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1、领队英语领队英语 25 篇口语篇口语 1、At the information Desk 在问讯处 Check-in (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)C:Good morning,Miss.Can I help you?早上好,小姐。我能帮你吗?Q:Yes,I want to know where I can check in for flights to America?是的,我想知道我在哪里可以办理飞美国的航班吗?C:You just go this way,straight ahead.A

2、rea G is the place for flights to America.你沿着这条路直走。G区是办理美国航班的地方。Q:I see.我看到。C:And if you dont have luggage to check in,you can only find Common-use Self-service check-in Kiosks for International Passengers which can Save you much time and is also very convenient.如果你没有行李要托运,你可以直接去国际自助值机停(这样可以为你节省很多时间

3、,也很方便。)Q:Thank you.But Im the tour leader.You know 谢谢你。但我是领队。你知道的 C:Oh,in that case,you can go to group check-in counter with your group.Usually it is the first counter in the row.By the way,can I know Your flight No.?哦,那样的话,你可以去与你的团队柜台办理登机手续。通常是在该行的第一个柜台。顺便问一下,我可以知道你的航班号吗?Q:Its MU571 to Hawaii.这是中国

4、东方航空公司 571飞往夏威夷。C:Oh,its almost time.Have a nice trip!哦,时间差不多了。祝你有一个愉快的旅行!Q:Thank you very much.非常感谢你。C:You are welcome.不用谢!2、Boarding Gate 登记口 (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)Q:Excuse me.Can you help me?打扰您了,您能帮我一个忙吗?C:Yes,Miss.可以,小姐。Q:Im Xiao Wang,a tour leader fr

5、om Zhejiang China Youth Traval Service.Can you tell me the boarding gate for UA 896 to Chicago?我是小王,是一名来自浙江中青旅的领队。您能告诉我美国联合航空公司 896 航班飞往芝 加哥的登机口吗?C:Could you show me your boarding pass,please?您能出示您的登机牌吗?Q:Here you are.给您。C:UA 896 takes off from Singapore Changi International Airprot and will land at

6、 OHare international Airprot.The boarding gate is 61.Just go along this way,please.美国联合航空公司 896航班从新加坡樟宜国际机场起飞,将在奥黑尔国际机场的降落。您的登机口是 61。请沿着这条路走。Q:Thank you.Do you know when well arrive in Chicago?谢谢。那你知道我们什么时候能到达芝加哥?C:It is 12:45.Est is 12:35.这是 12:45分,美国东部标准时间是 12:35分。Q:Thank you.谢谢!C:You are welcome

7、不用谢!3、Group Check-in 团队办理 (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)Q:Excuse me.Is this the counter for group check-in to Canada?对不起,请问这个柜台是团队办理飞往加拿大的吗?C:Yes.Are you a tour leader?是的,您是领队吗?Q:Year,Im tour leader Xiao Wang from Zhejiang China Youth Traval Service.We are a group

8、 of 32 people.Our Flight AC026 to Vancouver.是的,我是来自浙江中青旅的领队小王。我们团队总共 32 人,我们的航班号是加拿大航空 公司 026飞往温哥华。C:OK.Can I have your tickets and passports,please?好的,我可以看一下您的机票和护照吗?Q:Sure.Here you are.当然可以。给你。C:How many pieces of luggage would you like to check in?您有多少件行李要办理托运?Q:Twenty five pieces all toget

9、her.总共 25件。C:Here are your tickets,passports and boarding passes.Your luggage claim tags are Attached to tickets.Your plane will take off at 15:55 pm and it will land in Vancouver the next day at 11:55 am local time.这是您的机票,护照和登机牌;您的行李标签都贴在机票上了,您乘坐的飞机将在 15点 55 分起飞,然后在第二天的上午 11点 55分抵达温哥华。Q:Thank you.谢

10、谢!C:Youre welcome.不用谢。4、Luggage Check-in 行李办理 (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)C:Good afternoon,Miss.Can I help you?中午好,小姐,我能帮你忙吗?Q:Good afternoon.We are a tour group heading to Melbourne.Our Flight QF342 departing at 20:15.Can we check in nou?中午好。我们是一个旅游团前往墨尔本

11、。我们乘坐的是澳洲航空 342 航班将在20:15分离开,我们能办理了吗?C:Yes.Its 18:00 now.Can I have your tickets and passports please?是的。现在是 18:00。请您出示一下您的机票和护照可以吗?Q:Here you are.给。C:Do you have any pieces of luggage to check in?您有行李要办理托运吗?Q:Yes,Here are 6 bags.Hope they are not overweight.Bay the way,whats the free baggage allowa

12、nce to Australia?是的,这里是 6个包。希望它们不要超重。顺便问一下,澳大利亚的免费行李限额是多少?C:Its 23 kilos at the most.Is this brown suitcase yours?Its kilos over.最多 23公斤。这个棕色的箱子是你的吗?已经超重了。Q:Yes,its mine.What shall I do then?是的,这是我的。那我该怎么做呢?C:You have to pay the money for the extra weight or you can take some items out from the bag.

13、你可以为超重行李付钱或者从你的包里拿一些东西出来。Q:OK。Ill choose the latter.Anyway,I only have one small shoulder bag.I can take one more handbag on board,cant I?好的。我选择后者。这样的话,我只有一个小肩包。我可以带一个手提包上飞机,可以吗?C:Yes,Miss.And do you have any special requirement for seats?Do you want window seats or aisle seats?好的,小姐。那你对座位有特殊要求吗?您想要

14、靠窗的座位还是过道的座位?Q:Two windows seats for children to enjoy the view.2个靠窗的座位可以让小孩看到风景。C:Alright.Here are your baggage claim tags,boarding passes and passports.好的。这是您的行李领取证,登机牌和护照。Q:Thank you.What is the boarding time?And what is the boarding gate?谢谢。登机时间是什么时候?还有登机口在几号?C:Usually 30 minutes before the plan

15、e takes off.The Boarding Gate is B12.通常是在起飞前的 30分钟。登机口在 B12.Q:I see.Thank you very much.我看到了。谢谢。C:Have a good trip!祝您有个愉快的旅途!5、Transfer 转机 (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)Q:Excuse me.We are to transfer to Flight KLM791 to Sao Paulo.Can you help me?打扰一下。我们将乘坐荷兰皇家航空公司

16、的 791 航班转机去圣保罗。你能帮我吗?C:Yes.May I have your tickets?是的。请给我您的机票。Q:Here are 10 tickets for me and three families.Can we have our seats as close to each other as possible?Or can a family have their seats together at least?You know kids should be taken care of by their parents.这是我和 3个家庭的 10 张机票。可以把我们的座位尽

17、可能的靠在一起吗?或者至少有一个家 庭的座位在一起。你知道这样孩子可以被父母照看好。C:Ill try my best,but I cannot promise anything because this is a connecting flight and the aircrafe is quiet full now.I can only give you seats which are available.我会尽力,但我不能保证因为这是个转机航班,飞机座位已经满了,我只能给你安排空的座位。Q:OK.Its accepted.好的,我接受。C:Here are you tickets and

18、 boarding passes.I have given you seats as close together As possible.The departure time is 09:55,Gate E3.给你机票和登机牌。我已经给你的座位尽可能的靠近。您的起飞时间是 09:55,登机口 E3。Q:Could you tell me the way to Departure Gate E3?您能告诉我哪条路是通往登机口 E3的?C:Take the escalator down to the next floor,get on the travelator to the departur

19、e area,and then you will easily find Gate E3.You may wait in the departure lounge for boarding as there is not much time left.乘自动扶梯到下一层,上自动人行道到出发厅,然后你会很容易找到登机口 E3。你可以在候 机厅等待,因为没有多少时间就要登机了。Q:Thank you.谢谢!C:Not at all.Goodbye.不用谢,再见。Q:Bye.再见。6、Immigration Formalities 办理入境手续 (I=Immigration officer 移民官

20、Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)Q:Hi,ereryone.Were now at LAX.Please be gathered together to see if the family members have all arrived.Let me check the number of people.One,two,three OK,Everyone is here.Let go.We shall go non-resident channel.Please follow me.Only those who have immigration visa o

21、r PR Card go citizen channel.嗨,大家好。我们现在在洛杉矶国际机场。请大家聚集在一起看看家庭成员是否都到了吗?让我清单人数。1,2,3,好,每个人都在这里。我们出发,我们要去非移民通道。请跟我来,只有那些一名签证和绿卡才可以走居民通道。I:Welcome to America.Good afternoon,Miss.May I see your passport,please?中午好,女士,欢迎来到美国。请让我看一下您的护照?Q:Sure.We are a group of 20 people and here are our passports.好的。我们是一个

22、20人的团队,这是我们的护照。I:OK.Whats the purpose of your visit?On business or for pleasure?好的。你们来访的目的是什么?是商务呢还是观光?Q:For pleasure.We are a tour group.Im the tour leader,Xiao Wang.观光。我们是旅游团,我是领队,小王。I:How long will you stay in this country?你在这个城市呆多久呢?Q:14 days.14 天。I:What your schedule for the trip?你们的行程安排是怎样的?Q:

23、Well visit the cities on west coast first such as Los Angeles,San Francisco,San Diego and Las Vegas including Grand Canyon Colorado.Then we will fly to Niagara Falls Buffalo in the east.Well stay there for one night.The next morning weve going to Washington,and New York by coach.我们参观的城市是第一西部海岸,如:洛杉矶

24、,三藩市,圣地亚哥和拉斯维加斯还包括科罗拉多大峡谷。然后我们将飞往东部的尼亚加拉大瀑布。我们将在那里逗留一晚,第二天早上我们将去华盛顿和纽约训练。I:OK.Do you have return tickets to China?好的。你有去中国的回程票吗?Q:Yes,we have.Well go back to China from New York.是的,我有。我们将从纽约回中国。I:Where do you intend to stay while in America?那你打算住在美国吗?Q:Hotels.Weve booked in advance.酒店。我预先订好了。I:How m

25、uch currency does everyone have?是否每个人都有货币呢?Q:We havent exceeded the limit which is 10000US dollars.我们还没有超过 10000 美元的限额。I:Everything is alright.Now please let your passengers take care of their passports and go through one by one according to the order of the name list.一切都好了。现在请让你的客人拿着他们的护照根据名单顺序一个一个

26、的通过。Q:Yes.Shall I be the last one to pass?好的,我可以最好一个通过吗?I:As you like.只要你喜欢。7、Luggage Claiming 提取行李 (C=Clerk of the Airline 航空公司办事人员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队)Q:Excuse me,sir.We are a tour group from Shanghai,China by AA182.Im the tour leader,Xiao Wang.Could you please tell me where we can ge

27、t our luggage?先生,打扰一下。我们是来自中国上海的旅游团,乘坐美国航空公司 182 航班。我是领队小王,你能告诉我哪里可以提取我们的行李?C:The luggage claim area is on the first floor.Please go downstairs by the escalator over there.行李提取在一楼。您可以乘坐自动扶梯往下走。Q:Which carousel is for the luggage from Shanghai?哪个转盘是从上海来的行李?C:No.53.第 53。After Claiming Luggage 行李拿到后 Q:

28、Excuse me.Can you help me?打扰一下,您能帮我忙吗?C:Yes.Whats the problem?可以。您有什么问题?Q:The suitcase of one of my group members is broken.A wheel is lost.Who should be responsible for this?Where can I go to report it?我团队中有位客人的行李箱破掉了,有个轮子弄丢了。谁可以为此事负责?我可以去哪里报告。C:Im sorry to hear that.You can go to the Luggage Inqui

29、ry for hele.听到这个消息我很难过。你可以去行李问讯处得到帮助。Q:Can they repair it right away?他们能马上修好它吗?C:Yes,if it is not a big problem.If the suitcase is irreparable,well either buy A new one to him or pay him cash with 10%annual depreciation.是的。如果不是大问题,如果箱子不能修理的话,我们要么买个新的要么支付10%的年折旧费。Q:Thanks for your information.谢谢您的信息。

30、C:You are welcome.不用谢。8、Lost and Found 失物招领(C=Clerk at the lost and found 失物招领员 Q=Xiao wang,the tour Leader 小王领队 A=Xiao liu,a tourist 小刘,团友)Q:Excuse me.Is this Lost and Found?打扰了,请问这里是失物招领处吗?C:Yes.What can I do for you?是的,请问我能为您做什么?Q:One of my tourists couldnt find his luggage.His name is Xiao Liu.我

31、的一个游客的行李找不到了,她的名字叫小刘。C:Im sorry to hear that.Mr.Liu,please show me your ticket and luggage check.Then here are some pictures of different suitcases.Would you please indicate the one which is similar to yours?听到这个消息我很难过。刘先生,请出示您的机票和行李托运单。然后这边有一些不同箱子的 照片,您能指出一个和你相似的吗?A:Let me have a look.My suitcase i

32、s a big black one made of leather just like this.让我看一下。我的手提箱是一个皮革制成的大的黑箱子就像这个。C:Fine.What articles are in your suitcase?好的。您的行李有哪些物品?A:A Video camera,two shirts,two pairs of trousers,a shaver kite and so on.一个照相机,两件衣服,两套裤子,一把剃须刀等等。C:Yes,I see.As soon as I find your luggage,Ill contact you.May I have

33、 your address and telephone number?是的,我看到了。我一旦发现您的行李,我会通知您。您可以要你的地址和电话号码吗?A:Here are my cell phone number and the address of the hotel.这是我的电话号码和酒店地址。C:OK.Well notify you as soon as we have any progress.好的。我们会尽快通知您如果我们有任何进展。A:Sorry for giving you so much trouble.很抱歉给你带来这么多麻烦。C:Not trouble at all.By the way,its better not to put valuable things in the checked Baggage next time.一点儿也不麻烦,顺便说一下,下次不要把贵重物

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