入那遥远的荒漠地区。牛津译林必修第二册Unit1词汇拓展填空练习1.advertise vt.& vi. 做广告,登广告,公布,征聘 _n.广告 _n.广告商,登广告者过去分词 _ 现在分词 _2.type n.类型,种类vt.& vi.打字 _ adj.典型的 a _of 一种. 3.fantasy n.幻想作品,幻想 _ adj. 极好的,不

19、切实际4._ adv.实际上,事实上 in _ fact =in fact=in _=as a matter of fact5.take place发生(事先计划好的事情) take ones _就座,代替某人take _ _ of sb.代替某人 in the first place首先6.brief adj.简洁的,简单的 a _ statement 简短的陈述 to be brief 简言之 7._adj. 熟悉的;常见的 sth is familiar _ you 为.所熟悉 familiar _ sth 熟悉某物8.attach vt. 使依附;贴上 vi. 附加;过去式

20、 _ 过去分词 _ 现在分词 attaching 第三人称单数 _ attach. _ 附在.上9.enable v. 使能够;使成为可能 过去分词 _ 现在分词 _10.prefer vt. 更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升 vi. 喜欢;愿意过去分词_ 现在分词 _ _ n.prefer to do 更喜欢做某事 prefer A _ B 喜欢A 胜过喜欢Bprefer doing .to doing=prefer to do _ _ do.宁愿做.而不愿做11.contribute to 为.做贡献;投稿;过去分词_ 现在分词 contributing make a _ to为.做贡献 cont

21、ribute articles _ the magazine 向.投稿12.approach n. 方法,方式 v. 走进;与接洽; 第三人称单数 _ 过去式 approached an approach to (_ )sth 做某事的方法/途径13.revise vt. 修正;复习 vi. 修订;复习功课 过去分词 revised 现在分词 revising n. 印刷 修正;复习_ 14.lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训 vt. 演讲;训诫 _ 讲师,演讲者 15._ n. 司法,法律制裁;正义;法官 a _ of justice正义感16.perform vt. 执行;完成 vi.

22、 执行,机器运转;表演_ n. 性能;绩效 _n. 演出者; perform a task 执行任务 17.desert n. 沙漠,荒原v. 遗弃;舍弃_ adj.空寂无人的 in the _ 在沙漠里18.adapt vt. 使适应;改编 vi. 适应_ adj.能适应的 _ n.改编本;adapt oneself to (使自己适应) be _ for 被改编成 be adapted from 改编自19.regard vt. 把看作;_ prep 关于;有关 regard .as.把.看作; with regard to 关于 give ones _ to 代.向.问候20.class

23、ic adj. 经典的;古典的,n. 名著 a_ novel经典小说 a modern classic现代名著21.reach out伸手;伸向前reach _伸手取_ ones reach 鞭长莫及22.solution n. 解决方案;a solution _. .的解决方法;23._ prep向,朝 throw.onto把.投 be onto sb. 与某人谈话;询问某人24.recommend vt. 推荐,介绍;vi. 推荐;建议 _ n. 推荐;建议 recommend doing sth 建议做某事 recommend sth_ sb.向某人推荐某物recommend that从

24、句+should do25.cure n. 药物;疗法 v. 治愈cure+病 治愈疾病 cure sb _ sth 治愈某人的疾病26.eventually adv. 最后,终于 _ adj. 最后的;最终的 the eventual winner 最终胜利者the eventual outcome 最终成果27.typical adj. 典型的;特有的be_ of 是.的特点it is typical of sb. to do sth做某事是某人的特征 28._ adj. 复杂的 v. 想做a fancy hotel 一家豪华的酒店fancy sb. _ 把某人想象为 fancy that

25、! 真想不到29.narrow adj. 狭窄的 vt. 使变狭窄vi. 变窄a _ escape 死里逃生 narrow the gap 缩小差距 lose _ 以微弱差距败北30.personality n. 个性;品格 _adj. 个人的;_ adv.就自己而言 personality test 人格测试31.major adj. 主要的;_ n. 多数; _ _ _ 大多数32.pull up 停车;停止 pull _ 车开动 pull out驶离pull over 向路边停靠33.wave v. 挥手;n. 海浪;心潮;wave _ sb.向某人挥手 a huge _巨浪牛津译林必修

26、第二册Unit1词汇拓展填空练习(有答案)1.advertise vt.& vi. 做广告,登广告,公布,征聘 advertisement n.广告 advertiser n.广告商,登广告者 过去分词 advertised 现在分词 advertising 2.type n.类型,种类 vt.& vi.打字 typical adj.典型的,惯有的,平常的 a type of 一种. 3.fantasy n.幻想作品,幻想 fantastic adj. 极好的,不切实际sound fantastic 听起来很好 4.actually adv.实际上,事实上 in actual fact =in

27、 fact=in reality=as a matter of fact5.take place发生(事先计划好的事情) take ones place就座,代替某人take the place of sb.代替某人 in the first place首先6.brief adj.简洁的,简单的 a brief statement 简短的陈述 to be brief 简言之 7.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的 sth is familiar to you 为.所熟悉 familiar with sth 熟悉某物8.attach vt. 使依附;贴上 vi. 附加;过去式

28、 attached 过去分词 attached 现在分词 attaching 第三人称单数 attaches attach. to 附在.上9.enable v. 使能够;使成为可能过去分词 enabled 现在分词 enabling10.prefer vt. 更喜欢;宁愿;提出;提升 vi. 喜欢;愿意过去分词 preferred 现在分词 preferring preference n.prefer to do 更喜欢做某事 prefer A to B 喜欢A 胜过喜欢Bprefer doing .to doing=prefer to do rather than do.宁愿做.而不愿做1

29、1.contribute to 为.做贡献;投稿;contributed 现在分词 contributing make a contribution to为.做贡献 contribute articles to the magazine 向.投稿12.approach n. 方法,方式 v. 走进;与接洽; 第三人称单数 approaches 过去式 approached an approach to (doing)sth 做某事的方法/途径13.revise vt. 修正;复习 vi. 修订;复习功课 过去分词 revised 现在分词 revising n. 印刷 修正;复习revision15.lecture n. 演讲;讲稿;教训 vt. 演讲;训诫 lecturer 讲师,演讲者 15.justice n. 司法,法律制裁;正义;法官 a sense of justice正义感1

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