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1、咋样在睡觉前提高英语咋样在睡觉前提高英语 睡前黄金时间 可提高英语听力能力 英语听力怎么样才能挺高?这个问题困扰着很多人,小到14岁以下,大到自己老去,只要你学习英语,听力就会如影随形。所以 如何全面提高英语听说读写 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,我来告诉你吧,希望你能看完,毕竟这是专门为你写的。 想要提高英语,你的问题那样问很难得到好的回答,要知道全套资料很多呀,上传不方便啊。只要你愿意,只要你肯下功夫。不需要很久,你的英语会有质的变化。 关于突击和投机取巧过四六级,你可以去网上下载 _讲解的四六级视频,技巧性很强。具体网址大家网,反正我是在那上面下载了很多英语资料。 下面我主要讲怎样全面提升英语能

2、力。对于国内目前的英语四六级,已无力吐槽,完完全全的中国式英语,不适合当做学好英语的工具。 要想学好英语还是接触地道的英语吧。 下面主要就我的经历来和你讲一下。 准备考雅思或者剑桥商务英语中、高级的资料,具体在大家网上能找到全套,如果你需要我也可以传给你。当你学完这其中的一种(一定要坚持下来),我相信你的英语一定会提高很多。 1听。听力就听上面说的真题里的听力材料,边听边默写,听不懂就一边一边的重复,一定要听着并写下来,然后核对,这样既矫正了你的发音,又促进了你的听力。虽然慢,但有实质性的飞跃。当然经常看英音的电影电视剧都是很好的,上面说的考试都是英音的。 2说。目前国内的英语环境很不利于大家

3、锻炼说英语的能力 (1) 如果你实在没有钱,那就只能努力去找外国学生,和他们交朋友,多和他们聊天, 参加英语角,或者去找些志同道和的和你一起参加考试的学生练口语。 (2) 如果你没有太大的经济压力,那么一堆一的外教是最好的选择,在线培训机构里有_咋样在睡觉前提高英语。 比较好的,这里我不点名,以免说我是打广告的。 (3) 还可以登录YOUTUBE上看丰富的英语教学材料,国内得翻墙,但不知道网速咋样。 3读。说道读,先说广泛的读,再说专门的阅读。 A那就是多读了,多模仿地道的口音,地道的语句表达。我本人大学四年基本周一到周五都是很早起来读英语的,读四本教材,背新概念,以及和上面考试相关的材料。这

4、样我纠正了好多错误的发音,慢慢的陌生的单词不看音标,发音基本都很准。 B针对阅读,那么就要经常看英语文章,浏览英语网页,培养习惯,学习英语不要间断很久,不然会生疏。 4写。针对上面的考试,会有相应的辅导教材,每一篇文章,都是自己先认真的写出完整的一篇,然后再核对范文,范文会有好几篇。仔细逐句核对,纠正自己不对的地方,摘录好的语句,作为每天晨读的材料温习。答者英语笔记本都好几本呢。再就是留意国外报纸和网站上那些原版英语文章,看看人家怎么表达的。 5记单词。说道这里,记单词也是重中之重,我主要说一下用软件记单词。选择一个好的记单词软件会很有帮助,每天按照要求有规律的记。对记单词很有帮助。曾经考研英

5、语单词一本书,靠他我全都记下来了。 6,平时阅读会有很多生词,这样一个一个查很不方便。有道词典不管是word还是PDF都能取词,灵格斯翻译专家可以在改软件下安装很多词典,比如牛津高阶啦等,几十没有网也是可以显示的,金山词霸也可以用。另外记得这些软件好像要和adobe acrobat 相结合才可以更方便。查找的生词都要保存在这些词典的单词本上啊,可以导出,然后导入到记单词软件里。 学英语最好的办法就是去英语国家留学,这是最有效的办法,如果你没有条件,上面的方法你或许可以借鉴。 还有,再三强调,即便是考雅思,国内的培训机构都会有机经,不是靠自己实力考出来的高 分,对提高自己的英语依然没有太大的帮助

6、,希望大家不要走捷径。 笔者一个工科生仅仅过了bec高级,没有多少资格来指导英语学习者们学英语。 各位仅仅取其精华去其糟粕,希望在你的英语学习路上能助你一臂之力。 上面说的各种资料和工具可以私信我传给大家,也可以自己前往网站下载。 当你做完这些再回来考英语四、六级的时候,那都是小事一桩了。_咋样在睡觉前提高英语。 同学,把你的财富值给我吧,我需要下个文档。 这个文档可是我一个字一个字打出来的。 英文的睡前故事不仅可以让孩子了解到故事还可以潜移默化的让孩子对英语有跟进一步的了解,下面这些是为大家推荐的几篇睡前英语故事 Summer es, the two little mice hot head

7、 sweat, going to carry the watermelon to eat watermelon field. Thought of eating, bear the heat outside, they ran out off. A green watermelon field, watermelon big, round, all over the ground. They choose to pick and choose the most round one of the biggest watermelon, oh wow, oh wow carry back home

8、. Mice and carried the watermelon into the kitchen, wash, all with a knife, ah, watermelon is really red flesh, seed dark black, like stone with black diamond. A bite, sweet and fragrant, how delicious! Feels they eat too much, eat seeds also went in, and rarely had time to make the seed from the mo

9、uth spit it out. After a while, they took the big watermelon finished, only a watermelon. Inside the outside of the watermelon skin with light green, dark green leaves a bit of red pulp, taste bitter and sour again, especially bad. They thought: watermelon delicious, but put it finished eating flesh

10、, skin do? Looking at the curved watermelon skin, they came up with three ways: 1, when the slide to play; 2, when skiing play; 3, when the bluff to play. What choose which one? They analyzed: when the slide to play, but there were two people, if facing the slide will encounter two people injured to

11、gether; When the ski resort to play, which e of money to buy their skis? Still when the bluff, such both neither can touch each other, dont have to buy skis. So they take out the screws for the two boards, nailed board using screws in the ends of the watermelon skin, make the two small chairs. In th

12、is way, they happily played the bluff. Playing playing, it is dark down, they could not see, what can I do? Just beside the desk there is a lamp, they moved the lamp, continue to play happily. Night at 9 o clock, they should go to bed, make their body sweet watermelon crumb, they climb into bed, int

13、o the sweet dreams. There is a toad in the pond, always think oneself grow are beautiful enough, one day he aidentally got a magic bottle, this is a magic bottle. As long as it in his express your desire can be achieved. Toad to suumb to inner joy, happy a jump three feet high. What a pretty butterf

14、ly flying! I will bee her. The magic words of toad waving bottles, shout: the bottle bottles, I want to be a beautiful butterfly! A dazzling Jin Guangshan all his eyesight whiting. Oh my god! This is me? Toads into a butterfly fly to the sky. Willow girl carefully bed with long hair, the birds joyfu

15、lly dance round him. The toad into a butterfly, became a beautiful scenery line. Colorful wings and fly fly, and he turn a circle in the air. Suddenly he thought: the butterflys life is very short, but I want to enjoy the good times. To the same little turtle, he can live on hundreds or even thousan

16、ds of years! Thought of here, he took out a magic bottle, deliberately said: the bottle bottle, I want to be long like tortoise! It is a golden light, he became a tortoise. Every step has been taken in the sunshine seemed exceptionally bright, bee heavy, hard. The heavy shell let him. Life is long t

17、o pay such a price? He is more willing to bee lightsome rise at this time. Tortoise (toad) hard to think that Im still into my original yourself! I can jump, rush to the body of light is far better than the turtle! Thought of here, the toad smile through tears, said to bottle the magic words: the bo

18、ttle bottle, I want to go back to the original yourself! Jin Guangshan, he turned back to the same. I dont need the bottle, toad said to himself, put the bottle into the bushes. I like to do my own! The toad a shout, jump into a pool, disappeared. Im a little fish, a free fish. But I dont know when

19、to start, my life that one had the clear water in the river became murky, many friends all got a strange disease die off for no reason, I also feel my breathing became difficult every day. In the morning, I got the school found that only a small number of students to the fish, carp principal mood gr

20、ave _ everyone: human beings for their own interests, established the chemical plants and paper mills in upstream of the river, a large number of untreated sewage directly into the river from the factory, the water has a serious threat to our lives, our school is going to move. This is a group of fi

21、sh father, mother, anxious to swim to the school, there are my mom and dad, they pull up my hand and hurried said to me: we go to the wastewater, were ing! I listen to a surprised, quickly joined the army of escape. We passed a piece of polluted waters, the flowers, the grass is weakly bowed his hea

22、d. Spend elder sister sad said to me: little fish, you are quick to run away. The water was polluted, uncle irresponsible gardener in sewage water, we guys have been suffering! Along the way, a fugitive team reduced, with the us is a garbage bags and other similar bodies. Oh, no! Dad you cant die! N

23、ext to a small carp cried out in despair, in a short time, he also stopped breathing. Slowly, you tired, just to find a piece of the pond cleaner to stop and catch my breath, but see behind the constant flow of water, who also could not say words. We all want to a problem: escape to where to find yo

24、ur new home? Human ah, please dont damage the environment at will. I represent our fish, dont! All of our plants and animals, say to you: to protect the environment, cherish life! 睡前英语故事相关文章: 1.睡前英语小故事 2.儿童睡前英语小故事 3.经典少儿故事阅读 4.幼儿园小班英语故事 5.格林童话故事 如何学好英语,这似乎是一个很古老的话题了。在三年的大学生活中,我最引以为豪的是我的 英语成绩。当然我的英语成

25、绩不是很突出,但我所取得的进步却是很可喜的。高中时我的英语成绩属于中等水平,也只有98分。一进大学,我就为英语学习犯难了。再学不好英语,那就等于给自己以后的道路增设障碍。于是乎,路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下求英语。终于,工夫不负有心人,我终于取得了优异的成绩。在过了四级的同时,我也取得了口语考试的资格,并且也在口语考试中得了c+。去年又一次性通过了六级。最让我感到欣慰的是在大二时,我参加全国大学生英语竞赛得了三等奖。我所有的成绩也证明了一个道理:一分耕耘,一分收获。 从三年的学习英语的经历中,我总结出了以下几点。以供参考。 首先,要学好英语,最关键的是要有兴趣。俗话说:兴趣是最好的老师。教我们英语

26、的是一位 年轻的老师,他讲课很风趣,还总是让我们自己上台讲课,演小品。生动的英语教学,让我对英语产生了浓厚的兴趣。 光有兴趣还不行,我们还得知道如何去学。 先说说背单词吧!对很多同学来说背单词无疑是件很痛苦的事了。我在背单词时,不是按照单词书上的一个一个背下来,这样很容易让人产生厌倦心理,而且很容易忘。我是在每一页抽几个背,就是很随机的。在平时,我们可以制作一些小卡片,把很难记的写在上面,一有空就那出来看一下,或者可以在床头放一些卡片,每天睡觉前看几眼。更有效的就是在睡前和寝室的同学进行猜字竞赛。每次大家互相把当天学的单词猜一遍,这样就记的牢了。当然背单词最重要的是要不间断的进行温习。 很多同

27、学都很头疼阅读理解,一是时间紧,二是难理解。如果觉得时间紧,那我就教你一招。那就是把每次的练习当作考试,自己限定时间,做不完的就猜。久而久之,你的心中就会有一只无形的闹钟,使你在做题时总有一种紧迫感。练习时间长了,你也就习惯了。 对于理解,我觉得我们应该扩大阅读的范围。我们可以看英文报或杂志。在大一时我看的是中英文对照的英语沙龙。以后随着词汇量的增加,我就开始看英文报。我经常看的是星报,shanghai star。这份报纸内容覆盖广,且较浅,易懂。在看报纸的时候,我不喜欢逐个字的去查,碰到生词就猜,遇到好的词句,就顺手抄下来。三年下来,这样的小小摘录本我已有好几本了。总之,看英文报,不仅可以摄

28、取更多的知识,而且可以培养语感,练习阅读速度。 听力也是大家头疼的一个问题。我觉得要提高听力能力,光用听力磁带是不够的。我们可以采用其他的方法啊!比如我们可以听英语新闻。我常听的是990的夜间十一点档播出的live it up shanghai。这个说话节目挺不错的。当然另一个方法便是去英语角。我是从去年开始上英语角的,在那里一大群的英语爱好者在一起,大家用英语聊天,发表言论。有时也有机会和老外来个亲密接触。多说多听,你的听力和口语的能力就在不知不觉中提高了。到英语角去说,去听,去感受,你会发现原来讲英语并不是一件难事哦!_咋样在睡觉前提高英语。 学英语,也要学会做个有心人。每次看到街上的英文

29、招牌或网上的英文缩写,你有没有去想过它的全称呢?BBS,大家都用过吧,但它的全称Bulletin Board System 你知道吗?在报纸上经常看到RMB ,这是什么的缩写呢?当然是人民币的中文缩写了。还有GDP ,MBA ,MPA 等等。时间长了,你就会发现,原来英语不仅出现在课堂里,它已溶入到了整个社会中了。看看你的衣服,或许上面就有一个你不认识的单词呢!赶紧学吧! 各人有各人的学习方法,或许你自己寻求的方法更有效呢!经常和同学交换一些方法,这不是很好吗?有一位哲人说过,两个人各有一个苹果,交换后你终究只有一个,但只有交换了思想,你的脑海里就会多出一个思想来。你说呢? 故事是儿童喜闻乐见

30、的一种文学样式,是儿童生活中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分,下面这些是为大家推荐的几篇英语睡前小故事 On both sides of the pond there lived a beautiful yellow ants and a lovely red ants. Although across the pond, but this does not affect their friendship. Spring is ing, huang ants think of red ants there ornamental flowering jasmine, red ants think of

31、 huang ants look cute little iris over there. On the surface of the lake can be wide pond blocking the way, there is no bridge, it is better if around the past few days! How to do? They decided to give up. At this moment, the fox from huang ants walked, he saw yellow ant a worried look, are very con

32、cerned about, he said: brother, whats the matter with you? Yellow ant looked at the fox said: the fox eldest brother, I want to go over to the red ants enjoy flower, red ants also thought that Im here to see the flowers, but we was held up by the pond. The fox heard the yellow of ants were very pity,

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