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3A M4 U3 教案.docx

1、3A M4 U3 教案教案 3AM4U3 Plants Content 3A M4U3 Look and learn Look and say(Period 1)Aims 1.Using nouns to identify the different parts of plants.e.g.leaf,leaves,branch,trunk,root,plant,stalk 2.Using modelled sentences to identify possession.e.g.It has leaves.3.Using modelled sentences to describe thing

2、s.Teaching focus 1.Using nouns to identify the different parts of plants.e.g.leaf,leaves,branch,trunk,root,plant,stalk 2.Using modelled sentences to identify possession.e.g.It has leaves.Teaching Aids Multi-media,word cards Procedures Step Teachers activities Students activities Purpose Pre-task pre

3、paration 1.Say the rhyme.2.Review the colours Whats your favourite colour?Say the rhyme.Answer the question I like 利用歌曲,让学生进入学习状态。颜色的复习,为植物的描述作准备。While-task procedure 1.Teach:leaf,leaves 1)Show a picture of a park T:What can you see?2)Show a tree then elicit:leaf Look and answer I can see Fill and r

4、ead.Say the sound 语音的学习,能使学生更容易记单词,读单词。在问答中操练单词,提高英语口头表达能力。3)Fill and read:l_ _f 4)Say the same sound.(teacher,eat,tea,meat)5)Ask and answer Whats this?Its a leaf.What colour is it?Its 6)To elicit:leaves 7)Count the leaves.T:How many leaves?8)Ask and answer A:What are they?B:Theyre_.A:How many leave

5、s?B:leaves.Work in pairs.Read the word.Count the leaves.Ask and answer.数一数 leaves,区分单复数,读准单词。2.Teach:branch 1)To elicit:branch 2)Think and say:branch,branch,_branch 3)Compare:thin branch,thick branch 4)A rhyme.Read the word.Think and say.Read a rhyme.Read,look and say.单词较难,从机械的单词、词组、儿歌的朗读,再到看一看,说一说,

6、句子的表达,由易到难,层层递进。branch,branch,branch,thin,thin,thin.branch,branch,branch,thick,thick,thick.branch,branch,branch,Green,green,green.5)To elicit branches then look and say Look at the branches.They are_.3.Teach:trunk 1)Fill and spell:tr_nk 2)Say the same sound.3)Try to say:Colour the truck black.4)Look

7、 and say:Look at the trunk.Its_.Read and spell.Say the same sound.Try to say.Look and say.试一试、说一说来更好的读准单词。4.To teach:root 1)To elicit 2)Read and fill:r_ _t 3)Compare:one root Read the word.Think and say.从数量的比较,能让学生感知some,many,能更恰当地进行运用。two roots some roots many roots 4)Think and say:Look at the root

8、s.They are_and _ 5.Teach:It has 1)Quick response.2)Read the new words.3)Show a tree and try to say:This is a _.Its_.It has_.It has_.It has_.It has_.Look and say.Read the words.Try to say.在复习单词时,运用读句子,选单词填空的方式,能使学生更了解单词的意思,并能够初步进行树的描述。Post-task activity 1.To describe a plant.1)To elicit:plant 2)Read

9、the sentences.Look at the plant.The plant is beautiful.I like the plant.3)Teach:stalk 4)Try to say:Read the word.Look and say.Look and say Try to say.读一读句子,能更好地读准单词,了解意思,提高学生运用英语的能力。This is a plant.It has_.It has_ It has_.Assignment 1.Read and spell the new words.2.Copy the new words.3.Introduce a t

10、ree or a plant.板 书 设 计 Module4 Unit3 Plants leaf leaves branch truck roots flower stalk It has 教学反思 3AM4U3 Plants Content 3A M4U3 Look and say(Period 2)Aims 1.Using modelled sentences to identify possession.e.g.It has leaves.2.Using modelled sentences to describe things.e.g.They are green and small.

11、3.Using the key words and sentences to describe plants.Teaching focus Using the key words and sentences to describe plants.Teaching Aids Multi-media Procedures Step Teachers activities Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1.A chant 2.Review the new words.Read after the teacher.Golden eye

12、s.Chant 朗朗上口,使学生最喜欢的,能使学生很快的进入学习状态,也复习了形容词。3.Show a tree then describe it.e.g.This is Its It has It has It has Spell the new words.Look and say.While-task procedure 1.To describe a flower a stalk:1)Show a flower and ask:Whats this?What colour is it?Is it big?2)Look and say:Look at the flower.Its_.It

13、s_.3)Look at the stalk and say:Look at the _.Its_.Its_.Answer the questions.Look and say.Try to say.从一朵花和一根茎入手,让学生进行描述单一的东西,有利于学生区分单复数。2.To describe the leaves.1)Ask:What are they?Answer the questions.Think and say.从单数的描述,再到复数的叶和根的描述,将难点降低了很多。What colour are they?Are they small?2)Think and say:Look

14、at the leaves.They are_.They are_.3)Show the roots and say:Look at the _.They are_and_.Look and say.3.Ask and answer 1)Show a plant then watch the flash(p47).2)Read the text 3)Look and say:S1:Look at the plant.It has S2:Yes.Its/They are Watch the flash.Read after the recording Work in pairs.通过观看 Fla

15、sh,跟读课文,纠正读音,提高学生的朗读水平。Post-task activity 1.Enjoy some plants.2.Choose a plant and describe it.This is a plant.Enjoy Try to say.Try to say.欣赏各种植物,既能拓宽学生的知识面,又能激发学生的学习兴趣。It has a_.It is_.It has_.They are_.It has_ They are_and _.3.Show a rabbit then describe it.4.WBP70 Assignment 1.Read the textP46-47

16、.2.Draw and write about a plant.板 书 设 计 Module4 Unit3 Plants Look at the It has a It is It has They are_and_ 教学反思 3AM4U3 Plants Content 3A M4U3 Read a story(Period 3)Aims 1.Using the key words and sentences to describe plants.2.Understanding the main idea of a story.3.Using modelled sentences to des

17、cribe feelings.e.g.We are happy.Teaching focus 1.Understanding the main idea of a story.2.Using modelled sentences to describe feelings.e.g.We are happy.Teaching Aids Multi-media Procedures Step Teachers activities Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1.A rhyme 2.Review the new words.3.D

18、escribe the plant.4.Put on a mask and try to say:I am a plant.I have roots.They are black.I have a flower.Its pink.Its beautiful.Read a rhyme.Read the words.Describe the plant.Try to say.富有节奏感的儿歌,带领学生愉快地进入学习状态,又为故事教学埋下伏笔。从单一的描述植物到角色的转变,能增强学生的表演欲,又为下文做好铺垫。While-task procedure 1.To teach:seed 1)Show t

19、he pictures and review the weather.(sunny,rainy,windy,cloudy)Ask:How is the weather?2)Show a picture of spring then elicit:seed T:What senson is it?What are they?3)Read and fill:s_ _d Say the same sound 4)Ask and answer.What are they?Theyre_.Answer the questions.Answer the questions.Read the word.Wo

20、rk in pairs.从复习适合种子发芽的季节、天气很自然地引出新单词seed。在问答中,既了解了种子,又提高了学生的英语表达能力。What colour are they?Theyre_.Are they big?No,theyre_.2.Teach P2.3 1)Show a rainy day then ask:T:Look!How is the weather?Look at the seeds.Are they sad?No,they are happy.2)Try to say:It is_.The seeds are _.3)Show a sunny day and say:I

21、t is_.The seeds _.(feel warm)They like the _.Look and answer.Try to say.Read and say.将不同天气中,种子的不同感受一起教学,有利于学生表达和记忆。3.Teach:P4-6 1)Show P4:a.T:Look,what have the seeds?b.Teach:bud c.Read and fill:It is _.The seeds feel_.Now they have_.Look and answer.Read the word.Read and fill.Read and act.在朗读和填空中,将

22、第 3-4图片进行描述,有利于学生理解,故事也显得比较连贯。读一读,演一演,放松一They have_too.2)Show P5-6 a.T:They grow and grow b.Read and act:(grow and grow)c.T:What have they?What are they?d.Try to say:They_and _.They have_and_.They are _.Try to say.下,能调节课堂气氛。Post-task activity 1.Watch the flashP48 2.Show the pictures then number.3.Re

23、ad and tick.P48 4.Show P1-6 then read and fill.1)We are_.We are_and_.2)It is _.We are_.3)It is _.We_ _.4)Look!Now we have_.We have_too.5)We_and_.Now we have_and_.6)We are_.5.Say and act in groups.7.WBp71.Watch the flash.Look and number.Read and tick.Read and fill.Say and act.观看 flash,再按故事情节给图片编号,使学生

24、对故事有一个整体的感知。用填空的方式来描述故事,降低了学习难度,能使大部分学生能说、能演。Assignment 1.Read the story 2.Make a story then act.板 书 设 计 Module4 Unit3 Plants seeds small brown rainy happy sunny feel warm now roots buds grow leaves flowers sunflowers 教学反思 3AM4U3 Plants Content 3A M4U3 Listen and enjoy Learn the sound(Period 4)Aims

25、1.Using the key words and sentences to describe plants.2.Reviewing the pronunciation of the letters a.e,i,o,u in different words.e.g.pupil,run,table,cat,go,box,thin,like.Teaching focus Reviewing the pronunciation of the letters a.e,i,o,u in different words.e.g.pupil,run,table,cat,go,box,thin,like.Te

26、aching Aids Multi-media Procedures Step Teachers activities Students activities Purpose Pre-task preparation 1.Show the new words.2.Show some plants.Show the pictures of a story Spell the words.Choose and say.Say and act.复习巩固所学知识,为下面的写话做好准备。While-task procedure 1.To teach Answer the questions.通过问答,使

27、学生能更仔细地观察图1)Show the pictureP49 then talk about it.e.g.T:Look!Whats this?Is it big?What can you see?How many birds?2)Watch the flashP49 3)Read after the recording.2.Teach 1.Watch the flashP49 the sounds 2.Read after the teacher.3.Read each pair of words e.g.a-table,cake a-rabbit,cat.4.Say some other

28、 words with these sounds.Watch the flash Read after the recording Say and act in small groups.Create a new rhyme.Watch the flash Read together Work in pairs.Think and say.片,了解要学习的儿歌的意思。引导学生创编儿歌,发挥学生的学习主动性,培养创新能力。跟读单词,能使学生准确地朗读,掌握单词的发音。想一想,说一说,复习已学的元音字母发音,营造语音学习的氛围。Post-task activity 1.Read and judge.e.g.jam Jane()rubber rabbit()pupil tube()rose not()hen yes()five pink()1.Read and judge.2.Draw and write.判断发音是否相同,能使学生更好地感知语音。2.Complete WBp73 Assignment 1.Read the textP46-49.2.Describe a plant.板 书 设 计 M4U3 Plants a e i o u Look at the_.Its _.It has a _.Its_.It has_.Theyre_.教学反思

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