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1、房产经典广告语房产经典广告语1、中粮.香榭丽都广告语:南二环丽都楼市,十月传奇再续。130170?臻稀房源,秒杀倒计时,270380?丽都叠现,耀世呈现。 聚焦南二环丽都修炼十载,地段已然醇香。 高端人士的城市归宿 香榭丽都浪漫幽香。 用心打造完美品质 绝版地段再起热潮。 十年,弹指一挥间,见证板块的兴起到成熟。 2、金牛万达广场 旗舰城市综合体 万达中心华宅 繁华于外,宁静于内。110万旗舰规模/30万?品牌购物中心/2万平米简欧园林。 一环内显赫地段,寸土寸金,私藏2万平米简欧园林 尊享城市自然“漫”生活,入则融于万千繁华,退则呼吸宁静、恬适。 四条地铁交汇,全城精彩,享受一站到位。 70

2、万平米商业、商务、娱乐、休闲,零时差享受,360?精彩生活。 城市中心价值物业。 3、白朗峰 非凡不言 臻品登峰 6095?精装头等舱 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest s

3、ection 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1

4、can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review . Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia

5、 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5

6、chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage VIP卡申领火热办理中 优惠提前享。 4、鹭湖国际,以品质打动眉山,只为非凡人生。 2011品质大盘,闪耀东坡故里,集萃全球经典建筑工法,传承世界园林文化渊源,谋和眉山亲水夙愿 5、东方银座 九月全程公映 VIP优惠火热申领中 来这里,做生活的名流人士。真正的名流人士,非物质的富足与否即可界定。任何一座城市,总有一个名流人士组成的圈层。 居中央,达四方。 建于城市之上的时代名筑。11f、18f、30f,既是社

7、区规划之技法、更是勾勒城市天际的完美弧线;楼体的高低错落与间距,围而不合的整体布局,充分营造理想的居住环境,确保社区充足光照与良好通风。 生活,在城市繁华之乡。想象每一天的生活都紧跟城市脉动的鲜活印记,想象如同熟知自己的名字一样了解城市的风潮。想象驾驭灵感,随时随地捕获生活的意趣。只有想象是不够的,不如在东方银座为自己铺就一条无需想象的繁华走廊。 6、翠微香庭: 城市新中心,79118?欧式庭院洋房 7、挪威森林:荟萃欧式精髓、聚焦阶层荣耀。稀缺塑孤品。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training

8、3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU)

9、 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review . Dise

10、ase species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS

11、/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 8、保利城:成都,本来就有北延线。 2011保利城恢弘巨制全新驾临,城市中轴荣耀回归城北

12、。 南延线国际繁华已是传奇,今天,城市中轴理想向北前行,谁与扛鼎践行。于城北腹地,为北延线未来辉煌解开华幕。 9、苏祠翰林:文脉深处,再现苏祠生活传奇。 十分钟生活圈通达全城。坐拥千年文脉胜地眉山,紧随黄金干道,链接城市立体交通网络,无缝对接畅达八方,尽享时间快感,从容享受都市繁华。 (在那个位置上已经有的标志性建筑,如一座什么、一座什么、一座什么)你来之前,他们已经守候多时。 10、兴园名宅:现代主义简约建筑风格主流精英都市居住的最高领地。 根植于生活本意,融合建筑规划格调与现代建筑风格。生于极致繁华,隐于林荫深处,出可尽观繁华,如可隔绝喧器。对于来不开城市、享不尽繁华的主流精英,都市居住的

13、最高形式存在于此。 绝版区域、超高性价比、奢享城市成熟配套。 11、保利 康桥:城东,60年来,第一次。 还未开盘,已有万人羡赏。还未亮相,便已轰动全城。这一次,arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurolo

14、gy 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 i

15、mage learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review . Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get

16、sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) ar

17、tery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 让全城铭记。 标准可以超越/资源无法复制/ 12、观嶺:传世尊墅 华美呈现 实景现房,极速递减。 13、今天,用更华丽的姿态惊艳这座城市。 在这座城市,关于华丽的所有姿态/从今天起,如此方式,如此惊艳/85-196平米精粹美宅,11月惊艳登临。 14、上置绿洲雅宾利花园10月29日白金会所盛情开放。VIP钻石卡火热申请中。现在申请VIP钻石卡,更可优惠存1万抵2万房款之优惠。Vip金

18、卡每日2000元房款增值活动同期进行中,双重优惠,机不可失。 15、非凡格局,惊鸿一瞥。 16、城市,无论怎么发展,永远只有一个真正意义上得中心。无论是东西轴线,还是南北轴线,眉山城市的中心点,都讲坐落在市客运中心站旁的这块土地上。这里是城市之心生活、交通、教育、医疗、休闲一城的光华淬炼于此。住在这里,把家安在城市的心脏,任何时候,无论是时尚、潮流,这是生活、艺术,你能在第一时间,听到城市的心跳 17、汇融古典与现代气质,典雅的现代简欧风骨。 岷江大道的通车,一块新的板块在眉山崛起,前有轻轨列车后有客运中心支垫,arrangements following: emergency special

19、ist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency sect

20、ion (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in train

21、ing, episode 11 review . Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product

22、 liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 左有老城区毗邻右有时尚前沿发展

23、的新区为伴车行线、人行线、景观轴线、生活体念线(水景、球场、休闲广场、散步道、绿地迷宫、游玩区)互不影响的交融,他们之间分而不离,离而相互依存户型设计,尊崇精而不浪费空间的结构,在合理面积基础上满足最优的居家功能,且让功能的优点最大化譬如:采光设计,让餐厅不用开灯直接参与自然采光,这也是节能的追求。 两城繁华之间交通:三站中心(轻轨、公交、客运) 购物:红旗超市、宏远百货、神州电器、摩尔玛超市 学校:眉山中学、东坡中学、外国语学校、眉山一小、东坡小学 医院:眉山市人民医院、眉山三医院 娱乐:外滩休闲一条街、阳关音乐广场、三苏雕像广场、岷江大道 金融:建设银行、农业银行、工商银行、中国银行、信用

24、社 18、金楠府:许一百个愿望,不如把握一次良机。诚意登记倒计时。意料外的低价,意料中的好房。 19、雅乐居花园:亲爱的,原来我们也可以有一栋。 亲爱的,是时候该买了,雅乐居,天府新区核心,实景现房,有面子,有内涵,价格巨划算,给你买别墅的承诺,终于可以如愿了。雅乐居御宾府二期“亲爱的一栋”,210万,爱她就买她。 arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time

25、(months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascular section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic

26、1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and Gynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review . Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronch

27、ial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndrome 1 (2) clinical o

28、peration technology requirements: operation technology name cases times (?) artery blood 5 chest puncture (pumping gas , And pumping chest product liquid) 10 chest closed type drainage 观城:11月27日,现实实景,荣耀开盘。东城核心,万象城旁6+1花园洋房、阔景高层,诚意金排号最后进行中。 保利贝森公馆:惊艳,是历经千锤百炼的姿态。为法式皇家园林惊艳,为豪华挑高大堂惊艳。VIP卡限量发售,诚意登记进行中8519

29、6?精粹美宅,加冕城西荣耀。 区域争锋,谁拔城北头筹, 地段坚挺,价值终坚挺。 复地 御香山 优雅绽放。VIP独享最高8.8折优惠,最后超值集结。 希顿国际广场:存在,就是为了影响世界。希顿国际广场,雄踞国际城南/执掌核心资本命脉,成就时代标杆力作/希尔顿的百年商务智慧,迪拜帆船酒店后,阿特金斯再度操刀/五星级酒店助力超甲级写字楼/为变革城市商务格局而来。 中德英伦联邦:5个月劲销13亿,力证中德品质。恭迎所有把握机会的人。 复地金街国际城南核心旺铺:财富良机,投资先机。数万高端消费人群汇聚于此,坐拥金融后台强大消费力;城南纯居板块财富,商业核心传世旺铺,生而优越;伊藤亚洲旗舰店近在咫尺,齐聚

30、商核人气;70-403?临街商铺,多重投资格局。商业财富无限,签约即送ipad2。 布鲁明顿广场:6940元/?,城南三环小户型住宅罕有价格;8169-10393元/?,金融城甲级写字楼抄底价格。价格直接触底承诺arrangements following: emergency specialist physician based training 3 years clinical Rotary arrangements table Rotary Department name time (months) medical breathing section/RICU 2 cardiovascu

31、lar section/CCU 2 Neurology 1 Digest section 1 endocrine section 1 kidney section (including dialysis Center) 1 anesthesia section 1 emergency section (including emergency ICU) 15 surgical general surgical (abdominal surgical mainly) 2 orthopedic 1 neural surgical 1 heart surgical 1 obstetrics and G

32、ynecology 1 Pediatric 1 image learn 1 can selected Rotary section Name time (months) medical (blood, rheumatism, infections and mental) IV in training, episode 11 review . Disease species cases number (?) acute tracheal support bronchitis 2 bronchial asthma 2 bronchial expansion 2 community get sex pneumonia 2 hospital get sex pneumonia 2 breathing machine correlation pneumonia 2 COPD/lung source sex heart 5 hemoptysis 2 Pleurisy/chest product liquid 2 pneumothorax 1 ARDS/breathing failure 4 lung thrombosis embolism syndro

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