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高考英语复习选修8 Unit 4 Films and film events.docx

1、高考英语复习选修8 Unit 4 Films and film eventsUnit 4Films and film events对应学生用书p135项目内容核心单词单词拼写(根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子)1.Nowadays,a growing number of dieters are trying extreme calorie _(限制) for a long life by eating less food.2.Maria _(故意地) missed the first train so as to travel on the same one as John.3.It was a

2、_(令人紧张的) match,with the winning goal scored in the final minute.4.Over the long process of evolution,animals have developed their unique senses,which makes it possible for them to _(克服) their environment.5.If you feel _(头晕目眩的) in a coalburning room,thats lack of oxygen.6.Two businessmen have donated

3、 $70,000 to s_ our schools campaign “Help the Needy”,which was started by our former headmaster three years ago.7.She is very m_ about her success,though shes achieved a lot.8.Mark went through the papers once more carefully for fear that he o_ any essential details.9.The two boys r_ each other in a

4、ppearance but differ widely in their tastes.10.The man who hits so many people in a row had drunk so much that his mind could no longer distinguish between f_ and reality.答案 1.restriction2.deliberately3.tense4.conquer5.dizzy6.sponsor7.modest8.overlooked9.resemble10.fantasy词性转换(用所给词的适当形式填空)1.She had

5、much _ difficulty then,so she took a job to _ her further education in a university.(finance)2.They were all _ at the _ news that their team was defeated.They expressed their _ to us.(disappoint)3.What _ me to go there is that there are a lot of _ there.Whats more,the dishes are also _(attract)4.The

6、 witnesses statements _ each other and the facts remained unclear.In the court the witnesses gave two completely _ accounts.(contradict)5.The _ to sunshine is bad for your health.The more you are _ to it,the blacker your skin will get.(expose)6.The _ happened last night and she was _ of much money.T

7、he _ was caught in a hotel.(rob)7.Many top _ have taken part in the UN conference.President Xi _ China to give an impressive speech at the meeting.(represent)8.A teacher should not show _ for any one of his pupils,but most teachers _ to make friends with the polite students.(prefer)9.Marys stepmothe

8、r has a very _ look on her face.She frequently treats Mary _(fierce)10.The purpose of education is not only the _ of knowledge,but it also means _ intelligence as well as abilities.(accumulate)答案;finance2.disappointed;disappointing;disappointment3.attracts;attractions;attractive4.contrad

9、icted;contradictory5.exposure;exposed6.robbery;robbed;robber7.representatives;represented8.preference;prefer9.fierce;fiercely10.accumulation;accumulating重点短语,汉译英1防卫_2.炫耀_3认真考虑_ 4.把视为_5有机会_ 6.对敏感_7照某人看来_答案 1in defence off3.give thought a chance sensitive to7in ones

10、opinion句型操练背诵与仿写 ,1.Redford has acted in and directed many big Hollywood films,but wanted to expose the public to films made outside of the Hollywood system that ordinary people might have no access to otherwise.(P5051,L3032)仿写1)那次法国之行让他体验到了一种完全不同的文化。The trip to France _2)他不想向任何人显露他的恐惧。He does not _

11、2Who was it that told him what had happened? (P56)仿写那些名演员多久才下农村一次?_ it that _?3Our policy is to include highquality films,regardless of who makes them.(P50,L2021)仿写不管上什么课,他都认真思考。He thinks seriously _4Nowadays,if a film wins an award at Sundance,there is a good chance it will become famous! (P51,L323

12、3)仿写他有可能出国学习。1)There is _2)He has _答案 11)exposed him to a completely different culture2)want to expose his fear to anyone2How often is;the famous actors are going to the countryside3regardless of what subjects he studies / what classes he takes41)a (good) chance (that) he will study abroad2)a (good)

13、 chance of studying / to study abroad对应学生用书p136重点单词1finance (finances / financed / financed / financing)vt.给提供资助,负担的经费n财政;金融Its necessary for the government to finance_the_students who have no money to go to school.政府有必要给没钱上学的学生提供资助。Our firms finances are not sound.我们公司的财政状况不是很好。 同/ 近义词:economy / we

14、alth / fortune / fund / money 温馨提示: finance作为资金和金融财政来讲是不可数名词,但作为财政收入来讲是可数的,而且常用复数形式。 必记搭配:the Minister of Finance 财政部长finance crisis 金融危机finance department 财政部finance sb.给某人提供资金2possess (possesses / possessed / possessed / possessing)vt.拥有,占有He never possessed much money,but he always possessed some

15、 good friends.他从来就没有多少钱,但他一直有一些好朋友。 温馨提示:possession n拥有,占有 必记搭配:possess oneself of成为的拥有者;持为己有be possessed of sth.具有某种品质(或特征) in the possession of sb. 某物为所占有in possession of sth. 拥有,占有have / take possession of sth. 拥有3sensitive (more sensitive / most sensitive)adj.敏感的,过敏的;易受伤害的;易怒的It is a sensi

16、tive issue so we must treat it carefully.这是个敏感的问题,绝不可掉以轻心。My teeth are really sensitive to hot and cold food.我的牙齿对辣的食物和冷的食物很过敏。 同/ 近义词:sensible / tender / responsive 温馨提示: sensitive其实是sense这个名词变过来的。 必记搭配:be sensitive to 对敏感 / 过敏be sensitive about 对很在意4contradict (contradicts / contradicted / contrad

17、icted / contradicting)vt.& vi.反驳,驳斥;与相抵触,与相矛盾Its difficult to contradict someone politely.有礼貌地反驳别人很困难。(1)contradict each other / oneself互相矛盾 / 自相矛盾contradict sb.反驳 / 顶撞某人(2)contradiction n矛盾,对立;反驳contradiction between A and BA和B之间的矛盾in contradiction to与矛盾 / 不一致(3)contradictory adj.相互矛盾的;对立的be contra

18、dictory to与相矛盾Some astronauts feel sick on the station during the first few days because their brains receive contradictory messages.有些宇航员在空间站头几天会感到恶心是因为其大脑接收到了相互矛盾的信息。完成汉译英:不要当众顶撞老板,否则你会被解雇。Dont _ your boss in public, or youll be fired.慌乱中,他不断地说出自相矛盾的话来。In his confusion,he kept _他私下的行为与公开的言论完全是两码事。

19、His private actions are _ his publicly expressed opinions.答案 contradictcontradicting himselfin direct contradiction to / contradictory to【运用提升】 .选择括号内适当的单词填空。1The manager is _(possessed / accused) of outstanding communication skills.2The surprising findings _(convey / contradict / confuse) some prev

20、ious studies that have suggested mobiles can cause Alzheimers and brain cancer.答案与解析 1possessed。be possessed of sth. 具有某种品质(或特征); be accused of 被指控。句意:经理具有高超的沟通技巧。2contradict。convey传达,传递;contradict反驳,否定;confuse使困惑。句意:这些令人惊讶的发现否认了一些先前的研究,先前研究表明手机可能导致老年痴呆症和脑癌。根据句意应填contradict。.在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

21、。1These animals are sensitive _ changes in temperature.2The fund has been used largely _(finance) the construction of federal prisons.答案与解析 1to。考查动词短语。句意:这些动物对温度的改变很敏感。be sensitive to 对敏感/过敏。2to finance。句意:该基金大部分被用于资助联邦监狱的建造。be used to do sth.被用来做某事。核心短语1把看作,把视为 view._as_.She doesnt view herself as

22、a success.她不认为自己成功了。心中有目的(或打算等) have. _in_ view鉴于 / 考虑到 / 由于某事 _in_ view _of_在展出,陈列着 _on_ view进入视野 _come_into_ view思考:由v.as的短语表示“把看作;把视为”还有不少,请你试试,再写出5个好吗? _答案 consider.asthink of.aslook on.astake.asregard.astreat.ashave.as2对敏感be _sensitive_ toTeachers need to be sensitive to the development level o

23、f each student so as to help them better.为了更好地帮助学生,老师需要对每一个学生的发展水平很敏感。与相似be _similar_ to与有关 be _relative_ to在之前 be _prior_ to与平行;与类似 be _parallel_to与相等;胜任 be _equal_to思考:由beadj.to的短语还有不少,请你试试,再写出5个好吗?_答案 be addicted to 沉迷于be considerate to 对体贴be familiar to 熟悉 be eager to 渴望be senior to 比大【运用提升】 根据句

24、意,从所提供的词组中选择恰当的词组填入相关的句中。注意词形的变化。in defence of;in view of;be sensitive to;be similar to;for ones part;on the contrary;show off;regardless of1In general, the English spoken in Australia _ that in Britain.2The old man likes to _ how rich he is.3She _ other peoples feelings now.4Every problem you have

25、is your responsibility,_ who caused it.5_, I dont care whether they win or not.6_ her excellent work performance, the company decided to give her a pay rise.7You think you are clever;_,I assure that you are very foolish.8She stood up _ the poor little boy,saying he shouldnt have been punished.答案与解析

26、1is similar to。句意:总的来说,澳大利亚人说的英语和英国人说的英语很相似。短语be similar to“与相似”,主语为the English,故填is similar to。2show sensitive to4.regardless of5For my part6.In view of7.on the contrary8in defence of。句意:她站在那保护着那个可怜的小男孩儿,说他本不应该被惩罚。in defence of意为“保护,防护;为辩护”,符合句意,故填in defence of。关键句型及惯用法1Joining us in the studio are Isabel Rose from the Cannes Film Festival.and Xu Li from the Shanghai International Film Festival.(P50,L48)译:来到我们节目现场的有来自戛纳电影节(Cannes Film Festival)的伊莎贝尔罗斯(Isabe

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