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1、新概念英语第三册经典必背新概念英语第三册经典必背 新概念英语皿经典句子 1、Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America.美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。本句话亮点:当前一句末尾的一个名词和后一句开头的名词或者代词重合时,可以用 定语从句巧妙的将两个分散的句子合二为一。Pan das are large,bear-like an imals which are found in Chi na.Drag ons are mysterious,sn ake-like ani mals which are descri

2、bed in Chin ese lege nd.2、WhenLondon Zoo received reports which said that a wild pumahad been spotted forty-five miles south of London,they were not take n seriously.当伦敦动物园接到报告说,在伦敦以南 45 英里处发现一只美洲狮时,这些报告并没有 受到重视。本句亮点:西方的文化精神一直表现为对“客观性”的重视。义物本为主体,以自然 为本位。而中国文化则以人为中心,认为世界一切皆因人的活动。因此,讲地道的英语 句子第一步就是改变“人

3、”作主语的习惯,学会直接用“物”作主语。The n ews came to me that he was dow n with pn eum onia.The advertisement entitle“Tide s in,Dirt s out”suddenly caught our eyes.The fierce garnished with cooking utensils has caught every guest s attention.3、However,when experts from the Zoo received more and more evidenee,they f

4、elt obliged to investigate,for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have see n the puma were extraord in arily similar.本句亮点:中文习惯用一个主语贯穿到底,以人物的主要动作串联起来。这样的句子 在英文中是败笔。英文句子强调灵活变动,可以把主语不同的小句子通过不同的连词巧 妙而紧密地连接。When the little boy at last camei nto their sight,their impatie nee is clearly bubbli

5、 ng up toward the boili ng point,for the post the boy had take n was not what they wan ted.Although the intimidation to Premier Zhu began to accumulate,he was not worried at all,for the anonym ous in timidati on was na?/e and ridiculous.4、The city was eve n equipped with a drain age systems,for a gr

6、eat many clay pipes were found ben eath the n arrow streets.城里还铺设排水系统,因为在狭窄的街道底下发现了许多陶土制作的排水管道。本句亮点:为了写出生动的句子,我们应该避开简单乏味的“there be”结构。放 弃这种最基本的存在句型,换个角度,用主动语态或被动语态表达出相同的意思。Hun dreds of people gathered in the ope n to watch the film.Volumes of the dictionaries line the shelf.A dan gerous spy is pla n

7、ted among us.5、Despite her great age,he was very graceful in deed.尽管她上了年纪,但体态确实优美。本句亮点:太多的从句会让你的文章显得拖沓。所以以后用“although”的时候应多 想一想能否换个角度,使句子简单而优雅起来。Despite a shortage of steel,i ndustrial output has in creased by two perce nt.Despite the better weather condition,the captain resolutely decided to abando

8、n the warship.Cloning tech no logy progresses quickly despite con troversy.6、Such is humannature,that a great manypeople are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of beco ming white-collar workers.这是人之常情:许多人往往愿意放弃较高的薪水,来换取作白领工人的殊荣。本句亮点:such提到句首,敲到好处的起到了强调的作用。句子重心是 that从句,他 做 such 的

9、同位语,因为太长,所以放在了最后。整个句子使用倒装语序,一气呵成。Such is huma n n ature that whe n the teacher gave the class twenty more hours of homework for summer vacati on,the class kicked up a fuss.Such is arrangement by God that he met his future wife at a friend s party.Such is the rule of n ature that the fittest survive.

10、7、This can give rise to curious situations,as it did in the case of John who worked as a dustma n for a famous corporatio n.这常常会引起种种奇快的现象,在一家著名的公司当清洁工的约翰就是这样一个例 子。本句亮点:如果用“John,was just an example”这个句子,读者会很困惑。As it did 中,it 指的是上一句的 that 从句所指代的内容,did 指代 give rise to curious situation。我们要学会用主动词 do或 be

11、来代替前文出现的动词或动词短语。Sudden success can give rise to the loss of one s integrity,as it did in the case of Ryan who took the first place in this year s baseball champi on ship tour name nt.Forcing a child to learn can give rise to the opposite effect,as it did in the case of my seve n-year-old n ephew who

12、 went to school last year.Illness can be a sham to gain sympathy,as it did in the case of Tom s wife who ofte n makes troubles.Reading can keep one s mind from rust,as it did in the case of myearly retired gra ndma who reads for hours every day.8、Not only had the poor man been arrested,but he had be

13、en sent to prison as well.那个可怜的记者不仅被捕了,而且还被送进了监狱。本句亮点:本句的倒装,显示了英文变化就是美丽的特点。记住:倒装句的使用 一定会使你的文章增色。Not only am I going to pattern myself on Hiber,but I will do better than him as well.Not only did his devotion win people s recognition,but it was well paid in the end as well.Not on ly was the prince dis

14、 in herited,but he was throw n out on the paveme nt as well.9、However,he had at last bee n allowed to send a fax in which he in formed the editor that he had been arrested while counting the 1084 steps leading to the fiftee n-foot wall which surro un ded the preside nt s palace.不过,他终于获准发回了一份传真。在传真中他

15、告诉编辑,他被转起来了。那时候,他正好在数那 1084 级台阶,这些台阶通向 15英尺高的围墙,围墙环绕着总统府。本句亮点:出色的英文写作技巧体现在“能在一句话中表达出尽可能多的信息”。运 用了定语从句、分词状语、分词作定语等方法把五个小句子连接的天衣无缝,值得学习!Soon afterwards,the government wasforced to give out the announcement in which it in formed the mass civilia ns that the gover nment had take n measures to investigat

16、e the source of the illness in January while curbing the epidemic caus ing over200 deaths which pani cked the whole coun try.Last weeke nd,the famous sin ger had an in terview with the reporter in which he spoke highly of a currently popular TV series while pointing out some of its weak points lead

17、ing to the series con troversy which absorb more audie nee to watch the TV series.10、Dogs,it seems,love to chew up money!看起来,狗很喜欢咀嚼硬币。本句亮点:“it seems”在句中作插入语,这一类型的插入语主要表达人们对事物的 态度或推测,比如“I hope,I guess,I believe,he suppose,I wonder,I tell you,I say,I m afraid,I sure,you can see,you know”等,对文章某骗布局 很有好处

18、。Drinking more water,I think,will do good to your health.The snow,he reflected,would continue to fall and curtained the outlook from the citize n.The automobile,all of us could see,slowed dow n to go around the curves in the road.Rest in bed,the doctor con cludes,may cure a cold.11、Imagine their dis

19、may when they found a beautifully-cooked wallet and notes turned to ash.可以想象他们发现一只煮的很好看的钱包、钞票已经化为灰烬时的沮丧心情。本句亮点:以为 found 后面接了一个宾语从句。然而仔细发现,如果是宾语从句则是 时态用错了,那么 turned to ash 就是 notes 的宾语补足语,正是这种运用使得整句 话简练的多。通过这句话,要学会直接用过去分词作宾补,从而省去罗嗦的被动语态的 从句。Imag ine her happ in ess when the secretary found the papers

20、 sig ned by the man ager before dinner.Imag ine their ecstasy whe nthey found the Ian ter ns lighted and placed n ear the ope ning.I abused myself deeply after I found myself deceived by a quack.The woman cried out in surprise when she found her husband invited to the same party.12、Cats n ever fail

21、to fasc in ate huma n bein gs.猫总能引起人们的极大兴趣。本句亮点:双重否定表达强烈的肯定,很有力度,于是常常不可避免的带有作者的情 绪:”nothing is impossible”No one failed to notice that she went out in a hurry without the red overcoat.Enthusiastic workaholics and strict bosses are hardly unknown in Japan.There is no one here but wishes you well.If y

22、ou meet a girl as polite as her,you will n ever fail to give her a hand.13、He wad greeted by an unpleasant smell which convinced him I was telling the truth.一股怪味袭来,使他相信了我说的是真话。本句亮点:拟人句使得句子更加精彩。“greet”这个词语在拟人手法中很常见,主 动或被动语态都能使用。A somber(阴森)and terrible sight greeted her eyes.A smoker s cough greeted

23、his ears.The atmosphere that greeted the chairma n was active and warm.When the door of the toilet was ope ned,offen sive odors greeted the clea ner s no se.14、Not wanting to frighten the poor man,she quickly hid in the small storeroom un der the stairs.为了不吓住这个可怜的人,她赶紧躲到了楼梯下面的小储藏室里。本句亮点:一般人写句子多用不定式来

24、表示目的,这样的目的状语太千篇一律。我们 还可以用现在分词来表示谓语动词的目的。尽量的用上。The two countries sat down to talk,hoping to avoid further conflict.Not wan ti ng to tear the clothes,the n aughty boy gave up climb ing the tree.Show ing a desire to behave modestly,he did not want his renown(名声)to get out.15、There was a time whe n the

25、own ers of shops and bus in esses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for“protection”.芝加哥的店主和商行的老板们曾经不得不拿出大量的钱给歹徒以换取“保护”。本句亮点:“曾经”这个概念除了可以“once”表达之外,还有一个很美的句型“There was a time when,.”。注意一定要用过去时。当我们蓦然回首往事的时候我们就派 上了用场。There was a time when they got along with each other we

26、ll.However,a slight misun dersta nding severed the life long frien ds.There was a time whe n severe weather con diti ons hin dered the rescuers.There was a time whe n she coldly refused his adva nces.16、He described it as“a very agreeable situation located within two small hills in the midst of whic

27、h flowed a great river”他对该港作了这样的描述:“地理位置十分适宜,位于两座小山之间,一条大河从中 间流过。本句亮点:这是用来描述地理方位的好例子。很多英语学习者能够很熟练的使用定语 从句,去卩不很习惯的应用“in the midst o which,among which,before which“等 来引导定语从句。The hotel has a very convenient situation located in the downtown before which sta nd a bus stop and a metro stati on.You can fi

28、nd the falls hanging on the steep cliff located beside the corn field to the east of which lies a cool cave.He described the on-water restaura nt as“a very special situati on located on the mirror-like lake on the both sides of which is the picturesque scenery composed of coco forest.”17、Despite its

29、 immensity,its both simple and elegant,fulfilling its designer s dream to create“an eno rmous object draw as fai ntly as possible.”尽管此桥很大,但他结构简单,造型优美,实现了设计者企图创造一个“尽量用细线条 勾画一个庞然大物”的梦想。本句亮点:这是一个分词作结果状语的典型例子。使用现在分词作结果,能成功的把 两个句子合为一个紧凑的长句,但是要注意,两个句子的主语要一致,习惯在前面加 only。The train bega n to accelerate its s

30、peed,hiss ing great cloud of smoke.Whensleep camehard,even with a couple of sleeping pills,she got up and played some music,on ly maki ng things worse.Moder n people have bee n shoot ing and trapp ing the wildlife crazily since last cen tury,creati ng dreadful havoc in n ature.18、The use of gloves w

31、as not introduced until 1860,when the Marquis drew up the first set of rules.1860年昆斯伯里第一次为拳击比赛制定了规则,拳击比赛这才用上了手套。本句亮点:用 not,until,引导的时间状语比一般的时间状语从句更加富有感情色 彩,能表达出恨之太晚的情绪当然,要求主句的动词是短暂性动词,如果是延续性动词,则表示“此动作一直发生,直到。”He did not get up in the world until 1949,when the People s Republic of China was foun ded.

32、The government did not put up a monument in honor of those killed in battle until five years later,when the civil war came to an end.The gover nment did not succeed in gett ing the bill through un til two mon ths later,when the new Premier took the chair.They did not bury the hatchet until 11:00PM,w

33、henthey at last decided to finish the five-hour-long argume nt.19、On the other hand,your stomach would turn at the idea of frying potatoes in animal fat.另一方面,你一想到动物油炸土豆就会反胃。本句亮点:书面英文中,“名词优于动词或形容词”。这里的 at the idea of 中的 名词 idea代替了动词 think。要学会用类似的短语:at the sight of,at the smell of,at the taste of,at the touch of,at the n ews of 等。Many of them decided to stay on at the sight of the injured soldiers.A

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