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1、八年级英语下册unit4学案八年级英语下册unit4学案 Unit4 Hello!课型新授执笔徐梅方审核谢俊学 习目 标1、知识目标:掌握生词charity perform kid among fund-raising advertise2、技能目标:不同慈善活动的形式3、情感目标:学会用英语进行日常交际重 点难 点用所学单词和词组描述慈善活动的相关情况学 习 过 程一、根据汉语提示写单词1、There are many ways to raise money for _ (慈善)、2、 I think it is _ (有意义)for us to help other people、3、 P

2、ollution is a very _ (严重)problem in many parts of the world、4、 Please tell us about your _ (经历)in Africa、5、 We should give out _ (传单)to ask people to donate money、6、 You stay too much _ (室内)、7、 We should give out leaflets to ask people to _ (募捐)money、8、 He is one of _ (组织者)in this activities、9、 Char

3、ities mean organizations that make money by selling (商品)or services、10、 Usually curtain hangs in front of the _ (舞台)、11、He is not in good _ (嗓音)、12、 Host means the person who _ (介绍)the guests in a show、13、His _ (成功)was the result of hard work二、根据首字母和句子意思写单词。1、Why dont we organize a c_ show to raise

4、money for the poor?2、 We can a_ on the Internet、3、 I lean upon you for a_、4、 His behavior was p_、5、 He likes to play the v_、6、 If you finish the walk within two hours, you will receive a c_、7、 For further information, please c_ Zhao Aijia on 、8、 You can also d_ it from our school website、9、 Have you

5、 any f_ need of me?10、 The weather might be bad so we will hold the show i_、11、He hopes that more people can send d_ to ORBIS to support their work、12、 Its hard work but Im u_ to it now、13、 Blindness a_ about45 million people around the world、14、 The patients do not have to pay for the t_、15、 Many o

6、f our p_ are so poor that they dont have the money to travel to hospital、16、 They can even watch the operations on v_、17、 Im p_ that I can help so many people、18、 Theyll be useful, e_ if you get lost、19、 Football is a t_ game、20、 Y ou have to finish walking a100-kilometre t_ within48 hours、21、It is

7、an e_ chance for people to learn team spirit、22、 This will be an e_ you will never forget、23、 Look, the groun is dirty and there are l_ around the grass、24、 Many people d_ money to Project Green Hope、25、 There are many ways to r_ money for charity、26、 We call the people who come to watch a show as a

8、_、27、 Usually c_ hangs in front of the stage、28、 We can go away from the e_、29、 There are three actors on the s_、30、 Microphone can make your v_ sound louder、31、-Why is the g_ all wet?-It rained heavily just now、32、 I felt very happy when the o_ chose me to be the host、33、 It was my job to i_ each s

9、tar in the charity show、34、 I hope we can have more e_ like this to raise money for charities、35、 We had a lot of support from local b_、三、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1、Will it be a _( successful)?2、 Dr Ma believes that modern _ (medical)can treat most eye problems、3、 The bad news is that many people do not have th

10、e money for medical _( treat)、4、 People must be really _( grate)to you、5、 People who are ill, _( especial)in hospitals is called as patients、6、 I dont have as much money, but my life is more _( meaning)、7、 It is necessary that you start _( train)a few months before the walk、8、 People were standing a

11、bout in small _( group)、9、 Only the teams finishing time will be _( record)、10、 Childhood is a period of rapid _( grow)、11、There are all kinds of _( good)in the department store、12、 The performers _( perform)very well、13、 What is your _( decide)?14、 I believe that South Hill is the _( perfectly)plac

12、e for the charity walk、15、 Melons grow on _( vine)、16、 He has a health _( certification)、17、 For _( far)information, please contact Zhao Aijia on 、18、 One _( voluntary)is worth two pressed men、19、 _( Donate)are welcome、苏州市第二六中学八年级(B)英语导学稿课 题Starter Unit2 My family 课型新授执笔徐梅方审核谢俊学 习目 标1、知识目标:掌握被动语态的用法

13、2、技能目标:能正确、熟练地运用被动语态be done3、情感目标:学会用英语进行日常交际重 点难 点Present & passive voice 订正、笔记栏 订正、笔记栏学 习 过 程一完成句子1、Hes often seen to dance in his room, _ _ ? (反意疑问句)、2、My watch needs repairing、同义句My watch needs _ _ _、二把下列句子变为被动语态1、People all over the world know the Great Wall、The Great Wall2、 Our city will build

14、 a new highway next year、A new highway3、 We saw a bus running towards us at that time A bus4、This will make me feel thirsty、I_ _ _ _feel thirsty by this、Many people have taken good care of the poor children、the poor childrenNobody can answer this question、this question 、7people used teapots to make

15、tea、 teapots _ _ to make tea、8Tom often gives me a lot of help when I am in trouble I _ often _ a lot of help by Tom when I am in trouble A lot of help _ often _ me by Tom when I am in trouble、三、把下列句子变为主动语态1They were let to pay for all the things by the businessman just now、2、So far, thousands of pe

16、ople have been saved by the soldiers、3、 I will be bought a nice watch by my parents4、It can be easily looked up in the dictionary by Little Tom、5 This pair of shoes has been worn out by him、 A new pair is needed、四改错(错误之处划出改正)1This house built since100 years ago、2、Football plays in most countries、3Th

17、e clothes made of silk are felt soft、4 Can many stars see at night?5Somebody broke into our house but nothing stolen(偷)、6You can watch TV when your homework has finished、五、选择填空()1、English_in many countries,but Chinese_their own languages、 Ais spoken,speaksB、speaks,is spokenCis spoken,speakenD、is spo

18、ken,is spoken()2、The key _ on the table when I leave、A、 was leftB、 will be left C、 is left D、 has been left()3、The boy _ streets without pay in the old days、A was made to cleanB made cleanCmade to cleanDwas made clean()4The river smells terrible、 People must _ dirty things into it、 A、 be stopped to

19、throwB、 be stopped from throwing C、 stop to throwD、 stop from throwing()5、Such films _ by children like you、Amust be not seen B、must not be see C must not seen D、must not be seen()6、Sorry,all the vegetables _、 Please come tomorrow、A、sells well B、have sold out C、have been sold out D、are selling()7、Yo

20、u can _ him the watch if it _ to others、 A give not gives B、give is not given C、be givendoesnt give Dbe giveis not given( )8 Wet clothes are often _ up near a fire in rainy weather、 A、 hang B、 hanged C、 hanging D、 hung()9、This kind of cars _ in Japan ten years ago、A can only be made B could only mad

21、e Cbe could only made D、 could only be made( )10、I _ five minutes to decide whether I should go or not、 A、 gaveB、 was giving C、 had givenD、 was given( )11 Tom _ watch TV after he finishes his homeworkA、 will let to B、 will be allowed C、 will be let D、 will be allowed to、 ()12、You cant use the comput

22、er, it _、A、 was broken downB、 is wrongC、 is badD、 has broken down()13、Jack often does things foolishly, so he _ sometimes _ by others、islaughed B、is laughed at C、 waslaughed D、 hasbeen laughed at(14、The apple_very sweet、A、istastedBtasteC tastesDare tasting)15、Howdirtythe tables are!They need_、Atocle

23、anBcleanCcleaning Dcleaned( )16、 The play _ at the theatre next Sunday、 A、 is going to be shownB、will shown C、will showD、 is shown( )17、 Now these magazines _ in the library for a long time、 A、have keptB、are keepingC、have been keepingD、have been kept( )18、The coat _her sister、A、made toB、were made fo

24、rC、was made for D、was made to六动词正确形式填空1、The Browns (see )to leave the hotel already、 They seemed (be)excited2、Those eggs_ (smell)bad,please (throw)them away、3、- you (go)to the party yesterday ?No, I _、(invite)4It (say)the bridge _ (build)in3 weeks、5He often_(make)people laugh and many people _ (make

25、)(laugh)with tears、6、 This shirt (wash)easily but it cant _ (wash)by washing-machine、7、The audience (enjoy )the performance when the speakers (break)down、8、 the film (show)on Channal Six again ? I dont want to miss it、9、Do you know when the earthquake_ (happen)?Yes、it (destroy)almost everything10、wh

26、en his new house _ (build)next year,he _ (move)into it with new furniture11、She _ (teach)English in this school and French _(teach)in this school, too、 七翻译1这种面包卖得好。所有的面包将很快售完This kind of bread2每天你们的家庭作业被及时完成了吗?! your homework3义演已经开了一个半小时,它得到了地方企业的大力支持。所有的钱将捐赠给那些处于困境中的人们。4 对老人说话应当有礼貌。5 上课时必须认真听老师讲课。6

27、上个月这计划已经被讨论多次,。但到现在他们尚未作出决定。苏州市第二六中学八年级(B)英语导学稿课 题Starter Unit3 Good friends Welcome to the unit课型新授执笔徐梅方审核谢俊学 习目 标1、知识目标:掌握被动语态在不同时态和情景下的用法2、技能目标:能正确、熟练地运用被动语态be done3、情感目标:学会用英语进行日常交际重 点难 点Present &past tense 学 习 过 程一、单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分)12345678910111213141516171819201、I think_ important to learn E

28、nglish well、A、 this B、 that C、 it D、 you are2、 The fans were very excited_ David Beckham came to the show、A、 so B、 because C、 but D、 and3、 I hope my father_ ask me about my marks、A、 not B、 not to C、 wont D、 dont4、 I _ that I were a bird、A、 wish B、 hope C、 want D、 expect5、 The radio is_ a strange sig

29、nal、 Whats wrong with it?A、 giving up B、 giving in C、 giving out D、 giving away6、 Its beautiful, and it fits me well、 _ I like it very much、A、 Or B、 So C、 But D、 Since7、 Its your job_ the pop stars、A、 introduce B、 introducing C、 introduces D、 to introduce8、 She has gone to the_ to buy something to eat、A、 department store B、 stage C、 cinema D、 travel agency9、 Youd better sing、 It doesnt _ whether you can sing wel

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