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1、专题一 名 词.名词的定义 名词是表示人、事物、现象和其他抽象概念的名称的词。名词可分为专有名词和普 名词。专有名词是具体的人和事物等特有名称。专有名词的第一个字母要大写,人名、地名 公共节日及月份、周日的名称等等都是属于专有名词。(见资料)如:Yao Ming 姚明;China 中国;Christmas 圣诞节等。.可数名词和不可数名词 普通名词按照其所表示的事物的性质分为可数 名词和 不可数名词。1可数名词 可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。如:an apple;two apples。注意:a 用于以辅音音素(指音标)开头的单数名词前;an 用于以元音音素(指音标)开头的单数名词前。如:a b

2、ook/buk/,a useful/ju:sful/book,an apple/aepl/,a red apple,an hour/aua/2不可数名词:不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,没有复数形式。(1)物质名词。如:water;rice;tea;milk;food;fruit;meat;fish(鱼肉);chicken(鸡肉);beef;mutton;orange(橙汁);sugar;salt;paper(纸);porridge;bread;sand;juice 等。这类不可数名词需要计量时要在名词前加表示量的词。如:a cup of tea;two bags of rice;three

3、 bottles of water 等。(2)抽象名词。如:news;music;time(时间);information 等。(3)不可数名词不能与数词或不定冠词连用。(4)注意有些名词既可做可数名词也可做不可数名词。如:fish;time;glass;orange;room;noise;chicken 等。但使用时一定要区分它们表达的不同意义。.名词的数 1.可数名词复数形式的规则变化:情况 构成方法 读音 例词 一般情况 加-s 清辅音后读/s/map-maps 浊辅音和元音后读/z/bag-bags/car-cars 以 s,sh,ch,x等结尾 加-es 读/iz/bus-buses

4、/watch-watches Wish-wishes/box-boxes 以 ce,se,ze,等结尾 加-s 读/iz/license-licenses 以辅音字母+y 结尾 变 y 为 i 再加es 读/z/baby-babies 以 f 或 fe 结尾的名词,变 f 或 fe 为 v,再加 es 读/vz/shelfshelves,wolfwolves,lifelives,knifeknives.2.可数名词复数形式的的不规则变化 (1)元音或词尾发生变化 如:manmen;womanwomen;FrenchmanFrenchmen;toothteeth;footfeet;childch

5、ildren (2)单复数形式相同 如:sheepsheep;fishfish;ChineseChinese;JapaneseJapanese;yuanyuan (3)形式为单数意思为复数 如:people,police(集合名词)(4)形式为复数意思为单数如:news,maths,physics,the United States等。(5)只用复数形式如:pants,shorts,clothes,glasses(眼镜)等。3.不可数名词的量的表示:(不能直接用数字;不能直接加 a。an;无复数形式)(1)表不定数量时,一般用 much,(a)little,a lot of/lots of,s

6、ome,any等词修饰。(2)表确定数量时,一般用“数词量词of不可数名词。如:如:a piece of paper,a piece of news,a bag of rice,two glasses of milk,four bottles of water (1).名词的所有格:1.有生命的名词所有格 (1)单数名词后加s。如:my brothers book (2)不以 s 结尾的复数名词后加s。如:the childrens football (3)以 s 结尾的复数名词后加。如:the boys game (4)以 s 结尾的专有名词后直接加。如:Dickens novels (5)

7、某物为两个名词共有时,在第二个名词后加s:如:Tom and Davids room.(6)表示两个名词各自拥有的东西,在两个名词后都加s:如:Toms and Davids rooms.2.无生命的事物的名词所有格(of 所有格)(1)of名词。如:a photo of my family,the door of the classroom 注意:“of名词s/名词性物主代词”构成双重所有格 如:a friend of mine,a friend of Jims。(2)表示时间或距离,国家,城市的方法。也可用s 来构成所有格 如:ten minutes drive 十分钟车程;a month

8、s holiday 一个月的假期。Chinas capital (3)表称呼、职业等名词的所有格可以表示人的住所或工作场所。所有格后面的名词一般被省去。如:at his brothers;at the doctors;at the barkers;at Mr Reads (4)用所有格表示节日的方法:如:Teachers Day;Childrens Day .(除了父亲节和母亲节其他节日我们都用名词复数的所有格表示。)如:Mothers Day;Fathers Day.(5).由 some、any、no、every 与 one、body 结合的复合不定代词something、anything

9、等和 else 连用时,所有格应加在 else 的后面。This is _(somebody else)pencil.四、名词作句子成分:1.名词作主语 1).表示时间、金钱、距离作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Two hours _(be)enough for us to get there.2).量词短语“数字+量词+of+”作主语时,谓语动词应与量词保持一致。A pair of shoes _(be)under the bed.Two pieces of paper _(be)on the desk.3).名词+介词(with、except、along with.)+名词作主语时,谓语动词应与

10、前面的名词保持一致。The teacher with the students _(be)planting trees on the hill.4).短语“neithernor、eitheror、not onlybut also”连接主语时,谓语动词实行就近原则。Neither he nor I _(be)a Frenchman.2.名词作定语 1).名词作定语时,一般用单数形式。变复数时,名词中的中心词变为复数形式。如:a banana treebanana trees;a shoe factoryshoe factories There is a shoe factory near the

11、 school.2).名词作定语时,个别情况用复数形式。(sport)The sports meeting will be held next week.3).man、woman 作定语表示性别时,man、woman 随后面的名词单复数而变。one man teacher two women teachers (2)词类词类 一一 名词名词()1.(2009 广州)You look very tired this morning.What did you do yesterday afternoon?I did _ Christmas shopping.A.a lot of B.a few o

12、f C.a number of D.a piece of()2.(2009 武汉)Why do you get up so early in the morning,Tracy?I generally make it a _ to be up by 7 to read English.A.plan B.wish C.secret D.rule()3.(2009 武汉)Do the dishes,Mike,or I will tell mum!Mind your own _,Sue!A.action B.duty D.Way()4.(2009 广州)The letter f

13、rom my uncle was short.There wasnt_ news.A.many B.a few C.much D.few()5.(2009 威海)-Why didnt you take a taxi back last night?-Because I didnt have any_with B.bicycle C.friend 成都)John always says that he likes apples of all the _.A.vegetables B.fruits C.drinks()7.(2009 江西)-Y

14、ou look worried.Whats your _?-I have trouble learning B.question C.problem D.job()8.(2009 南京)-Oh,my God!We have missed the last bus.What shall we do?-Im afraid we have no _ but to take a taxi.A.choice B.decision C.reason D.information()9.(2009 河南)I like _ a lot,and my mother usually c

15、ooks it in different B.butter C.potatoes D.noodles()10.(2009 宜昌)-In my opinion,China has more _to deal with the disease ofA/H1N1.-I quite agree with you.Chinese medicine works well.A.advantages B.interests C.equipments D.materials ()11.(2009 娄底)Its said that you have moved into a new hou

16、se.Yeah,and we need to buy some_ in the mall C.hamburger()12.(2009 孝感)All the _ teachers enjoyed themselves on March 8th,because it was their own C.woman D.women()13.(2009 湖北孝感)Emma,who are you taking _ of at home?My grandma,she got hurt in an accident.A

17、.place B.part 山西)-How can I see thick snow in most northern parts of China?-You have to wait till _ comes,Steve.A.summer B.autumn C.winter()15.(2009 山西)Lets get some _ about tourism on the Internet.A.information B.message C.invention()16.(2009 无锡)_ the teachers in their schoo

18、l is about 200 and one fourth of them are _ teachers.A.A number of;women B.A number of;woman C.The number of;women D.The number of;woman()17.(2009 绥德)Mike and his friend are going to the _ to see the new action movie shop C.concert D.cinema(3)()18.(2009.安徽)-Shall we go sh

19、opping now?-Sorry.Its not the right _.Im too tired.A.way D.moment()19.(2009.安徽)-Im afraid I cant get there before 9 oclock.-Thats OK.Theres way wonder doubt hurry()20.(2009.漳州)-What makes you so upset?-I wanted to explain why I was late,but Mr.White didnt give

20、 me a(n)_.A.way B.chance C.idea D.excuse()21.(2009 通化)We need to come up with a/an _ and make a decision at once.A.information B.advice C.idea 德州)Look at the flowers!They are in different _:red,yellow,pink A.colors B.sizes C.prices D.names()23.(2009 恩施)Id like _ grapes and pears.Oh,

21、I only need _ orange juice.A.some;a few B.a few;some C.a little;few D.a little;a few()2 4.(2009 阜康)What would you like to drink?_,please.A.Rice B.Meat C.Water D.Bread()25.(2009 朝阳)-You look very young,Mrs.Green.Could you tell me how old you are?-Oh,sorry.Its a(n)_.A.problem B.instruction C.secret D.

22、business()26.(2009 安顺)We should not eat _ meat.A.too many B.much too C.too much D.many too()27.(2009 安顺)I dont understand the story though there are _ new words in it.A.few B.little C.a few D.a little()28.(2009 安顺)This is not my dictionary.Its _.She lent it to me this sister sister

23、s sisters sisters()29.(2009 安顺)A school in Anshun held an activity called“Recommend(推荐)Books to Your Teachers”.The students made a _ of 1,0000 books!A.note B.line D.list()30.(2009 莆田)-I feel thirsty.I want something to drink.What about you?-OK.Lets go and buy some B.bread

24、 C.chocolate()31.(2009 莆田)Hurry up.There is _ time left.A.a little B.little C.few 32.(2010 内江)Well,you look so happy!-Because Ive got a good C.job D.ideas()33.(2010 上海)You can get much_about the World Expo on the B.picture C.ticket D.information()34.(2010上海)The custome

25、rs are pleased with the_of the restaurant.A.balance B.experience C.surface D.service()35.(2010晋江)Lily has a silk _.Listen,she is singing in the next room!-How nice!.A.look B.noise C.voice()36.(2010通化)We need to come up with a/an_and make a decision at once.A.information B.advice C.idea

26、010湖州)-Would you like some _?-No,thank you.Im not hungry at all.A.water B.books C.clothes D.bread(4)()38.(2010荆州)When will the 2010 World Expo(世博会)come to a close?Itll close at the end of _.A.September B.October C.November D.December()39.(2010武汉)Why are you still waiting in line?-Ive missed my _.A.p

27、lace B.order C.turn D.time()40.(2010河南)It was very hard for me to make a_but J decided to leave my job.A suggestion B decision C plan D speech()41.(2010黄冈)Good news.We will have a _holiday.-Ive heard of it.But its coming in_.A.three days;three days time B.three days;three days C.three-day;three days

28、 D.three days;three-day time()42.(2010聊城)Why not go to Qingdao on May Day,Jim?-Im afraid its not a good _.I have been there several times.A.way C.advice D.idea()43.(2010阜康)()Mr Black gave us _on how to learn English advice B.many advices C.some advice D.some advices()44.(2010黄石)Wit

29、h whom did you watch 2010 World Cup Opening Ceremony?_.A.A friend of mine B.A friend of me C.A friend of my sister D.A friend of you()45.(2010荆门)Oh,my god!The kids are making too much_ here.I cant do anything.A.sound B.Voice C.Noise D.footstep()46.(2010襄樊)Whats your job,Henry?Im a _,I work late.Im v

30、ery busy when people go out to dimters.A.waiter B.reporter C.teacher D.nurse()47.(2010 鸡西)How many _can you see in the picture?Only one.A.Dog B.sheep C.child D.tree()48.(2010定西)Whats your?I like swimming.A.job B.age C.hobby D.number()49.(2010定西)What would you like,sir?.A.Two pop B.Two bottles pop C.

31、Two bottles of pop D.Two bottle of pop()50.(2010莱芜)I have a_ for breakfast dog B.Cookie C.Dumpling D.hamburger()51.(2010哈尔滨)A low-carbon(低碳)lifestyle has _ effect on our daily life.People are paying more and more attention to saving _ these days.A.the,energies B.a,energy,energy()

32、52.(2010 三明)What a fine day!Shall we go hiking,Bob?-Id love to.But iss not the right _.I am busy B.moment天津)If you work hard,youll get good _.A.grades B.notes C.lessons D.answers()54.(2010泰安)Lucy,do you like _?-Yes.Most of my clothes are orange an orange B.oran

33、ge,orange C.oranges,oranges,an orange()55.(2010青海&宁夏)Mr.Li regards Ningxia as his second_ because he has been here for over twenty D.home()56.(2010沈阳)Im not sure about the meaning of the word.Youd better look it up in a _.A.letter B.dictionary C.postcard D.Notice(5)()57.(2010连云港)-Whats the news about?-_ entertainment stars gathered to attact donations for Yus

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