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1、新世纪大学英语视听说新世纪大学英语视听说 2 第三版听力部分答案全第三版听力部分答案全 Unit 1 Activity 1 Nora Nelson:She lives in 2A Wes and Lydia:They live in 3B Two boys:Theyre classmates Mrs.Hanson:Shes related to Nora.She lives in 3C A nosy person might be too interested in things that do not concern them,especially other peoples affairs

2、 Activity 2 2-passport 1-diary 3-yearbook 2.boyfriend 3.its personal 4.Europe,ship 5.sixties Activity 3 1.13 2.To visit his grandparents.3.Yes.He talked for a long time to a nice woman.4.He had lots of fun with his grandparents and he saw lots of interesting places.In the end,he didnt even want to g

3、o home.very nervous about traveling so far His grandparents their home two Activity 4 theme other paper keepsakes your photos and keepsakes 1.Scrapbooking is making beautiful books to hold special memories.2.Old newspaper clippings,postcards,tickets,report cards,letters.3.“School days”,“Family trave

4、l”,“Memories of my grandparents”,“and“Babys first year.”4.You can use felt pens,paints,and stickers.5.The“5Ws”of the photos:who,what,where,when,and why.Activity 5 1.Most high schools in the U.S.2.Because they are graduating soon.3.Yes.4.At the end of the year.5.It means a student with a good fashion

5、 sense.Once a year spring chess most likely to succeed categories notes Ill never forget you record photo seniors sports yearbook titles sign memories Unit 2 Activity 1 From left to right:1 3 2 Bored sad happy Activity 2 1.waving to 2.shaking hands 3.crossing his fingers 4.shrugging 1.wallet 2.nervo

6、us 3.studying for a test 4.the theater Activity 3 They are both doing great.1.Thats for sure 2.planning a trip to 3.What about your brothers 4.Theyre doing great 5.working on a project 6.planning a campaign against Activity 4 1.People shake hands.:Bangladesh Indonesia The United Arab Emirates 2.Peop

7、le bow.:Indonesia,Thailand 3.People give business cards.:Indonesia 4.There are rules about touching.:Bangladesh,Thailand 5.Dont wave at people here.:Bangladesh 6.There arent many hand gestures.:Bangladesh Thailand 7.People dont wink.:Bangladesh,8.Dont use your left hand here.:Indonesia The United Ar

8、ab Emirates 9.Dont point at people with your finger.:The United Arab Emirates Activity 5 1.shake hands 2.Japan,bow 3.Maori 4.Brazil,kiss(each other on the cheek) the eyes 6.Japan,embarrassed In Japan,when meeting for the first time in formal situations,people often exchange business cards.The po

9、lite way to give or receive a business card is to hold it with two hands.Unit 3 Activity 1 Mississippi mud pie 1.Delicious,crispy 2.bland 3.oily,good 4.tasty,too sweet Activity 2 We should support and celebrate local food 4.Europe 5.members Activity 3 Adam:buttery

10、Janet:spicy Abby:sweet Minh:healthy 1.He wanted to lose weight because he was 20 pounds overweight.2.Because she has spent six months in Thailand and comes to like spicy Thai food.3.It means that Abby likes to eat sweet foods.4.Because Minh is training for a swimming competition and he has to eat he

11、althy foods.And now he prefers healthy foods to sweet or buttery foods.Activity 4 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T 8.F Capsaicin:a chemical in the chile that produces heat and makes your mouth feel hot.It has no flavor or smell.Habanero:the hottest chile pepper in the world.It is bright orange and grows

12、in the Caribbean.Activity 5 What they eat:fresh fruits,vegetables,fish;What they drink:water,green tea;How they exercise:gardening,walking;How they relax:deep breathing exercises,massage 1.34 centenarians per 100,000 Okinawans.2.The Okinawans secret:first,they eat a healthy diet.Second,they dont do

13、hard exercise.Third,the older Okinawans have a good attitude about aging.Unit 4 Activity 1 Dan:takes care of the baby Courtney:goes to work every day Jamal and Tia:both take care of the girls and work at home 1.True 2.True 3.True 4.False Activity 2 Hometown:Milan New York Hong Kong Clothes from:brot

14、her a store in the neighborhood mother Personal style:casual retro,old fashioned classic Activity 3 1-f 2-c 3-b 1.You could look for friends on the Internet.2.You shouldnt wear pants.You definitely ought to wear a dress.3.You had better get some help or you will fail the test.You had better not dela

15、y taking the test.Activity 4 1.b 2.a 1.Sorry,but I have to side with,want to show off,in your free time 2.have a serious talk,style and taste,too much about appearances.Activity 5 A trendspotter finds things that are new and popular.Companies might hire trendspotters to help them make new products.1

16、.She was nervous and didnt know what to do.2.She had to report to a recording studio by 10 a.m.3.They had to decide which song were“Yes-All the way!”,“Its Ok”,or“No way!”.4.They just talked about the covers they liked.5.They are going to look at some new fashions.1.doesnt pay,NOT has a good salary 2

17、.week,NOT month 3.six CD covers,NOT only one CD cover 4.a“No way”card,NOT an“Its OK”card Unit 5 Activity 1 The most famous detectives ever known imaginary detective sixty Scottish author money Doctor 1887 intelligent Dr.Waston England Activity 2 4 1 3 5 2 Nick Brown,police officer,local people Mike

18、thinks the lights could be the same as those in a local legend.Alexa thinks the lights are a hoax.Activity 3 1.A young girl standing in the middle of the road.2.Because it was raining heavily.3.He stopped the car quickly.4.She said”I m fine.”and walked away quietly.5.He said the girl was Mary Anne a

19、nd was killed in a car accident five years ago.1.heavily 2.clearly 3.slowly 4.neatly 5.quickly 6.strangely 7.happily 8.quietly 9.Nervously 10.calmly Activity 4 1.A terrible explosion 2.In eastern Russia.3.June 30,1908.(first row)4,1,3;(second row)5,2 1.lots of damage huge explosion 2.near Earth a pa

20、rt of it broke off 3.crashed into the ground its engine exploded 4.destroy the earth set fire to the forest 5.used electricity a test of his gun Activity 5 2.a 3.h 4.d 5.g 6.e 7.b 8.c 1.Different people see different lights.2.Robert Ellison saw the lights in 1883.3.The Native Americans thought the l

21、ights were stars falling to earth.4.A team from Japan studied the lights,but couldnt solve the mystery.1.Ball lightning is lightning in the shape of a circle.It often appears just after a rainstorm.2.some people call the lights“ghost lights”.3.No,they arent.actually,they hold a town festival every S

22、eptember to celebrate the mystery lights.Unit 6 Activity 1 Remember the last picture 1.Two tips.One is to label things in English.The other is to make a note of related words.2.You can rent a film and see it at home.Activity 2(from left to right)2,3,1 one 2.couldnt run 3.cant swim Activity 3 1.

23、pink 2.pillars room,kitchen 4.large 5.stereo system 6.wasnt 1.True 2.False;didnt speak or smile 3.False;all 4.False;sitting 5.True 1.The storyteller heard a voice saying,“welcome home.”And he realized the dream house was his.2.He thought his dream was turning into a nightmare because his fr

24、iends suddenly disappeared and it was scary.3.He liked the food processor most because it makes life much easier.4.He saw the stove was broken and that there was no electricity.He also saw the children were crying because they were hungry.He felt bad and wanted to help prepare a meal but began to de

25、spair when he found the refrigerator was empty.Activity 4 1.Stage 2 2.Stage 5 3.Stage 1 4.Stage 3 and 4 1.Four or five times.2.In stages 3 and 4.3.Fifteen to sixteen hours a day.4.Sleep is very important for learning.Activity 5 1.many times 2.dont remember 3.very active 4.gods 5.Greeks and Romans 1.

26、True 2.False 3.False 1.definite answers 2.Why do we dream 3.a persons mind 4.husband or wife 5.start a business 6.thoughts and feelings 7.strange or confusing 8.think about the events in the dream 9.feel free or want freedom 10.feel afraid Unit 7 Activity 1 b b a c 1.another company 2.a bachelor par

27、ty and a big family reunion 3.Hes excited about it and he likes the job.Activity 2 2,4,1,3 It was a lot of fun to rent loud and beautiful The only bad part for him from too much dancing some beautiful floats go down the river 2,4,3,1 traveling through India best memories water pistol shot/sprayed ev

28、eryone a mess come out of Activity 3 1.c 2.a 1.M 2.D 3.M 4.M 5.D 1.gets very crowded 2.after you arrive 3.The most important event sure to fins a good place to sit 5.just relax and have fun 6.before 7.after the parade finishes Activity 4 1.F Before Mardi Gras even begins,there are over 70 parad

29、es of dazzling floats.2.F Start making reservations in August.Dont wait until January.3.T Many streets are closed to cars,and bus and streetcar schedules often changed.4.T Get there early,about 4 hours ahead of big parades.For the Sunday night parade,find a space in the morning.5.F You might need a

30、jacket,sunglasses,an umbrella,or all three.6.T People ride on floats in the parades and give“throws”to the crowd.Activity 5 b.People use a groundhog to predict the weather.1.T 2.F;Not 1995,but 1993 3.T 4.F;Not doesnt usually see,but usually sees 1.A groundhog is a small animal covered with brown fur

31、.It lives in a hole in the ground and stays underground during the winter.2.Every February 2,local people and sightseers in the town of Punxsutawney watch for Pete,a groundhog,to come out of its hole.If it comes out,Groundhog Day is celebrated with a barbecue,a colorful festival in the park,a souven

32、ir show and sale and even a storytelling festival.3.People think it means the weather will continue to be cold for at least six weeks.4.The weather in February in Punxsutawney is generally cold and will continue to be cold for another six to eight weeks.5.People would be disappointed if Pete didnt a

33、ppear.UNIT 8 Activity 1 F T F Caller:1,2,3,5 service:3,4,5 Activity 2 1,2,5,7,8 2,3 She wanted to be sure it is safe for her and her young child to cross the road.She also wanted to know if there were any parks she could take her son to.Activity 3 1.Immediate Release 2.picking up dry cleaning 3.taking your children to practice 4.done for you 1.all 2.all EXCEPT library books 3.all EXCEPT clean and

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