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1、格列佛游记英语专业开题报告杭州电子科技大学信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)开题报告题 目从制度视角解析格列佛游记中的社会观系外 国 语专 业英 语姓 名葛蓓蕾班 级09093713学 号09937304指导教师杨习超一、综述本课题国内外研究动态,说明选题的依据和意义:乔纳森斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift,1667-1745)是英国18世纪杰出的政治家和讽刺小说家。大批评家威尔逊把斯威夫特称为六位最伟大的英国作家之一,排名仅在莎士比亚和弥尔顿之后。他的着名着作格列佛游记以其高超的思想与艺术成就而成为世界讽刺文学的典范。它完成于1726年,格列佛游记的构思源于与朋友的一次聚会,斯威夫特谈到当时

2、的政界种种贪婪无耻的行径时激动万分嬉笑怒骂间,信笔开始了第一卷的创作,成熟后经无数次的修改终于1726年匿名发表,并立刻在英国社会引起了很大的争议。斯威夫特以幽默丰富了作品的道德内涵,以讽刺揭露荒诞,并通过人物性格和叙述框架使人难以置信的事件成为事实。它不是一本单纯的少儿读物,而是饱寓讽刺和批判的文学杰作。英国着名作家乔治奥威尔一生中读了至少次。他说:“如果要我开一份书目,列出哪怕其他书都被毁坏时也要保留的六本书,我一定会把格列佛游记列入其中”。 斯威夫特的格列佛游记自问世以来,因以独特方式针砭时政,体现时代精神和大众需求而在文坛史上经久不衰,国外学者对它的研究也由来已久。 Howard Er

3、skine-Hill 1认为在格列佛游记的第三部分的结尾处,格列佛确认了自己的正式宗教信仰,并以其作为根据品评自己和他人。他认为作者笔下的格列佛不是一个世俗的人,而是一个地位卑微,做事又欠缺考虑的基督徒。无独有偶,Michael McKean 2在格列佛游记的美德和真理中认为斯威夫特作为虔诚的基督教徒,在小说中却没有提及“原罪说”,那是因为宗教观念已彻底地渗透进他的社会观中。通过分析格列佛游记中主人公遇到的种种事迹,不难看出作者的宗教观念。两个人的观点不约而同地表明格列佛游记中的确存在基督教的因素。通过对小说内容的细致分析,解读斯威夫特对宗教的深层理解。 在中国,格列佛游记的研究成果也是不容小

4、觑的。伍厚恺3通过对小说中所运用的反语、夸张、对比、象征等艺术手段的解读,深层次的挖掘出作者想向世人展现当时英国资本主义社会的政治、经济、军事、法律、外交、科学文化等方面种种腐败和丑恶。与此同时,丁世忠4在论格列佛游记的怪诞美学风格中认为格列佛游记中夸张变形的人物、离奇怪诞的事件以及降格或贬低的描写,表现出怪诞的美学风格。这种降格和贬低化把一切正常的生活秩序和事物的功能都加以颠倒, 读者从中可以看到当时英国社会的腐败、官场争斗的荒唐以及人性的丑陋, 从而埋藏旧的生活, 追求美好的事物。此外,曹波5认为国内外论者多半忽略了格列佛游记中主要人物的经济意识和异化过程。他对格列佛的自我和异化进行了基于

5、文本的阐释, 尤其对他政治意识的崛起和狂欢化叙事进行了细致的分析, 指出格列佛经历了从经济人到政治人的异化过程。孙绍先6在论格列佛游记的科学主题中比较了启蒙思想家对科学的态度与启蒙文学作品所反映的科学形象的差异, 指出了格列佛游记的科学讽刺与法国启蒙文学对科学批判的相似。而李洪斌7通过对格列佛游记中大人国和慧骃国两种教育模式下的道德教育的分析,解读出作者斯威夫特对人类道德教育的某种忧虑和怀疑。 综合上述国内外的研究,主要可以概括为以下几点:(1)通过分析格列佛游记的内容,解剖作者的宗教思想及作者对宗教的理解;(2)以精湛的讽刺手法对英国18世纪现实生活的讽刺与批判;(3)通过对小说中的人物、内

6、容的分析,研究格列佛游记的怪诞美学风格;(4)对小说主角格列佛的异化特征进行分析;(5)通过比较分析斯威夫特在小说中所描写的科学与道德教育。笔者通过对国内外学者的研究动态的整理,发现近年来学者对格列佛游记的研究,或从作品的讽刺手法、人物刻画、意向方面进行,或揭示其象征意义、科学主题、怪诞风格。格列佛游记与大多数的游记小说一样,情节设计也主要是依赖主人公的旅游和冒险故事8 ,通过作品来反映当时的社会,通过对主人公的事迹描写来传达自己的观点,所以笔者希望通过读懂格列佛游记这部小说来读懂作者。因此,本文结合当时时代特点,并且在前人乌托邦思想的基础上进行取舍和发展,将小说的故事情节层层展开,从制度的视


8、说内容,从政治、法律、人性三方面来解析这部小说。四、大致框架:1. 引言历史背景文献综述2. 政治制度荒谬的存在荒诞的爵位之争可笑的党派之分 腐败体系的根源3. 法律制度资产者手中的利剑和盾牌神圣般的残缺条文警示下的残酷刑罚现政权的保护伞4. 教育制度复杂的个性训练过程学校教育模式家庭教育模式英国绅士教育的矛盾5. 总结五、研究工作进度:序号时间内容12012年11月中旬初步确定选题,撰写开题报告22012年12月中、下旬开题报告答辩,确定最终选题32013年3月20日前上交文献综述42013年4月20日前中期检查,上交第一稿,导师评阅初稿,提出修改建议。52013年5月20日前上交第二稿,教

9、师评阅并写出修改意见62013年5月30日前交答辩最终稿5份、过程材料1份,导师写出评语及建议成绩。72013年6月1日6月14日论文答辩六、主要参考文献:1 HOWARD ERSKINE-HILL. Jonathon Swift: Gullivers Travels M. London: Cambridge University Press, 1993: 87.2 MICHAEL MCKEAN. Virtue and Truth in Gullivers Travels M. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 2002: 331.3 伍厚恺. 简

10、论讽喻体小说格列佛游记及其文学地位J. 四川大学学报, 1999(5): 9-11.4 丁世忠. 论格列佛游记的怪诞美学风格J. 南昌大学学报, 2008(1): 118-121.5 曹波. 格列佛的异化:从经济人到政治人J. 外语教学, 2008(5): 78-85.6 孙绍先. 论格列佛游记的科学主题J. 外国文学研究, 2002(4): 99-102.7 李洪斌. 论格列佛游记的道德教育内涵J. 齐齐哈尔大学学报, 2011(6): 102-104.8 刘戈. 笛福和斯威夫特的野蛮人J. 外国文学评论, 2007(3): 120-127.七、开题报告英文版A View of Gulliv

11、ers Travels Society Embodied in System Perspectives. Literature ReviewJonathan Swift is an outstanding politician and satirical writer in Britain in the 18th century. Wilson who is a great critic thinks that Swift is known as one of the six greatest British writers, which is only after Shakespeare a

12、nd Milton. With its outstanding thought and artistic value, Swifts Gullivers Travels is praised as the model for world satirical literature. Gullivers Travels was finished in 1726. The conception of the book came from a party with his friends. Swift started the first volume when he talked excitedly

13、about the greed and shame that existed the politics. And the book finally published anonymously after amending so many times. At that time, it created a storm of controversy immediately. Swift enriches the moral connotation of the work with his humor, and also exposes the absurd with satire. He make

14、s the incredible events be the truths through character and narrative framework. Gullivers Travels is not only a simple puffin book, but the literary masterpiece with full of satire and criticism. The famous British writer George Orwell has read the book au lease six times in his life. He said,” If

15、I am asked to list six books which should be kept even if other books are destroyed, Gullivers Travels would definitely be included.” Since it was published, the status of Swifts Gullivers travels had not been changed in the literary history because it commented on current affairs in a unique way, w

16、hich reflected spirit of the time and the needs of masses. And the foreign scholars have researched it for a long time.Howard Erskine ? Hill 1 thinks Gulliver confirms the official religion at the end of the third part of Gullivers travels and judges others and himself according to his religion. He

17、thinks that Gulliver is not a secular person, but a humble Christian who lacks of consideration. Similarly, Michael McKean 2 thinks that Swift does not mention the “original sin” in the novel as a devout Christian in Virtue and Truth in Gullivers Travels, because the religious ideas have been thorou

18、ghly infiltrated his social views. It is not difficult to know the authors religious ideas by analyzing all the deeds of Gulliver. The two persons views all show that Gullivers travels does exist the Christian element. They interpret Swifts deep understanding of the religion through a detailed analy

19、sis of the novel content.In China, the research of Gullivers travels should not be underestimated. Through?analysing?the?artistic?technique?including?Irony,?exaggeration,?contrast?and?symbol?used?in?the?novel, Wu Houkai 3 deeply exposes the variety of corruption and ugly of the British capitalist so

20、cietys political, economic, military, legal, diplomatic, scientific and cultural, which Swift wants to show to the world. At the same time, Ding Shizhong thinks that exaggerated characters, unusual events and derogatory descriptions contribute to the uncanny aesthetic style in Gullivers travels in U

21、ncanny Aesthetic Style in Gullivers Travels. The derogatory descriptions reverse all the normal order of life and the things functions. The readers can see the British corrupt society, bureaucratic battle absurd and the ugliness of human nature from Gullivers Travels, which makes them bury the old l

22、ife and pursuit the good things. Besides, CaoBo5 thinks that most scholars at home and abroad ignore the heros alienation and economic consciousness in Gullivers Travels. He presents a text-based analysis of Gullivers self and alienation, and especially a unique interpretation o f the rise of his po

23、litical consciousness and his carnivalized narrative. It argues that Gulliver is alienated from an economic being into a political one. After making a comparison of the great Enlightenment thinkers positive attitudes towards science and what Swift described in his literary works, Zhang Shaoxian 6 po

24、ints out that the ironic tone on science in Gullivers Travels is similar to that of criticism on science in the French Enlightenment literature in The Theme of Science in Gullivers Travels. Li Hongbin 7 thinks that Swift has his certain worry and doubts in human moral education through analyzing the

25、 two specific moral education modes in Lilliput and Houyhnhnm.Based on the domestic and foreign research, it can be summarized as follows: (1) the authors religious thoughts and his understanding of religion are analyzed through the analysis of Gullivers Travels. (2) British real life in eighteen ce

26、ntury is criticized by exquisite of Gullivers Travels. (3) Gullivers alienation is analyzed in detail. (4) The science and the moral education in Gullivers Travels are analyzed by comparison.I discover that in recent years most scholars study Gullivers Travels on analyzing the satire of the works, c

27、haracterization, intention or revealing its symbolic significance, scientific themes and uncanny style. But the ideal concept in Gullivers Travels mentions rarely. Like most travel novels, the plots of Gullivers Travels also mainly depend on the characters travel and adventure stories 8. And Gullive

28、rs Travels also reflects the social by the works. The author wants to convey his ideas through the heros deeds. So I hope that I can read Swift by reading Gullivers Travels. Therefore, based on the choice and development to utopian thought, this thesis will unfold the plots of the novel and analyze

29、deeply Swifts social ideal with combing with the characteristics of that era.II. Statement of the ProblemsThe main contents of this thesis fall into two parts: (1) Analyze the internal connection of Gullivers Travels writing background and the novel. And talk about the meaning of the System; (2) Ana

30、lyze the social outlook in this book from political system, legal system and human society. The problem that this thesis needs solve is to show the social outlook in Gullivers Travels from the system perspective through a series of stories which happen in Gulliver.III. MethodologyThe author of this

31、thesis will firstly sort out and classify the collected material about the social background of English in early 18th century and research data at home and abroad for Gullivers Travels and list some typical researches among them. Then collect meaning and implications of the theory of system. And then study and analyze the novel carefully from the political, legal and human nature.IV. Tentative Outline1. Introduction 1.1 Historical background1.2 Literature Review2. Political systemthe ridiculous show 2.1 The absurdity of the title battle2.2 The joke of the Party branch2.3 The Principal Sourc

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