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1、大学英语四级教案授课题目四级真题2课次早节四级新闻听力 及四级真题2授课时间2016年5月9日授课地点二教 320教学目的及要求掌握短篇新闻听力答题方法与应试策略熟练使用考试技巧提高听力部分的得分率解决方法重点、难 点、关键 占八、听力命题类型及应试策略 新闻听力的应试策略及运用通过理论讲授和 举例说明的方法 解决教学重点和 难点。课堂组织、教学设 计、教学方法、媒 体教具、时间等主要内容I. 2016年四级听力试题的调整取消短对话取消短文听写1.运用讲授法介 绍四级听力试题 的调整。2分钟测试内容测试题型题量分值比例短篇新闻3段选择题(单选)7题7% (每题1 分)长对话2篇选择题(单选)8

2、题8% (每题1分)听力篇早3篇选择题(单选)10题20% (每题2分)II.2.3.新增短篇新闻(3段)其余测试内容不变。调整后四级听力部分的试题结构见下表:短篇新闻的题型特点 选自BBC等新闻字数为130-190词左右长难句较多大量出现专业名词或专业性的叙述新闻的内容偏专业性,离日常生活比较远 新闻稿件有其特殊的行文方式和行文风格1.短篇新闻的应试策略1.如何应对短篇新闻听力抓住核心,即:信息捕捉能力和信息理解能力,可以斩杀任何 听力考试。III.2.新闻消息六要素/麻峯凤小(1)(2)时间 地点(3)任务r 鼾农子怕 F2015应试技巧考试素材迭取多样优 降低了对应试

3、技巧的婪求ill.短篇新闻的应试策略1.如何应对短篇新闻听力具体考题怎么变化并不重要,重要的是在答题和日后的训练中如何加强对新 闻类篇章的把控能力。 无论题目怎么变化,任何一类听力考试的两大核心考点不会变,即:信息捕捉能力和信息理解能力。因此,只有抓住核心,可以斩杀任 何听力考试。2.r章子怡于2015年*12月27 口在美国顺利诞下新闻消息六要素(1)时间(2)地点(3)任务(4)事件的起因(5)事件的经过(6)事件的结果 串联:某人某时在某地如何做了某事出 注意:这六要素绝对是听力出题的考点3.新闻书写的特点尽管新闻类型有多种, 但它们都有共同的基本特点。 主要是:真实性”实效性”准确性”

4、,简明性”即:立场:观点鲜明内容:真实具体反应:迅速及时语言:简洁准确结构鲜明(新闻结构包括标题、导语、主体、结语和背景五部分。前三者是 主要部分,后二者是辅助部分。)倒金字塔式结构:重要信息开头放,后边的内容按照重要性依次递减的顺序 排列。4.新闻听力技巧(1)联想新闻主题 四级新闻不外乎以下主题:国际关系I恐怖主义政治犯罪科扌支经济坏境民生调竹体育预读考题时,结合题干和选项的关键词, 可以看出这篇新闻的主题, 听的时候有所侧重。【样题】A)All taxis began to use meters.B)All taxis got air con diti oning.C)Advertise

5、me nts were allowed on taxis.D)Old taxis were replaced with new cabs.预测:由选项的关键词 all taxis, old taxis, new cabs等可以看出,这是一则与出租车 相关的新闻,而且涉及新旧出租车。有了这个预判,就能从整体上把握新闻内容,做到心中有数。(2)信息捕捉与预测ABCD四个选项包含了满满的信息量。只要掌握了 新闻六要素原则”和选项关键词把控原则”就能把握住出题者 的心理。所有四六级听力中,看到选项的第一个目标就是: 找相同相同信息将告诉我们重点关注听力的哪个部分。【样题】:BBC(2010.12.24

6、)A)Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels.B)An explosi on at a bus stati on in cen tral Nairobi.C)The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala.D)Blasts set off by a Somali group in Ugan das capital.分析:四个选项 相同之处是:都为一个事件的介绍。根据 新闻六要素原则”,一定考查的是 某事”。而根据 重要信息开头放”的书写规律,答案一定在新闻开篇前三句。 有了这个预测,再根据关键词和

7、文章内容进行相同对比, 不难得出正确答案。【例题】BBC(2010.12.24)A)On Christmas Eve.B)Just before midni ght.C)During a security check.D)In the small hours of the morning.分析:四个选项相同之处是:都为时间概念。根据新闻六要素原则”,一定考查的是某时”。有了这个预测,留意新闻中的事件信息,再根据关键词和文章内容进行比较。(3)抓结构层次(倒金字塔式结构) 录車芟的信息放任JT浜 介绢.后面的内将按照 重要性依次递减的顺庁 排列囚此.鈿闻槁询 三句必出核心笈点.而 核心芟点必然成

8、儿等点有的新内容是介绍某 种变化或苕改单*这类 新闻因为不屋突发性的 事件*所匕丄新闻稿开头 三句话内会I痢述背銀, 之后通常用表示时网的 词引出显新变化-【样题】A)All taxis began to use meters.B)All taxis got air con diti oning.C)Advertiseme nts were allowed on taxis.D)Old taxis were replaced with new cabs.分析:四个选项相同之处是: 都出现了 taxis,且都说明了一个关于 taxis变化的具体细节,因此留意新闻开头出现的关于 taxis的变化和

9、相关的时间词。【样题】A)All taxis began to use meters.B)All taxis got air con diti oning.C)Advertiseme nts were allowed on taxis.D)Old taxis were replaced with new cabs. 原文:Cairo is known for its overcrowded roads, irregular drivi ng practices and shakyold vehicles, but also for its air polluti on. In recent m

10、on ths, though, environmen tal studies in dicate there have bee n sig ns of improveme nt. That art to the s due,in premoval of many of the capital -fashioiseddblack and white taxis.这篇材料是很典型的 过去”-改变”-现状”的思路,通过文中in recentmon ths/ improveme nt/ removal这几个表示时间和变化的词, 不难得出接下来将要阐述的核心信息为最后一句。(4)抓考点关键词统计表明,在

11、托福听力和四六级听力中,有 90%以上的考点话题是由标志词来引导的,这完全符合西方人的思维和语言表达习惯。新闻短篇虽然不比论文或者演讲稿复杂, 但是当有重要逻辑转折时或核心观点提出前,通常会出现 逻辑关系词。因此,提升对逻辑关系词的敏感度,集中 极力听逻辑关系词后的内容,可以大大提高对新闻短篇考点的预判能力。逻辑关系词t考点答案信号词【样题】A)All taxis began to use meters.B)All taxis got air con diti oning.C)Advertiseme nts were allowed on taxis.D)Blasts set off by a

12、 Somali group in Ugan das capital.分析:原文信息点 That due in part to the removal of many of the capital s old-fashioned black and white taxis.该题由因果关系信号词 due to引出考点,removal与选项中的replace构成同义替换。(5)依靠常识对于某一则新闻,万一没有听懂,笔记也没有记下来, 也不要轻言放弃。 可以通过仔细研究考题, 运用自己的常识帮助答题。 四级考试的新闻通常是从主流媒体选材的。也就是说,新闻说的事情都是真实发生的, 只有考生有一定的背景知

13、识,有时候也可以猜对答案。【样题】A)there are no more irregular practices.B)All new cabs provide air-c on diti oning.C)New cabs are all equipped with meters.D)New legislatio n protects con sumer rights.Q: Why do customers no Ion ger argue with new cab drivers?分析:如果没有听懂原文、也没有记录,这道题完全可以用常识进行解答。 只要听到了问题,根据常识可知,打表的出租车是不

14、用跟司机讨价还价的。据此可选出C.(6)专有名词不重要不要太在乎生僻难懂的人名或地名, BBC/VOA/CNN 新闻中,常常会听到不太熟悉的人名或地名,如某国家的人,但这些专有名词不会对新闻内容的理 解和答题产生任何影响,所以不要受此类复杂专有名词的干扰,尝试用首字母代替复杂的专有名词。总结短篇新闻的无论从音频长度,词汇难度都要大大超越之前的短对话。 此题对考生的预测,替换,细节听力,注意力的集中都有更高的要求。IV.四级真题2 -短篇新闻听力大学英语四级考试听力样题-新闻短篇Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)Section ADirect

15、ions: In this sect ion, you will hear three n ews reports. At the end of each n ews report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D)

16、. Then mark the corresponding letter on An swer Sheet 1 with a sin gle line through the cen tre.Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.1.A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels.B)An explosi on at a bus stati on in cen tral Nairobi.C)The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in

17、 Kampala.D)Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda s capital.2.A) On Christmas Eve C) During a security checkB)Just before midni ght. D) In the small hours of the morning.Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.3.A) It is likely to close many of its stores.B)It is known for the

18、 quality of its goods.C)It rema ins competitive in the recessi on.D)It will expa nd its on li ne retail bus in ess.4.A) Expa nd its bus in ess bey ond groceries.B)Fire 25,000 of its curre nt employees.C)Cut its DVD publishi ng busi ness.D)Sell the bus in ess for one pound.Questions 5 to 7 will be ba

19、sed on the following news item.5.A) All taxis bega n to use meters.B)All taxis got air con diti oning.C)Advertiseme nts were allowed on taxis.D)Old taxis were replaced with new cabs.6.A) A low in terest loa n scheme. C) Taxi passe ngers compla in ts.B)En viro nmen talists protests. D) Permissi on fo

20、r car advertis ing.7.A) There are no more irregular practices.B)All new cabs provide air-c on diti oning.C)New cabs are all equipped with meters.D)New legislatio n protects con sumer rights.大学英语四级考试听力样题 -新闻短篇解析Questio ns 1 and 2 will be based on the follow ing n ews item.1.A) Christmas-time attacks

21、made by Somali rebels.B)An explosi on at a bus stati on in cen tral Nairobi.C)The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala.D)Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda s capital.2.A) On Christmas Eve. C) During a security check.B)Just before midni ght. D) In the small hours of the morning.解:通过选项中

22、的关键词 attack, Somali rebels, explosion, killing, blast 我们可以预测这是一篇关于爆炸袭击的新闻。第一题是爆炸事件地点,伤亡等信息的描述, 第二题考时间。原文:Kenyan police say one pers on was killed and 26 injured in an explosi on at a bus statio n in cen tral Nairobi. The blast hit a bus about to set off for the Ugandan capital Kampala. Last July, th

23、e Somali group al-Shabab said it was beh ind the blasts in the Ugandan capital which killed more than 70 people. Will Ross reports from the Kenyan capital.ed of possibleThe explosi on happe ned beside a bus which was about to set off for an overni ght journey from Nairobi to the Ugandan capital Kamp

24、ala. Some eyewit nesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded during a security check. Win dows of the red bus were left smashed, and blood could be see n on the ground beside the vehicle. Just hours earlier, Uganda s police chief had warnChristmas-time attacks by Somali

25、 rebels.1.What is the news report mainly about?2.When did the in cide nt occur?解:两道题都是细节题,并且没有干扰项。新闻第一句 Ke nyan polite say onepers on was killed and 26 injured in an explosi on at a bus stati on in cen tral Nairobi. 可以确定答案 B。 “ Some eyewit nesses report that a bag was about to be loaded on board, but it exploded d

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