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1、江苏省姜堰市第四中学届九年级英语第二次模拟试题江苏省姜堰市第四中学届九年级英语第二次模拟试题 姜堰四中九年级英语二模试卷(满分:120分 时间:120 分钟)注意事项:1本试卷共分两部分,第卷为选择题,第卷为非选择题。2所有试题的答案均填写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。第卷 选择题(共 60 分)一、单项选择(共 15 小题;每小题 l 分,满分 15 分)On May 25,2016,Yangjiang,_ famous female writer and translator in China,died at_ age of 105.Athe;a B.a;the C/;the Da;/2

2、.-The Meilanfang Park is not far from the Qintong in Jiangyan,Jiangsu Province,so you can easily visit in a day.-Fantastic!I cant wait for it.A.none B.both C.all D.either 3.-Any special in this shopping mall now?-Sure,theres a discount on last years e-products.A.type B.price C.offer D.service 4.-Hel

3、lo!Would you please _ me to his secretary if Manager Zhang is not in?-With pleasure.Please hold on for a minute.A.put;out B.put;off C.put;up D.put;through 5.Driving in rush hour traffic _ be very dangerous,so you _ be too careful.A.should;should B.could;should C.might;mustnt D.can;cant 6.Pauline wor

4、ks in a big company now,but she_ on a farm for ten years.A.worked B.was working C.has worked 7._he failed the exam again,he had no idea that he was bad at English.A.Because B.After C.Until D.Since 8.-Millie hardly did the housework after she bought the robot,_?-_.She could relax and have tim

5、e for her hobbies.A.did she;Yes B.didnt she;No C.didnt she;Yes D.did she;No 9.-Mum,have you seen my mobile phone?-_ you bought last week?I am sorry I havent seen_.A.One,it B.One,one C.The one,it D.The one,one 10.-I really cant believe such a learned man has made such a silly mistake.-Dont you know _

6、 sense is worth more than knowledge?A.general B.usual C.special D.common 11.-Jack,Id like to have your ideas about my written report.-_.But I have one suggestion.A.Thats a good idea B.You are modest C.It looks fine to me D.You should check it first.12.Guilin is a beautiful city.I agree with you.You

7、can see boats go the river and cars run the city at the same time.A.along,along B.along,through C.through,along D.through,through 13.The governments should _ the use of new types of energy to make a greener world.A.push in B.push for C.put out D.put up 14.-I will give a speech in tomorrows talk.I am

8、 a bit nervous.-_ A.Take it easy.B.Sounds great!C.What a pity.D.What a shame!15.-Mothers Day is coming.Could you tell me?-What about a red silk scarf?Shell like it.A.when I will give my mother a surprise B.what gift I should give my mother C.where I had a big meal with my mother D.if I had a party f

9、or my mother 二、完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)The Little Boat That Sailed Through Time Ever since I was a 10-year-old child,the idea about depending upon myself has come into my mind though I couldnt really understand it.At the mountain 16 in Western Norway where my mother was born,I spent the summer of

10、my childhood.17 my grandfather had to work all day himself,he could spare me time.I still remembered that day.“Come,I have a toy boat for you.”A voice came into my ear.I followed him to a workroom 18.However,nothing like that was there 19 a block of wood.“Is that the boat.?”I asked curiously.“No one

11、 can give you what you do for 20.With your own hands,youll make it out of the wood.Then itll be the best boat in your heart.”Finally,I finished it with his help.Seeing the boat 21 in the lake Storvassdal,I felt 22 and thought everything around nicer.Good times dont last long.I had to 23 to America.F

12、eeling sad,I hid my boat under a big rock at Storvassdal.Moreover,I didnt know that was the 24 time I saw my grandfather.Years later,I returned to the mountain farm with parents and children.I searched for my boat,but 25.I was about to give up 26 I touched something different under a big rock.Luckil

13、y,I found the boat which 27 grandfather and me.Holding it,I felt my grandfather was there and we 28 were together again.As time went by,each time I held the boat,I carved(刻)the year.My grandfather seemed 29.I went on the last trip to the farm with my granddaughter.High in the mountain,I hope they wo

14、uld understand the importance of the boat and its simple 30 of self-reliance.(自立)16.A.lake C.village D.river 17.A.But B.Until C.Though D.If 18.A.excitedly B.frightenedly C.unhappily D.unwillingly 19.A.with B.except C.without D.besides 20.A.myself B.yourselves C.yourself D.himself 21.A.falling

15、 B.floating C.swimming D.jumping 22.A.proud B.terrible C.worried D.interested 23.A.walk B.come C.return D.leave B.first D.another 25.A.succeeded B.failed C.lost D.worked 26.A.while B.when D.for 27.A.connected B.mixed C.separated D.contacted 28.A.two B.three C.four D.five 29.A.

16、far B.alive C.near B.message C.word D.Sign 三、阅读理解(每题 2分,共 30分)A Disney has opened many more parks all over the world since it made history in California.Shanghai Disneyland,its first on the Chinese mainland,has already been completed,and will open its doors on June 16,2016.“Six is

17、 a lucky number to Chinese people,”the Walt Disney Company said.Shanghai Disneyland will host an opening celebration to welcome its first guests.At the opening,it will hold more Chinese-style activities instead of Western-style ones,because the host wants to show Chinas local traditional culture.“We

18、 have prepared a three-day celebration and are hiring more than 8,000 actors,”Philippe Gas,Shanghai Disneylands general manager,told Shanghai Television yesterday.So why has Disneyland been so popular?Well,its described as“the Happiest Place on Earth”and“a place for the young and young at heart”.Dis

19、neys storytelling in rides like roller coasters is a big reason for their parks success.“We tell a story in everything we do,”Pressler said.However,Disneys parks havent always been popular everywhere.When Disneyland Paris opened in 1992,some French people felt that American culture was invading(入侵)F

20、rance.But still,the park stayed open and today it is a popular place for European visitors.31.Why did the company decide to open on the date of“June 16,2016”?A.Because that day is quite close to the summer holiday.B.Because the opening celebration wont be ready until that day.C.Because the number SI

21、X is considered to be“lucky”in China.D.Because Shanghai Disneyland wont be completed until that day.32.Shanghai Disneyland will _ at the opening.A.tell stories to the guests B.mainly show Western culture C.have more activities of Chinese-style D.invite guests to have a roller-coaster ride 33.The und

22、erlined expression“Young at heart”in Paragraph 3 refers to _.A.young people B.people with young hearts C.American people only D.Disneyland president 34.Which of the following is TRUE about Disneyland?A.Disneyland has been built in US only.B.Shanghai Disneyland has been opened.C.People still dont lik

23、e Disneyland Paris.D.Disneys storytelling in rides helps it succeed.35.What can we infer(推断)from the last paragraph?A.At first,Disneyland Paris was a great success.B.American culture is quite similar to French culture.C.Disneys parks have always been popular around the world.D.Disneyland Paris attra

24、cts many visitors from Europe at present.B In the last two years many big changes happened in China.What were they?Here is the top domestic news picked by Teens.News One:Xi Jinping-Ma Ying-jeou meeting For the first time since 1949,leaders across the Taiwan Straits held a meeting.On Nov 7,Xi Jinping

25、 and Ma Ying-jeou met in Singapore.They agreed to build peaceful relations across the Straits.They dont want Taiwan to be independent(独立)and made it clear that both sides belong to one China.They hope for more exchanges in business and travel too.News Two:Sept 3 military parade On Sept 3,China held

26、a grand military parade(大阅兵).The parade was to celebrate the 70th year of victory in the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression.The parade remembered Chinas great work during World War II and showed Chinas call for world peace.Chinese President Xi Jinping said that China would

27、 cut(裁减)the number of its soldiers by 300,000.News Three:Tu Youyou and the Nobel Tu Youyou,85,won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology(生理学)or Medicine on Oct 5.The Chinese scientist won the prize with two other scientists from the US and Japan.Tu is the first Chinese citizen to get the Nobel Prize in

28、natural sciences.She found artemisinin(青蒿素)in 1971 to cure malaria(疟疾).Malaria kills about 500,000 people each year.Tus work saves many people.News Four:Chinese economy Big changes happened to the Chinese economy(经济)in 2015.The year saw a“new normal(常态)”.It means a slower but better quality(质量)econo

29、mic growth.Chinas stock(股票)prices began to drop(下跌)a lot in June.This makes it difficult for companies(公司)to get money to develop their businesses.The renminbi(RMB)has seen big drops since August too.This means Chinese goods are cheaper and more easily exported(出口的).But it will cost more money for C

30、hinese tourists to go to other countries.News Five:Two-child policy More children in China may have brothers and sisters in the future.China ended its policy(政策)that limited most Chinese couples to one child on Dec 27.And starting on Jan 1,2016,all parents can have two children.This may bring change

31、s for 200 million people.The one-child policy had influenced China for over 30 years.There will be more and more older people in the future.Companies may find it hard to get younger workers.The new policy is to solve(解决)that problem.36.Where did the Xi Jinping-Ma Ying-jeou meeting take place?A.In Ta

32、iwan B.In Beijing C.In Singapore D.In China 37.What do we know from News Two?A.Chinese only love peace in the past.B.China is the strongest country in the world.C.There will be 300,000 fewer soldiers than before in China.D.China held a grand military parade because they were happy.38.Why did Tu Youy

33、ou win the 2015 Nobel Prize?A.Because she is a scientist.B.Because she is a Chinese.C.Because she was 85 years old.D.Because she found a medicine to save many people.39.Which of the following is right?A.the Chinese economy in 2015 is the best in history.B.Stocks drop makes many companies lose a lot of money.C.RMBs big drops are not good for Chinese economy at all.D.People have to spend more money

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