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1、华南地区大树移植成活因素华南地区大树移植成活因素随着城市建设步伐的加快,越来越多的大树被请进城,大树移栽是一项难度较大的绿化工程技术,影响移栽成活的因素主要由气候、树种、树龄、季节、距离等造成。移栽前必须制定完整配套的移栽方案,确保大树移栽成功。With the quickening pace of urban construction, more and more trees were please to the town, big tree transplanting is a difficult greening engineering technology, factors affec

2、ting transplanting survival mainly by climate, tree species, tree age, season, distance, etc. Must develop a complete matching before transplanting transplanting scheme, to ensure the success of the big tree transplanting. 华南地区位于我国最南部,是典型的高温多雨区域,最冷月平均气温10,极端最低气温-4,日平均气温10的天数在300天以上。多数地方年降水量为14002000

3、毫米,是一个高温多雨、四季常绿的热带-南亚热带区域。In south China is located in the most southern in China, is a typical high temperature and rainy areas, most of the average temperature 10 or higher, the extreme lowest temperature 4 or higher, daily average temperature 10 or more the number of days over 300 days. Most plac

4、es is 1400-2000 mm annual precipitation, is a high temperature and rainy, four seasons evergreen tropical - subtropical areas. 下面就在几个方面对大树移栽成活因素进行简单的探讨分析:Here just a few of big trees transplanting survival simple discussion on the factors of analysis: 一 、移栽前必须考虑的因素和准备的工作A, factors must be considered

5、 before transplanting, and ready to work 1、树种选择1, tree species selection 根据园林绿化施工的要求,坚持侧重树的移栽后的适应性,选定树种及规格。尽可能地选用生长健壮的树种。标记向阳方向和编号,做到一树一卡制。According to the requirement of the botanical garden afforestation construction, insist on focusing on the tree after the transplanting of adaptability, the sele

6、cted tree species and specifications. As far as possible choose species of robust growth. Mark xiangyang direction and number, to do a tree, a card system. 2、 移栽时间选择2, transplanting time choice 选树工作宜提前23年进行,常采用预先断根、根部环剥等办法,提早对根部进行处理,以促进树木须根生长。即在移植前每年先切断树根的1/3.1/2,用2至3年时间完成全过程。最迟也应在移栽前的休眠期或恢复生长初期结束。S

7、elected tree work should be 2 3 years ahead of schedule, increased in advance, the root is often used to ring the way such as peel, early to deal with the root, to accelerate the growth of trees fibrous root. In transplants each year to cut off the roots before 1/3.1/2, use 2 to 3 years to complete

8、the whole process. Should be the latest in transplanting dormant or resumed growth before the end. 3、 选置挖穴3, choose clefts 由于华南地区属于多雨高温天气,一定要保证土壤通气、透水性,最好能提前1周时间准备新的定植穴。定植穴直径要比移栽树土球的直径大40-60cm;深度超出土球高度10cm左右。掘穴时要将表土和中底部土分开放置,并清理杂质。对新树穴和移栽用土进行杀菌、除虫处理。Due to belong to the wet high temperature weather

9、in south China, be sure to keep the soil aeration, water permeability, best can advance 1 week time to prepare for the new planting hole. Colonize the diameter of the hole diameter than transplanting tree soil ball 40-60 cm; Deeper than 10 cm soil ball height. Burrowing to topsoil and separately pla

10、ced in the bottom of the soil, and clean up the impurities. For new net-poles and transplanting with sterilization, pest control treatment. 4、移栽处理及包装4, transplanting processing and packaging 大树移栽一般以春季萌动前和秋季落叶后为最佳时期。当然其他季节移栽大树,也不是不可以,只要移栽时带有足够大的土球,全面考虑,精心照顾,也是可以成功的,只是经费要相应的增大很多。大树移栽时土球直径应为树木胸径的4倍左右。根

11、部应修剪平整,用黄泥浆水加钙镁磷肥及100mg/labt生根粉药液浸根或浇湿根部,可大大提高大树的成活率。大树处理主要包括根处理、截冠处理。断根处理尽量保留5cm的大根。喷涂生根剂促发新根。截冠主要是为了保持树木的水分代谢平衡。修剪强度要具体分析而定,一般剪掉全冠的1/31/2。挖掘办法,目前人工挖掘软材包装移栽法,是最常见并最实用的挖掘办法。包装主要是为了减少水分蒸发。Big tree transplanting with spring to be commonly before and after the autumn leaves as the best time. Transplant

12、ing big trees, of course, other season, also is not not ok, as long as the transplanting with large enough soil ball, comprehensive consideration, care, also can be successful, just money to corresponding increase a lot. Big tree transplanting soil ball diameter shall be the tree diameter at breast

13、height of 4 times the left and right sides. The roots should be evenly cut, with yellow slurry water calcium-magnesia phosphate fertilizer and 100 mg/labt ShengGenFen solution soak the root of the root or wet, can greatly improve the survival rate of trees. The tree processing mainly includes root p

14、rocessing, cutting processing. As far as possible with reserve the big root 5 cm. Spraying rooting agent trigger new roots. Cut crown is largely employed on trees to keep the balance of water metabolism. Pruning intensity to concrete analysis, generally cut 1/3 1/2 of full crown. Mining method, the

15、artificial excavating soft wood packaging transplanting method, is the most common and the most practical mining methods. Packing is mainly to reduce moisture to evaporate. 二、运输及定植过程注意事项2, transportation and engraftment process matters needing attention 大树吊运是大树移栽的重要环节之一,直接关系到移载的成活率。树木装车时,土球靠近驾驶室,下垫木

16、板,用绳子将土球缚紧在车厢两侧;树冠朝向汽车尾部,也要用软绳适当缠拢;树干包上柔软材料放在木架上,用软绳扎。对距离不远的特大树木移栽运输时,最好采用轨道平移法。The tree lifting is one of the important link of big tree transplanting, directly related to survival rate of transfer. Under the trees when loading, soil ball close to the bridge, mat board, soil ball tightly bound with

17、 ropes in the coach side; Crown toward the car tail, also want to use soft rope properly bound approach; Tree trunks on soft package material on the gallows, with soft wire. When transported to distance is not far from the big trees transplanting, had better use method of sliding on the rail. 大树运到后必

18、须尽快定植,定植时按照施工要求,分别将大树轻轻斜吊于定植穴内,撤除缠扎树冠的绳子,将树冠立起扶正,仔细审视树形和环境,移动和调整树冠方位,要尽量符合原来的朝向,并保证定植深度适宜,然后撤除土球外包扎的绳包(草片等易烂软包装可不撤除,以防土球散开),分层夯实,把土球全埋于地下。Trees must colonize as soon as possible after shipped, engraftment in accordance with the construction requirements, respectively, the tree gently tilt hanging in

19、 the planting hole, removal of the rope, seizing crown canopy set up righting, carefully look at the tree and the environment, move and adjust the bearing trees, try to conform to the original direction, depth and ensure engraftment is appropriate, and then remove the soil ball outside wrap rope bag

20、 (grass pieces and easily rotten flexible packaging is removed, to prevent the soil ball scatter), hierarchical compaction, bury soil the balls on the ground. 从植物生理学分析,无论人工或天然树木其生长都有方向性,在同一个立地条件下,阳坡的树冠大于阴坡,阳坡的侧根短于阴坡,阳坡的叶片大于阴坡,阳坡的结实多于阴坡。定植完毕后必须及时进行树体固定,即设立支柱支撑,防止根部动摇透气影响成活率,一般采用三柱支架三角形支撑固定法,确保大树稳固。支架

21、与树皮交接处可用旧鞋底或草包等作为隔垫,以免磨伤树皮。通常在1年后大树根系恢复良好时撤除支架,地面用稻草、锯末等覆盖树盘,主要是减缓地表蒸发,防止土壤板结,以利于通风。From the plant physiology analysis, either artificial or natural tree growth has its orientation, in the same stand conditions, a sun canopy is greater than the slope, the slope of the lateral root short in slope, sl

22、ope of the blade is greater than the slope, the slope more sturdy than slope. Engraftment after must be fixed in a timely manner the tree body, namely to set up a pillar, and prevent root rock permeability affects the survival rate, generally USES three column sustained triangle method, ensure the t

23、ree firmly. Stents and bark old soles or straw bag available as across the mat, so as to avoid chafing bark. Usually when the tree root recovered well after 1 years to remove bracket, ground cover tree dish with rice straw, sawdust, etc, main is to slow down the surface evaporation, prevent soil har

24、den, to facilitate ventilation. 三、移栽后的精心管理Three, transplanting after careful management 大树移栽后.一定要加强后期的养护管理。俗话说得好:“三分种。七分管”。 大树移栽后应立即浇1次透水,以保证树根与土壤密切接触,促进根系发育。一方面,我们要严格控制土壤浇水量。移植时第一次浇透水,以后应视大气情况、土壤质地.检查分析,谨慎浇水。同时要慎防喷水时过多水滴进人根系区域。第二方面,要防止树池积水。种柏时留下的浇水穴,在第一次浇透水后即应填平或略高于周围地面,以防下雨或浇水时积水。同时,在地势低洼易积水处,要开排水

25、沟,保证雨天能及时排水,地下水位尽量保持在1.5米以下,水位上涨时,可在根系外围挖深。新移植大树根系吸水功能减弱,对土壤水分需求量较小,因此,只要保持土壤适当湿润即可。否则会影响土壤的透气性能,抑制根系的呼吸。另,大树移植初期或高温干燥季节,要搭制荫棚遮阳,减少树体的水分蒸发。在移植密度较大的区域,宜搭制大棚.省材又方便管理,孤植树宜按株搭制。要求全冠遮阳,阳棚上方及四周与树冠保持50cm左右距离,以保证棚内有一定的空气流动空间。遮阳度为70%左右.让树体接受一定的散射光,以保证树体光合作用的进行。以后视树木生长情况和季节变化,逐步去掉遮阳物。After the tree transplant

26、. Late must strengthen maintenance management. As the saying goes: three minutes. Seven is in charge. Big tree transplanting should immediately after pouring one permeable, in order to make sure the roots closely contact with soil, promote the root development. On the one hand, we need to strictly c

27、ontrol soil water content. After transplantation when pouring water for the first time, should according to the condition of the atmosphere, soil texture. Check analysis, careful watering. At the same time to take precautions against too much water when water in the root area. Second, to prevent tre

28、e pool water. Kind of left parker watering hole, after the first water flooding should be filled or slightly higher than the surrounding ground, in case of rain or water when the water. At the same time, in low-lying easy seeper place, want to open drain, ensure that rainy days timely drainage and u

29、nderground water level are kept in 1.5 meters the following, when water levels rise, to dig deep on the fringes of the root system. New transplant trees root water absorption weakened, less demand for soil moisture, therefore, as long as keep proper soil moist. Otherwise it will influence the permea

30、bility of soil, suppress root respiration. The other, the tree transplant early or high temperature, dry season, to take YinPeng sunshade, reduce moisture to evaporate the tree body. In denser areas, appropriate build greenhouses. Save material and convenient management, solitary tree should be acco

31、rding to the plant system. Requires full crown shading, Yang tent with canopy above and around 50 cm distance, to ensure that the relative has the space for air flow. Shading degree of about 70%. Let the tree body accept some scattered light, in order to make sure the tree body of photosynthesis. La

32、ter according to the condition of tree growth and seasonal change, and gradually get rid of shade. 树木通过锯截、移栽,树体的抵抗力弱,容易遭受病害、虫害,如不注意防范造成虫灾或树木染病后可能会迅速死亡一所以要加强预防。可用多菌灵或托布津、敌杀死等农药混合喷施。移栽大树,前期不能施肥,待长出茂盛的新的枝叶以后,可根据情况进行施肥,为确保万无一失,最好是能在移栽后的第二年进行正式施肥。Trees through the saw cut, transplanting, the tree body resistance is weak, susceptible to disease and pests, such as after the trees do not pay attention to prevent pest or disease can quickly so we must strengthen the prevention of death. Available carbendazim, thiophanate or DiShaSi mixed pesticide spraying, etc. Early cant fertilize, transplanting b

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