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1、本册综合技能测试本册综合技能测试 本册综合技能测试 时间 90分钟 满分 100 分.单项填空(每小题 1分,共 15分)从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。1Do you mind if I turn off the TV?_.AYes,please BNo,go ahead CYes,you can DNo,Id rather you didnt.答案:B 解析:考查交际用语。答语意为“不介意。你可以关掉电视”。go ahead“可以”。2WHO,together with the medical workers in the different parts of th

2、e world, find a way to prevent the disease H1N1 from_.Aare;spreading Bis;spreading Care;spread Dis;spread 答案:B 解析:考查主谓一致和 prevent 句式。句意:世界卫生组织和世界上的医务工作者们正在努力寻找阻止甲型 H1N1病毒蔓延的方法。第一空真正的主语是 WHO,所以用单数;第二空 prevent.from doing“阻止做某事”,是固定句型。3You should apologize to the passengers_the late_of the tr

3、ain.Awith,arriving Bfor,arrival Cfor,arriving Dwith,arrival 答案:B 解析:考查 apologize 的用法和 arrival。句意:你应该因为火车的晚点而向乘客道歉。apologize to sb for sth“因某事向某人道歉”;第二空 arrive的名词是 arrival,而不采用 doing形式的名词。4The possible way to survive in the fierce competition is to_the cost of production.Acut up Bcut down Ccut in Dcu

4、t off 答案:B 解析:考查 cut 短语。句意:在激烈的竞争中存活的可能的方法是消减产品的成本。cut down“消减;删节”,符合句意。5Many people have come to realize that they should go on_balanced diet and make_room in their day for exercise.Aa;/Bthe;a Cthe;the D/;a 答案:A 解析:考查冠词。句意:很多人逐渐意识到应该节食而且为锻炼让路。第一空 go on a balanced diet“节食”;第二空 make room for“让位于;让路于”

5、。6He said people should be ready to_and shouldnt be afraid of what they meet with.Atake charge Btake place Ctake chances Dtake pleasure 答案:C 解析:考查动词短语。句意:他说人们应该有冒险的准备,不应该害怕遇到任何事情。take chances“冒险”;符合句意。7I was in a hurry at that moment and I just_the door._,I didnt have a clear idea what the door was

6、like.Astared at;Therefore Bgazed at;So Clooked at;However Dglanced at;Thus 答案:D 解析:句意:那时,我很匆忙,只是瞥了一眼那道门。因此我不清楚那门的样子。第一空考查“看”的几种表达,glance at“瞥;扫”;第二空考查副词,thus“因此;于是”符合句意。8_is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.AThere BThis CIt DThat 答案:C 解析:考查主语从句。It 做形式主语,真正的主语是“that

7、English is being accepted as an international language.”。9The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone_get out.Ahad to Bwould Ccould Dwas able to 答案:D 解析:考查情态动词。句意:大火在旅馆中蔓延地很快,但是旅馆里的人都逃了出来。be able to表示 succeed in doing,manage to do 的含义。10_many changes have_,we should keep pace with th

8、e changes too.ASince;taken the place BBecause;taken place CNow that;taken place DAs;been taken place 答案:C 解析:句意:既然发生了许多变化,那么我们就应该和这些变化并驾齐驱。第一空 now that“既然”;相当于 since;第二空 take place“发生”;无被动语态。11The hunter_his gun against the tree and_down for a rest.Alaid;lay Blay;laid Claid;lain Dlied;lay 答案:A 解析:考查

9、 lie随意思不同而形式不同以及它与 lay区别。句意:猎人把枪靠树放下,然后躺下休息。第一空是“放;搁”之意,原形是 lay,过去式是 laid,过去分词也是 laid;第二空是“躺”之意,原形是 lie,过去式是 lay,过去分词也是 lain。12The statue standing in the middle of the square has been built_those who sacrificed their lives for people but expected nothing_.Ain memory of;in return Bwith memory of;for

10、return Cin honor of;in award Dwith honor of;in reward 答案:A 解析:考查介词短语。句意:广场中心的塑像是为了纪念那些为人们献身而不计回报的人的。in memory of“纪念;追念”;in return“回报;报答”。13According to Lee,it was Bens carelessness that_the accident.But Ben_his wrong doing.Aled to;got the hang of Bcaused;got away from Caccounted for;got away with Dr

11、esulted in;went away with 答案:C 解析:考查动词短语。句意:根据 Lee所言,是 Ben的粗心造成了那场事故。但是 Ben却未受惩罚。第一空,四个选项都可选,因为都是“导致”的意思;第二空只能选 get away with“做错事未受惩罚”。14You_all those clothes!We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing.Aneednt have washed Bshouldnt have washed Cmust not have washed Dcannot have washed 答案:A 解

12、析:考查情态动词的完成时。首先无 C 项这种形式;根据后文“我们有洗衣机可以洗衣服”,所以“你本不必洗这些衣服的”。neednt have done“本不必(却做了)”。15The little girl_music and thus she can_the techniques to play different musical instruments quickly.Ahas a talent in;go ahead with Bhas a gift for;get the hang of Chas a gift in;settle in Dhas a talent for;catch s

13、ight of 答案:B 解析:考查短语。句意:那个小女孩很有音乐天赋,因此她可以很快掌握不同音乐器械的演奏技巧。第一空,have a gift/talent for“对有天赋”;第二空 get the hang of“掌握;理解”。.完形填空(每小题 1 分,共 20分)阅读下面短文,理解大意,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。13yearold Frank had received many presents he wanted.But Frank was not_16_because this was his first Christmas without his

14、brother.Frank said to his parents that he would_17_to see a friend._18_it was cold outside,Frank put on his new jacket and took presents on his new sled(雪橇)As Frank walked,he saw a house with the_19_hanging over a fireplace.A woman was seated near them_20_.The stockings reminded Frank of the ones be

15、side him and his brother.A sudden thought_21_Frank.So he knocked on the door.“_22_?”the sad voice of the woman answered.“May I come in?”“Please”she said,seeing his_23_full of gifts,and thinking he was making a collection,“but I have no food or gifts for you.I even have_24_for my own children.”“Thats

16、 not why I am here,”Frank replied.“Please_25_any present you like for your children from this sled.”“Why,God bless(保佑)you!”the_26_woman answered.She chose until the stockings were full.“Wont you tell me your_27_?”she asked.“Just call me the Christmas Scout,”Frank replied.The visit _28_ the boy touch

17、ed.with an unexpected,with an unexpected _29_in his heart.He understood that his sorrow(悲伤)was not the only sorrow.He_30_all the gifts,including the new jacket.“Where are your presents,Frank?”asked his father as he_31_the house.“I handed them out to other children.”“Frank,how could you do so?”his mo

18、ther asked in anger.The next morning,he came downstairs and_32_his parents listening to Christmas news on the radio.Then the announcer spoke:“Merry Christmas!Several families_33_their children were made happy by the gifts from a boy.No one could_34_him.”Frank felt his fathers arms go around his shou

19、lders,and he saw his mother smiling_35_her tears.16A.lovely Bastonished Clonely Dhappy 答案:D 解析:由该空后“this was his first Christmas without his brother.”可知,弗兰克不高兴。17A.leave Bturn Cgrow Dbecome 答案:A 解析:leave“离开居住地点”;弗兰克想离开家去看望朋友。由后面的准备可知。18A.When BSince CWhere DThough 答案:B 解析:since“因为;由于;既然”;因为外面很冷,他穿上了

20、新夹克,把礼物放到了雪橇上。19A.presents Blight Cstockings Dtree 答案:C 解析:stockings“长筒袜”;该空与 20空后的“The stockings”对应,也符合圣诞节的习俗。20A.sleeping Bcrying Csmiling Dlaughing 答案:B 解析:由 22空后的“the sad voice”可知,此处是 cry。21A.appeared Bworried Coccurred Dstruck 答案:D 解析:.occur to sb.“某人想起某事”;strike“突然想到;一下子想起;猛地意识到”。此处指弗兰克突然有了一个想

21、法。22A.Why BWhat CYes DWhen 答案:C 解析:由该空前后语境知,该处是那位女士的应答之语,所以选 C 项。Yes?表示“礼貌地应答呼唤”。再如:“Waiter!”“Yes,sir?”“服务员!”“什么事,先生?”23.A.stocking Bpocket Csled Dbag 答案:C 解析:由该空后的 full of gifts 联系 18空后的 sled。24A.anything Bnothing Csomething Deverything 答案:B 解析:我没有食物,也没有礼物给你。我甚至“没有什么”给孩子们。 Bborrow Cbring Dch

22、oose 答案:D 解析:choose“挑选”;该空与 26后的“chose”对应。26A.amazed Bencouraged Ctired Dbored 答案:A 解析:amazed“吃惊的”;听到有人来送礼物,该女士很吃惊。27A.address Bname Cnumber Dschool 答案:B 解析:由该空后的答语“Just call me the Christmas Scout”可知,问的是“名字”。28A.started Bleft Cfelt Dperformed 答案:B 解析:此处是“leave宾语(the boy)补语(touched)”。只有 leave可接这种结构。

23、 Bsurprise Csorrow Ddisappointment 答案:A 解析:joy“高兴”;与 16 空 happy照应。30A.took away Bgave up Cgave away Dpicked up 答案:C 解析:give away“赠送;捐赠”。31A.visited Bcame Cpassed Dentered 答案:D 解析:enter“进入;进来”;enter the house此处指“回到家中”;与 17 空 leave照应。32A.made Bcaught Cfound Dsuggested 答案:C 解析:find“发现;发觉”;弗兰克发现父

24、母在听收音机。33A.believed Bcomplained Creported Dforecast 答案:C 解析:report“记述;叙述;报告;通报”;此处指“有几家人叙述”。34A.respect Bremember Crealize Drecognize 答案:D 解析:recognize“认识;认出”;没人认识这位男孩。 Bbesides Cwithout Dthrough 答案:D 解析:父亲搂住了弗兰克,而母亲边笑边流泪。.阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。A Goldies Secret

25、 She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall.No way could I have sent her away.No way,not me anyway.Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before.“Were moving house.”No space for her any more with the baby coming.We never really wanted her,but what could we have done?She w

26、as a present.People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal.And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.I called her Goldie.If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name.She was so unsettled during those first few days.She hardly ate an

27、ything and had such an air of sadness about her.There was nothing I could do to make her happy,it seemed.Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owners.But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down.Always by my side,whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting

28、by the fire.Thats why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk.We were a long way from home,when she started barking and getting very restless.Eventually I couldnt hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as f

29、ast as she could.By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie.But when I saw her licking(舔)the four puppies(幼犬)I started to feel sympathy towards them.“We didnt know what had happened to her,”said the woman at the door.“I took her for a walk one day,soon after the puppies we

30、re born,and she just disappeared.”“She must have tried to come back to them and got lost,”added a boy from behind her.I must admit I do miss Goldie,but Ive got Nugget now,and she looks just like her mother.And Ive learnt a good lesson:not to judge people.36.How did the author feel about Goldie when

31、Goldie came to the house?A.Shocked.B.Sympathetic.C.Annoyed.D.Upset.答案:B 解析:情绪推断,较难题。此推断题的难点在于,原文没有直接的形容词表述,要求学生通过具体的描述总结。原文第 2段 She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her.There was nothing I could do to make her happy,it seemed.Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previ

32、ous owners.划线句子表明作者同情被遗弃的小狗,希望帮助它高兴起来。37.In her first few days at the authors house,Goldie _.AI felt worried B.was angry C.ate a little D.sat by the fire 答案:A 解析:细节题,较难题。要做对此题主要要排除 C 项的干扰,原文第 2段 She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her.hardly ate anything 的表述与ate little是不一样的。

33、前者是几乎什么都不吃,后者是吃得少,此错误选项属于“改变否定/肯定的程度”。38.Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she _.A.saw her puppies B.heard familiar barking C.wanted to leave the author D.found her way to her old home 答案:D 解析:原因推断题,简单题,通过原文第 4 段的描写可得正确答案。39.The passage is organized in order of _.A.time B.effectiveness C.importance D.complexity 答案:A 解析:问文章的行文结构,简单题,此篇记叙文按照时间顺序发展。B Horsedrawn sleigh rides Dogsledding

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