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山东大学 英语二模拟题三套试题汇总.docx

1、山东大学 英语二模拟题 三套试题汇总英语二模拟题I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the question.【C】1. True love cannot be , and it is priceless.A. brought B. caught C. bought D. broad【D】2. Finally the

2、 crowd broke (up) _ _ several groups. A. within B. in C. at D. into【A】3. Being afraid of the dark, she always slept the light on. A. with B. by C. beside D. of【C】4. John is not whether Eddie likes the picture of him and his family. A. ensure B. assure C. sure D. surely【A】5. When he got the train, he

3、 didnt know where he was. A. on B. up C. off D. at【A】6. She went into the street and a taxi home. A. took B. taking C. taken D. had taken【C】7. Why should we find some to the problems brought by TV? A. means B. way C. solution D. method【B】8. This region at an average of 4,000 meters above sea level.

4、A. lays B. lies C. locates D. places【C】9. I was _ _ _ to find his article on such an _ _ _ topic so _ _ . A. surprised, excited, bored B. surprising, exciting, boringC. surprised, exciting, boring D. surprising, excited, bored【B】10. He _ _ his book on the desk last night. A. lie B. laid C. lay D. la

5、in【B】11. Although they are brothers, they are entirely _ _ each other . A. get along well with B. different fromC. satisfied with D. ashamed of【C】12. Hardly _ _ the classroom when the class began.A. he had entered B. he entered C. had he entered D. he was entered【D】13. Come here and give me a _ _. A

6、. help B. hands C. support D. hand【B】14. This post card is sent by _ _. A. a friend of father B. a friend of my fathers C. my father friend D. my father friends 【A】15. Its foolish to your time. A. waste B. leave over C. spend D. damage【C】16. With a school record like a young woman, why didnt you try

7、 for a university scholarship? A. Im shocked B. Im amazed C. Im puzzled D. I feel pity【B】17. Many companies are going because of high interest rates. A. bankrupt B. bankruptcy C. to a bank D. to banking【D】18. It is only a of time before the rebels surrender. A. problem B. means C. thing D. matter【C】

8、19. An important quality of a mystery shopper is that he should be good observation. A. at B. in C. for D. to【C】20. wed arrived there we had a wonderful time. A. only B. once C. one time D. one more【C】21. For him, it would be a to be able to have a day off work. A. importance B. matter C. good D. lu

9、xury【A】22. a mystery shopper will typically work several stores, taking mental notes while inside, . A. things to be remembered B. things concerning the mind C. things fixed in the mind D. things done in the mind【B】23. If a secret shopper will be sent in, , the candidate must have a particular profi

10、le that meets a high-end, luxury car-type buyer profile.A. different from others B. worthy of note or unusualC. full of details D. hard to please【D】24. Jack and Smith the work equally between them. A. shake B. shade C. shed D. share【C】25. The train arrived one hour behind _ _. A. plan B. timetable C

11、. schedule D. date【A】26. How we _ _ a chance to visit your country!A. longed for B. looked for C. waited for D. went for【D】27. That was _ _ minority nationalities were treated in old China. A. what B. which C. that D. the way【A】28. It is necessary that he _ _ for Beijing right now. A. leave B. leave

12、s C. will leave D. left【C】29. What chance does a _ _ man who never finished high school have? A. forty-years-old B. forty-years-oldsC. forty-year-old D. forty-year-olds【C】30. Marriage on true love often brings happiness.A. decided B. determined C. based D. reliedI. Vocabulary and Structure There are

13、 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the question.【A】1. In arranging their marriage, a couple should not consider anything love.A. except B. beside C. besides D. accept【C】2. The time is _ _ for great societal change

14、s. A. live B. rival C. ripe D. rise【C】3. Jack said hello to Johns parents and thanked them their kindness. A. from B. with C. for D. by【B】4. With the Spring Festival _ _, the stores are crowded with people. A. at the corner B. round the corner C. in the corner D. on the corner【D】5. How is your work

15、getting ? A. up B. with C. down D. along【C】6. Would you mind taking of my home for me while Im away? A. advantage B. charge C. care D. hole【D】7. Television did not become very common the early 1960s. A. unless B. up to C. onto D. until【D】8. When giving the orders, the captain stress on emergency of

16、the work. A. give B. get C. lay D. laid【B】9. It was in 2001 _ _ my elder brother went to college. A. when B. that C. in which D. which【B】10. _ _ is known to everybody that the moon travels round the earth once every month. A. It B. As C. That D. What【C】11. There are about fifteen hundred languages i

17、n the world. But only _ _ of them are very important.A. a few B. a little C. few D. little【C】12. I dont agree to _ _ he said. A. that B. which C .what D. how【B】13. Do you think the tall hat _ _ the little man?A. does some good for B. did any good for C. does some good to D. did any good to【B】14. It

18、was _ _ late to save the drowning boy as he had gone down for the third time.A. so B. too C. such D. much【B】15. He was when he heard the bad news.A. in high spirits B. depressed C. having a good time D. cheerful【D】16. It has been that the food people eat affects their health. A. proving B. prove C.

19、proves D. proved【D】17. He had to learn to go drinking while he was in Saudi Arabia. A. out with B. out of C. with D. without【A】18. Youll have to work harder to with the top students in your class. A. catch up B. hold up C. go up D. get up【C】19. Companies often mystery shoppers to inspect their servi

20、ce. A. rent B. employ C. hire D. take【A】20. We always aim to give our attention to our clients. A. personal B. single C. only D. once【B】21. We searched for the missing papers and finally them in a drawer. A. sought B. discovered C. looked at D. looked for【A】22. Nowadays mystery shoppers are armed wi

21、th a number of high-tech devicesfor recording the entire experience. A. all of the events occurring B. things seen and lived through C. the act of doing and observing D. knowledge gained by doing and observing【B】23. Why is it difficult for the world to talk clones and to reach an agreement? A. over

22、B. about C. with D. beyond【B】24. We had a lesson in children education yesterday. A. deep B. profound C. deeply D. steep【C】25. _ _ many difficulties, they still went on with their experiment.A. Face B. Faced C. Facing with D. Faced with【A】26. Rain does not _ _ bring down the temperature.A. necessari

23、ly B. certainly C. undoubtedly D. Completely【C】27.To my _ _, this guy is a good-for-nothing.A. heart B. mind C. thought D. thinking【C】28. It is _ _ to run into danger for nothing. A. childlike B. childhood C. childish D. childishly【C】29. If we believe something is good and true we should _ _ to it.A

24、. hold up B. keep on C. hold on D. keep up【B】30. They do not allow _ _ in this classroom.A. smoking B. to smoke C. smoked D. being smoked I. Vocabulary and Structure There are 30 questions in this part. For each question there are 4 choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the One that best answers the

25、 question.【D】1. Marriage on true love often brings happiness.A. decided B. determined C. based D. relied【C】2. The _ scheme is destined to fail from the very beginning. A. foolish B. fool C. fooled D. folly【D】3. the Christmas season, all the people are very happy. A. With B. For C. To D. In【D】4. Have

26、 you got _ _ for the coming examination? A. easy B. busy C. lazy D. ready【C】5. What is the name of Britain? A. officious B. offices C. official D. office【B】6. Did you take in the fighting yesterday? A. the part B. part C. parts D. /【C】7. All the parents worry about the of TV on their children. A. de

27、fect B. result C. effect D. affect【C】8. We are fully prepared _ _ more hard work. A. on B. in C. for D. 【B】9. The noise _ _ me from sleep just now.A. arouses B. aroused C. arise D. raise 【B】10. Soon he is inside the _ _ building where his company has offices.A. sixty story B. sixty-story C. sixty st

28、ories D. sixty-stories【B】11. You should be out playing _ _ working indoors.A. instead B. instead of C. but D. nothing but【A】12. When she opened the door, she found a boy _ _ in the snow, weeping.A. lying B. laying C. lie D. lay【B】13. You mustnt blame me _ _ that; it wasnt my fault.A. of B. for C. to

29、 D. in【B】14. his old age, he still went to his office on foot every day.A. Because of B. In spite of C. Though D. Despite of【A】15. He is very with his money.A. careless B. worried C. free D. thoughtless【A】16. You are supposed to carelessness, for it often leads to errors. A. get rid of B. get the ri

30、d of C. get ride over D. get ridden【A】17. How do English people use ? A. a knife and fork B. knife and fork C. the knife and fork D. knife and forks【C】18. He seemed to feel the of some explanation. A. essential B. wish C. necessity D. necessary【D】19. Sometimes its important for a mystery shopper to have the right . A. program B. profile C. progress D. process【C】20. If you order the tickets by phone, you have to pay a $2 charge as well as $13.50 for each ticket. A. serving B. serve C. service D. serves【C】21. The scientist played an important part in developing

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