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1、1中国和西方地理概念1中国和西方地理概念现代地理学(Geography)的学科体系,是一门地道的外来的学问,虽然沿用了中国传统的“地理”这一名词,但现代地理学的内容与中国传统的“地理”之间的差别还是很大的。从历史的发展过程来看,中国传统地理学与西方古典地理学属于两套系统,各自基于不同的地理观,服务于不同的对象,最后的发展结果也就迥然相异。中国传统的“地理”,主要包括政区地理、山水地理、堪舆地理三个方面,强调地理学为政治与现实的服务。 古希腊的地理学与中国古代地理有很大的差别。英文的地理学(Geography)一词源自希腊语,原意是“对大地的描述”。同于中国地理学的实用主义传统,古希腊的地理学更

2、趋于思辨,与哲学、美学、天文学、数学、几何学的联系极其密切。1. 地理学本身 Geography2. 这个词在中国 in China3. 很老 很老的词 is a very old word4. 但是学科来讲在中国 But as a discipline in China5. 又是比较新的 geography is quite new6. 作为学科来讲 As a discipline7. 它不超过100年 在中国 it came into being for less than 100 years in China8. 作为词来讲 But as a word9. 这个单词出现2000多年 it

3、 has existed for over 2000 years10. 易经的系辞里边就有地理 Geography exists in The Great treaties of The Book of Changes11. 上观天文 俯察地理 Observe the universe, survey the earth12. 这词很早 So geography is an old word13. 但是那个地理和现在的地理学 But geography of that time and modern geography14. 是两个概念 are totally different15. 这是对

4、天文来讲的 This is related to astronomy16. 上边有星星 which talks about the stars17. 有日月星辰在上边 sun, moon in the sky18. 那是叫天文 Thats astronomy19. 下边有山河湖海 While the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas lay on the land20. 这叫地理 is geography21. 古代的时候大体是这样的一个概念 This is geography of ancient times22. 和现在还是不一样的 which is di

5、fferent from modern geography23. 这是中国的一个现象 Thats a phenomenon in China24. 中国这个地理的词 Geography in ancient China25. 在古代也是一种特殊的学问 was a special kind of knowledge26. 但它不成为一个学科体系 But it wasnt a discipline system yet27. 大体起来讲 Generally speaking28. 中国古代的地理 geography in ancient China29. 分成这么三类 can be divided

6、 into 3 categories30. 一类是政区地理 One is political geography31. 文科的同学明白 Students of arts know that32. 中国有二十四史 二十五史 China has Twenty-four Dynastic Histories, Twenty-five Dynastic Histories33. 有二十六史 and Twenty-six Dynastic Histories34. 说起来大家有点糊涂 You may be confused about this35. 怎么又是二十四史 Twenty-four Dynas

7、tic Histories36. 又是二十五史 又是二十六史 Twenty-five Dynastic Histories, Twenty-six Dynastic Histories, What are they?37. 这个不管它 We will not talk about it38. 咱们这个课上是地理课 This is a geography class39. 不谈历史 We will not talk about history40. 但是这几种正史里边 But in these kinds of official history41. 都有地理志 there is always

8、annals of Geography42. 绝大部分 少量的没有 except a small number of them43. 这个里边它是按照政区 According to44. 按照行政区 古代的行政区 administrative district45. 来堆砌这些地区的 in ancient time46. 地理的特点 geographical characteristics47. 物产 人口 products, population48. 区域的特点 features of these regions are recorded49. 是为了政治服务的 All of these

9、are related to politics50. 皇帝拿着这个书 管用 The book is useful for the emperor51. 政府官员拿着这本书管用 and government officials52. 直接去管去 They can govern the country by using it53. 税收 人口比例甚至有 There is even information about tax and population ratio in the book54. 当然这个东西不准 Of course they are not accurate55. 中国有最早的 C

10、hina has the earliest56. 各地区的人口记录 population record of every region57. 按照省记下去的 by taking province as an unit58. 按照州记下去的 州县 or taking prefecture and county as a unit59. 古代在早期的时候 In the early stage of ancient times60. 秦汉的时候没有省 namely Qin and Han dynasties, there are no provinces61. 只有州县 And only prefe

11、ctures and counties62. 按照这个东西记下去的 有最早的 The earliest population record is taking this as a unit63. 这是一套 This is a kind of geography64. 是为政治服务的 which serves for political purpose65. 还有一套山水地理 Another kind of geography is on rivers and mountains66. 很有名的水经注 The best one of them is Commentary on the Book

12、of Rivers67. 水经注我们中学的时候接触 We have learned about Commentary on the Book of Rivers in middle school68. 可能是按照文学作品去接触它 But we read it as a literature work at that time69. 郦道元的文笔非常的美 Dao-yuan Lis writing style is very graceful70. 这个人实际上是古代的地理学家 Actually he is a geographer in ancient time71. 但他的地理和我们现代的地理

13、 However the geography in his time is72. 还不一样 different from that of modern time73. 他拿着水去记历史 He recorded history by rivers74. 去记过去的发生的事情 taking rivers as the coordinate75. 他认为这个政区变化太频繁了 In his opinion, districts change too frequently76. 今儿一个皇上上台 Today an emperor comes to power77. 给你设一个州 and sets up

14、a prefecture78. 明天一个皇帝死了 Tomorrow he dies79. 又来一个新皇帝 Another emperor comes to power80. 又再给你设一个 and sets up another prefecture81. 这个变化太大 This change is too great82. 他觉得山不变水不变 He thinks landscapes wont change83. 拿山拿水作一个基本的坐标 So it is a good idea84. 去把历史标下来 to record history85. 很好的办法 by taking rivers a

15、nd mountains as the coordinate86. 为历史服务 When it is87. 按照水去记 concerning history88. 当然他这个错了 Of course he is wrong89. 水是变的 山也变 Rivers change, and mountains too90. 珠穆朗玛峰现在还在长着呢 Mount Everest (Himalayas) is still growing now91. 黄河摆来摆去 Yellow River has been swinging92. 1500多次在过去2000年里边 in the past 2000 ye

16、ars, and it swung93. 摆来摆去 for more than 1500 times94. 你要按照那个水走的话 So its improper to record history95. 早就乱了套了 using rivers as the coordinate96. 这是古代在地理上认识 But thats the limitation of97. 它的局限性 geography in ancient time98. 但有这个传统 按照水走 But thats how history is recorded back then99. 还有一套叫堪舆地理 Another kin

17、d of geography is called geomancy geography100. 是为现实服务的 Which is used for practical purpose 101 00:03:20,043 - 00:03:22,051 古代地理学其实很现实 Ancient geography is actually very pragmatic101. 为政治服务是一种现实 Like geography for politics 103 00:03:24,347 - 00:03:26,660 为历史服务也是一种现实 Geography for history102. 因为中国古代很

18、尊重历史 Because in ancient China, history was highly respected103. 以史为镜去治理国家 The country is governed104. 直接挂在一起的 by learning and benefiting from the analysis of history105. 堪舆服务也是为现实服务的 Geomancy serves for daily life as well106. 是为了人的日常生活 It serves for peoples daily life107. 和死后的生活直接服务的 and it is close

19、ly related to life after death108. 所以大家明白 I think now you have an idea of109. 堪舆应该是搞什么的了 what geomancy is about110. 是研究地理的风水 Its about Feng shui(geomancy)111. 这个东西应该知道 Most of you should know that112. 看得出来是哪儿吗 Do you know where it is?113. 离咱们这儿不远 Not far from here114. 二三十公里的样子往北去 20 or 30 kilometers

20、 to the north115. 在昌平 昌平县城东边 In the east of Chang-ping county116. 在水库边上 The edge of the reservoir117. 水库当然是50年代 60年代修的 The reservoir was of course built in 1950s or 1960s118. 古代的时候绝对不允许 In ancient time, it was forbidden119. 在那儿修水库 to build reservoir there120. 为什么呢 Why?121. 那个地方风水太好了 The Feng shui ov

21、er there is too good122. 一修水库把风水就破了 Building a reservoir will destroy the good Feng shui123. 十三陵 The Ming Tombs124. 明代的十三个皇帝埋在这儿 Where thirteen emperors of Ming dynasty were buried there125. 怎么埋在这儿呢 Why?126. 谁来给他定在这儿 Who chose that place?127. 地理学家 Geographer128. 中国古代的地理学家 Geographer in ancient China

22、129. 中国古代有不少的 There are many great geographers130. 还是大家 in ancient China131. 干什么呢 What did they do?132. 拿个罗盘去研究地理去 They took a compass with them and went out to study geography133. 研究最后的结果是点出一个穴来 Their job is to find out a place with great Feng shui134. 然后埋上一个贵人 and then a high-ranking royal officia

23、l was buried there135. 或者是造上几个房子 or several houses or a village136. 布局一个村落 were built there137. 像咱们现在到安徽去 Now when we go to Anhui138. 去看一些古代村落 we can visit ancient villages139. 真漂亮 像宏村 像西递 They are very beautiful, such as Hong-cun and Xi-di140. 漂亮极了 Splendid!141. 那个思想是哪儿来的 Where does the idea come f

24、rom?142. 地理思想 Idea of geography143. 那个地理思想是地理里边的 More specifically144. 堪舆的风水思想 Its geomancy, or Feng shui145. 这是活着的 This is an example of how people use Feng shui when they are alive146. 死的也讲究 Even more aspects need to be considered when it comes to the deceased147. 要找穴 要有气 we need to find the grave

25、 with Qi148. 气在哪儿呢 Where is Qi exactly?149. 只有地理学家知道 Only geographers know150. 皇帝只知道要气 The emperor merely knew that the Qi was of the essence151. 但是自己找不着 but he couldnt find it himself152. 但是他有权力 However, he had the power153. 可以命令杰出的风水学家 to order outstanding Feng shui experts154. 地理学家去给他找气 and geogr

26、aphers to find the Qi for him155. 所以十三陵现在是世界文化遗产 Therefore,Ming Tombs are now a World Heritage Sites156. 你到那儿去感觉真是不一样 When you visit there, you will feel differently157. 山怎么这么棒 水怎么这么好 How be gorgeous the mountains are, and how clear the water is158. 皇帝怎么选的这么好的地儿 How did the emperor find such a perfe

27、ct place?159. 错了 不是皇上选的 No. It was not chosen by the emperor160. 是地理学家选的 But by the geographers161. 这是古代的地理 This is the ancient geography162. 堪舆 Geomancy163. 这是风水 or Feng-shui as we call it164. 能看出来 It can be clearly seen165. 到那个地方去北边有山 There are mountains in the north166. 是对的玄武 symbolizing XuanWu16

28、7. 南边有水 And water on the south168. 走过去这儿有龙山 And here comes the mountain of dragon169. 东边是青龙 西边是白虎 Tsing Lung (black dragon) god for the east; Bai Hu (white tiger)for the West170. 南边有朱雀 And Zhu Que(red phoenix), god for the South171. 按照五行来布局 The layout is made according to the Five Elements172. 点的中间

29、后边一定要靠山 The center area of the spot must be in the vicinity of mountains173. 前面一定要有水 and there must be water flowing through the front part174. 为什么要面水呀 Why is that?175. 后边靠山 靠山是背风 Because the mountain at the back would direct the wind leeward176. 面水是聚气 While the water in the front would accumulate t

30、he Qi177. 中国古代的气功了不得 The Qigong in ancient China is quite an achievement!178. 气功为什么那么厉害 Why is the Qigong so powerful?179. 是因为古代把气推到一个 That is because in ancient time, the Qi was regarded as180. 非常至高无上的地位了 the supremacy181. 宇宙是气组成的 The universe is composed of the Qi182. 人也是气组成的 And so do human being

31、s183. 人和宇宙是靠气联系起来的 It is the Qi that connects the man and the universe184. 一个家族能够不能够兴盛 Whether a family can thrive185. 一个王朝能够不能够兴盛 or a dynasty can prosper186. 关键是它和宇宙里边的气 It depends critically on the connections187. 连得好不好 with the Qi in the universe188. 到哪儿找气去呢 So where can we find the Qi?189. 水是聚气的地方 As water is a place that accumulates the Qi190. 所以一定要点穴点在水的地方 So the grave must be located near water191. 这是它的原理 This is how it works192. 咱没时间讲这个 But we have no time for it193. 只是给大家点一下 so above is just a brief introduction194. 那是一大套 to an intricate large system195. 那么这里边的布局

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