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1、新思维综合英语3Unit2综合练习新思维综合英语3Unit2综合练习1.Vocabulary:Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 1All the world is three parts finger-feeders, chopstick-feeders, and fork-feeders. A. fall into B. separate from C. broken up D. divided into 答案:D 选项 fall into 和 divideinto 都有“某事分成几部分”的概念,不过,前者用于主动

2、结构sth falls into ,而后者一般用于 sth be divided into 结构。短语break up常用意义有“破碎、破裂、结束”等,还有“分开”的意思,用于sth breaks up into 结构,表示“分成”,也多表示主动。Separate from, 区分开,隔开。2. We want especially to thank the friends who gave us encouragement. A. numerous B. nutritious C. ridiculous D. anxious 答案:A既然想感谢那些帮助过自己的朋友,选项B、C、D的含义均与句

3、子不符。Numerous, 数目众多的,大量的;nutritious,有营养的;ridiculous, 滑稽的,可笑的;anxious, 焦虑的,着急的。 3. Fork-users have historically been the minority. A. on B. at C. in D. with 答案:C本题考查介词短语 in the minority(属于少数派)的用法。类似的用法还有 in the majority (属于多数派)。 4. People have eaten with their fingers for most of human. A. assistance

4、B. existence C. persistence D. resistance 答案:B句子意思:人类多数_一直是用手指抓饭吃的。Assistance,帮助,协助;existence,存在;persistence, 坚持;resistance, 抵抗。 5. Mr Johnson a teacher who had done similar projects in the same field. A. dealt with B. told off C. led to D . told of 6. Forks and chopsticks wonbecause they made it ea

5、sier to handle hot food. A. money B. game C. favor D. fate 答案:C本题考查动词win和名词favor的搭配。Towin favor, 赢得喜欢,得以流行。其他三个词在句子中不符合情境。 7 Dr Wang, students language proficiency is very closely related to their motivation in learning. A. Prior to B. According to C. Thanks to D. In spite of 答案:B从句子内容来看,学生语言水平和学习动机

6、密切相关,这种观点显然是Dr Wang的。Prior to,在之前;according to, 根据;thanks to, 感谢;in spite of, 尽管。 8Chinese food was served in small portions which did not cutting with a knife or fork. A. require B. admire C. repeat D. enjoy 答案:A句子意思:中国菜(上桌时)已经切成了小块状了,不_用刀子或叉子切了。Require,需要,要求;admire,羡慕;repeat, 重复;enjoy, 喜欢,享受。 9Whe

7、n the right opportunity ,hell take it. A.comes away B.comes apart C.comes afterr D.comes along 答案:D本题考查动词come 与副词或介词的搭配。Comeaway, 脱落,掉下;come apart, 破掉,碎掉;come after, 追赶,跟踪;come along,出现,达到。 10 A red carpetall its way to the doorway. A.expanded B.extended C.expressed D.explained 11Ive included a few

8、specific examples as of the difficulty of our work. A. illusions B. imaginations C. illustrations D. impatience 答案:C句子的意思:我已经包括了一些具体的例子来_我们工作之艰难。Illusion, 幻觉;illustration, 证明,例证;imagination, 想象;impatience, 不耐烦,急躁。 12 The gap rich and poor people in cities have widened greatly these last few years. A

9、. besides B. below C. between D. before 答案:C句子的意思:近几年来,城市里穷人和富人_形成了巨大的差别。A gap betweenand , 两者之间的鸿沟 / 差别。 13 They have to make the wall strong enough tohigh winds. . A. welcome B. withstand C. withdraw D. withhold 答案:B句子的意思:他们必须把墙修筑得非常坚固,以抵挡猛烈的风。Welcome, 欢迎;withstand,抵挡,经得起;收回,撤退,取消;withhold, 抑制,压住。

10、 14 In most of the finger-feeding areas, only Westernized people see forks as status . A. sympathy B. symphony C. signature D. symbols 答案:D句子的意思:在多数手指抓饭吃的地区,只有西方化的人们才把叉子看作身份的_。Sympathy, 同情;symphony,交响乐,交响曲;signature, 署名,签名;symbol,象征。 15. What is the best way of getting food into the mouth? There is

11、a lot of disagreement _ the topic. A. at B. on C. in D. with 16 Its easy topeople when you dont know their customs. A. order B. offer C. offend D. approve 答案:C句子的意思:当你不了解人们的习惯的时候,很容易_ 他们。Order, 命令;offer, 提供;offend, 得罪;approve, 同意,赞成。 17 Are you supposed towhen you visit some Japanese friends? A. bow

12、 B. jump C. nod D. bend 答案:A句子的意思:访问日本朋友的时候,你需要_ 吗?bow, 点头;jump, 跳;nod, 点(头);bend, 弄弯,弯曲。 18 Hes very , and likes to make his own decisions. A. indeterminate B. indifferent C. individual D. independent 答案:D句子的意思:他很_,喜欢自己的事情自己决定。Indeterminate, 不确定的,不固定的,indifferent, 冷淡的,冷漠的;individual,个别的,个人的;indepen

13、dent, 独立的。 19We are going to the school masters next week. Remember? A.deception B.reception C.correction D.attraction 答案:B句子的意思:下周我们去参加校长的_。还记得吗?deception, 欺骗;reception,接待,招待;correction, 修改,纠正;attraction, 吸引。 20It always me when I cant afford the time to get involved and help out. A. functions B. f

14、reshens C. frustrates D. fondles 2.Grammar:Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 1You played so well. You a lot. A. do not practice B. must have practiced C. may have practiced D. mustnt have practiced 答案:B情态动词 must + 动词的完成式 (havedone) 结构表示对过去事情的逻辑性推断。 2 Charlie his trip to London

15、because he couldnt get a passport in time. A. have canceled B. has to cancel C. must cancel D. had to cancel 答案:D短语 have to do sth,表示“(迫于情况、义务)不得不做某事,”这里的 have to 相当于一个情态动词;而情态动词 must表示“(出于个人责任感或自觉性)必须、应该(做某事)”。 3 A Japanese couple us over for dinner next week. A. have B. is having C. had D. have ha

16、d 答案:B短语 to have sb over forsth, 意思是“邀请某人过来做某事”。英语中,常常用现在进行时来表示即将发生的、或者已经计划好了的事情。 4God us fingers if heus to use such an instrument. A. does not give; wishes B. had not given; had wished C. would not have given; had wished D. would not have given; would wish 答案:C本题考查与过去事情相反的虚拟语气的用法。与过去事实相反的虚拟语气的形式是:

17、主句用 would (not) + 动词的完成式(have +过去分词);从句用过去完成式。 5Until fairly recently, the fork in Europe. A. has not completely accepted B. is completely not accepted C. didnt completely accept D. was not completely accepted 6 People with their fingers for most of human existence. A. had eaten B. are eating C. hav

18、e eaten D. were eaten 答案:C 句子中有时间短语 for most ofhuman existence,说明,其内容是关于发生于过去的事情的。排除选项A和D,只有C是正确的,也合乎语法逻辑。 7 Forks and chopsticks won favor because they hot food. A. made easier to handle B. made it easier to handle C. made handle easier D. handle it easier 答案:B本题考查动词不定式的用法。在because引起的从句中,it 做谓语动词ma

19、de的形式宾语,真正的宾语是to handle hot food。 8Chinese food is usually served in small portions which dont requirewith a knife or fork. A. cutting B. being cut C. to be cut D. to cut 答案:A动词require后通常跟动词+ing形式或动名词做宾语。 9 As late as 1897, sailors in the British Navy to use knives and forks because using them was c

20、onsidered unmanly. A. have not permitted B. do not permit C. did not permit D. were not permitted 答案:D本题考查一般过去时被动语态的用法。句中有明确的过去时间,主语是复数,又有被动含义。 10You played so well. Youa lot. A. had to have practiced B. must practice C. must have practiced D. should practice 3.Dialogue: Choose the best answer for e

21、ach of the following items. 1 I dont think you should take matters into your own hands at this point. . A.Well, I called once but no one answered the phone. B.Perhaps not. Its just that the whole thing really makes me angry. C.Hell probably grow up to be only four feet tall if he keeps eating like t

22、hat. 答案:B上句的意思:我认为,你不应该这个时候把事情揽到自己的手里。意思最连贯的是选项B,意即“也许是不应该。只是,这整个事情使我很生气。” 2 Its too hard to get the food to my mouth when I was in Japan. . A.I had to practice long and hard to manage those little grains of rice. B.One thing Ill say for these things is I dont eat as much. C.Its easy to offend peopl

23、e when you dont know their customs. 答案:A上句的意思:在日本的时候,饭吃到嘴了很困难。从上下文语境来看,选项A最符合情境。“我不得不认真地练习了很长时间,才学会了如何对付那些小米粒。” 3 They must have thought you were terribly rude to have brought your host some food. . A.I would be happy to bring some. B.I remember one time a friend of mine from Switzerland had us over

24、 for dinner. C.Im sure they did, but they were too polite to say anything. 答案:C上句的意思:他们一定认为,你给主人带了食物来,这非常不礼貌。对话时应该有针对地说明“他们”是否这样认为的。选项C符合情境。 4 Do you think we should take our Japanese friends something?. A.I would be happy to bring some. B.Well, I wouldnt suggest taking food C.You mustnt wear socks

25、with shoes in them. 答案:B上句的意思:你认为我们应该给日本朋友带点东西吗?回答时应紧扣问题“需要还是不需要”。选项B符合情境。 5 Do you have to bow when you meet someone in Japan? . A.Definitely. Its the custom to hold the bowl in one hand. B.Yeah. Depending on the situation, its polite to do so. C.Yes, you never arrive later than the scheduled time.

26、 4.Reading:Read the following passages and choose the best answer for each of the following questions. Passage 1New York State has passed the USAs first state law banning motorists talking on hand-held cell phones(手机)The ban will begin November 1,although drivers caught using hand-held cell phones w

27、ill be given only warnings during the first month First-time violators(违法者)will face a 100 fineA second time call for a 200 fine and every violation after that will cost500 At least a dozen localities(地方)have established bans,starting in 1999;and 40 states have had bans proposed but not passedAt lea

28、st 23 countries,including the Great Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan,ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York StateTo think that Im not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop(膝上电脑),I still can read a paper,I can still change my pants while driving 65 mphI think theres just something wrong, an official

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