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春八年级英语下册 Module 4 Seeing the doctor同步练习题 新版外研版.docx

1、春八年级英语下册 Module 4 Seeing the doctor同步练习题 新版外研版Module 4 Seeing the doctorWritten test part (共95分).单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题后所给的四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )1. How does Li Min learn English?_ watching English movies.A. In B. For C. By D. With( )2.Mr Smith takes some _ every morning to keep healthy, for example, r

2、unning.A. exercise B. photos C. advice D. notes( )3. My cousin started swimming two years ago and he is very _ now.A. sad B. shy C. safe D. fit( )4. Would you like to go shopping with me?Sorry, I feel very _ and I think I am ill.A. happy B. well C. nervous D. weak( )5. The doctor gave John some medi

3、cine and asked him to _ it three times a day.A. buy B. take C. make D. count( )6. Mrs Gao is our Chinese teacher and she _ work at 8:00 am every day.A. goes around B. gets to C. agrees with D. looks after( )7. Stop _ on the road! Its dangerous!A. run B. to run C. running D. ran( )8. Mum spends one h

4、our _ our house every day.A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning( )9. Mike is too _ to _ his clothes by himself.A. young; wash B. younger; washC. young; washing D. younger; washing( )10. Linda lives a little far from school, but she _ to school every day.A. rides B. rode C. is riding D. will ri

5、de( )11. Guo Tao _ Mr Wang before. This is his first time to see him.A. wont meet B. wasnt meetingC. hasnt met D. doesnt meet( )12. Jason moved to Canada with his family in 2015. He _ there for three years.A. is living B. was living C. lives D. has lived( )13. I _ my grandparents twice last week.A.

6、visit B. visited C. will visit D. have visited( )14. _ has your mother worked in the hospital?Since 2002.A. How often B. How long C. How soonD. How many( )15. _?I feel awful. My right ear hurts.A. What should I doB. How can you do thatC. How can I help youD. What do you think of it.完形填空(共10分,每小题1分)先

7、通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Now, more and more people walk to keep healthy. Do you know16? Here are some important reasons (原因).Walking makes your17strong.If you walk more, you can make your heart stronger. A 30-minute walk every day18you to stay away from high blood pressure (高血压).W

8、alking helps you become thin.If you walk two miles an hour, you will burn (燃烧) about seventy-five calories (卡路里).19you walk three miles an hour, you will burn about ninety-nine calories. So its really a good20to keep thin.Walking helps old people not forget things easily.If old people can walk six m

9、iles or more every week, they will be able to21things better.Walking in the sun helps you get enough Vitamin(维他命)D.We all need to get enough Vitamin D to keep healthy.22is a perfect way for you to do sports and get enough Vitamin D at the23time.Walking gives you energy(能量).Walking makes you become24

10、and have enough energy. To get more energy, you can walk during your lunch break.Walking makes you relaxed.Walking makes you feel good. You can feel less25and more relaxed if you walk.So why not have a try now?( )16. A. why B. where C. how D. who( )17. A. stomach B. teeth C. heart D. feet( )18. A. c

11、alls B. helps C. tells D. leaves( )19. A. Because B. Till C. Although D. When( )20. A. time B. way C. place D. price( )21. A. remember B. make C. discover D. enjoy( )22. A. Going to school B. Going to bed C. Taking a walk D. Taking a photo( )23. A. free B. long C. right D. same( )24. A. braver B. st

12、ronger C. prouder D. calmer( )25. A. worried B. excited C. hungry D. shy.阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)根据材料内容选择最佳答案。AWhen people have different ideas or needs, conflicts (冲突) may happen. Naomi Drew, the writer ofThe Kids Guide to Working Out Conflicts: How to Keep Cool, Stay Safe, and Get Along, gives kids some h

13、elpful advice on getting on with friends.Q1: A friend of mine often plays with our friends, but he has never invited me. What can I do?A1:If a friend does something you dont like, dont be afraid to talk to him. Dont be angry with him. Try to make him understand your feelings so that you can work thr

14、ough it together.Q2: My friend is rude to other people. She said if I didnt act(表现)like her, she would stop being my friend.A2:Never “sell out” just to follow one friend. Do what you believe is right, and you can even find some new friends.Q3: My friend and I argue(争论)a lot. Although well be friends

15、 again soon, I dont like it. What should I do?A3:“Winning an argument”isnt always worth (值得) it. Next time when you argue, let your friend“win”if the thing is not important to you. If you give in (让步) a little, so may your friend. And remember, probably your friend isnt wrong. He or she just sees th

16、ings differently.( )26. What is Naomi Drew?A. A guide. B. A teacher.C. A writer. D. A doctor.( )27. Whats the advice for Q1?A. To have a talk.B. To find a friend.C. To smile often.D. To understand others.( )28. What do the underlined words “sell out” in A2 mean in Chinese?A.大动肝火 B.有始无终C.有求必应 D.背弃原则(

17、 )29. Which of the following is Naomi Drews idea?A. See things differently from others.B. Its impossible to win every argument.C. Winning isnt everything, but it sure is nice.D. Its OK to give in when two argue on something small.( )30. All of the questions are about conflicts between _.A. friendsB.

18、 classmatesC. children and parentsD. students and teachersBWhen I was a kid, I often played basketball. So I was thin but healthy. When I was about 15, I stopped playing basketball. I also started to drink a lot of drinks high in sugar and eat much more than before. Between 15 and 17, I put on a lot

19、 of weight (重量) about50 kg.I didnt know how big I was till I saw a photo one day. In the photo, I had a fat neck and my stomach was out there. I didnt like the way I looked. I knew I needed to lose some weight.I started to drink only water, and eat less and healthier. I ate mainly vegetables and onl

20、y one piece of meat every day, and stayed away from sugar.I also started to exercise. Every day, I ran for 30 minutes first, and then I did some push-ups (俯卧撑) for 10 minutes. I also jumped rope (跳绳) for 15 minutes every day.I kept exercising all the winter. When March came, many people said to me,

21、“Oh, Dave, youve been a different person!”It was true. I lost25 kgin three months. I liked taking photos, and I noticed the difference in my looks.I loved the three months. It felt good to lose weight, and it felt even better to set a goal (目标) and go for it.( )31. Dave put on a lot of weight partly

22、 because he _.A. got too much workB. took some medicineC. drank unhealthy drinksD. didnt have enough sleep( )32. Dave decided to lose weight when _.A. he lost a basketball gameB. he saw a photo of himselfC. the doctor asked him to do soD. his friends were angry with him( )33. In a day, which kind of

23、 exercise did Dave do for the most time?A. Running. B. Basketball.C. Push-ups. D. Rope jumping.( )34. When Dave heard the underlined sentence, he probably felt _.A. happy B. angryC. worried D. calm( )35. What can we learn from Daves story?A. Hobby is the best teacher.B. Success comes from hard work.

24、C. Its never too late to lose weight.D. Sports help a person stay young.补全对话(共5分,每小题1分)根据对话内容,在每个空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话完整、合乎情境。A: Yang Yang, you look pale. (36)_?B: I have a stomach ache.A: (37)_?B: I have been like this for two hours.A: Do you have a fever?B: (38)_. Ive just taken my temperature. Its36.7

25、.A: (39)_?B: I had some bread and milk for breakfast.A: Youd better go to see a doctor. I will go to the hospital with you.B: (40)_.A: Youre welcome.语法填空(共10分,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A greedy (贪婪的) mouse saw a basket of food. He wanted to eat the food, so he made a small hole in (41)_

26、(冠词) basket. He went in through the hole and ate a lot of food. He felt full and was very happy.Then the mouse wanted (42)_(come) out. He tried to come out through the small hole. But he could not. His belly (肚子) was full. He (43)_(try) once more. But it didnt work.The mouse started crying. A dog wa

27、s walking by. She (44)_(hear) the mouses cry and asked, “Why are you crying, little mouse?”The mouse (45)_(explain), “I made a small hole and came into the basket. Now I am not able to get out through that hole.”The dog said,“It is (46)_(连词) you ate too much. Wait till (47)_(代词) belly shrinks (收缩).”

28、Then the dog went away.The mouse (48)_(sleep) in the basket that night. The next morning, his belly had shrunk. But he decided (49)_(have) breakfast before he left. Soon his belly was full again. He thought, “Oh! Ill go out tomorrow.”A cat was walking by. He smelt the mouse (50)_(介词) the basket. He caught and ate him in no time.词汇运用(共5分,每小题1分)根据语境及所给汉语或音标提示写出所缺单词。51. There are many lovely _(宠物) in this store.52. How many _(成员) are there in your music club?53. I went to bed late last night. Im very _(困的) now.54. Can you tell me something about y

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